Aliens vs. Predator

Aliens vs. Predator

50 Achievements


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Real Nasty Habit

Real Nasty Habit

Get 18060 XP in Ranked Matches


How to unlock the Real Nasty Habit achievement in Aliens vs. Predator - Definitive Guide

Not to take away from Jennitiger1183 but my method offers an option that makes use of the organizational aspect of live parties coupled with the horrible matchmaking to your advantage. Very similar to the domination method but it offers control over chaos.

Using a party of 4 ppl (8 will help you avoid randoms, but reduce your kill count but not significantly) enter the menus and split into 2 groups of 2. (I personally have never checked connection comparability using DM but it would prob work here).

The key here is not to play domination but instead both groups search Mixed Species DM. The reason being is often when moving on to the second game of a domination boosting session you can never get the marines and aliens to swap teams keeping everyone happy! Now once in the lobby one person from each team plays as the marine the other plays as the alien. Obviously if your playing with 8 it will be 2 marines per team 2 aliens per team.

Contrary to Jennitiger1183's calculation the Marines not the aliens will get more xp. Let me explain. The bonus will come from performing a melée kill followed up with subsequent melée kills. Perform it as such, swap to your pistol and using burst fire 3 3 rnd burst into the aliens head allowing a pause between each burst to let the alien's head come back center. After the burst quickly move to a position to the rear/side of the alien and put 2 single shots into the alien hip. Next perform a melée. If done correctly the alien should die on the first melée if not. Keep hitting it until it dies. The following is key!!! Continue to melée the corpse, if you hear the alien scream it is registered as a kill but not displayed on the in game kill count. The most I've personally achieved is an extra 5 screams!!!

To cover gameplay, the games are shorter and faster than domination. My example will use a party of 4. With one player each team as a marine one as alien the marines will come to a generally central area of the map. The aliens will run to the marines to be slaughtered. By having one player on each team the players can exceed 25 kills each without reaching the team cap of 50 kills. If your partner is fast you can easily get 30 kills my best us 34. 

The end result depending on the number of "extra" kills you acquire is 400-700 xp. For 20 min of gametime. Over the course of a typical domination boosting session you WILL come out on top. Again the huge benefit is being able to alternate the team members species easier to speed up matchmaking!!! 

Good luck to all if you have any recommendations or corrections please PM me! Thanks

26 Jul 2011 17:00

Try to come up from behind when doing the last melee hit. It seems to increase the chances of getting the extra hits.
By Eric Filtro on 26 Jul 2011 20:20
Thnx for the note, thought I mentioned that.
By tylcr2pt0 on 26 Jul 2011 20:40
Ok I am currently grinding out games with a friend and we have been going to party chat then each searching for a normal deathmatch game and teaming up as marines to hunt down other players if there are many, but often we have managed to get in a game with only 1 or 2 other players when this happens as well as killing them we take turns to kill each other 5 times to get a kill streak and persecutor status then swapping over, as we gang up on the other players they will sometimes leave (yes sorry about that, I know its not team mode but needs must when getting exp is a pain) meaning we don't have to look over our shoulders, this works best on the smaller maps (jungle is ideal) but any will do, pick a spot in the middle of the map and head to it (you sometimes have to move to another location because the other players will quickly cotton on and lay in wait) we have managed to get a good 30 kills each and had around 180 exp per game (on a good one and 100+ on others) yes its dull repetitive and tedious but its better than playing games and getting far less, my friend has gotten 6k exp in just over a week, about 26 hours of game time.

We picked marines as the majority of other players tend to go for the other species (marines tends to be new players choice) decide what you want to be depending on whatever you play best as (tho predator seems to score less per kill), but bear in mind that you cant easily tell you friend from foe (so work out a signal, jump, flash your light, cloak/decloak) in games that have others of same race, in games with alot of players just play normally if its hard to meet up, the game is fun despite the awful matchmaking, tho there do seem to be alot of players who manage to kill you with one claw swipe from way too far away so its quite frustrating so having a buddy to moan about it to while playing and spot for you helps

This method will work with any number of players who can get in same game, even numbers are best as you pair up but we have done it with 3 of us (1 kills other 2, 5 times each and rotate), we managed 30 kills each in one 15 min game, 180exp each, obviously if you don't get any random players so much the better but if you do and they are Aliens stick in open to see them coming, Predators, a tunnel helps as they cant snipe from up high, if they are a marine its a pain as you cant tell who is who so the person doing the killing just shoot any marine you can see and communicate where you are (agreeing which skin you will use helps)

You will also easily get the 10 deathmatch wins this way as even with some random players in the game one of you should win, also 10 kills without dying and double persecutor as well if you dont have them

This is an alternative method tho its trickier to do, get 2 lobbies together with 4 in each (or any even number) and search for an 8 player domination match the other team waits until they have a lobby with "4 players waiting for 4" then they search under "any" number of players, when you get paired up (this is where you will have to keep trying as its hard and may take a lot of tries) pick a buddy in opposite team and do the 5 kills then swap method as long as you don't capture control points you have an hour to get kills (or first to 100 kills, so if one pair is fast wait at 99 til others catch up)

To massively increase your chances of getting matched try this: first all the people trying to team up first all search individually for solo deathmatch and see who in the party you match with, try this a few times to get some idea of who keeps matching with whom, then players who regularly match together join opposite lobbies in domination, eg, if A matches with B and C with D, 2 two teams of A,C and B,D have a huge chance of matching, it seems people of a close geographical proximity have the best chances of matching well. Once you are all in the same lobby ready up straight away to limit chance of any randoms joining.

In Domination the Aliens will score the most exp especially if they do a heavy frontal attack followed by a special kill, 100 kills can net you upwards of 750 exp with the marine around 550 (stick to pulse rifle or shotty, grenade kills, sniper and smartgun seem to net less points maybe due to them being "easy" kills), dont forget that this mode will not count towards the 10 wins achiev but 10 kills without dying and double persecutor can be obtained easily

Above all remember the achievement isn't hard to get, just very very time consuming, keep at it play in 3 or 4 hour sessions if you can rather than a game here and there so it soon adds up, and lets hope when Aliens: Colonial Marines comes out its gonna make up for this (cant be worse now can it?)

Just got it, last 8k in 14 hours inc lobby waiting times playing domination method so possible to get achiev in around 35 hours if you can connect fast with no randoms and playing 50/50 as both marine and alien

20 Dec 2010 18:45

This is an addition to General Joury's solution above. It's based on the mentioned Domination Boosting method but focuses on the problems with matchmaking and gives a foolproof solution to control who's host and who will be the marines. I know it's a long read but it will be worth following it.

Why would you want to control who ends up on which side? It's really important to be able to control that because the player who is the overall host of the match won't be able to use the glitch to get more XP. The alien just won't glitch out for him/her. Therefore you will want to control that the host of the match will always end up as an alien.

Here is how it's done. The party has got to split up into 2 equal lobbys (2*2, 2*3, 2*4). The best thing is to have 2*4 to avoid randoms but it will also work with less, as long as both lobbys have the same amount of players. If there is an unequal number of total players, the game just won't start and keep on searching 'till another player (a random) is found. Also make sure that the leaders of each lobby are living close to each other (Europe+Europe, US+US...) and have a decent connection!! The leader of each lobby is always the one who has invited the others into his lobby. I can't stretch out enough how important it is for this game to have an open NAT for every player. You will be annoyed with players dropping out of the party and the two groups will have a much harder time finding each other, if only one or two players in the overall party have an unopen NAT. If you are hosting a session make sure in advance that everybody has an open NAT. You will waste a lot of time if you have one or more of those guys in the session. With only one guy with an unopen NAT it can still work but the real trouble starts when there are two.

So, now to the important part. You have to assign first which team will kill first and which team will be killed. The boosting = killing team will have to be the marines and can't be the hosting team. To establish the hosting, the team that will get killed will have to start searching first. The leader of this team will have to search for "Domination" and "8" players. The screen will say "searching" and after a while it will switch to "4 Players waiting for 4" (if you boost with 2*2 or 2*3 it will vary accordingly). This basically means that this team has it's own gamelobby now and that the leader of this team will be the host of the match. If the specified number of players in the game doesn't match with the number of players in the hosting group it means you already have a random in your game, so back out and search from scratch. Once the hosting / loosing team has it's gamelobby established the other team, that will get the kills as marines, can start searching. Keep up a good communication with the other team to see if you get paired up with them or not. When the screen switches from "searching" to "4 players waiting for 4", for the killing team, it means they got put into their own lobby. So they will have to start searching again to get paired up with the other group. It will take some tries to get there. If you can't get it to work you will have to try to switch group leaders in the two groups. If you are playing 2*4 and will get into the same lobby together it will say "8 waiting for 0" and switch tp the prematch screen right away. If you are playing 2*2 or 2*3 it will say "4 waiting for 4" or "6 waiting for 2" respectively. Then it won't start right away but will start to count down slowly: "6 waiting for 1" and "6 waiting for 0". During that time you will have to keep your fingers crossed and hope that no random will get put into your lobby because then, you will have to start all over again. Again: Keep up a good communication. If something changes on the screen of one group say it out loud so you can check if it goes the same way for the other team. This should be logical but we all know that some of us male gamers are not really that talkative. You want to avoid that one team waits for the signal of the other team to start searching while the other team is already in it's own lobby for some minutes. So talk dammit :-)

Well let's assume both groups are in the same gamelobby now, the loosing team is the host and you managed to get into the pregame screen without randoms. Be warned, you are not safe yet. The loosing / hosting team has got to be on the alien side. If it is, quickly press X everybody to avoid randoms getting into your game and start boosting (see below). Don't worry if the loosing / hosting team is not on the alien side, there is a fix for that. The killing / non-hosting team that should be on the marine side has got to quit out of the lobby again. This has to be done by the group leader of that team only. He will take the whole group with him. Since they haven't been hosting, the lobby will still stand and the hosting / loosing team will automatically move up to the alien spot. The killing team can start searching again right away and will get put back into the old pre-game screen again right away (most of the time). The difference is that they will now be on the marine side since the others have moved to the alien spot while they were gone.

The boosting is straight forward. Every marine should pick a spot close to the alien spawn and pair up with one alien. The alien should always stand close with the back to a wall or in a corner. Press up on the D-pad to select the pistol and then put 3 bursts (LT) into the alien's head and two single shots (RT) into the alien's body. If you've hit the alien correctly you will have drained the alien's energy almost completely. One more melee (RB) and the alien will be dead but will also have glitched out twitching and twerking around like it has some kind of seizure. Just keep on hitting it with RB several times. Most of the time it will scream again and again netting you points for one kill every time. But that's not always the case so I'd advice to keep on meleeing several times no matter what. Repeat that untill everybody on the marine side has got 99 kills and then go for the final kill together. You are playing domination but the game will end at 100 kills also. Don't bother getting kills for the aliens. It is just a waste of time. If all went well each marine should have roughly 2400 points, sometimes more, sometimes less. If you wouldn't have controlled who is hosting and the host of the game would be a marine, he (and only he) would have gotten only around 1000 points. So it's a good and fair idea to use this method.

Afterwards just repeat the same procedure witch switched sides.

02 Apr 2014 13:26

Now that the XP glitch is patched, the only way for one to earn this is to just keep playing ranked matches. You must earn 18060 XP, which will get you to Lv. 43.

The best match type is death match when there are at least 4 people on a smaller sized map, as this makes it easier for players to find each other. If you aren't good at free-for-alls, then either variant of team death match still provides a lot more XP per match then infestation, predator hunt, or domination.

I just do quick search any type, as sometimes if you are specific about the game type, it may take a while to find one, plus doing one variant over and over can get boring.

General Tips:
- Try and find two or more enemies fighting and try and get the easy kill on both of them.

- If there are more than 6 people on Infestation immediately get yourself killed and start killing marines as the alien. This is because kills as an alien earn much more XP than kills as a marine. However, if you are good at staying alive, the last man standing usually gets more XP than the other players.

- Perfom trophy/stealth kills whenever possible, unless you feel it is unwise to do so.

- For any close quarters fight, unless you have a shotgun, keep your eyes on the enemy and hold block to attempt a counter against light attacks. Heavy attacks take longer to perform and are accompanied by a growl, when this happens light attack them (Some players have a strategy of beginning a heavy attack then immediately blocking so as to catch an opponents light attack so beware).

Alien Tips:
- Stay on walls and ceilings and your heavy attack doesnt have to charge, also known as tail spamming, pyramid is a great map to do this.

- Use your speed to your advantage

Predator Tips:
- Check what enemies you are up against. If facing all humans and predators, leave thermal vision on. If facing all aliens, leave alien vision on. If facing a mixture keep the vision mode that will see whichever enemy there is more of, occasionally switching to the other mode.

- Keep LT held down to let you see the locations of weapons, charge stations, and jump points.

- Find a plasma caster then get to a good vantage point and fire away, works very well if you target two people that are fighting.

- If you get the trip mines, throw them into entry ways as people usually don't notice them until its too late.

- The Combi-stick is a great ranged weapon to stealthily take out campers.

- The Smart Disc is helpful to take on mid-to-short-range enemies, throw it at them from 10 feet away and even if it misses, it'll do damage when it comes back.

Marine Tips:
- Probably the easiest to play as when you start playing the game, while moving don't keep your eyes glued to the motion tracker, listen for the beeping.

- Occasionally, do a 360 turn to ensure you aren't being stalked.

- Find a corner or niche to put your back against then watch your motion tracker while occasionally looking around.

- The shotgun is a great weapon for close-quarters combat maps like pyramid.

Ways to earn a bit extra XP:
- Getting a killstreak of 3 or more

- Persecuting an opponent
+ Afterwards any kills you get an opponent you are currently persecuting will also net you bonus XP.

- Killing an opponent who is persecuting you

- Getting a melee kill as a marine. This is VERY difficult as the marine does little melee damage, plus it barely stuns enemies. Don't try this unless you are performing a counter (block an enemies light attack, then immediately melee).

- Being the last man standing in Infestation

- Trophy and stealth kills

Maps that give certain species an advantage (usually):
Pyramid- Aliens- stay in the lower chambers with the holes in the ceiling as well as the tunnels that connect them. It is very easy to tail spam from the ceiling in these areas.

Jungle- Pretty balanced maybe a bit more human- its tough for predators because there are few perches to shoot from without risking an alien sneaking up. Its tough for aliens as most of the action takes place in the large open center arena where humans can camp on the steps and blast away.

Refinery- Again, pretty balanced, but if predators stay in the large room with the ramps leading from the lower area, they can use mines to et easy kills. In other, smaller areas, aliens have a slight advantage.

Ruins- Predators- Large open areas with plenty of ledges and platforms high up to shoot from, predators have a big advantage.

Temple- Predators- Large open map. The bright lighting helps as it makes it hard for aliens to see enemies' outlines. Again, many high spots for predators to jump to and pick enemies off.

Gateway- Predator- Stay in the base area and you have multiple tall structures to camp on. Also, there are only 2 entrances, actually there is also a tunnel in the back, but in my time no one has used it.

NOTE: These are my opinions that I've come to through 20+ hours of multiplayer. Other species win too, because advantage or not, some players are very skilled and will still win. If I find that things change, I will edit this as soon as possible.

03 Aug 2010 23:48

Ok. We play Domination. And there's Aliens and Humans. You get paired up with the same person throughout the game. You go into a private chat with that person (or not. Party decides) and decide who kills who first. Let's say Alien kills first. You meet somewhere in the map away from other guys doing the same. If you are an Alien, the best way to kill is to land a hit with LB and then hit X for the grab. That way you get more points. When the human spawns, he will tell you were he spawns, because he will usually spawn in the same place. Try to find a spot close to where the human spawns, but not in the actual spawn point, and stay there and let the human run to you. Kill him, let's say 30 times. When you get to 30, switch. Let the human kill the Alien once and then let the Alien tell you where he spawns. Have the human go to a place near that spawn point, and obviously, away from other guys so they don't get confused and kill you on sight. The best way to kill with the human is have the Alien stand still looking at you, use the pistol, and fire 3 bursts to the head (9 shots total. You might want to do a little pause in between shots just to make sure all 3 rounds hit the head), then move to a side and hit the Alien twice with single bullet shots to the body, and then melee. If done right, the melee kill will kill him instantly. If not, keep pounding the Alien until he dies. Melee kills give more points. When you get to 30, switch and go back to the first spawn point, then keep switching back and forth, probably going to 20 or 15 kills, depending on the remaining time.
Some guys aim for equal number of kills, others go for equal amount of time (and you get as many kills in that time as you possibly can). I personally like the following. Marines get a lot more points than Aliens. So you can figure out a number so that the total XP gained is equal for both sides. I still haven't gotten around to it, but you can just let the Alien get more kills than the human, so in the end the difference is not that much. Marines usually get almost twice as much as Aliens.
A cool hint is that when your partner kills you a certain amount of times in a row, a skull appears on top of his head (this means he is persecuting you, or has killed you many times). This helps a lot when trying to find him every time he kills you.
You also have to be aware that you can't reach 100 kills or the game ends. If you get to 99, stop and go somewhere else and let somebody else kill you so he gets more points. You also have to be aware of Control Points. If you see somebody accidentally conquered a position, if you are close, go and NEUTRALIZE it, don't capture it yourself. Other guys should be aware of it, but if you see nobody neutralizes the position, take your time to go there and do it yourself. Later explain to other guys that they have to be aware of these positions so the game doesn't end. It ends if the control point score goes to 100, I think.

Hope this helps!

23 May 2011 14:04

Be-aware that as of February 2016 the online for this game is still popular with randoms and boosters alike so you may have some conflicts when you are trying to go for this achievement.

Firstly before you go forth and get this achievement done, it is recommended that you work on the other online achievements first as all of the progress will count towards this achievement, with the exception of the Survival Game Mode and Player/Private Matches.

In order to get this achievement, you will need to get a total of 18060 XP across all of your Ranked Multiplayer games which is Level 43. Private & Player Matches do not count towards the achievement.

Whilst you can work on this achievement in multiple game modes, it is recommended that you use the Alien Glitch and work on this achievement in the Domination game mode.

In order to start-up a Domination match though, you will need a minimum of 8 people including yourself. You will then need to assign 2 people that are in the same "region" to host Group Parties that are in the game. They need to be even so if you've got 8 people it needs to be 4 each side or 5 each side for 10 people etc.
If people cannot join these groups then they will need to either return to the XBox Dashboard and reboot the game, switch off their consoles and turn the plug off for 10 Minutes, Disconnect from their Internet Connection on the console or reset their routers.

Once everyone has been paired up and the group leaders are ready for searching, they need to go into Ranked Match, Quick Match, choose Domination and then select the amount of people they wish to look for. You have a choice of "Any", "8", "12" or "18". The way it works is that if both teams we're to search for "Any" then a minimum of 8 people would be needed to start the match. But you could have a maximum of "18" that can join the match in total before it loads up. If you search for "8" then you are looking for a game with just 8 people only and if you have 4 people in each lobby when you search, the lobby will lock and prevent randoms from joining since 8 is the magic number. It would be the same if you we're to search for "12" or "18" people matches, but in truth honesty if you want to fulfill everything in this game mode within the time limit, 8 is the best amount of players to go for.

Now the online matchmaking for this game is extremely difficult because when you search for matches, you will have no idea if you are searching with your boosting friends or not and you won't find out until you are on the lobby screen. You can however keep in contact with you and your boosting friends by saying how many people are on their screen when searching. If it's the same it will likely be you've all found each other. If you have searched under the "Any" category, after a short period of time the game will start counting down and reducing the amount of players need to start the match. Randoms can join your match still and they can do so until the match is loaded. When the game reached "0 Players Required" you will have a lobby. If you have searched for "8", "12" or "18" then the lobby will not load up until you have that exact amount of players in the lobby among all of the teams available.

Tip: If both group leaders are having a hard time finding each other it is suggested to give the player who searches first 10+ seconds before the other team searches for the group. In addition if one group searches for "8", the other group may have to choose "Any" instead of "8" as well in order to find them.

Now when the lobby loads, both teams will be placed separately and the game will then decide who is going to be Aliens & who is going to be Marines. This cannot be changed in the lobby at all as it's random base. Your only possible chance in changing the teams to make Aliens >> Marines & Marines >> Aliens is to back out and both teams re-search again for a Domination lobby.
When you have the teams you need in the lobbies you then have 30 seconds to vote on maps and your skins for the characters. For map-wise I recommend Refinery, The Gateway or Ruins. You must "AVOID" the Temple or Pyramid map. These maps are too complicated to search and play on. It's optional if you want to have the Jungle map but I cannot provide details on the whereabouts sources are.

Now here is the important part. If everyone's ready they need to press the cn_X button to ready up and then they will have a tick on the left side of their gamertag. If everyone readies up, the match will load instantly and the 30 second timer will stop. This will load up the match and you will also prevent random players from joining it from here on out. This does not apply though if you have searched for "8", "12" or "18".

Boosting Method

A Domination Match lasts for a total of 60 Minutes. The original goal of the game is to capture the control points and score a total of 100 Points for a win, or the first person on a team to score a total of 100 Kills wins the match for the team. You will not be doing any of the above as you will be boosting. Accidents can happen and team members can easily capture control points by mistake. When this happens simply get a player on the opposite team to stand at the control point until the announcer says "Control Point Neutralized". Move away as soon as she says that.

Note: I must advise that if you are the group leader on either side of the teams, you are known to be one half of a host and you cannot do the Glitches explained since you will not be able to glitch the Alien like the other non-group leaders can do. This means that if you are the group leader, you cannot do the Alien Glitch like the other team-mates can do if they are on the Marines side.

Now as soon as the match is loaded, quickly decide among everyone who is going to do what during the match. It is always a good idea to have at least one or two Marines working on the kills and letting at least one Alien run off and get some kills as well. Whilst a Domination match lasts for an hour, it in reality will go quick and there is a possibility that not everyone will not be able to get kills or XP, depending upon the map and how productive the boosting is. Do not blame yourself or anyone else during the matches. We never managed to get all 6 of us as a team XP in every single match we did and that included dummy accounts as well. It's all about co-ordination, team-work and communication.

Marine - Not The Host & Doing The Glitch

If you have been chosen to go and get your kills you can successfully perform the glitch.
It is recommended that you run over to find an area that the Aliens will easily spawn so that they can just run up and get killed easily by yourself. The glitch may take a bit of time to get used to and it may not always work perfectly. This isn't always your fault though as it can be an issue with the game.

Now when you have a partner who is an Alien, you will need to first equip your Pistol if you haven't got it by pressing cn_up and then aim for the Aliens head that is looking right in front of you. When you are ready shoot the Alien 3x times in the head with the Rapid-Fire that is done by pressing cn_LT x 3. You then need to quickly swerve yourself around the Alien and shoot it twice in the elbow or arm/chesty area by pressing cn_RT x 2. Finally you need to quickly press cn_RB to melee the Alien - killing it! If done correctly it is possible that the Alien will start to glitch and shake around the area like a rag-doll. When this happens you must rapidly press cn_RB and "ONLY" cn_RB to constantly melee - spamming the Alien. If you hear the Alien scream it will count as an additional kill giving you extra XP. The more it screams, the more XP you will get for that single kill. With this method applied by default you can get around around 2+ melee screams with a typical amount of being 5 screams in 1 standard kill. If you are lucky you may be able to get 6 or 7 on some standard kills you do. The highest one of us ever had was 9 screams in a single kill.

It doesn't always work though. Sometimes when you kill the Alien it will just flap around or lay flat and when you melee it won't scream. Pretty much if it doesn't scream when you whack it, you get no extra XP as it will likely be a plain, simple kill and it's pointless to continue as you will be getting extra XP on that kill.

The Glitch will however not work though if you don't kill the Alien with a single melee attack. Melee attacking it more than once will likely avoid the glitch and will just kill the Alien normally. You have to be quick at damaging the Alien because an Alien can re-generate it's health to it's original state after a short while of attacking.

Importantly though you must not rotate the cn_RS in any direction when you've killed the Alien as it's doing the glitch, even though you feel as though you should. The reason is you have to imagine that the Alien's body is still laying dead in front of you when you attack with cn_RB constantly and a glitch never happened. Moving the cn_RS in directions will make you lose your spot and you will lose out on melee-ing the Alien for extra XP.

Once the Alien is dead, rinse and repeat the above method when you find another Alien or if it comes back to you. Make sure you reload your weapon on each Alien you kill by pressing cn_X. Your Pistol has unlimited ammo, but you need it to be reloaded and ready on each Alien you attack. You are only allowed a total of 99 kills because if you get 100+ you will end the match.

Marine - If You Are The Host

If you are the host and a Marine throughout the match, you cannot do the glitch so if it's your turn for XP, you can only shoot and kill Aliens for XP with any gun you want. Just simply get the Aliens to run to you and fire away with any weapon you want until you get 99 kills.

After 99 Kills As A Marine In The Match

Once you have 99 kills, you will be cannon fodder for the rest of the match and it is suggested you help the people who are Aliens get their kills since they will likely have helped you at the start.

At the end of the match the Marines who have done the glitch with 99 kills will likely get around 1600 - 2500XP+ depending upon how well they performed the glitch. A Marine doing 99 standard kills (host) will likely get around 400 - 500XP at the end of the match.

Aliens - Claiming Kills

If you are the Alien, you cannot do the glitch and you can only perform normal kills against the Marine. However we've discovered that you get more XP if you do "Executions" on the Marines rather than simple kills.

When it's your turn to kill, run over to the spawn area where the Marines are based and claim your 99 kills. The way you attack the Marines for executions is by either pressing the cn_LB once and then pressing cn_X for an execution, or approaching the Marine from the back and then pressing cn_X when prompt to execute the Marine from behind.

Once you have 99 kills, you will be cannon fodder for the rest of the match and it is suggested you help the people who are Marines get their kills since they will likely have helped you at the start.

At the end of the match the Alien will likely be able to achieve 500 - 600XP with just standard kills, whereas if every kill is an execution they will be able to get around 700 - 800XP+ per match.

Planout For Boosting

I would suggest when boosting that you have at least 2 Marines working on the glitch for XP until they get 99 kills and have at least 1 Alien run over and kill the Marines that are not doing the glitch and sitting idle until they get 99 kills. If you have dummy accounts it will speed up the process dramatically and help you towards getting this achievement done quicker, even though you would only be able to control 1 account at one time. We as a group had at least 4 - 5 dummy accounts around a flexible basis.

If you need to step away from the actual game or you have permission to take a break, then you can do so, because Idling in this game does not get you Kicked for Inactivity. With this in mind, should you be using dummy accounts, they can be left idle for the whole duration of the match, without being moved at all.

So a fast way is to have 2 Marines run over to the area where the Aliens spawn so that the Aliens can quickly run up and get killed and then have the Alien who is getting the kills to run over to the Marines spawn point and only kill the ones that are standing still and doing nothing. Once the 2 Marines & the 1 Alien have claimed 99 kills, they can swap over with someone else whenever they are finished.

It is likely within an hour that 2 Marines will be able to achieve 99 kills and all the Aliens will be able to get 99 kills each since they will kill faster than a Marine doing a glitch, however you may be able to achieve more or less during a match.

Map Locations For Marines & Alien Spawn Points

Refinery: Send the Marines doing the glitch/kills down to the bottom section where the slopes are on either side and get Aliens to meet here to get killed. It is a dark map but it's the smallest among all of them in the game. The Alien will have to go up on the second floor in order to find the idle Marines to get kills.

Ruins: Send the Marines doing the glitch/kills down to the Temple part with some hills. The Aliens spawn at the top, on the corner where the Sniper Rifle is and down the bottom nearby the river. The Alien will need to go down past the river and then up a hill on the right side. Once they've climbed up to the top they should see the Marines spawning around this area and down the back bit near the other-side of the Pyramid door opening.

Gateway: Send the Marine doing the glitch/kills down to the cave where Capture Point I is. The Aliens spawn around this area. You can send an Alien to the compound area to get kills on the Marines. The Marines spawn around this compound area only. This is the best map for boosting among all of them in the game. It is quite regular when we did it.

Avoid the maps Pyramid & Temple. Pyramid has a lot of obstacles and opening and closing doors which are annoying to pass. Temple has spawn points for Aliens & Marines that are right close to Control Points I & II allowing both teams to easily capture the control points by mistake for points.


The time duration for boosting this achievement depends upon how well the matches play out for you and your team. Also as said above if you have dummy accounts, that as well can speed up the process. It is known to take around 10 - 25+ hours to get this achievement.

Once you have reached Level 43 with the required amount of XP, the achievement will unlock as soon as the last match you need is complete. Good luck in getting the achievement.

27 May 2016 21:21

Excellent solution above, just to add to it, things are made much easier if you can get more people in the session, anywhere from 20-40, and if everybody searches in pairs. The similar location hosts definitely help, but do not "always" work. Another thing that can help is if everybody prefers eachother through the submit player review option. As well, when meleeing the Aliens dead body, you can only net a total of up to 6 extra kills, and it will not actually show on your killcount. Usually you can hear the alien scream for every extra kill. If you can get 6 of the "extra" kills on EACH kill, you usually get around 2800 EXP. Finally, you CANNOT get these extra kills if you are the host, as the body will not glitch. Just some extra info, if you thumbs down please tell me why so I can improve the solution.
Helps a lot if you have an extra dummy acount, use it to keep searchimg for games with randoms. Then you with your boosting partners can search and get in games safer.

12 Jan 2019 00:04

Another important thing.Do not try wi-fi connection on this one.The servers are so bad that you really have a hard time finding each other if you use wi-fi.Normally i never had a problem in game but this game mp is the worst in matchmaking.Plus you will be kicked 90 % of the time because of the infamous game time out message and then you can enjoy the plus glitches of matchmaking in menu(example group time out or you cannot search for 15 min(happened with me) ,disconnected from matchmaking, can be more infuriating when you plus have to be the leader of the boosting session)

21 Sep 2018 08:46

1. Delete the AVP game data. You can leave your saves, this glitch will not touch them.
2. Download and install if necessary Resistanse: FOM.
3. Start a new company and wait until you are given control.
4. Press start, select save and exit. Aim at yes, but don't click .
5. Press the PS button and replace the Resistance: FOM disk with the AVP. Let the drive read the disc.
6. Press the PS button again and press , the AVP will load.
7. Go to multiplayer and select the “Every man for himself” mode.
8. When the search for players begins and it is written on the screen: 1 player out of 2 (3, 4, 5, in short, it doesn’t matter how many), click (i.e. exit).
9. We start a new company for a paratrooper on normal.
10. We reach the brawl in the club without deaths. You need to pass it without using grenades.
11. After the checkpoint, kill yourself from under the barrel grenade launcher. Select the option to start with the latest emergency.
12. Kill yourself until both trophies are unlocked.

14 Jul 2010 21:53

I will describe the fastest way to boost experience without a patch blocker (the patch blocker did not work for me at the time of writing this post).

We need Domination mode. Ideally, you need an even number of players, at least 4. But you can do it with three people, but it will take longer than with four people. If there are 3 of you, then you need to search for the game separately. If the number is even, 2 teams are created, and the search is carried out by the commanders.

In the game, things are very bad with the connection, of us 5 comrades, there was only one player who could quickly (within 20 seconds) everyone connect, but no one could connect with the rest (meaning quickly, right away, we probably would have connected , but after 10-15 minutes). An excellent way out of the situation is for one player to have 2 consoles (and 2 disks); both consoles connect to each other in 5 seconds, which is not surprising. So the first thing you need to do is find 2 leaders with a good connection and connect the rest of your comrades to them in teams of equal numbers. If the teams are unequal, then the server will always wait for 1 more person for balance before the start of the game. However, you can get out of this situation - create equal teams (one extra player is waiting), search, find yourself, after a while you get into the game lobby, then the team that entered the search 2nd leaves the lobby, connects the extra person and again goes to search, and usually immediately ends up in the same lobby from which she left, only now with one more player. You need to keep in mind that only the Infantry team can boost, the Alien team is the beating team. Since the side is chosen randomly, for an equal boost you will have to search again if the team that won the last match plays with foot soldiers again.

Another tip for finding each other: don’t search at the same time. First, one team goes into the search and waits for the message “1 player in the game, waiting for X players” to appear. As soon as such an inscription appears, the second command immediately starts the search. Search parameters for both teams: Domination (Ranked Game), number of players - All (Any). With such a search, the connection occurs in a few seconds, if there are 2 leaders with a good connection in this game. Please note that the leader of the first team to search becomes the host of the entire match. For reference: if the host of a match is eliminated in the middle of the match, then everyone will be eliminated, while the host will be awarded experience, but everyone else will not. If the host of the match is not eliminated (even if the team leader), then he will be awarded experience, and no one else will be eliminated. At least that's our experience.

A few words about the cards. The most convenient map is Jungle, all the others are also normal.

Now directly boost. Do not capture control points so that the match does not end prematurely; if someone captures (sometimes respawns right at the point), then a player from the other team must neutralize it. Find a place on the map, somewhere in the middle, always with a wall or, better, a corner. Break into pairs of infantryman and alien. The alien stands with his back to a wall or corner, and the infantryman shoots him 8 shots in the head with a pistol. Then he begins to finish off hand-to-hand, even after the death of a stranger. A wall or corner plays the role of a barrier so that the stranger does not fly away (and he loves to fly away). If you manage to hit the corpse of someone else immediately after death several times without missing, then the game is buggy and counts this action as an extra 1-2 kills (but in the statistics for pressing you will never see this). The alien must run up to his infantryman every time. After 5 kills, a skull will appear above the infantryman’s head, making it easier for the alien to navigate. Before the end of the match, each infantryman can kill his alien 99 times. Will end the game for the hundredth time. Without the glitch, for 100 melee kills you can get 1,000 XP, thanks to the glitch, depending on the success of your actions, you will receive 1,800-2,800 XP (figures from our team experience, we did not receive less or more, however, most often we received 2,200-2,500 XP).

One team takes 40-55 minutes, depending on the map and the efficiency of the players. Thus, everyone will receive the specified amount of experience in less than 2 hours. It is not necessary to make 100 kills in a match, you can make the required number of kills and then capture all the points, after a while the match will end.

There is one pitfall in this method. Personally, on our match host, the glitch with finishing off the corpse of someone else did not work. Perhaps this was an isolated incident, a coincidence, although unlikely, but we did not check. We subsequently always made the game host a player who plays for others, that is, does not boost in this match. That is, simply put, the team of losers (strangers) was the first to go into the search.

It is well known, but let me remind you that after each match you MUST go to the network game menu in order for experience to be awarded in the next match (a bug due to the crooked patch 1.02). To check the results, go to Ratings/Personal Stats. To be on the safe side, you can go to the main menu and change settings, for example, subtitles (the game makes a save at the same time).
By por9idok on 25 Dec 2015 00:10
09/14/2020 - the glitch works through the patch blocker, I took both trophies.
By dav125 on 13 Sep 2020 22:51
By BRAIAN on 14 Oct 2017 19:33
As of July 17, 2022, the glitch is working, go to PSN from under the game menu and you will have a little time to select the search for interspecies struggle, I was lucky, I clicked on search and the search went on for another 15 seconds, then I was knocked out of the network and I I calmly went into singles and committed suicide within an hour and both trophies fell
By yakakashka on 17 Jul 2022 14:58
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New way to get this trophy in 40 minutes.

04 Nov 2011 15:20