Army of Two

Army of Two

47 Achievements



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Retirement Savings Plan

Retirement Savings Plan

Earn one billion dollars in total in ranked matches.


How to unlock the Retirement Savings Plan achievement in Army of Two - Definitive Guide

EDIT #2: EA has now shut the servers down and this achievement is no longer obtainable. I am sorry for all of you that was not able to get it :(


EDIT: EA has decided to shut down the servers for this game starting on August 11, 2011 and therefore this achievement will no longer be made available.

I hope everyone that has this game can get all the online achievements ASAP! Best of luck!


I have now added another boosting method that will GREATLY decrease the time needed to unlock this achievement.

With the new method it is possible to get the achievement in one or two nights.

If you have any questions please let me know. If you have anything for me to add please let me know.




I want to thank Kingrich06 for this information on the new way to boost this achievement!

Boosting Setup

This is a glitch in the way the game calculates primary targets. So your going to have to do the following:

MAKE SURE whoever is hosting or if you're hosting the match that it is set to a RANKED match. You need to play on the Afghanistan map, where the glitch is. You will need to change the type to Bounties because this is the game type that has the glitch. Also make SURE the limit is set to 20 minutes (max) time because as time progresses each objective will be worth more money.

Each match one person will need to focus on the hovercraft and the other's can focus on the other primary/secondary objectives.

The Glitch

The one person assigned to exploit the glitch will head down to the spawn point of the hovercraft. The hovercraft spawns outside on the water. Your going to need a sniper riffle.

Once you reach the water you will see a very large gas/fuel tank on the left side of the docks next to the water. You will want to blow it up and head to the left side of it. Once there you should see in the distance the hovercraft behind a large rock (unless the hovercraft is the current primary objective and then the hovercraft will be out in the water).

The key to this is that the hovercraft is ALWAYS there, even if it is not the current primary objective. You will want to keep on shooting it over and over again.

The weapon you want to destroy the craft with is the Sniper Riffle in pack 5. This will destroy the craft in 7 shots.

If you run out of ammo you can refill it by either collecting the ammo packs of the enemies that you have killed or even easier by heading inside to buy more. The shop is located near the docks (to the right) just inside.

Each time you destroy the hovercraft you will get credit and you will get a MASSIVE amount of money per match.

The other three people can follow my guide below or just run around and complete primary/secondary objectives as quick as they can.



I don't see anything wrong with Icon's guide nor do I think it is bad I just feel there are several things he left out. After boosting this game for several months I gained some good experience I wish to share with anyone trying this achievement. So I was going to just add a comment to his guide but it just kept on getting larger and larger.

I will say this right up front. Boosting is HIGHLY recommended since it took me several months to get this achievement boosting with friends.

At the time of this solution (3/23/2009) there are still, amazingly, SOME gamers (during peak times) that are still playing this game. So it is still possible to get this achievement without boosting however with drop-outs (if ANYONE drops out of the game the whole game is over, host or no host, and all money is lost) and with wait times in between games it will make this a VERY LONG achievement to get.

--Due to these facts my guide will mainly cover the boosting method, if you are not boosting please see the last section--

Important Factors

There are two main things that will get you this achievement quicker. COMMUNICATION and TEAMWORK.

I highly recommend inviting all four people into a XBL party, that way communication is never broken. The more you communicate the better. I also highly recommend playing with the same partner EVERY time if possible. You and your partner will learn each other and how you do each objective. After 700 or so million you will know what your partner will do before he does it.

Boosting Setup

MAKE SURE whoever is hosting or if your hosting the match is set to a RANKED match. You will want to play on the Afghanistan map mainly because of the map size and spawn locations. You will need to change the type to Bounties because you can get MUCH more money compared to types like Warzone. Also make SURE the limit is set to 20 minutes (max) time because as time progresses each objective will be worth more money.

Each match you will want to focus on one aspect of the objectives for that whole match. There are Primary and Secondary objectives. How we did it was to switch every time since Primaries tend to be easier to get cash and looking at that blue screen the whole 20 minutes is a major pain on the eyes when doing secondaries.

The best advice I can give you. BE EFFICIENT. If you can do something that save 2 seconds that will net you MILLIONS in the end. This is why your going to have SO much trouble getting money when your teams are new. Just learn and try to get better and you will. You will know all the spawn points and all the tricks.

When we started we were only getting around 10-12 million each (20-24 million a round per team). We ended up getting 17-21 million each (34-42 million a round per team). The max we ever got was 24.9 million each.

All teams are different and work in different ways, here are some hints/tips and the way we did them if you are having trouble.

Tips on the Primary Objectives

1. Positions: One person will need to be on the catwalk. We found it best to stand on the WEST end of the catwalk (closest to the Main Control Room). You will want to stand so you can snipe Computer #1. The second person will mount the gun near the docks (near the Main Communication Room). We tried having the second person inside the main computer room but it netted us around 3-4 million more per round if the second guy was on the gun.

2. Aiming: We also learned that aiming for a certain spawn will net 2-4 million more instead of just waiting for the the next objective. The person on the catwalk would aim either at Computer #1 or the EAST Control Room spawn point. The person manning the gun should ALWAYS aim at the dock manager spawn point.

3. Computers: A major pain was the computer objective. You have to do more work and get paid less. When the computers spawn you will have to take out three of them. The best way to take them out is sniping the lower point of them. It will take between 2-3 snipes. If your good you can, once in a while, take out a computer in one shot and if your unlucky or shooting in the wrong place it will take 4 or more. Three shots should be the most you need. Person on the catwalk should take out #1 (and start heading to #3), person on the gun should take out #2, and by that time the person on the catwalk should be at #3 almost ready to take out computer #3.

4. Hovercraft. Most of the time this one is easy... The gunner waits for the hovercraft to get out from behind the rock and take him out. Shoot at the front of the craft, you should be able to take him out before he gets to the left side of the screen. However once in a while he will get stuck behind the rock. Most rounds this never happens and then some rounds this will happen once, twice, or three times. If the craft is not moving have the person manning the gun hop off right away and TELL your partner. The person on the catwalk will need to man the gun while the person that normally mans the gun will need to run outside to the left (south) most dock. At the end of this dock you will see a gas tank. Run up the the gas tank and go to the left side of it. From that position you can snipe the craft and it will start moving. The new gunner can then take it out.

5. Torture Room. This guy and his friends is one of the hardest targets to take out if you rush into the room. We found it best to just toss a grenade into the room and blow him up (stand outside the room, toss the 'nade so it bounces off the wall and into the room). It will take several attempt to master it.

Tips on the Secondary Objectives

Not much to this. You will want to SPLIT up the map and each person takes his/her half. COMMUNICATE is key to this. You can either split up the map east/west or north/south. Try each way and see what works best for you and your teammate.

Non-Boosting Method

This method is highly NOT recommended because of two facts: Lack of players and drop-outs. There is a major shortage of players (even during peak times) which makes this achievement very hard to unlock due to it's long drawn out nature. Also the game requires four players, if one drops out, the game is over and the money you collected does not count.

The best map to play on is Afghanistan (make sure it's a RANKED match). You will want to play on the Afghanistan map mainly because of the map size and spawn locations. You will need to change the type to Bounties. I would also set the time to 20 minutes since you gain MUCH more money however if your having issues with players dropping out then I would suggest playing shorter durations.

You will want to camp on the north-east end of the map inside the test lab. It is easy to defend (only two ways in) and there are at least 2 primary objectives and 5 secondary objectives within a few feet of that room. Most people will take the upstairs in the main computer room however it is MUCH harder to defend because there is 5 ways into that room (one from below, both sides, the front and the back).

If you are still having problems with drop-outs go ahead and let the other group take the lead. It's better to get some money then none at all. Again this method is highly not recommended but if you can't find a boosting group and it's your only option, then GOOD LUCK!

The End

I hope this guide will help someone. If your having any issues place a comment down and I will try to help you out and add to the guide. Thanks for reading!

23 Mar 2009 16:56

Wow, that's about the most detailed achievement guide I've ever read. Very well done.
By Pedle Zelnip on 11 Jun 2009 03:02
Thanks! Glad it helped.

I figured it took me so long to get the achievement that I should take some time to write a good guide.

You should see the guide I wrote for beating Iron Man on Formidable Difficult :D

Thanks again!
By Fafhrdd on 12 Jun 2009 11:55
Who ever Negative Reped him is a retard. This is by far one of the best guides for an achievement around. And for those looking to get it, don't even bother 'legit' playing. Seeing as how 'Boosting' really isn't boosting, as much as it is, 2 teams of people playing co-op really.
By Adeptus Wolf on 08 Aug 2009 18:47
Thanks allot!

I am going to modify this guide because one of my firends found a MUCH easier way.
By Fafhrdd on 10 Aug 2009 01:46
THanks man...... This is awesome, Just a grammer error.... Don't you mean it will Greatly DECREASE the time needed to get the achievment....
By ScottMacFreedom on 23 Nov 2009 20:27
no offense ScottMacFreedom... but if your going to complain about someone elses "GRAMMER", make sure you spell grammar with 2 "A's" not an a and an e
By The lMlan on 02 Dec 2009 20:10
Fixed the spelling error, thanks!
By Fafhrdd on 10 Dec 2009 05:45
If you do the glitch it will take around 10 matches or so depending how good your point man is. I have heard ppl do it in as little as 4. If your accounting for 30 minutes a match (20 min match and 10 minute setup) your looking around 2-5 hours.

If you boost like I did without using the glitch then your looking at a MUCH-MUCH-MUCH longer time frame.

I have added that to my guide.

By Fafhrdd on 21 Dec 2009 21:58
man i gotta agree, this is about the best guide, with insane amounts of detail. someone should buy you a beer, lap-dance or a new game of your choice for making
By xenon ghost on 21 Jan 2010 21:26
hahaha... thanks much! I am glad you like it!
By Fafhrdd on 22 Jan 2010 00:32
Found this guide at the rite time when i found a group at the rite who did this and finally got this.
By xx2RawXXLxx on 14 Apr 2010 21:32
WTG!! Thanks and glad it works so well :)
By Fafhrdd on 16 Apr 2010 00:10
umm...holy crap? It took me like 30 minutes to read the
By Warlord88777 on 17 Aug 2010 09:42
hahaha... took me like 2 days to write it ;)

I hope it helps.
By Fafhrdd on 17 Aug 2010 10:21
Yes you need 4 unless you have two spare Xbox's lying around (but you are going to score less cash that way too). It is a pain for sure.... imagine what I have to go through, I got it without the glitch!
By Fafhrdd on 26 Nov 2010 22:37
I can help
By MrBogantilla on 23 Dec 2010 21:05
Looking for anyone to play this online with. I can't seem to be on with anyone else. If you have some time to kill on a specific day let me know.
By Scout surge on 07 Mar 2011 14:48
Thanks friend, very good guide, i will start this game today with a friend and i will use your guide to make things easier...

Thanks again!!
By MAX 1 DE LIFE on 13 Mar 2011 09:23
While you get used to it, you are not going to be as efficient as you can be. Once you get it down you will be doing it blindfolded and raking in the money.

Best of luck!
By Fafhrdd on 13 Mar 2011 21:20
What weapon pack should I use to destroy the hovercraft quicker, is it weapon pack 8 by anychance?
By LollypopTwist on 19 Jun 2011 20:12
I no longer have the game (as you could imagine I get rid of it as soon as I finished it) but it is the pack with the sniper riffle.
By Fafhrdd on 22 Jun 2011 11:31
the Sniper in pack 5 blows the craft in 7 shots
By NickHawkeye on 13 Jul 2011 15:45
Thanks SweetnSaxyBoy! I will update the solution and credit you.... I no longer had the game to test them all out.
By Fafhrdd on 13 Jul 2011 15:46
Pack 7 guys. 5 shots destroys the hovercraft.
By Disturbed XBA on 15 Jul 2011 01:59
Changed and credited... Thanks!
By Fafhrdd on 15 Jul 2011 15:28
Some additions for those trying to do this quickly:

Pack 5 shoots faster (less recoil) and ultimately will take the hovercraft out faster.

Fast method (this method earns 80-85m for a boat shooter and 25-30m for an objective player depending how skilled they are):

Boat team: kill the guys by the turret, then proceed to the boat. IF an objective pops for the South Silo, one of you should go do it as quickly as possible. Then go buy Pack 5 when you have enough money and go back to the boat. The person in the back needs to turn when the boat has just blown up and deal with any threats. If a bounty appears on the docks kill him as fast as possible for big money and go back to the boat. Try to stagger your reloads with your partner to maximize the amount of time shooting the boat, and never push your partner to go get ammo when he's shooting at the boat, let him finish then go.

Interior team: One person stands in the back by Silo Computer 3 and grabs secondary objectives, and shoots the silo computer whenever it's possible to do so. The other person shoots the two front computers whenever it's possible to do so. Both players buy armor upgrades as soon as possible, then Pack 8 as soon as possible, Both players launch RPGs at high value (bounty) targets to quickly kill them before they kill themselves.

The combination of the people inside rapidly completing objectives and the boat people rapidly completing objectives increases the multiplier as fast as possible and earn you the maximum amount of money. Every second is precious because of the exponential nature of the objective values, so if you even run it sloppy or uncoordinated you'll make almost half as much (~50m per boat shooter, 15m for inside guys).

Enjoy it while it lasts.
By The Nerevarine on 17 Jul 2011 00:59
A very very very good way to not get the boat to glitch is to have one person shoot the boat when you have the pack 5 sniper rifle (that's what I prefer). Credit goes to Alcapwn6969 for this tip.
By CONKER1182 on 17 Jul 2011 04:08
Yes pack 5 is the best, it takes 130 mill, and 7 shots to kill hovercraft... Just a note the servers will be shutting down next month and this will be unobtainable! I need about 150 mill to finish so one more 2-3 hour session and ill be done!
By Waterloo319 on 18 Jul 2011 04:21
"From this you can obtain between 100 to 150 million per person per match."
Do you mean per MATCH or per SESSION? 100mil - 150mil per SESSION seems more likely, right?
By DownInFlames85 on 19 Jul 2011 01:58
Thanks for all the comments, I have modified my guide....

I meant per match but for everyone, not individual scores.... fixed now :)
By Fafhrdd on 20 Jul 2011 03:12
awesome guide got my first session out of the way now i understand what you mean. my friend and i alternated shots on the hovercraft and by the end of one 20 min match i had 66.8mil & he had 66.7mil. by session end (about 2 hours 20 min.) i had over $148mil. thumbs up, hope to be done soon!
By DownInFlames85 on 20 Jul 2011 20:17
^^^could've had more but it was my first session. got to work the kinks out...haha!
By DownInFlames85 on 20 Jul 2011 20:20
Yeah, you get more with each round you do it. Glad I could help!
By Fafhrdd on 21 Jul 2011 20:58
has anybody ever heard of this achievement NOT popping at 1 billion????im currently at 1.1 billion and it hasnt extremely worried.
By PhonySpoon on 23 Jul 2011 19:51
The only reason I would think it is not popping is..... are you playing RANKED matches?

If not try to get some more cash and that may push it up. Mine popped right as I passed 1 million.
By Fafhrdd on 24 Jul 2011 20:53
Awesome guide. Mine popped at about 970 million, strangely. Not complaining though.
By neeker75 on 03 Aug 2011 04:34
WTG! Got it in before the server shut down! Good work, can't beat it popping early!
By Fafhrdd on 03 Aug 2011 11:06
not that it matters anymore but i believe that is because even though the leader board updates with what you have on the session end screen I think it still counts money you earned and spend on ammo/guns. so for every session you had to play if you bought weapon pack 7 that would reflect $300,000 less on the leader board then you actually earned. smae way with the $10k for every early revive doesnt show up in the stats but it actually does a good job of tracking "earnings" not Net total at the end
By NickHawkeye on 15 Aug 2011 11:48
By WRATH 0F PAIN on 07 Apr 2013 04:07
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This method is similar to the traditional boosting method posted above but seriously speeds up the process!

Like usuual set up a Afghanistan, on Bounties mode with 20 minutes for the time.

The trick here is the hovercraft actually keeps spawning every 10 seconds even tho its not the primary objective! One team needs to go to the far left of the docks area beside the tank, from this point you are able to see the edge of the hovercraft sticking out from behind the rocks! Snipe away! The hardest/slowest bit of this solution is the first few minutes as the starting sniper rifle is a bit rubbish, but once ur team obtains $600,000 both of u's should imediatedly buy weapon pack 7 that has a far superior sniper rifle (5 shots per hovercraft).

We where able to earn between 50 and 65 million EACH doing this!

Some key points:

# Before weapon pack 7 is obtained, and u's actaully get the hovercraft objective, it is usually a good idea to run up to the turret, as the hovercraft will make easy work of ur team! This is only really a problem in the first 3-4 mins, as the pack 7 sniper rifle is good enough firepower to go toe to toe with it.

# Both team members can stand at the required point to snipe the hovercraft, we take alternate shots to speed up the process! The team member at the back may need to turn round occasionaly to kill enemies!

# Reload after every hovercraft rather u need to or not, this is all about blowing up as many as possible in the 20 mins!

# If the manager appearing on the helipad mission appears, its usually a good idea for the hovercraft team to kill him.

Now the other team during this process, pretty much has lisence to do what they want, the rest of primary/secondary! Because of the constant hovercraft killing, the value of the other primary objectives goes up alot more (800,000 per computer by the end, as apposed to the usually 300,000). I recommend this team just plays the normal boosting game i.e one in the control room, other on bridge method, only difference is yours dont go for the helipad objectives.

This method has kinda of caused the map to glitch slightly on us a few times, with mulitple objectives appearing etc, but it doesnt affect the money earned!

Good luck!

24 Jul 2009 08:25

Myself and a friend who had 3 xboxes and tvs used this method. Once I had the $300,000 I bought the 7th weapon pack. When I ran out of ammo I would run back to buy ammo for $3000. It's cheaper then dying. My friend bought both armor upgrades which helped a little. I just destroyed the hovercraft over and over and he ran around doing all the main and secondary objectives. We were getting between $60 and $80 million EACH. The most we got was $82 million EACH.
By oDEADDOGo on 04 Aug 2009 09:18
I never noticed us getting charged for ammo each time! tho suppose its only 3k! We also tried with one person buying the rocket launcher (pack 8) to be very effiecient! As u can fire the rocket before it even spawns if timed correctly, with only one further shot from the sniper being required! Tho with this method theres a lot of running backwards and forwards for the rocket guy!
By Molloy2006 on 04 Aug 2009 09:45
We had money glitched on us twice over the last two nights. Upon destroying the hovercraft, an objective to destroy the hovercraft popped up simultaneously. This caused future shooting ot the hovercraft to not generate any money at all. We thought it was pretty random, but having it two evenings in a row really dampened our moods a little.
By neeker75 on 26 Jul 2011 03:39
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Earn $1,000,000,000 in ranked games online. Good teamwork and knowledge of the maps can net each player a few million dollars every 10 minutes. Collecting minor objectives is a good and efficient way to boost your earnings.

For help on this, check this thread.


Earn $1,000,000,000 in ranked games online. Good teamwork and knowledge of the maps can net each player a few million dollars every 10 minutes. Collecting minor objectives is a good and efficient way to boost your earnings.

For help on this, check this thread.