~Hack~ Extra Mario Bros.

~Hack~ Extra Mario Bros.

31 Достижение


Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь чтобы отслеживать прогресс достижений ~Hack~ Extra Mario Bros..
You have completed 25%

You have completed 25%

Find the 5th hidden 1UP on any quest

5 3.03%


Activate a checkpoint

1 98.14%
You have completed 5%

You have completed 5%

Find the 1st hidden 1UP on any quest

5 50.58%
Beat Bowser

Beat Bowser

The end?

25 3.03%
You have completed 75%

You have completed 75%

Find the 15th hidden 1UP on any quest

10 2.1%
1st key

1st key

Find the 1st key

5 34.27%
You have completed 50%

You have completed 50%

Find the 10th hidden 1UP on any quest

10 2.33%
Super Fire

Super Fire

Find the Super Fire

5 10.02%
Ultra Fire

Ultra Fire

Find the Ultra Fire

5 4.66%
Getting High

Getting High

Find the Space Jump

10 4.43%
7th key

7th key

Find the 7th key

5 3.26%
8th key

8th key

Find the 8th key

5 3.03%


The entrance to the Area-4

5 14.22%


The entrance to the Area-0

5 8.62%
Special Area

Special Area

The entrance to the Special Area

25 2.1%
You are invicible! But...

You are invicible! But...

Start the second quest

5 3.03%
Saved the girl

Saved the girl

Rescue the Princess!

25 3.03%


The entrance to the Area-2

5 50.82%
The Master Key

The Master Key

You are a god!

50 2.1%
You have completed 100%

You have completed 100%

Find all hidden 1UP on any quest

50 1.86%


The entrance to the Area-3

5 24.24%
Saved the girl again!

Saved the girl again!

Rescue the Princess for the second time!

25 2.1%


The entrance to the Area-5

10 3.73%
Beat Bowser again!

Beat Bowser again!

Too easy...

10 3.03%
3th key

3th key

Find the 3th key

5 4.66%
4th key

4th key

find the 4th key

5 4.43%
6th key

6th key

find the 6th key

5 3.73%
5th key

5th key

find the 5th key

5 4.43%
Technical Fire

Technical Fire

Find the Technical Fire

5 42.66%
Screw Attack

Screw Attack

Find the Screw Attack

10 3.26%
2nd key

2nd key

Find the 2nd key

5 8.62%