Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman: Arkham Origins

49 Achievements


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Obtain all medals on the original Ranked Maps in Challenge mode (as Batman)


How to unlock the Medalist achievement in Batman: Arkham Origins - Definitive Guide

All right, since no one else had posted anything here, I might as well take a crack at it. This is by no means the most fun way of getting this achievement, but it worked for me, and so may as well for you.

A couple of things out of the way first: this guide will assume that you have every upgrade. Partly, this is because you have to be in the tail end of endgame to try for this achievement, but I obsessively did every mission and so had everything by the time I attempted this. The only upgrades actually necessary are the Batclaw Disarm, Mine Disruptor, Sonic Shock Batarang, and Rope Takedown. However, I highly recommend you get the Disarm and Destroy move as well. Also, I'll be covering a lot of the basics in here. Apologies if you feel like I'm rehashing what you already know, just scan through it for the interesting bits.

In order to gain access to the maps themselves, you will get access to the vanilla version of each challenge after beating its equivalent in the main campaign, meaning you have to all but finish it to get access to all of the original twelve maps. To access the Extreme version of each map, you have to play through a Campaign containing the vanilla map. So, completing the first four Campaigns will open up all of the maps.

All right, let's move on to the actual tips.


And that's it for the combat challenges.


Specific Maps

(As a general note, vantage points will always be referred to as 'gargoyles' in this guide, regardless of what they actually look like.)

Breaking In

Easy Money

Checking Out

Silent Waters

Wrecking Crew

Hard Time

And now we enter the territory of the Extreme maps. These are far more random, and so harder to write concrete guides for. The initial setup is always the same, but once that first mook is down, a guard may go this way or that. Something to keep in mind.

Breaking In (Extreme)

Easy Money (Extreme)

Checking Out (Extreme) Incomplete

Silent Waters (Extreme)

Wrecking Crew (Extreme)

Hard Time (Extreme)

I'll be posting individual guides for each map shortly.

If anyone has comments, criticisms, or advice on how to improve this solution, I'm all ears. Please let me know what you feel should be changed. :)

12 Dec 2013 00:14

I haven't started this yet, but you get a thumbs up just for the sheer effort you've put into this guide. Very good.
By kevthejedi on 09 Jan 2014 10:00
Thanks! This is (quite obviously) still a work in progress, but I hope to have solutions to all the maps done in a few weeks. Also to have the frankly embarrassing number of spelling errors corrected.
By Blargby on 12 Jan 2014 21:23
For the D&D answer, that actually clarifies it very much. I'd been doing wrong the whole time, which is why it was so hard for me. I was rotating my hand clockwise, but then that lead to crunching it up in a tight and awkward position which didn't work.

As for the blade dodge takedown, I guess I just have to practice to get the timing right. I have a good headset too, so I'll definitely focus on listening more than I had been. I guess I'd been failing it so much because I was too focused on other aspects of the fight, and then it caught me off-guard such that I couldn't immediately deal with it.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to respond to me, and once again, excellent guide!
By Paul Zap on 05 Feb 2014 14:04
I do blade dodge takedown visually as I usually play with the sound off or very low (sleeping baby when I play). As Blargby says, as soon as you see the yellow lines hold Y and tilt the stick back. Once a swing is complete (their arm stops moving) release Y for a split second before holding it again.
I don't bother with blade dodge takedowns against ninja's, it's not worth risking getting hit as they're so quick.
For D&D I don't rotate my thumb, I use the widest part where the knuckle is across the 2 buttons, I guess different techniques work for different people. This is the one move I mess up more than any other though.
Sorry for the hijack. :-)
By kevthejedi on 05 Feb 2014 15:21
@kevthejedi thanks for the additional tips. :)
By Paul Zap on 06 Feb 2014 14:42
Finally got this achievement today, after I miraculously became amazing at combat a few days ago. Now onto the camPAINs.
By Paul Zap on 19 Feb 2014 02:31
Obtain all 72 medals on the original Ranked maps in Challenge mode (as Batman)
By HolyHalfDead on 22 Apr 2014 22:14
Great guide. Must have taken forever to write :)
By Solario32 on 23 Jan 2015 23:45
Thanks for explaining how to unlock the maps. Mine glitched and didnt unlock one of the campaign challenges so good to know I can still do this one!
By Falensarano on 05 Aug 2023 08:30
In "Checking Out (Extreme)", for "Breaking and Entering", they never, ever go near the walls on their normal patrols. But, when they're at Nervous level, the three non-armored guy will patrol the bottom area and will periodically stand near the wall opposite where you begin. It's the only sure-fire way I've found to get that one.
By Fire Hawk D on 22 May 2014 20:33
@ Paul Zap: Yeah, part of this style of fighting is just resigning yourself to the fact that you are going be attacked every third or every other punch. The key is to use the time the takedown animation gives you at the end of the combo to rotate your camera so you can see the rest of the mob.

As for blade-dodge takedowns... those can be hard. Part of my tactic is listening to the attacks instead of looking at them. So, when you see the yellow lines, drop everything, hold Y, and tilt the stick back. Then when he attacks, you'll notice a little snik sound. Immediately after you hear that sound, let up on Y. Not for long! For about as long as it would take you to tap that button to do something else. Let go and then immediately slam your thumb back down onto it. Listen for the second snik, let go of Y and press it down again, all the while holding the thumbstick back. If you successfully do those, he'll automatically catch the third swing and do the takedown. Sometimes, they can be hard to hear, because of background noise (or if you don't have a good headset like I do); if you watch the attack animation, the end of the snik often coincides with the end of their swing; so, when their arm is all the way up, or to the left, or whichever, is also a good time to do the tap.

Mostly, though, the blade takedowns just seem to come naturally to me. I don't really think about them too much, I just do them. The above paragraph is simply my trying to explain how I do it after the fact, so sorry if it's confusing. *shrug*

As far as Disarm and Destroy, yeah, they can be a pain to do, but the end result is so helpful I love them anyways. The way I do it is I rotate my entire right hand counter-clockwise so my thumb is pointing to... seven thirty? Anyways, both X and Y are covered by my thumb simultaneously like you described, only the opposite direction, then I press down. What I usually do is put the my thumb on the X, then twist around until it covers the Y as well. Again, it just comes down to the fact that I've done it so many times since Arkham City that it's second nature to me.

And don't worry about asking questions. If you have any more (I don't think the D&D answer was handled that well :/) feel free to ask.
By Blargby on 03 Feb 2014 22:26
Excellent guide. I absolutely suck at combat in Batman games. Every time I get into a fight, I always end up jumping over everyone's heads constantly, trying to figure out what to do next.

This game's combat system in particular is harder than its predecessors because it doesn't slow down right before you're about to get hit (which would give you a fair chance to counter). It's sort of nonchalant in that you're beating down a guy, and some other guy leans back with a cross and wails it on you with little more than a blue lighting that appears for a split-second as a warning - and this happens constantly. It's almost like there's no sense of connectivity in the A.I., i.e. they all function independently.

And yet, when I watch people like Batman Arkham Videos or prenatual, it seems so easy, seamless and effortless. The next move is never ambiguous.

Anyways, mini-rant aside, I genuinely think this guide will help me plan out my strategy to not only get this achievement, but also improve my combat abilities, which will consequently help me get the other achievements.

One question though, any tips for executing a good blade dodge takedown? I can only manage to do it 50% of the time, and even when I do get it, I don't know exactly what I'm doing right. E.g. I don't know how long to hold Y and I don't know when during the attacks to hold it. It seems like I either hold it for too long and Batman simply dodges the blade without taking down the opponent, or I don't hold it for long enough/don't hold it at the right times and I get hit during one of the lunges. Any clarification on that would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. one last question (for real this time). While it may seem moot, I was wondering the ideal way to perform the X+Y disarm and destroy move (physically, with the controller). I say this because my right thumb is usually resting on A or in between A and B facing about 10 o'clock, and every time I try to execute the X+Y move, I usually end up accidentally pressing A+X because of the position of my thumb and getting up to have the lower part on the X and the upper part of my thumb on the Y (facing 1-2 o'clock). Is there an ideal position for the thumb? If not, how do you do it (i.e. what direction of the clock is your thumb pointing when you do the move?)

Sorry if this whole comment seemed to drone on and sorry if you find my questions to be banal. Thanks for taking the time to read this. :)
By Paul Zap on 03 Feb 2014 20:39
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For combat challenges, there's only a couple things to know:

Evade, Hit, Evade, Hit, that to keep your combo up. The priority is to not get hit, so your combo keeps getting higher and higher.

Next, every time you get a combo stored up, do the bat swarm thing using cn_A+cn_X. It will give you a ton a points. As you keep your combo going, you'll start getting thousands of points every time you do it. Also, the more guys it hits the better.

That's all you have to do. Hit, Evade, and Bat Swarm. I usually got all three medals by the middle of the third round. Use this same method for any character on any game (bruce wayne, catwoman, robin, etc)

22 May 2014 15:29

1 Comment
Great solution it is way easier that way
By Blackout 4171 on 15 Jul 2019 21:08
I'll share with you guys the general idea of how to score big or at least just enough to get all the medals in any of the 3 sets of challenges (except combat training, because that one isn't about scoring high). It still takes a little practice. I myself did all of them once I was done with my first playthrough and well used to Batman and his moves. Big guys, armored enemies, martial artists and Bane's thugs make the following technique a bit more tricky to pull off, but it's still so very possible - if you don't let them kill your combo.

Start any fight by hitting (cn_X) on the first guy in front of you as many times as you can, up to 3.

Counter (cn_Y) before being hit by someone else (avoid guys with knives, so if they attack you first, evade and start again with another group or using them as the target to start the combo) as many times as necessary (up to 3 enemies).

Now that your combo meter is at 4, evade an enemy and hit him in the back. You'll be able to perform a special move (assuming you have all upgrades) so you can do the Bat Swarm (cn_A+cn_X).

From now on you just have to keep hitting 3 NORMAL/ORDINARY enemies (those who don't block your attacks) and performing the Bat Swarm combo. The higher your combo, the more points you get for executing the move. If you're able to perform, let's say, more than 3 Bat Swarm (the more, the better) without being hit in one round, you'll earn good points. Yeah, you might pass the bonus for performing different variations of moves, but it's still more worthwhile this way.

Another thing to have in mind is that once you're able to use the Shock Gloves (cn_LS+cn_RS), instead of having to hit enemies 3x to earn the special move, it decreases to 2, which is really great, specially considering that now none of the enemies is able to block your attacks, so it's pretty much hit cn_X, hit cn_X, Bat Swarm cn_A+cn_X and repeat.

When there are only 2 enemies left, you probably won't be able to continue to perform the special, so here's what to do: you can get rid of one of them any way you want or you can work with both of them, without loosing the combo (a bit more risky). Perform the Ultra Stun (cn_B+cn_B+cn_B) on him/them (one at a time) and finish the round with Ground Takedowns (cn_RT+cn_Y).

As I said at the beginning, some rounds will be more challenging because of the special enemies. In that case, my advice is to take them first or last, depending if you can manage having them around and avoid their charges. Maybe it's best to take some of them down first, so you don't risk hitting them by accident and loosing your combo. It really depends on you. It's possible to perform some beatdowns (cn_B,cn_X,cn_X,cn_X...) on these special enemies just to earn special moves and letting go of the beatdown (stopping hitting cn_X) when ready to perform the special move, then rinse and repeat until the special enemy falls. There's always the chance that some enemy wasn't stunned by your last Swarm and will come at you to make you loose the ongoing combo, so be ready to counter.

Anyways, this is the general idea. Using this method sometimes I was able to save a whole attempt that I had messed up, on the very last round.

If this solution helps you in any way, give it a thumbs up and leave a comment.

01 Mar 2015 01:50

I ALMOST down voted.....till I tried it, shock gloves are the best thing out there, it is like a timed "super-powered" from Arkham City, it can hit even through tazer goons, and armored goons, (haven't tried shields yet) PLUS you can do beatdowns without the stun!!
By Warboy925 on 12 Jul 2015 20:49
Hmm, I'm glad you actually tried before doing so. I've played all the Batman Arkham titles for the 360, so I knew what I was talking about when I wrote this. Thanks.
By togethawiistand on 12 Jul 2015 21:39
Update: You can hit through shields as well!! Plus, you can now counter shields now!!
By Warboy925 on 12 Jul 2015 22:26
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Unfortunately, the tricky Challenge mode returns in Arkham Origins. Those who platinumed Arkham City will be pleased to know however that these are considerably easier than the ones from previous games, so if you had no problem with those, you should have no problem with these either. They can be a bit hard to tackle for those who haven't done challenge maps before. They are split into combat and predator. In combat, you need to get a fixed number of points while in Predator you need to do certain tasks to gain medals. These are further split into normal versions and extreme challenges. The normal ones will all be unlocked by the end of the story, while to unlock the extreme challenges you need to complete the first four campaigns (See Olympian), or are unlocked through NG+. In extreme variants, enemies are of more powerful variants, of higher numbers and the medal requirements are tougher. You should also note that for the predator challenges you'll need upgrades, the hardest being the Sonic Shock Batarang at Worst Nightmare rank 10. There are 24 maps in total, 12 of each type and 72 medals up for grabs in total.
General tips for the Ranked Maps:


  • Hit, jump, repeat. When you get a combo move, jump into a group of enemies and use the bat swarm (+) to gain points. As soon as you get enough charge for the shock gloves, activate them.
  • Try not to get hit. Jumping continuously can do the trick but sometimes it is necessary to counter too so don't neglect it. If you remain unhit for the entire challenge, you get 7000 points in bonuses (500 for each round and a 5000 bonus for not getting hit in the entire fight). Also, if you don't break the combo during a round you get 1000 bonus points.
  • For armoured or Titan enemies, you can use a combo takedown (+) if you wish, but you will lose potential points from that enemy, and you can gain a lot more from the bat swarm. You will be able to take down these enemies easily with the sonic shock gloves.
  • The ground takedown (+) when an enemy is on the floor can be effective for points if pulled off but is dangerous as it is impossible to counter an enemies strike while in this move, so use it at your own risk. Definitely use it on the last enemy if possible, or the last couple if the rest are stunned or on the floor.


  • Take your time. You don't need to do the medals on the first enemies you KO. Some are a lot easier when there are less enemies left, so wait. If you get spotted, swing quickly around the vantage points and wait for them to lose sight of you.
  • Make full use of detective vision. In some predators, there is an enemy with a jammer, so take him out first (except for one where you need to leave the jammer enemy until last, disrupting the jammer won't negate the medal as long as you keep that enemy standing).
  • Use PowerPyx's videos. They are an invaluable help for getting all three medals in a fast time, indicating the best spots for some medals. The playlist can be found here: Batman Arkham Origins - Predator Challenges - YouTube
  • Use your gadgets wisely. The Remote Claw can be used to quickly attach non-armoured enemies to vantage points, the Sonic Shock batarang can be used to lure enemies to where you need them to be, or blown up for an easy knock down.


The Ranked Challenge Maps consist of 12 Combat Challenge Maps and 12 Predator Challenge Maps. These challenges will unlock via story progression, but in order to unlock each Challenge’s “Extreme” variant, you will need to complete the Campaign Challenges Maps. In order to earn this achievement, you must obtain all three medals per Challenge Map in a single run. In Combat Challenges, medals are awarded based on score values. You will need to string together your hits and achieve a large combo and variation bonus in each of the four waves in order to earn the required amount of points for all three medals. If you have played the previous Arkham titles, Combat Challenges should not be too troubling.

Predator Challenges on the other hand, vary drastically, as each Challenge Map will task you with completing three different requirements in terms of taking out goons using certain gadgets or techniques. As always, all three requirements must be performed in a single attempt of the Challenge Map, which can prove to be very difficult at times when working on the Extreme variants of each Map.

Since certain abilities and gadgets are needed for some of the medals in the Predator Challenges, it's highly recommended to complete the story first and purchase all of Batman's upgrades. Also, take note that you will need to complete Rank 10 of the Worst Nightmare track in the Story Mode in order to unlock the Sonic Shock Batarang. This upgrade is essential for some of the Extreme Predator Maps.

Once you have obtained all 72 medals in the Ranked Challenge Maps, the achievement will finally unlock. You can utilize THIS PLAYLIST in order to view PowerPyx’s extremely helpful videos for all 12 Predator Challenge Maps.