Star Ocean: The Last Hope International

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International

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Treasure Hoarder

Treasure Hoarder

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Как разблокировать достижение Treasure Hoarder в Star Ocean: The Last Hope International - Полное Руководство

На второй планете, в одном из сундуков в западной части места, где мы решаем загадку с поднимающимися камнями, можно найти скилл, который отмечает сундуки на карте, что заметно облегчает поиски.

19 апр. 2010 23:21

2 Комментария
скилл лежит в оплоте на второй планете.последние сундуки в первом данжене.!!!почаще карту смотреть!!!легко пропустить сундук в пещере Астрала, остальные элементарно Ватсон.
bucho0304 - 22 янв. 2013 23:51
Карты в помощь. Со всеми обозначениями.
Roziel - 15 нояб. 2017 06:08
Основная проблема при получении данного трофея, что в некоторые локации потом вернуться уже не получится.

Вот список проблемных локаций, сундуки в которых надо открыть при сюжетном прохождении:

- Triom Village Gimdo's House (1 chest)
- Cardianon Mothership
- Subterranean City
- Control Tower
- Alternate Earth: Abandoned Town
- Alternate Earth: Military Facility

Для открытия некоторых сундуков нужны соответсвующие кольца:

Fire Ring = Lemuris, даст Lymle
Thunder Ring = Сardianon Mothership
Earth Ring = Alternate Earth в military facility в сундуке
Wind Ring = En II graveyard, поговорить со стариком на старой дороге к храму (sanctuary).
Light Ring = Purgatorium
Darkness Ring = Дадут после убийства дракона в Audience Chamber.
Water Ring = Cave of Seven Stars, behind Gabriel Celeste.

Ну и наконец самое важное. Полный список сундуков. Некоторые вскрыть по мере продвижения невозможно и надо будет вернуться потом получив соответствующее кольцо.

Aeos Landing Point:
1. Broken Metal Cutting Blade
2. Blueberries x3
3. Blackberries
4. Iron x1
5. Insect Egg x2
6. Bigberries x1
7. Wind Gem x1
8. 103 Fol
9. Iron x2
10. Insect Egg x1, Warped Carapace x1

Urd Falls Cave:
1. 203 Fol
2. Iron x2
3. Seasonings x2, Warped Carapace x1
4. Attack Seeds x 1
5. Fresh Sage x2
6. Blackberries x2
7. Blueberries x3

Aeos Northern Coast:
1. Natural Water x2
2. Attack Seeds x1
3. Wind Gem x1
4. 81 Fol
5. Seaweed x1, Warped Carapace x1
6. Iron x3
7. Fresh Sage x2
8. Seaweed x1
9. Bigberries x1
10. Protection Seeds x1
11. 19, 800 Fol

There are also defense seeds and fresh sage hidden in small wall alcoves.

Aeos Exploration Base:
1. Lemon x3
2. Blueberries x2
3. 193 Fol
4. Skill Manual "Scan Enemy"
5. Blueberries x1, Blackberries x1 (inside)
6. Uncooked Pasta x1, Olive Oil x1 (inside)

Triom Village:
1. Demon Amulet x1 MISSABLE (its in Gimdo's house and you cannot go in here later in the story).
2. Blueberries x2
3. Recipe Memo 02 x1

Thalia Plains:
1. Aquaberries x3
2. Aquaberries x1, Blackberries x2
3. 255 Fol
4. Ice Gem x1
5. Blueberries x2
6. Vile Goop x2
7. Aquaberries x2
8. Blackberries x2
9. 401 Fol
10. Accuracy Seeds x1
11. Monster Jewel x1
12. Bizarre Fruit x1
13. Skill Manual "Hide" x1
14. Fire Gem x1

Alanaire Citadel:
1. Anti-Poison Amulet
2. Shining Stone
3. Skill Manual "Treasure Sense" x1
4. Blue Talisman
5. Shining Stone x1
6. Guardian's Rapier x1
7. Shining Stone x1
8. Skill Manual "Focus" x1
9. Shining Stone x1
10. Guardian's Armor x1
11. Sacred Scepter x1
12. Shining Stone x1
13. Skill Manual "Trinity Blaze" x1
14. Dragon Scale x1, Fire Gem x1

Woodley Village:
1. Blackberries x2
2. Curing Sheet x1
3. Fresh Sage x2
4. Anti-Stun Amulet x1

Van Elm Region:
1. Skill Manual "Chain Combos" x1
2. Blueberries x3
3. Bigberries x1, Blueberries x2
4. Vile Goop x2
5. Aquaberries x3
6. 51 Fol
7. Health Seeds x1

Wind Swallow Valley:
1. Blizzard Protector x1
2. Aqua Robe x1 (under ice block)
3. Blackberries x2

Celestial Ship:
1. Blueberries x4, Bigberries x1
2. Skill Manual "HP Boost" x1
3. Fainting Potion x2
4. Cardianon Sword x1
5. Immortal Smasher x1
6. Bigberries x2
7. Skill Manual "Critical Hit" x1
8. Recipe Memo 25 x1, Anti-Freezing Amulet x1
9. Blackberries x4
10. Power Bracelet x1
11. Fresh Sage x2

Cardianon Mothership: MISSABLE
1. Defense Seeds x1
2. Bigberries x2
3. Basil x5
4. Defense Breaker x2
5. Thunder Ring x1
6. Fortitude Potion x2
7. Blackberries x3
8. Skill Manual "Taunt" x1
9. Wisdom Bracelet x1
10. Monster Jewel x1
11. 1020 Fol
12. Skill Manual "Auto Healing" x1
13. Skill Manual "Chain Combos" x1
14. Crystal x1
15. Thunder Amulet x1
16. Compact Freezing Bomb x1
17. Silver x1
18. Universal Device x1, Gunpowder x1
19. Laser Oscilator x1
20. Lil' Vending Machine No. 1 x1

Subterranean City: MISSABLE
1. Attack Bracelet x1
2. Comet Robe x1
3. Alchemist's Water x2
4. Fresh Sage x3
5. Cardianon Bow x1
6. Skill Manual "Rage" x1
7. Dragonscale Armor x1
8. EM Bomb x4
9. Icicle Rapier x1

Control Tower: MISSABLE
1. Streaked Chainmail x1
2. Compact Stun Bomb x8
3. Skill Manual "Energy Shield" x1
4. Study Bracelet x1
5. Poison Cider x3
6. Element Breaker x3
7. Skill Manual "Stun" x1
8. Booster Wand x1
9. Compact Poison Bomb x4
10. Skill Manual "Mindflare" x1
11. Silvance x1
12. Power Bracelet x1
13. Skill Manual "Fury Boost" x1
14. Bronto Armor x1
15. Riot Potion x1, Anti-Paralysis Amulet x1

Abandoned Town: MISSABLE
1. Thornberries x3
2. Red Herb x2
3. Silver Amulet x1
4. Blueberries x4
5. Aquaberries x2
6. Bigberries x3
7. Fresh Sage x2
8. Protection Seeds x1

Military Facility: MISSABLE
1.Aquaberries x2
2. Skill Manual "Scan Enemy" x1
3. Compact Freezing Bomb x3
4. Earth Ring x1
5. Thornberries x1, Blueberries x1, Aquaberries x1
6. Skill Manual "No Guard" x1
7. Alien Arc x1
8. Dragon Scale x1, Taffeta Ribbon x1
9. Alien's Robe x1
10. Foal Snaps x1
11. Plasma Cannon x1
12. Compact Stun Bomb x2
13. Fresh Sage x2
14. Compact Freezing Bomb x3

Northeast Astralian Continent:
1. Holy Water x2
2. Blueberries x3
3. Basil x2
4. 2986 Fol
5. Riot Potion x5
6. Recipe Memo 17 x1

Tatroi Area:
1. Barrier Spiritwater x1
2. Bunny Feed x3
4. Bellweather's Bow x1

1. Blackberries x2
2. Anti-Curse Amulet x1
3. Bigberries x2
4. Physical Stimulant x3
5. Girl's Gift Box x1
6. Ripe Berries x1
7. Aquaberries x4
8. Recipe Memo 16 x1
9. 12000 Fol

1. Monster Jewel x1
2. Swept Hilt x1
3. Earthrock Mail x1
4. Basil x4
5. 8 Fol
6. Riot Potion x2
7. Health Seeds x1
8. Famed Sword "Veinslay" x1

Astral Desert:
1. Silver Chalice x1
2. Fainting Potion x2
3. Attack Seeds x1
4. Defense Seeds x1
5. Bandit's Gloves x1
6. 9856 Fol

Tropp Area:
1. Magic Capacitator x1
2. Bigberries x3
3. Holy Water x1
4. 4445 Fol
5. Ressurection Elixir x1
6. Barrier Spiritwater x1

1. Skill Manual "Augury" x1
2. Anti-Fog Amulet x1, Dragon Scale x1
3. Bizarre Fruit x1
4. Stamina Pie x2

Cave to the Purgatorium:
1. Health Seeds x1
2. Basil x2
3. Riot Potion x3

1. Skill Manual "Trap Evasion" x1
2. Skill Manual "Steal" x1
3. Wide-range EM Bomb x3
4. Flare Robe x1
5. Poison Relief Unit x2
6. Lightning Sword x1
7. Recipe Memo 24 x1
8. Holy Water x3
9. Bow of Wisdom x1
10. Runic Metal x3, Bracteate x1, Quantum Processor x1, Fire Gem x4
11. 8000 Fol
12. Recipe Memo 14 x1
13. Anti-Void Amulet x1
14. Majestic Armor x1
15. Intelligence Seeds x1
16. Ripe Berries x1, Fresh Sage x2
17. Ash x1
18. Skill Manual "Focus" x1
19. Ancient Cannon x1
20. Micro Hadron Collider x1, Wind Gem x1
21. Sylphide's Mail x1
22. Folklore Plate x1
23. Skill Manual "Sunflare" x1

The Colosseum:
1. Saber-Toothed Tiger Fang x1
2. Skill Manual "Berserk" x1
3. Bunny Feed x2

Astral Caves: I didn't go here right away but its the same continent
1. Holy Water x3, Ressurection Elixir
2. Health Seeds x1
3. Skill Manual "Mindflare" x1
4. Barrier Spiritwater x1
5. Bracteate x1
6. Crystal x1
7. 7200 Fol
8. Fresh Sage x2
9. Ripe Berries x1, Blueberries x2
10. Fainting Potion x1
11. Bracteate x1
12. Burning Claws x1
13. Attack Seeds x1, Bracteate x1
14. Riot Potion x1
15. Blackberries x3, Basil x3
16. Bracteate x1
17. 10008 Fol
18. Physical Stimulant x2, DANGER! DO NOT DRINK! x3

Aoes Underground Tunnel:
1. Defense Seeds x1

Aeos Southern Reaches:
1. Aquaberries x7
2. Monster Jewel x1
3. Cursed Cider x3, Vile Goop x2
4. Light Charm x1
5. Recipe Memo 29 x1
6. 35003 Fol
7. Glowstick x4
8. Bigberries x3, Blackberries x1
9. Regeneration Symbol x1
10. Steel x2
11. Biocloth x2

Miga Insect Warren:
1. Blackberries x4, Basil x2
2. Potent Accuracy Seeds x1
3. Aluminum x2
4. Nature Wand x1
5. Skill Manual "Charge" x1
6. Steel x2
7. Recipe Memo 11 x1
8. Vile Goop x3
9. Hurricane Claws x1
10. Monster Jewel x2
11. Skill Manual "Dragon Roar" x1
12. Glowstick x3
13. Natural Water x2, Basil x1, Vile Goop x1
14. Broken Metal Cutting Blade x1

En II Control Room:
1. Void Recovery Unit x2, Potent Intelligence Seeds x1
2. Health Seeds x1, Bunny Feed x1, Ripe Berries x2
3. Recipe Memo 18 x1
4. Physical Stimulant x2, Skill Manual "Emergency Repairs" x1

En II Centropolis:
1. Health Seeds x1, Magic Seeds x1
2. Bizarre Fruit x1
3. Secret Diary x1
4. 19000 Fol
5. Perfect Berries x2
6. Holy Water x4
7. Recipe Memo 23 x1 (Hidden shop on the east side of the map)

Old Road to the Sanctuary:
1. Poison Relief Unit x3
2. Ebony x1
3. Skill Manual "Bunny Call" x1
4. Skill Manual "Focus" x1
5. Recipe Memo 15 x1
6. Skill Manual "Godslayer" x1
7. 30003 Fol
8. Skill Manual "Haggling" x1
9. Raven Staff x1
10. Recipe Memo 03 x1
11. Disintegration Stone x1
12. Bracteate x1

1. Recipe Memo 28 x1
2. Holy Chainmail x1
3. Biocloth x2
4. Memorial Plate x1

Ravine of Extinction:
1. Void Recovery Unit x3, Fresh Sage x1
2. Hot Chocolate x2
3. Manacloth x1
4. 68000 Fol
5. Recipe Memo 12 x1
6. Insect Egg x2
7. Darkness Charm x1
8. Ripe Berries x2
9. Vile Goop x4
10. Mana Ribbon x2

Pulsating Bog:
1. Disintegration Stone x2
2. Monster Jewel x2
3. Nightmare Wand x1
4. Ripe Berries x2
5. Blueberries x19
6. Magic Seeds x1, Fresh Sage x2

Halls of Termination:
1. Bizarre Fruit x1
2. 53 Fol
3. Mental Stimulant x3
4. Manacloth x2
5. Health Seeds x1
6. Disintegration Stone x2
7. Skill Manual "Plasma Cyclone" x1
8. Dragon Scale x1

Palace of Creation Area 1:
1. Physical Stimulant x4
2. Aquaberries x4, Tent x1
3. 81000 Fol
4. Dragon Scale x2

Palace of Creation Area 2:
1. Sea Serpent Harpoon x1
2. Scambling Unit x3
3. Attack Seeds x1, Health Seeds x1
4. 15 Fol
5. Frozen Cider x2, Poison Cider x1, Silent Cider x2, Pumpkin Cider x1, DANGER! DO NOT DRINK! x1
6. Bizarre Fruit x2, Thornberries x1
7. Vile Goop x3
8. Monster Jewel x1, Fresh Sage x4
9. Fresh Sage x3

Palace of Creation Area 3:
1. Magic Seeds x1
2. Mental Stimulant x3, Ripe Berries x1
3. Mercury x1
4. Mithril x1
5. 108000 Fol
6. Disintegration Stone x2
7. Parchment x9
8. Meteorite x1
9. Thunderbolt Gear x1

Palace of Creation Area 4:
1. Vulcan Discharger x1
2. Darkness Gem x2
3. Monster Jewel x1, Tent x1
4. Star Sapphire x1

Palace of Creation Area 5:
1. Bracteate x2
2. Shadestone x1
3. Skill Manual "ATK Boost" x1

Palace of Creation Area 6:
1. Intelligence Seeds x1
2. Holy Sword "Farewell" x1
3. Pumpkin Extract x3, Resurrection Elixir x2
4. Rivet x1
5. Red Dragon Scale x1
6. Recipe Memo 10 x1
7. Mithril x1
8. Dullahan's Armor x1
9. Meteorite x1

Palace of Creation Area 7:
1. Fresh Sage x4, Blackberries x12
2. Manacloth x1
3. Dragonblood Crystal x1

Cave of the Seven Stars Floor 1:
1. Aquaberries x2
2. Platinum x2
3. Bracteate x1
4. Cane x1
5. Stone Fragment x1

Cave of the Seven Stars Floor 2:
1. Ripe Berries x1
2. Evil Spirit's Bow x1
3. Stone Fragment x1
4. Moonstone x1
5. Gnomestone x1
6. Stone Fragment x1

Cave of the Seven Stars Floor 3:
1. Disintegration Stone x2
2. Stone Fragment x1
3. 180000 Fol
4. Gold x4
5. Stone Fragment x1
6. Sylphstone x2

Cave of the Seven Stars Floor 4:
1. Skill Manual "Max Shockwave" x1
2. Stone Fragment x1
3. Basil x2
4. Green Beryl x1
5. Stone Fragment x1
6. Stone Fragment x1
7. Bizarre Fruit x1
8. Poison Relief Unit x2
9. Stone Fragment x1

Cave of the Seven Stars Floor 5:
1. Unicorn Lance x1
2. Stone Fragment x1
3. Shadow Rose x1
4. Fresh Sage x3
5. Gold Chalice x1
6. Stone Fragment x1

Cave of the Seven Stars Floor 6:
1. Stone Fragment x1
2. Skill Manual "Scintillant Scream" x1
3. Stone Fragment x1
4. Stone Fragment x1

Cave of the Seven Stars Floor 7:
1. Skill Manual "Duplication" x1
2. Star Dipper x1
3. Thorstone x1
4. Seven Star Cloak x1
5. Void Recovery Unit x3

Cave of the Seven Stars Inner Sanctum:
1. Skill Manual "Savage Sparrows" x1
2. Water Ring x1

27 июня 2010 05:23

Это очень трудоемкий трофей. Многие сундуки с сокровищами в игре невозможно пропустить из-за того, что вы не можете покинуть некоторые подземелья игры или вернуться обратно в них. Поэтому обязательно проверяйте каждую область, в которой вы находитесь, используя полезный пассивный навык Лаймла под названием «Чувство сокровищ», навык, который заставляет все сундуки с сокровищами, точки сбора урожая и точки добычи полезных ископаемых появляться на вашей автоматической карте. Так что возьмите за привычку время от времени нажимать кнопку «Пуск», чтобы сканировать область сундука с сокровищами. И наконец, убедитесь, что вы перезарядили свои кольца, прежде чем отправиться к следующему назначению. Первое, что вам действительно нужно держать заряженным, — это огненное кольцо. Если у вас закончились заряды и вы наткнулись на сундук с ледяным барьером, то вам не повезло, и вам придется начинать все заново при следующем прохождении. Полный список каждого сундука можно найти в разделе «Сундук с сокровищами» .

Нужно пройти за одно прохождение!!!