Pokemon Platinum Version [Subset - Shiny Pokemon]

Pokemon Platinum Version [Subset - Shiny Pokemon]

279 Достижений


Nintendo DS
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No Regretti, Only Resetti

No Regretti, Only Resetti

Soft reset for a Shiny Starter, and fight pingu with it.

25 0.73%
Shiny Badge Quest: The Grand Finale

Shiny Badge Quest: The Grand Finale

Catch a wild shiny pokemon without using the Poke Radar between getting 8 badges and beating the Pokemon League.

10 0.21%
Shiny Badge Quest: A Shocking Encounter

Shiny Badge Quest: A Shocking Encounter

Catch a wild shiny pokemon without using the Poke Radar between getting 7 and 8 badges

10 0.21%
Shiny Badge Quest: Going to the Literal Gym

Shiny Badge Quest: Going to the Literal Gym

Catch a wild shiny pokemon without using the Poke Radar between getting 3 and 4 badges

10 0.31%
Shiny Badge Quest: Flowers and Adventure

Shiny Badge Quest: Flowers and Adventure

Catch a wild shiny pokemon without using the Poke Radar between getting 1 and 2 badges

10 0.36%
Shiny Badge Quest: Journey has Started

Shiny Badge Quest: Journey has Started

Catch a wild shiny pokemon without using the Poke Radar before getting any badges.

10 0.47%
Shiny Badge Quest: Swamp Thing

Shiny Badge Quest: Swamp Thing

Catch a wild shiny pokemon without using the Poke Radar between getting 4 and 5 badges

10 0.31%
Shiny Badge Quest: So We Back in the Mine

Shiny Badge Quest: So We Back in the Mine

Catch a wild shiny pokemon without using the Poke Radar between getting 5 and 6 badges

10 0.31%
Save Check!

Save Check!

You've loaded the provided save, achievements will function.

Shiny Badge Quest: What's This Gym Leaders Name Again?

Shiny Badge Quest: What's This Gym Leaders Name Again?

Catch a wild shiny pokemon without using the Poke Radar between getting 6 and 7 badges

10 0.21%
Shiny Badge Quest: Spooky Monsters and Nice Sprites

Shiny Badge Quest: Spooky Monsters and Nice Sprites

Catch a wild shiny pokemon without using the Poke Radar between getting 2 and 3 badges

10 0.36%
Might As Well Not Bother

Might As Well Not Bother

Catch a Shiny Pokemon on a Radar Chain of 1.

10 0.21%


Reach Poke Radar chain of 40.

10 0.47%
Token Shiny Birb

Token Shiny Birb

Capture a wild Shiny Starly.

5 0.42%
Slightly Bigger Token Shiny Birb

Slightly Bigger Token Shiny Birb

Capture a wild Shiny Staravia.

5 0.21%
God (No, Actually)

God (No, Actually)

Capture a wild Shiny Bidoof.

5 0.42%
Goofy Ahh Beaver

Goofy Ahh Beaver

Capture a wild Shiny Bibarel.

5 0.21%


Capture a wild Shiny Kricketot.

5 0.31%


Capture a wild Shiny Kricketune.

5 0.21%


Capture a wild Shiny Shinx.

5 0.31%
"No, My Dog Doesn't Bite!"

"No, My Dog Doesn't Bite!"

Capture a wild Shiny Luxio.

5 0.21%
Abra Used Teleport!

Abra Used Teleport!

Capture a wild Shiny Abra.

10 0.26%
Guess What Two Moves I Know?

Guess What Two Moves I Know?

Capture a wild Shiny Kadabra.

25 0.21%
The Fish That Smiles Back™

The Fish That Smiles Back™

Capture a wild Shiny Magikarp.

10 0.16%
You Have to Earn This One

You Have to Earn This One

Capture a wild Shiny Gyarados.

10 0.16%
Budding Brilliance

Budding Brilliance

Capture a wild Shiny Budew.

5 0.31%
No-Biney Flowers

No-Biney Flowers

Capture a wild Shiny Roselia.

5 0.21%
This One Looks Diseased, Knock it Out

This One Looks Diseased, Knock it Out

Capture a wild Shiny Zubat.

5 0.31%
:(= =)

:(= =)

Capture a wild Shiny Golbat.

10 0.21%
Glorious Nugget

Glorious Nugget

Capture a wild Shiny Geodude.

5 0.36%
Short Fuse

Short Fuse

Capture a wild Shiny Graveler.

25 0.26%
Like a Green Snake Up a Sugar Cane Field

Like a Green Snake Up a Sugar Cane Field

Capture a wild Shiny Onix.

10 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Steelix.

10 0.16%
Popeye The Sailor Man

Popeye The Sailor Man

Capture a wild Shiny Machop.

5 0.36%


Capture a wild Shiny Machoke.

5 0.21%
Please Give Me Some Aspirin

Please Give Me Some Aspirin

Capture a wild Shiny Psyduck.

5 0.21%
Hoisin Crispy Golduck

Hoisin Crispy Golduck

Capture a wild Shiny Golduck.

5 0.21%
Let Your True Colors Show

Let Your True Colors Show

Capture a wild Shiny Male Burmy.

25 0.16%
Wasted Potential

Wasted Potential

Capture a wild Shiny Female Burmy.

25 0.16%
Purple Web Slinger

Purple Web Slinger

Capture a wild Shiny Wurmple.

5 0.26%
Golden Ball

Golden Ball

Capture a wild Shiny Silcoon.

5 0.21%
Pretty Fly for a Bug Guy

Pretty Fly for a Bug Guy

Capture a wild Shiny Beautifly.

5 0.21%
You Should Get That Checked Out

You Should Get That Checked Out

Capture a wild Shiny Cascoon.

5 0.21%
Double Triclops

Double Triclops

Capture a wild Shiny Dustox.

5 0.21%
Barry Benson

Barry Benson

Capture a wild Shiny Combee.

25 0.21%
God Queen

God Queen

Catch a Shiny Female Combee.

25 0.21%
This Gen's Pikachu Clone

This Gen's Pikachu Clone

Catch a wild Shiny Pachirisu.

5 0.21%


Catch a wild Shiny Buizel.

5 0.21%
Jetstream Sam

Jetstream Sam

Catch a wild Shiny Floatzel.

5 0.16%
Dr. Pepper Cherry

Dr. Pepper Cherry

Catch a wild Shiny Cherubi.

10 0.21%
Hoenn Rejects

Hoenn Rejects

Catch a wild Shiny Shellos.

5 0.21%
Terrible Shiny for a Terrible Pokemon

Terrible Shiny for a Terrible Pokemon

Catch a wild Shiny Gastrodon

5 0.21%
Purple and Horny

Purple and Horny

Catch a wild Shiny Heracross.

10 0.16%
Rest In Peace Harambe

Rest In Peace Harambe

Catch a wild Shiny Aipom.

10 0.21%
We All Drift Down Here

We All Drift Down Here

Catch a wild Shiny Drifloon.

10 0.36%
Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy

Catch a wild Shiny Buneary.

5 0.21%
Ghost of Mr. Freeze

Ghost of Mr. Freeze

Catch a wild Shiny Gastly.

5 0.16%
Regular Haunter, But He Ate a Blue Jolly Rancher

Regular Haunter, But He Ate a Blue Jolly Rancher

Catch a wild Shiny Haunter.

5 0.16%
Literally Just A Fish

Literally Just A Fish

Catch a wild Shiny Goldeen.

10 0.16%
Koi Boi

Koi Boi

Catch a wild Shiny Seaking.

10 0.16%
Use This as Bait to Catch a Better Shiny Fish

Use This as Bait to Catch a Better Shiny Fish

Catch a wild Shiny Barboach.

10 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Chingling.

5 0.21%
Go Bell-istic

Go Bell-istic

Catch a wild Shiny Chimecho.

10 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Meditite.

5 0.21%
Chun Li

Chun Li

Catch a wild Shiny Medicham.

10 0.16%
Penny For Your Thoughts

Penny For Your Thoughts

Catch a wild Shiny Bronzor.

5 0.21%
Oxidized Bell

Oxidized Bell

Catch a wild Shiny Bronzong.

10 0.16%
Bunsen Burner

Bunsen Burner

Capture a wild Shiny Ponyta.

5 0.31%
Look Ash! I'm Pickle Sudowoodo!

Look Ash! I'm Pickle Sudowoodo!

Catch a Shiny Sudowoodo.

5 0.21%


Catch a Shiny Mr. Mime.

5 0.21%
Remember When This Was The Worst To Catch?

Remember When This Was The Worst To Catch?

Catch a wild Shiny Chansey.

5 0.21%
Ear Infection

Ear Infection

Catch a wild Shiny Cleffa.

10 0.21%
Razer Headphones

Razer Headphones

Catch a wild Shiny Clefairy.

10 0.21%
Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird

Catch a wild Shiny Chatot.

5 0.16%
Ten Past Midnight

Ten Past Midnight

Catch a wild Shiny Hoothoot.

5 0.21%
So, How Many Licks Does it Take?

So, How Many Licks Does it Take?

Catch a wild Shiny Noctowl.

5 0.16%
Big Mouth

Big Mouth

Catch a wild Shiny Gible.

10 0.21%
Chained Chomp

Chained Chomp

Catch a wild Shiny Gabite.

10 0.16%
Pain, Suffering Even

Pain, Suffering Even

Catch a wild Shiny Munchlax.

50 0.16%
Take The L

Take The L

Catch a wild Shiny Unown.

10 0.21%
How Do They Work

How Do They Work

Catch a wild Shiny Magneton.

5 0.16%
Where Brain Cell

Where Brain Cell

Catch a wild Shiny Quagsire.

5 0.21%


Catch a wild Shiny Wingull.

5 0.16%
St. Patricks Day at the Post Office

St. Patricks Day at the Post Office

Catch a wild Shiny Pelipper.

10 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Girafarig.

5 0.16%
Sand in my Nostrils

Sand in my Nostrils

Catch a wild Shiny Hippopotas.

10 0.16%
I Think Moto-Moto Likes You

I Think Moto-Moto Likes You

Catch a wild Shiny Hippowdon.

5 0.16%
Hoenn's Wannabe Mascot Rat

Hoenn's Wannabe Mascot Rat

Catch a wild Shiny Marill.

5 0.21%
Does This Mean My Mantine Will Be Shiny?

Does This Mean My Mantine Will Be Shiny?

Catch a wild Shiny Remoraid.

10 0.16%
Small Fry

Small Fry

Catch a wild Shiny Finneon.

10 0.16%
Glow Up

Glow Up

Catch a wild Shiny Lumineon.

10 0.16%
Child O' Fights

Child O' Fights

Catch a wild Shiny Tentacool.

10 0.16%
Man O' War

Man O' War

Catch a wild Shiny Tentacruel.

10 0.16%
You Better Taste Good

You Better Taste Good

Catch a wild Shiny Feebas.

25 0.16%
I Didn't Kill Steve I Promise

I Didn't Kill Steve I Promise

Catch a wild Shiny Mantyke.

10 0.16%
The Agreeable Snowman

The Agreeable Snowman

Catch a wild Shiny Snover.

5 0.21%
Welcome to the Himalayas!

Welcome to the Himalayas!

Catch a wild Shiny Abomasnow.

5 0.21%
Bless You

Bless You

Catch a wild Shiny Sneasel.

5 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Gligar.

5 0.21%
Golden Compass

Golden Compass

Catch a wild Shiny Nosepass.

5 0.21%
You Have One Turn

You Have One Turn

Catch a wild Shiny Ralts.

10 0.21%
You Drew My Mom With WHAT!?

You Drew My Mom With WHAT!?

Catch a wild Shiny Kirlia.

25 0.21%
Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning

Catch a wild Shiny Lickitung.

5 0.16%
Great! Now Get The Other Six.

Great! Now Get The Other Six.

Catch a wild Shiny Eevee.

5 0.21%
Just a Peep

Just a Peep

Catch a wild Shiny Swablu.

5 0.16%
Someone Shut That Dog Up

Someone Shut That Dog Up

Catch a wild Shiny Houndour.

10 0.21%
Blaze Failed One of These

Blaze Failed One of These

Catch a wild Shiny Magnemite.

5 0.21%
Mecha Godzilla's Dog

Mecha Godzilla's Dog

Catch a wild Shiny Rhyhorn.

5 0.21%
Deez Nuts

Deez Nuts

Catch a wild Shiny Rhydon.

5 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Duskull.

5 0.21%
Vibe Check

Vibe Check

Catch a wild Shiny Dusclops.

5 0.16%
Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands

Catch a wild Shiny Scyther.

5 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Electabuzz.

5 0.16%
Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse

Catch a wild Shiny Magmar.

5 0.16%
This Little Piggy Got Stuck in the Freezer

This Little Piggy Got Stuck in the Freezer

Catch a wild Shiny Swinub.

5 0.16%
He Put On a Different Coat

He Put On a Different Coat

Catch a wild Shiny Snorunt.

5 0.21%
He Blogs Pokemon

He Blogs Pokemon

Catch a wild Shiny Absol.

5 0.16%
Top of the Pecking Order

Top of the Pecking Order

Catch a wild Shiny Pidgey.

5 0.21%
Greasy Rat

Greasy Rat

Catch a wild Shiny Rattata.

5 0.16%
Golden Wind

Golden Wind

Catch a wild Shiny Spearow.

5 0.16%
What If Pidgeot But Worse?

What If Pidgeot But Worse?

Catch a wild Shiny Fearow.

5 0.16%
Please Don't Smoke Me

Please Don't Smoke Me

Catch a wild Shiny Oddish.

5 0.16%
i frewed up

i frewed up

Catch a wild Shiny Gloom.

10 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Diglett.

5 0.16%
This is Shiny? Are You Sure?

This is Shiny? Are You Sure?

Catch a wild Shiny Poliwag.

10 0.1%
Very ɴɪᴄᴇ Pokedex Number

Very ɴɪᴄᴇ Pokedex Number

Catch a wild Shiny Bellsprout.

5 0.16%
Homer From The Smispons

Homer From The Smispons

Catch a wild Shiny Weepinbell.

10 0.16%
Going Clubbing

Going Clubbing

Breed a Shiny Seel.

5 0.1%


Catch a wild Shiny Dewgong.

25 0.21%
Is the Mouth the Shell, or Something Else?

Is the Mouth the Shell, or Something Else?

Catch a wild Shiny Shellder.

10 0.16%
Tiny Tumor

Tiny Tumor

Catch a wild Shiny Koffing.

10 0.16%
Captain Carcinogen

Captain Carcinogen

Catch a wild Shiny Weezing.

10 0.16%
Nearly Empty Toothpaste

Nearly Empty Toothpaste

Catch a wild Shiny Horsea.

10 0.16%
The Inner Machinations Of My Mind Are An Enigma

The Inner Machinations Of My Mind Are An Enigma

Catch a wild Shiny Staryu.

10 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Smoochum.

10 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Dratini.

10 0.16%
Sea Life Centre

Sea Life Centre

Catch a wild Shiny Lapras.

25 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Ariados.

5 0.21%
Deep Sea Car Battery

Deep Sea Car Battery

Catch a wild Shiny Chinchou.

10 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Qwilfish.

10 0.16%
What's Slugma?

What's Slugma?

Catch a wild Shiny Slugma.

10 0.16%
Mighty Morphin Flower Ranger

Mighty Morphin Flower Ranger

Catch a wild Shiny Ledian.

5 0.21%
Hot Stuff Coming Through

Hot Stuff Coming Through

Catch a wild Shiny Magcargo.

10 0.16%
Pimp My Ride

Pimp My Ride

Catch a wild Shiny Skarmory.

5 0.16%
Illumise Cosplay Volbeat

Illumise Cosplay Volbeat

Catch a wild Shiny Volbeat.

5 0.21%
Twinkle Star Sprite

Twinkle Star Sprite

Catch a wild Shiny Illumise.

5 0.21%
Corroded Battery

Corroded Battery

Catch a wild Shiny Electrike.

5 0.21%
Jordy's Pet Fish

Jordy's Pet Fish

Catch a wild Shiny Wailmer.

10 0.16%
He Too Chonk To Fit

He Too Chonk To Fit

Catch a wild Shiny Wailord.

25 0.16%
One Nasty Zit

One Nasty Zit

Catch a wild Shiny Numel.

5 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Cacturne.

10 0.16%
Desert Rose

Desert Rose

Catch a wild Shiny Cacnea.

5 0.16%
Are You Feeling it Now?

Are You Feeling it Now?

Catch a wild Shiny Corphish.

10 0.16%
Barbie's New Look

Barbie's New Look

Catch a wild Shiny Banette.

5 0.16%
From Derpy Child to Distinguished Gentleman

From Derpy Child to Distinguished Gentleman

Catch a wild Shiny Sealeo.

10 0.16%
Go Grandpa Go!

Go Grandpa Go!

Catch a wild Shiny Relicanth.

25 0.16%
No One Loves You

No One Loves You

Catch a wild Shiny Luvdisc.

10 0.16%


Thump the TV in the old Chateau until a Shiny Rotom falls out, and catch it.

10 0.36%
I Know All

I Know All

Catch a wild Shiny Uxie.

10 0.21%
I Feel All

I Feel All

Catch a wild Shiny Mesprit.

50 0.16%
I See All

I See All

Catch a wild Shiny Azelf.

25 0.21%
Time Ticks-Ticks Away

Time Ticks-Ticks Away

Catch a wild Shiny Dialga.

10 0.16%
In Space, No-one Can Hear You Scream

In Space, No-one Can Hear You Scream

Catch a wild Shiny Palkia.

10 0.16%
Frozen Turkey

Frozen Turkey

Catch a wild Shiny Articuno.

50 0.16%
I Sat On a Powerline :)

I Sat On a Powerline :)

Catch a wild Shiny Zapdos.

50 0.16%
Pokemon Platinum (Collectors Edition)

Pokemon Platinum (Collectors Edition)

Catch a wild Shiny Giratina.

10 0.26%
That's Kinda Hot

That's Kinda Hot

Catch a wild Shiny Heatran.

25 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Moltres.

50 0.16%
It's Chocolate (Don't Eat It)

It's Chocolate (Don't Eat It)

Catch a wild Shiny Regirock.

25 0.21%


Catch a wild Shiny Regice.

25 0.21%
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These

Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These

Catch a wild Shiny Cresselia.

50 0.16%
Copper Plated

Copper Plated

Catch a wild Shiny Registeel.

25 0.21%
... .... .. -. -.--

... .... .. -. -.--

Catch a wild Shiny Regigigas.

25 0.21%
Nightmare to Hunt

Nightmare to Hunt

Catch a wild Shiny Darkrai.

25 0.16%
Original Sonic OC Please Don't Steal

Original Sonic OC Please Don't Steal

Catch a wild Shiny Shaymin.

25 0.16%


Catch a wild Shiny Arceus.

25 0.16%


Hatch a Shiny Omanyte.

25 0.1%
He's Wearing Kermit

He's Wearing Kermit

Hatch a Shiny Kabuto.

25 0.1%
Blue Wings Purple Dragon

Blue Wings Purple Dragon

Hatch a Shiny Aerodactyl.

25 0.1%
Stop Giving Me the Side-Eye

Stop Giving Me the Side-Eye

Hatch a Shiny Anorith.

25 0.1%
Corsola's Grandad

Corsola's Grandad

Hatch a Shiny Lileep.

25 0.1%
Chrome Dome

Chrome Dome

Hatch a Shiny Shieldon.

25 0.16%
Red Head Redemption

Red Head Redemption

Hatch a Shiny Cranidos.

25 0.16%
Are You Tired of Me Yet?

Are You Tired of Me Yet?

Hatch a Shiny Eevee.

5 0.1%
The Yellow Ones are Poison Type

The Yellow Ones are Poison Type

Hatch a Shiny Ledyba.

5 0.1%
The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Hatch a Shiny Spinarak.

5 0.1%
Pink Eye

Pink Eye

Hatch a Shiny Igglybuff.

5 0.1%


Hatch a Shiny Elekid.

5 0.1%


Hatch a Shiny Magby.

5 0.1%


Hatch a Shiny Whismur.

5 0.1%
Glittery Feathers

Glittery Feathers

Hatch a Shiny Tailow.

5 0.1%
Sheet Ghost

Sheet Ghost

Hatch a Shiny Shuppet.

5 0.1%
Seel's Stupid Little Brother

Seel's Stupid Little Brother

Hatch a Shiny Spheal.

5 0.1%
What if Turtwig, But Greener

What if Turtwig, But Greener

Hatch a Shiny Turtwig.

10 0.1%
Pink Monkey, That Funky Monkey

Pink Monkey, That Funky Monkey

Hatch a Shiny Chimchar.

10 0.16%
hi pinguu

hi pinguu

Hatch a Shiny Piplup.

10 0.1%
Yellow is Terrible Camo for a Ninja

Yellow is Terrible Camo for a Ninja

Hatch a Shiny Riolu.

5 0.26%
Trans Rights

Trans Rights

Catch a wild Shiny Nidoran F using the Poke Radar.

5 0.26%
Baby Kaiju

Baby Kaiju

Catch a wild Shiny Nidorina using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%


Catch a wild Shiny Nidoran M using the Poke Radar.

5 0.26%
Hey Bro Dab Me Up

Hey Bro Dab Me Up

Catch a wild Shiny Nidorino using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
He's Wearing Contact Lenses

He's Wearing Contact Lenses

Catch a wild Shiny Venonat using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%


Catch a wild Shiny Venomoth using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Return to Manke

Return to Manke

Catch a wild Shiny Mankey using the Poke Radar.

5 0.16%
I Bet You're Going Ape Right Now

I Bet You're Going Ape Right Now

Catch a wild Shiny Primeape using the Poke Radar.

5 0.16%
I Bet the Tail Tastes Even Better

I Bet the Tail Tastes Even Better

Catch a wild Shiny Slowpoke using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Living Nuclear Waste

Living Nuclear Waste

Catch a wild Shiny Grimer using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Bulls on Parade

Bulls on Parade

Catch a wild Shiny Tauros using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Don't Forget Eeveelutions!

Don't Forget Eeveelutions!

Catch FIVE Shiny Eevees in one Poke Radar chain.

50 0.21%
Greasy Weasel

Greasy Weasel

Catch a wild Shiny Sentret using the Poke Radar.

5 0.26%
Got Milk.

Got Milk.

Catch a wild Shiny Miltank using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Lisa Simpson

Lisa Simpson

Catch a wild Shiny Togepi using the Poke Radar.

5 0.16%
Fibreglass Insulation

Fibreglass Insulation

Catch a wild Shiny Mareep using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
It's Tail Has Wi-Fi Connection

It's Tail Has Wi-Fi Connection

Catch a wild Shiny Flaaffy using the Poke Radar.

5 0.16%
This One Isn't Ripe

This One Isn't Ripe

Catch a wild Shiny Hoppip using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Chum of Chobin

Chum of Chobin

Catch a wild Shiny Sunkern using the Poke Radar.

5 0.16%
Living Punching Bag

Living Punching Bag

Catch a wild Shiny Wobbuffet using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Butter Hog, Hog with the Butter on Him

Butter Hog, Hog with the Butter on Him

Catch a wild Shiny Piloswine using the Poke Radar.

5 0.16%
The Joy of Painting

The Joy of Painting

Catch a wild Shiny Smeargle using the Poke Radar.

5 0.26%
Rudolph The Deathly Ill Reindeer

Rudolph The Deathly Ill Reindeer

Catch a wild Shiny Stantler using the Poke Radar.

5 0.26%


Catch three Shiny Tyrogues in a single Poke Radar Chain.

10 0.21%
Little Mac

Little Mac

Catch a wild Shiny Tyrogue using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Well Ain't That Swellow

Well Ain't That Swellow

Catch a wild Shiny Swellow using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Golden Scarab

Golden Scarab

Catch a wild Shiny Nincada using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%


Catch a wild Shiny Loudred using the Poke Radar.

5 0.16%
Dead Eye

Dead Eye

Catch a wild Shiny Aron using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Prophet of the Mountain

Prophet of the Mountain

Catch a wild Shiny Torkoal using the Poke Radar.

5 0.16%
Beyblade Beyblade Let it Rip!

Beyblade Beyblade Let it Rip!

Catch a wild Shiny Baltoy using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Bag-one of these

Bag-one of these

Catch a wild Shiny Bagon using the Poke Radar.

5 0.21%
Duck Dynasty

Duck Dynasty

Catch a wild Shiny Farfetch'd. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Nuclear Radiation Poisoning

Nuclear Radiation Poisoning

Catch a wild Shiny Doduo. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Psychic Adventures

Psychic Adventures

Catch a wild Shiny Drowzee. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Spongeboy Me Bob! I'm Shiny! Ag Ag Ag Ag

Spongeboy Me Bob! I'm Shiny! Ag Ag Ag Ag

Catch a wild Shiny Krabby. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Exploding Great Ball

Exploding Great Ball

Catch a wild Shiny Voltorb. [Swarm]

25 0.21%
Lil' Boner

Lil' Boner

Catch a wild Shiny Cubone. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Stag Do

Stag Do

Catch a wild Shiny Pinsir. [Swarm]

10 0.21%


Catch a wild Shiny Natu. [Swarm]

10 0.16%
Snake? Snake!? Snaaaake!

Snake? Snake!? Snaaaake!

Catch a wild Shiny Dunsparce. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
The Trouble with Inbreeding

The Trouble with Inbreeding

Catch a wild Shiny Snubbull. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Coral Blue Number 2 Semi Gloss

Coral Blue Number 2 Semi Gloss

Catch a wild Shiny Corsola. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Catch a wild Shiny Delibird. [Swarm]

10 0.16%
Oh My God, I Found a Phanpy

Oh My God, I Found a Phanpy

Catch a wild Shiny Phanpy. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Preschool Godzilla

Preschool Godzilla

Catch a wild Shiny Larvitar. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Summer Coat

Summer Coat

Catch a wild Shiny Zigzagoon. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Jordy Before The Incident

Jordy Before The Incident

Catch a wild Shiny Slakoth. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Jordy's Son

Jordy's Son

Catch a wild Shiny Makuhita. [Swarm]

10 0.21%


Catch a wild Shiny Skitty. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

Catch a wild Shiny Spoink. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
Only 3,945,136,127 Left To Go

Only 3,945,136,127 Left To Go

Catch a wild Shiny Spinda. [Swarm]

10 0.21%
The Hardest Poke Radar Hunt

The Hardest Poke Radar Hunt

Catch a wild Shiny Beldum. [Swarm]

25 0.21%
Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

Catch a wild Shiny Jigglypuff in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Prepare For Trouble

Prepare For Trouble

Catch a wild Shiny Meowth in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Kanto Ripped Off Mimikyu

Kanto Ripped Off Mimikyu

Catch a wild Shiny Pikachu in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%


Catch a wild Shiny Ditto before it Transforms in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Child Celebrity

Child Celebrity

Catch a wild Shiny Pichu in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Pikachu's Distant Cousin

Pikachu's Distant Cousin

Catch a wild Shiny Azurill in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Looking At The Positives

Looking At The Positives

Catch a wild Shiny Plusle in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Why Are You Always So Negative?

Why Are You Always So Negative?

Catch a wild Shiny Minun in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
I Can See Clearly Now the Rain Has Gone

I Can See Clearly Now the Rain Has Gone

Catch a wild Shiny Castform in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom

Catch a wild Shiny Bonsly in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Your Son

Your Son

Catch a Shiny Mime Jr. in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Can I Offer You an Egg in This Trying Time?

Can I Offer You an Egg in This Trying Time?

Catch a Shiny Happiny in the Trophy Garden.

10 0.21%
Fungus Amongus

Fungus Amongus

Catch a wild Shiny Paras in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%
You Will Give Me an Egg

You Will Give Me an Egg

Catch a wild Shiny Exeggcute in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%
Take Your Child to Work Day

Take Your Child to Work Day

Catch a wild Shiny Kangaskhan in the Great Marsh.

100 0.1%


Catch a wild Shiny Tangela in the Great Marsh.

100 0.1%
Just an Axolotl

Just an Axolotl

Catch a wild Shiny Wooper in the Great Marsh.

100 0.16%
Bane of CandyEvie

Bane of CandyEvie

Catch a wild Shiny Yanma in the Great Marsh.

100 0.1%
Super Shroomish Bros.

Super Shroomish Bros.

Catch a wild Shiny Shroomish in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%
What's Gulpin?

What's Gulpin?

Catch a wild Shiny Gulpin in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%
Angry Fishie

Angry Fishie

Catch a wild Shiny Carvanha in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%
Head Empty

Head Empty

Catch a wild Shiny Whiscash.

10 0.16%
Now I'm Shiny, Now I'm Not

Now I'm Shiny, Now I'm Not

Catch a wild Shiny Kecleon in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%


Catch a wild Shiny Tropius in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%
Feel The Sting

Feel The Sting

Catch a wild Shiny Skorupi in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%
Arms for the Nintendo Switch

Arms for the Nintendo Switch

Catch a wild Shiny Drapion in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Catch a wild Shiny Croagunk.

5 0.21%
I'm Not Laughing Anymore

I'm Not Laughing Anymore

Catch a wild Shiny Toxicroak in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%
Hungry For Ledyba

Hungry For Ledyba

Catch a wild Shiny Carnivine in the Great Marsh.

25 0.1%