Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX

Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX

16 Achievements

1000 XP

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120 XP


How to unlock the Collector achievement in Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX - Definitive Guide

Important notes -
- You must collect all 15 collectables in a single playthrough.
- The achievement normally unlocks upon collecting the final collectable.
- You can use infinite lives to get this achievement.
- In the event of passing a collectable, you can pause, exit to menu and then load game, this will put you back at the beginning of the level you are on.
- There is a collectable in Lake Fathom, you must skip the secret path to Secret Island to get it, missing the Adventurer achievement. However, if you obtain the collectable, then die and exit to menu or game over and retry, you'll still have the collectable and be back at the beginning of the level, allowing you to get the collectable and take the secret path for the Adventurer achievement in the same playthrough.
- The Pedicopter prevents you from petting the dog (as well as speaking to the NPCs) at The Village of Namui, so you will have to crash the Pedicopter to pet the dog, however, there is also a NPC at the beginning directly after the shop, so I would not recommend buying the Pedicopter if you also need to speak to the NPCs.

1. Alex Kidd Master System game box - Mt. Eternal, destroy the block in the right corner of the 2nd NPC.

2. Alex Kidd Gold Cartridge game box - Lake Fathom, defeat the 2nd octopus.

3. Yellow Ring - The Island of St. Nurari, in a blue block left of the caged dragon/bird, directly before reaching Master Nurari.

4. Master System - Namui Lake, underwater, best to crash the pedicopter early. Breakable block sandwiched between 3 blocks above and 3 below. A collection of unbreakable blocks resembling an upside down T is diagonally up and left of the sandwiched block.

5. Pendant - The Village of Namui, Pet the dog to spawn the collectable just above it. Crash the Pedicopter if you are in it to be able to pet the dog. Warning, scrolling the screen too far right can prevent you from petting the dog/speaking to NPCs even if they're still on screen, I recommend not going beyond the platform with the dog on it and jump up to said platform from the left side.

6. Shuriken - Scorching Pathway, Lone block left of where the 3rd bat is flying, above a fireball circling a singular unbreakable block.

7. Star Medallion - Mt. Kave, breakable block below the star block by the 2 nearby [?] blocks

8. Dice - River, underwater, in a breakable block amongst a row of breakable blocks by the Onigiri.

9. Master System Game Cartridge - Taiyo Desert, in a breakable block between the first two tornados.

10. Bike - Bingoo Lowlands, breakable block high up on the far left of a row of 4 breakable blocks and an unbreakable block capping them off on the left, this is directly before reaching the tall walls of blocks that sort of resemble castle ramparts. This is a tricky one to get on foot - just below the row of blocks where the collectable is are some blocks vertically that you can use to get on top of the level, then fall/jump down and punch the breakable blocks as you fall. To get up using the vertical blocks, break only the top breakable block and then snake your jumps around from the bottom vertical blocks to the top remaining block. You'll have to repeat this until you finally break the final block and get the collectable.
If you break the bottom block, you won't have the height to jump to the above blocks. You can exit to menu/game over to try again if needed if this happens.
* The Reworked Controls setting may help some people with this as Alex no longer slips and slides about with the setting on.
If this is proving too difficult, an alternative way is to buy the pedicopter at the beginning of the level and just shoot the blocks, however this will void the Stingy achievement for that playthrough.

11. Egle's Hammer - The Radaxian Castle, speak to the first Knight to spawn the hammer above him.

12. Rose Lolly - The City of Radaxian, the top breakable block of a < pattern of breakable blocks, break through the < and jump up to the top block from the platform to the right of it. Don't go for the nearby money bags after the < as this can cause the camera to scroll the required block/collectable off screen.

13. Fantasy Zone's Opa-Opa (Colourful ship) - Toxic Numachi, breakable block above two trapped slimes, on the right side of the unbreakable blocks more specifically.

14. Roast Chicken - Janken's Fortress, breakable block directly left of the second ball throwing enemy where the circling fire is. Careful not to scroll the screen too far right.

15. Alex's Skateboard - Janken's Castle, in plain sight in the underwater spike room. It's safe for Alex to float up into spikes, making navigating through them a lot easier than it looks. Pressing up into the spikes will still kill Alex though, so only press left, right and down whilst navigating through them.

If TA ever updates my captures successfully I'll add the screenshots I intended to add to this guide.

24 Jun 2021 18:00

@ivansuperpower I did some tests to see if i can find an answer for you, here are my findings -

1. You can not interact (did not get the 'B' prompt) with the dog/npcs whilst in the Pedicopter.
You can crash the Pedicopter and then interact with them after though.

2. Scrolling the screen too far right also prevented me from interacting (did not give me the 'B' prompt) with the dog/npcs even though they were still on screen and despite the fact I could still even collect the money bags just to the left of the dog/npc..
I tested how far right I could go before I could no longer interact with the dog but still interact with the npc companion, and it was when Alex was stood on the right side of the singular bottommost block to the right of the dog/npc, which is not very far at all.
Another way of putting it is the ability to interact with the dog is lost when the leftmost part of the dog is approximately in line with the currency sign in the UI in the top left of the screen. I found this applied to both npcs in this level too.

With that said, I'd simply suggest avoiding going right of the platform with the dog/npc on it and jump your way up from the left side.

If that doesn't help, then I could do with more information (eg, items used/active, deaths, new game/level select) so I'm not testing quite so blindly.

Either way, I've updated the guide to reflect my findings..

On a personal note, I don't see why scrolling the screen too far right is even a thing, it feels like a poor design choice on the devs part from my point of view, as it really is all too easy to go too far right for the dog and npc duo specifically and there's no reason I can think of for it.
By Foamy036 on 04 Jun 2022 02:12
Pessoal, Assistam o meu Vídeo
tem todas as Localização dos Coletável ✅

By EvanderZurg on 25 Jun 2021 08:12
You scared me with the bike, it took me less than 5 minutes to get it :)
Thanks you for the guide, I found everything without difficulty ;)
By Darkpenguin67 on 15 Jul 2021 19:46
I've reworded the guide for the bike, it should sound a little less intimidating now hopefully.
By Foamy036 on 16 Jul 2021 16:01
I've problems with the fifth collectible (the pendant). I can't pet the dog! The "B" allowing this action is nota displayed and I don't know why. Any idea?
By ivansuperpower on 03 Jun 2022 17:30
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Este jogo possui 15 itens coletáveis. Se você é um fã do jogo,assim como eu, você não terá problemas. A Grande maioria dos itens está atrás de algum bloco que você pode destruir e eu vou deixar algumas dicas para ficar ainda mais agradável.

O coletável n°2 se encontra no nível 3 ( Lago Fathom ). Você terá que derrotar o segundo Polvo para ter acesso a ele. *Importante salientar que serão necessárias duas corridas para conseguir todos os ACHIEVMENTS. Neste nível, você terá que escolher entre pegar o Coletável ou ter acesso ao nível secreto, que você chega entrando na passagem abaixo do primeiro Polvo que você pode derrotar.

Quando você chegar no Nível em que você tem acesso pela primeira vez ao Helicóptero ( Lago Namui ). Basta encostar na água,o Helicóptero irá se destruir e você cairá no lago. O Coletável n°4 ( Master System ) estará atrás de um bloco destrutível logo após o início do nível. *Importante salientar que cair na água NÃO ANULA O ACHIEVMENT "PACIFISTA".

O Coletável n° 5 se encontra no nível 6 ( Vila de Namui ). Basta interagir com o belo cachorrinho, que ele te dará o Coletável. E de quebra você ainda consegue o ACHIEVMENT "BESTA ALTERADA", por ter acariciado o cãozinho.

Quando você chegar ao nível em que você tem acesso a Lancha ( Rio). Basta encostar a Lancha em algum inimigo que você cairá na água. O Coletável n° 8 estará atrás de um dos blocos no final do nível na parte de baixo.

O Coletável n° 10 estará atrás de um bloco azul no alto quase na metade do nível 12 ( Bingoo Lowland ). Para conseguir ter acesso a este Coletável, você precisar comprar o Helicóptero no início do nível, pois não conseguirá pular alto o suficiente para destruir o bloco. *É importante salientar que: Comprar o Helicóptero vai ANULAR O ACHIEVMENT "AVARENTO" no qual você terá que terminar o jogo sem fazer compras nas lojas. Então, se decida no início da corrida se você irá se dedicar aos coletáveis ou a este ACHIEVMENT que citei.

O Coletável n° 11 se encontra no nível 13 ( Castelo Radaxian ). Basta conversar com o primeiro Cavaleiro, que ele te entregará.

O Coletável n° 15 é fácil de ser encontrado. Ele está no nível 20 ( Castelo de Janken ). Quando você cai na água e passa pelas algas, você chegará em uma sala cheia de espinhos que muitos se assustam quando vêem. O quê algumas pessoas não sabem é que a CABEÇA DO ALEX É INVUNERAVEL nesta parte. Ou seja, você pode encostar a cabeça nos espinhos. Apenas tome cuidado para não encostar a barriga nos espinhos de baixo enquanto estiver nadando. Tomando estes cuidados, você conseguirá o Coletável sem o menor problema!

Espero ter ajudado!

24 Jun 2021 13:18


In this version of the game there are collectibles you can find which reference Alex Kidd and other classic video games. They are usually found in a random block within the level, and they are saved upon collection so even if you die or get a game over, you will still hold onto it. There are a total of 15 collectibles, and the levels containing collectibles are levels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, & 20. After obtaining a collectible, you can view it in the start menu. Here are the locations of each collectible:

Level 1 - As you make your way down, you will eventually find an old woman turned to stone. To the right, you should see one block surrounded by a bunch of other ones. The collectible is in the one block inside.

Level 3 - As you make your way through the level you will encounter ocotopus enemies waving a tentacle. Avoid the first octopus and continue until you find the 2nd one. Carefully punch away each ball of the tentacle until the octopus is defeated, revealing the collectible.

Level 4 - A little bit into the level, you will encounter a structure made of blue and red orbs with a pterodactyl enemy and 3 star blocks inside. Look to the left to find some blue orbs you can break open revealing this collectible.

Level 5 - At the start of this level, go ahead and destroy the helicopter to fall into the water. Continue onward until you see a breakable block sandwiched between two horizontal rocks. Break it open to find this collectible.

Level 6 - As you make your way through this level, you will eventually reach a spot with some rotating fire, and a bat flying between some breakable blocks and star blocks. Being careful to avoid the fire, break the top left block to reveal this collectible.

Level 7 - Going through the level, you will eventually come across a dog and stone villager NPC. Make your way up to the dog and press circle.png to pet it which will earn you the Altered Beast trophy_bronze.png  trophy and reveal this collectible.

Level 8 - After reaching a spot where you must step on a pink star block to open the path forward, make sure to drop down the next gap where you will find 3 breakable blocks. This collectible is in the middle block.

Level 10 - Go ahead and destroy the boat as fast as you can which will drop you into the water. Near the end of the level, you will see a large stone structure with a line of breakable blocks on the bottom. Continue to break them to find this collectible within the middle block.

Level 11 - Right before you encounter the exploding cactus enemies, you should see a stone pillar coming from the ground with a breakable block to the left of it. Break this block open to reveal the collectible.

Level 12 - For this collectible you are going to need to purchase the peticopter from the shop. After buying the peticopter, carefully make your way through the level until you reach a large structure made of breakable blocks and unbreakable blocks. To the left, you will see some scattered breakable and unbreakable blocks. At the very top, there is a breakable block you can shoot which contains this collectible.

If you do not have enough coins, here is an exploit: Play through the level collecting enough money to purchase the peticopter. Make sure you have more than 1 life remaining. Once you have enough money, kill yourself in whatever way to save your progress and respawn at a checkpoint. Exit the game back to the main menu, then load up your save. You should be back at the start of the level, but with all of the money you collected before. Go ahead and buy the peticopter and proceed to the collectible.

Level 13 - While traveling through the castle, you will eventually encounter the first NPC standing on the top right of a room. Speak to him about your brother by pressing circle.png, and he will give you this collectible at the end of the conversation.

Level 14 - While proceeding through this level you will eventually come across some breakable blocks in a downward stair formation with a platform to the right that has a scorpion and some fire. Carefully jump onto this platform and jump to the left to break the topmost block above the stair formation in order to reveal this collectible.

Level 15 - Going through the level you'll find a platform comprised of breakable and unbreakable blocks. Near the right side and above you, you should find 4 unbreakable blocks in a line with breakable block pillars on top of them. To the right of that line of unbreakable blocks are 2 breakable blocks. This collectible is in the block next to the line of unbreakable blocks.

Level 19 - As you go through the level, you will travel under a structure of unbreakable blocks with a spear enemy moving around. There will also be an enemy in the top right that will throw rocks at you. Make your way to the right side of the structure, then climb it. You should see 4 blocks in a cube formation with a stun block as the top right of the cube. Climb these blocks, then break the blocks to your left to reveal this collectible.

Level 20 - This collectible is found towards the end of the level. You will eventually reach a point where you must swim through the next few rooms. In one room, you will have to navigate a maze of spikes. The collectible is in plain sight within the room around the top left. The trick to this room is that Alex has a hard head so you won't be hurt by spikes above you. Carefully make your way to the final collectible and collect it to obtain this trophy!


22 Sep 2022 21:07

Can be easily confused. The second collectible is on the third level on the SECOND octopus!

05 Apr 2023 23:56