Sonic Adventure 2 [Subset - Ring Attack & Animal Chase]

Sonic Adventure 2 [Subset - Ring Attack & Animal Chase]

59 Достижений


Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь чтобы отслеживать прогресс достижений Sonic Adventure 2 [Subset - Ring Attack & Animal Chase].
Animal Rescue V

Animal Rescue V

Collect all the animals in Green Forest

5 0.6%
Animal Rescue VIII

Animal Rescue VIII

Collect all the animals in Aquatic Mine

5 0.6%
Animal Rescue VI

Animal Rescue VI

Collect all the animals in Pumpkin Hill

5 0.65%
Animal Rescue XII

Animal Rescue XII

Collect all the animals in Eternal Engine

5 0.47%
Animal Rescue XIII

Animal Rescue XIII

Collect all the animals in Meteor Herd

5 0.47%
Animal Rescue II

Animal Rescue II

Collect all the animals in Wild Canyon

5 0.98%
Animal Rescue III

Animal Rescue III

Collect all the animals in Prison Lane

5 0.7%
Animal Rescue VII

Animal Rescue VII

Collect all the animals in Mission Street

5 0.52%
Animal Rescue IX

Animal Rescue IX

Collect all the animals in Hidden Base

5 0.44%
Animal Rescue X

Animal Rescue X

Collect all the animals in Pyramid Cave

5 0.47%
Animal Rescue I

Animal Rescue I

Collect all the animals in City Escape

5 1.99%
Animal Rescue IV

Animal Rescue IV

Collect all the animals in Metal Harbor

10 0.75%
Animal Rescue XI

Animal Rescue XI

Collect all the animals in Death Chamber

5 0.47%
Animal Rescue XV

Animal Rescue XV

Collect all the animals in Final Rush

5 0.44%
Animal Rescue XIV

Animal Rescue XIV

Collect all the animals in Crazy Gadget

5 0.47%
Animal Rescue XVI

Animal Rescue XVI

Collect all the animals in Iron Gate

5 0.49%
Animal Rescue XX

Animal Rescue XX

Collect all the animals in Egg Quarters

5 0.47%
Animal Rescue XVII

Animal Rescue XVII

Collect all the animals in Dry Lagoon

5 0.54%
Animal Rescue XIX

Animal Rescue XIX

Collect all the animals in Radical Highway

5 0.49%
Animal Rescue XVIII

Animal Rescue XVIII

Collect all the animals in Sand Ocean

5 0.47%
Animal Rescue XXI

Animal Rescue XXI

Collect all the animals in Lost Colony

5 0.44%
Animal Rescue XXIII

Animal Rescue XXIII

Collect all the animals in Security Hall

5 0.52%
Animal Rescue XXII

Animal Rescue XXII

Collect all the animals in Weapons Bed

5 0.49%
Animal Rescue XXV

Animal Rescue XXV

Collect all the animals in Sky Rail

5 0.47%
Animal Rescue XXIV

Animal Rescue XXIV

Collect all the animals in White Jungle

5 0.44%
Animal Rescue XXVI

Animal Rescue XXVI

Collect all the animals in Mad Space

5 0.47%
Animal Rescue XXIX

Animal Rescue XXIX

Collect all the animals in Cannon's Core

10 0.47%
Animal Rescue XXVIII

Animal Rescue XXVIII

Collect all the animals in Final Chase

5 0.44%
Animal Rescue XXVII

Animal Rescue XXVII

Collect all the animals in Cosmic Wall

5 0.47%
Ring Collect I

Ring Collect I

Clear City Escape with 440 rings or more

10 0.7%
Ring Collect III

Ring Collect III

Clear Prison Lane with 109 rings or more

10 0.57%
Ring Collect II

Ring Collect II

Clear Wild Canyon with 170 rings or more

5 0.8%
Ring Collect IV

Ring Collect IV

Clear Metal Harbor with 150 rings or more

10 0.73%
Ring Collect VI

Ring Collect VI

Clear Pumpkin Hill with 150 rings or more

5 0.62%
Ring Collect V

Ring Collect V

Clear Green Forest with 346 rings or more

10 0.52%
Ring Collect VII

Ring Collect VII

Clear Mission Street with 110 rings or more

10 0.47%
Ring Collect IX

Ring Collect IX

Clear Hidden Base with 110 rings or more

10 0.44%
Ring Collect X

Ring Collect X

Clear Pyramid Cave with 360 rings or more

10 0.44%
Ring Collect VIII

Ring Collect VIII

Clear Aquatic Mine with 140 rings or more

5 0.6%
Ring Collect XI

Ring Collect XI

Clear Death Chamber with 200 rings or more

5 0.49%
Ring Collect XII

Ring Collect XII

Clear Eternal Engine with 184 rings or more

10 0.44%
Ring Collect XIII

Ring Collect XIII

Clear Meteor Herd with 215 rings or more

5 0.47%
Ring Collect XV

Ring Collect XV

Clear Final Rush with 500 rings or more

10 0.41%
Ring Collect XIV

Ring Collect XIV

Clear Crazy Gadget with 360 rings or more

10 0.41%
Ring Collect XVII

Ring Collect XVII

Clear Dry Lagoon with 140 rings or more

5 0.54%
Ring Collect XVI

Ring Collect XVI

Clear Iron Gate with 140 rings or more

10 0.41%
Ring Collect XVIII

Ring Collect XVIII

Clear Sand Ocean with 210 rings or more

10 0.41%
Ring Collect XIX

Ring Collect XIX

Clear Radical Highway with 300 rings or more

10 0.39%
Ring Collect XX

Ring Collect XX

Clear Egg Quarters with 165 rings or more

5 0.41%
Ring Collect XXI

Ring Collect XXI

Clear Lost Colony with 175 rings or more

10 0.41%
Ring Collect XXII

Ring Collect XXII

Clear Weapons Bed with 180 rings or more

10 0.41%
Ring Collect XXIII

Ring Collect XXIII

Clear Security Hall with 220 rings or more

10 0.39%
Ring Collect XXIV

Ring Collect XXIV

Clear White Jungle with 260 rings or more

10 0.39%
Ring Collect XXV

Ring Collect XXV

Clear Sky Rail with 325 rings or more

10 0.39%
Ring Collect XXVI

Ring Collect XXVI

Clear Mad Space with 240 rings or more

5 0.39%
Ring Collect XXVII

Ring Collect XXVII

Clear Cosmic Wall with 400 rings or more

10 0.39%
Ring Collect XXVIII

Ring Collect XXVIII

Clear Final Chase with 480 rings or more

10 0.39%
Ring Collect XXIX

Ring Collect XXIX

Clear Cannon's Core with 400 rings or more

25 0.39%
Ring Collect XXX

Ring Collect XXX

Clear Green Hill with 270 rings or more

5 0.47%