Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman: Arkham Origins

49 Achievements


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Obtain all medals on the original Campaign maps in Challenge mode (as Batman)


How to unlock the Olympian achievement in Batman: Arkham Origins - Definitive Guide

I am throwing this up as a placeholder until someone posts a proper solution. The point of this guide is to warn people that one of the challenge maps requires the Sonic Shock Batarang rewarded for Worst Nightmare rank 10. If you have any interest in completing the challenge modes this time, you need to be ever mindful of this and begin working on it immediately in your first playthrough. Please see the guide for Worst Nightmare to give yourself an idea of why.

Batman: Arkham OriginsWorst NightmareThe Worst Nightmare achievement in Batman: Arkham Origins worth 71 pointsMaster the Worst Nightmare Dark Knight track

Overall, this is quite a bit easier than any character's campaigns in Arkham City. For those new to this play mode, a campaign is a series of three challenge maps that need to be completed in one sitting. They can be all combat, all predator, or (most often) a mixture of both. You have three retries to use on the latter two maps; retries on the first map do not count against you. In addition, you have six mods that must all be used over the course of the campaign, you decide which mods to apply to which map. Otherwise the medal requirements are exactly the same as the Ranked Challenge versions of the maps. For the achievement, you must get all nine medals in every (non-DLC) campaign, or eight and the free medal mod if available. The DLC campaigns are on a separate page from the rest and are neither required or counted towards the achievement.

As far as the mods, you generally want to take Time Limit, Gadget Malfunction, Decreased Health, Scattered Weapons, and Danger Zones in combat challenges so that you can relax in the predator maps. Protective Auras and One Hand Tied are best used in predator challenges. For the beneficial mods, generally you will take Super Powered on the more problematic combat maps, Knockout Projectiles on predator maps, and Free Medal to avoid annoying predator medals that require positioning more than one goon. Make sure that a mod does not prevent you from getting a certain takedown for a predator medal, One Hand Tied is the only one that comes to mind.

Recommended mods for the last two:

Scare Tactics (Predator Master)

--Breaking In: Time Limit, Protective Auras, Scattered Weapons
The time limit is no big deal, just watch for the mines when you go for the window takedown and the tightrope takedown. There aren't a lot of good vantage points for Fall Guy, so glide onto the file cabinet thing early and get that out of the way

--Wrecking Crew: Danger Zones, Free Medal
I used the free medal here to avoid dealing with Scare Tactics. Danger zones is no big deal since there are plenty of floor grates to hide and move around in. If you need vantage, you can always string a tightrope up between the gargoyles. Just jam the last guy, let him try to shoot, and then beat him down.

--Hard Time: Increased Agression
Keep one unarmored guy conscious, he will eventually take the hostage and you can get above him and get Smash Landing to finish the map. You can use the sonic shock whenever, you don't really need sonic batarangs here. This map has great spots for batclaw ledge takedowns, just stand on the little roofs in the corners and pull people off the central walkways. If you are lucky, you will even get credit for the batclaw disarm this way.

Standing Count (Combat Master)

--25 to Life: Protective Aura, One Hand Tied, Decreased Health
I like to get Protective Aura out of the way first because it is somewhat annoying. One Hand Tied actually synergizes well with it here, since special moves are a good way to break your combo with an aura in the fight, and you will need to farm combo and shock glove charge on the armored goons (just start a beatdown and interrupt it with a counter whenever you can). If you are ever in question about the aura status of an offscreen enemy, just evade towards them (redirects won't break your combo even after two) until you can see clearly.

--Death Sentence: Scattered Weapons, Gadget Malfunction.
Gadget malfunction is no big deal here since it is very easy to keep your shock gloves up, lots of armored or special enemies to beat down. For the big guy, instead of evading over his head while beating him down like you would in arkham city, try using bat swarm every time it comes up. This is to avoid any silliness from the martial artists. When your gloves are up, prioritize the martial artists.

--Panopticon: Super Powered
This is your victory lap, go nuts. By the way, a panopticon is a place from where you can see everything. Pan + Optic

05 Nov 2013 22:43

And I beliefe that the challenges in batman AO are much easier than in AC
By Fuzzy Vengeance on 20 Nov 2013 06:57
Not much of a guide could be written for this, and it's not too difficult anyway. Having said that you were absolutely spot on with the modifiers for the last 2. Got sky high scores on all three combat maps! Cheers! +1 from me.
By Deadpool 1194 on 10 Nov 2013 12:46
OK but how many medal do You actually need to obtain?
By Fuzzy Vengeance on 19 Nov 2013 16:23
All of them. Since this is a guide now I guess I'll provide that information for those who haven't played Arkham City.
By Ursiform on 19 Nov 2013 17:54
You need to get 108 medals and I can get total of 114 medals (i guess from ltd edtion) so its not ALL for everybody.
By Fuzzy Vengeance on 19 Nov 2013 18:21
All of the non-DLC campaigns.
By Ursiform on 19 Nov 2013 18:26
Actually thats what I shoud of asked:) i didnt know how many medals count for the chivo.
By Fuzzy Vengeance on 19 Nov 2013 18:31
On the subject, it's very annoying that there are no achievements for the Deathstroke pack.
By Ursiform on 19 Nov 2013 18:32
That's true but on the other hand I think it would be a 'poor' DLC just for doing the same challenges but with different character, that's what happened in Batman AC, 3 out of 4 DLC were challenge based (the same challenges over and over but with different characters).
By Fuzzy Vengeance on 19 Nov 2013 21:42
I get that but I like them, it gives me a reason to play more challenge modes other than with friends while drinking. Having said that, it would be nice if there were an easy five point achievement for ratio purposes. Compare the TA ratios of Catwoman to Robin or Nightwing.

Not saying the other DLCs should be challenged based but since this is what we got, it should have achievements.
By Ursiform on 19 Nov 2013 22:39
Yeah I get Your point, after all Batman is a 'skulls' game:)
By Fuzzy Vengeance on 20 Nov 2013 06:54
@W0RMWO0D - I too have the same issue. Have no idea how to fix this. Without starting a new game save.
By AP 8T8 on 10 Jan 2014 08:55
Sorry guys that sounds like a bug, try searching outside TA.
By Ursiform on 10 Jan 2014 20:26
Yes I have posted there as well. Utterly ridiculous.
By W0RMWO0D on 21 Jan 2014 02:15
I love how they pick something up just to hold onto it and tick you off, then always throw it if you use a regular move towards them. That said, batarang etc. works fine.
By Ursiform on 21 Feb 2014 00:41
As far as Campaign Challenge #10 not unlocking...

Are you guys referring to the "Darkest Night" challenge not unlocking..? That's the 10th one on my list... I played through the entire game on Normal, collected everything and did 100% of the side missions, etc. I can select the challenge without a problem. I completed all the paths, collectibles, gadgets, missions, etc...

So it that the map you're referring to..?
By JAGERMEISTER TX on 21 Apr 2014 10:49
Obtain all 108 medals on the original Campaign maps in Challenge mode (as Batman)
By HolyHalfDead on 22 Apr 2014 22:13
12 maps with 9 medals each = 108 total medals
By Solario32 on 23 Jan 2015 23:57
Can you unlock the batarang in new game plus and finish the challenge mode in normal mode? Or do I need to start challenge mode in new game plus?
By mudder85 on 28 Nov 2016 16:30
This is still buggy... after finishing the story you should have all maps unlocked... if you are unlucky, map nr. 10 (last line) is still locked / missing...
in this case your only option is, to start the game on a new save file again.
This is bad because you not only have to finish the game again...
4rd time for me =(
... you also have to get worst nightmare 10; some side missions (for 1 - 2 waynetec gadgets) and try to get a lot of exp for leveling to make the challenges easyier (but don´t forget: during the challenges you earn exp too, so don´t waste too much time in the story ;-)

Edit 27.0.218

The bug also effects the achievement "campaign ninja" form the "initiation" - DLC in the same way (campaign challenge map Nr. 10 is locked)
By Oo 8 B4LL oO on 27 May 2018 18:12
I just encountered the glitch where campaign challenge 10: Darkest Knight doesn't unlock. I know I will have to start a completely new save and go through the game again. I just want to make sure that the achievement will unlock if I start that new game on 'easy' difficulty.

Can someone confirm? After having gone through the game on Normal, NG+ and IATN, I would like to just breeze through it on easy mode to get that last achievement.

UPDATE: yes it works on easy
By Dr Marty on 09 May 2019 03:13
I have beaten the game and the side missions, but I cannot get one of the campaign challenge maps to unlock. It is the 10th one and it says "progress through the story to unlock this challenge map" but I have beaten the story. Any help?
By W0RMWO0D on 17 Dec 2013 03:59
Martial artists + thugs ready to throw boxes or gas tanks

Those are the bane of my existence. It's hard enough having to keep a combo up while working on getting your shock gloves to take out those pesky martial artists, but it's quite another to have to worry about having an object randomly lobbed at you after you finish a beatdown on an isolated thug, thus ruining your combo.

Speaking of beatdowns, I find that they're the best way to get rid of martial artists, especially when you have your shock gloves.

Anyways, great guide. Useful tips that I'm sure will help me. Thanks.
By Paul Zap on 19 Feb 2014 02:50
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I'll share with you guys the general idea of how to score big or at least just enough to get all the medals in any of the 3 sets of challenges (except combat training, because that one isn't about scoring high). It still takes a little practice. I myself did all of them once I was done with my first playthrough and well used to Batman and his moves. Big guys, armored enemies, martial artists and Bane's thugs make the following technique a bit more tricky to pull off, but it's still so very possible - if you don't let them kill your combo.

Start any fight by hitting (cn_X) on the first guy in front of you as many times as you can, up to 3.

Counter (cn_Y) before being hit by someone else (avoid guys with knives, so if they attack you first, evade and start again with another group or using them as the target to start the combo) as many times as necessary (up to 3 enemies).

Now that your combo meter is at 4, evade an enemy and hit him in the back. You'll be able to perform a special move (assuming you have all upgrades) so you can do the Bat Swarm (cn_A+cn_X).

From now on you just have to keep hitting 3 NORMAL/ORDINARY enemies (those who don't block your attacks) and performing the Bat Swarn combo. The higher your combo, the more points you get for executing the move. If you're able to perform, let's say, more than 3 Bat Swarn (the more, the better) without being hit in one round, you'll earn good points. Yeah, you might pass the bonus for performing different variations of moves, but it's still more worthwhile this way.

Another thing to have in mind is that once you're able to use the Shock Gloves (cn_LS+cn_RS), instead of having to hit enemies 3x to earn the special move, it decreases to 2, which is really great, specially considering that now none of the enemies is able to block your attacks, so it's pretty much hit cn_X, hit cn_X, Bat Swarn cn_A+cn_X and repeat.

When there are only 2 enemies left, you probably won't be able to continue to perform the special, so here's what to do: you can get rid of one of them any way you want or you can work with both of them, without loosing the combo (a bit more risky). Perform the Ultra Stun (cn_B+cn_B+cn_B) of him/them (one at a time) and finish the round with Ground Takedowns (cn_RT+cn_Y).

As I said at the beginning, some rounds will be more challenging because of the special enemies. In that case, my advice is to take them first or last, depending if you can manage having them around and avoid their charges. Maybe it's best to take some of them down first, sp you don't risk hitting them by accident and loosing your combo. It really depends on you. It's possible to perform some beatdowns (cn_B,cn_X,cn_X,cn_X...) on these special enemies just to earn special moves and letting go of the beatdown (stopping hitting cn_X) when ready to perform the special move, then rinse and repeat until the special enemy falls. There's always the chance that some enemy wasn't stunned by your last Swarn and will come at you to make you loose the ongoing combo, so be ready to counter.

Anyways, this is the general idea. Using this method sometimes I was able to save a whole attempt that I had messed up, on the very last round.

If this solution helps you in any way, give it a thumbs up and leave a comment.

01 Mar 2015 02:12


Important: following this solution worked for me, but i can't say that is going to work for everyone. (This need to be comfirmed by more users)

I played the game for the first time and it didn't unlocked, after new game+ and I am the Night, nothing about 10th campaign map challenge. What i did to fix this was: i deleted the game, patch, Deathstroke DLC, Initiation and Cold, Cold Heart DLC. I moved my savegame to the cloud and started a new game on my Hard disk playing offline without update.

There will be some minor spoilers from here:

End of spoilers

Shut down 10 relays of one district (needed for one upgrade) but there's no need to recover one set of datapacks.

I completed Shadow Vigilante track, Gotham Protector track until rank 12 and i think that the most important part comes with Worst Nightmare track.

Before i'll explain why, i used this guide credit to Metabolic XBA from xbox360achievements:

Worst Nightmare

So the point is to use this guide until you get SPOILER
END SPOILER, why? i did 10th rank Worst Nightmare in this room and after i finished it unlocked the 10th campaign map Darkest Night.

After this, i played the rest of the campaign and i reached 13th rank Worst Nightmare. Once finished main story, it's time to go for the campaign challenges. I unlocked offline the achievement, i didn't want to take the risk of updating the game and getting a corrupted file.

So REMEMBER: do not update the game or delete the patch, also delete Initiation and Cold ,cold Heart and start a new game.

I hope this will help, don't forget to add a comment ;)

28 Jun 2014 11:57

So were you purposely trying to unlock "the darkest night" or are you just saying everything you did before it unlocked?
By ACDCs TNT on 13 Jun 2016 22:02
Everything I did in order to unlock the achievement because I got glitched the chievo. I followed those steps to unlock it playing the game for the 4th time.
By ToKi N O HaKaI on 23 Jun 2016 13:20
This achievement was a real pain in the... shock
By ToKi N O HaKaI on 12 Feb 2018 18:31
same problem for me... my only way out was starting a new game on a new save file ... and an annoying 4rd playthrough
By Oo 8 B4LL oO on 03 May 2018 16:39
I just encountered the glitch where campaign challenge 10: Darkest Knight doesn't unlock. I know I will have to start a completely new save and go through the game again. I just want to make sure that the achievement will unlock if I start that new game on 'easy' difficulty.

Can someone confirm? After having gone through the game on Normal, NG+ and IATN, I would like to just breeze through it on easy mode to get that last achievement.
By Dr Marty on 25 Apr 2019 15:58
I don't remember in what difficulty I played, maybe for safety just play on normal difficulty. Sorry I can't tell you anything else.
By ToKi N O HaKaI on 02 May 2019 15:48
I tried everything you mentioned and got the on screen notification that it "unlocked". Exited out to check in the menus instead of waiting until the BatCave after the Bane fight and it was still locked. Deleted my save and tried again, this time I cleared the room and immediately continued on into the Bane fight then Joker sequence not checking until the BatCave and it stayed unlocked this time. I figured awesome, quit out for the day and when I came back I completely forgot to stop the patch from downloading which corrupted my save! Totally my fault though. 3rd time I unlocked it again same way but with the patch downloaded and everything has been fine so far.

My theory is that the game saves your progress for clearing the room but not for unlocking the maps. Then if you exit and quit here before the Bane fight the game forgets you did it and now your screwed lol.
By DadliestGamer on 04 Oct 2016 02:59
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Every challenge of a Campaign map consists of 3 Ranked Maps and you need to obtain all 3 medals in each of them.

First things first, you want to finish the main campaign and get to rank 10 in Worst Nightmare Dark Knight Challenge in order to get Sonic Shock Batarang which will be used in Hard Time (Extreme) predator map. Also, if you haven't done Birds Most Wanted missions then it is best time to do it because you will need his reward (Batclaw Disarm) in Hard Time (Extreme). There are also another gadgets which you will need but hopefully when you finished your game you have all upgrades. If not then make sure to get these: Rope Takedown, Mine Disrupter. Once your preparation is done lets start.

Campaign maps will ask you to choose to up to 3 modifiers on each map and mostly disadvantages. Once you used a "modifier" you can't choose it for the next map in that challenge. You want to choose the worst ones for you first map out of 3 because you can restart it anytime. I strongly recommend using Increased Aggression and Protective Aura in predator maps rather than combat ones. The other modifiers are easy to hande in both types of maps. If you have "Free Medal", feel free to use it eaither on 2nd or 3rd map of a challenge (Using it on 1st would be a waste, because you can restart it infinitely). Decreased Health and Super Powered are both good for combat maps. On predator rooms you will have almost no life if you choose Decreased Health, but for combat maps it takes only half of your health.

Finally, you must have really good fighting skills in order to get all medals in combat maps, however, for those of you who want to do it easier way I would suggest just using Beatdown on every enemy possible (B + X,X,X,X....). By using only beatdown you can get over x200 multiplier and have really high scores.

Sorry for my mistakes (if any found :) because English is not my first language. This guide will be updated more based on comments.

Good luck!

06 Nov 2013 20:50

For anybody needing help which mods to use on each map or throughout the campaign, these are how I achieved them. I'm not sure if it'll work for everybody, but I recorded how I did them.

:+:Campaign Challenges:+:
+Intensive Training = Time Limit; +Breaking In = Prot. Aura; +25 to Life = Replen. Health

+Easy Money = Decreased Health, TD Projectiles; +Overflow = N/A; +Checking Out = One Hand Tied

+Panorama = Danger Zones, Replen. Health; +Quiet Waters = Scattered Weapons; +Death Sentence = Free Medal

+Wrecking Crew = Inc. Aggression, +Reduced Health; +Panopticon = Gadget Malf., Super Powered; +Hard Time = N/A

+25 to Life EX = Inc. Agg., Replen. Health; +Breaking In EX = Scattered Weapons; +Overflow EX = Danger Zones, Free Medal

+Death Sentence EX = Time Limit, One Hand Tied; +Hard Time EX = Decreased Health, Prot. Aura; +Panopticon EX = S. Powered

+Easy Money EX = Gadget Malf., Inc. Agg., Prot. Aura; +Intensive Training EX = Free Medal; +Wrecking Crew EX = Scattered Weps, TD Projectiles

+Checking Out EX = Gadget Malf., One Hand Tied, Danger Zones; +Panorama EX = Time Limit; +Quiet Waters EX = D. Health, S. Powered

+Intensive Training = Inc. Agg., Danger Zones, Replen. Health; +Overflow = Time Limit; +Panorama =

+Easy Money = Scattered Weapons, One Hand Tied; +Checking Out = Gadget Malf.; +Quiet Waters = TD Projectiles

+25 to Life EX = D. Health, Prot. Aura; +Death Sentance EX = Gadget Malf., One Hand Tied; +Panopticon EX = Scattered Weps, S. Powered

+Breaking In EX = Time Limit, Danger Zones, Free Medal; +Wrecking Crew EX = Inc. Agg., Scattered Weapons?; +Hard Time EX = Prot. Aura

+No Money Down = Inc. Agg., Prot. Aura, Scattered Weapons; +100 to 1 = Time Limit, Danger Zones, Free Medal

+Togakure-ryu = Time Limit; +Shinobi-iri = Time Limit;
+Taijutsu = Gadget Malf.; +Boryaku = Scattered Weapons; +Seishinteki Kyoyo = Inc. Agg.

+Turning Point = Prot. Aura, Gadget Malf., Scattered Weps; +City on Fire = Time Limit;
+No Rest...Wicked = Free Medal; +Azr D/N Prot. = Aggressive; +Venom Connection = N/A

12 Jan 2020 19:33

Campaigns are three Ranked maps in a row, which must be done in one sitting. They are either in the order combat-predator-combat, predator-combat-predator, or all three of one type. There is an extra curveball, with 3-5 modifiers, good or bad, that all need to be used at some point in the campaign. There are 12 campaigns, with 9 medals each making 108 medals in total.

Below are some general tips for the campaigns:

  • Pick your boosters wisely. You have unlimited retries on the first map so it is advised to pick the boosters you are most likely to struggle with for the first map, with positive boosters for the ones you struggled with in the solo ranked maps. Some negative boosters can actually work in your favour such as premined predators, these can blown up to take down enemies. Some campaigns have a free medal booster, save this for ones you are least confident about.
  • However careful you were in the solo maps, be even more careful in campaigns. It isn't a race. As already mentioned, you only get 3 retries past the first map so don't waste them. It may have been standard for you to restart instantly if you mess up, like it was for me, if so, no longer do this unless you are absolutely sure it's impossible to do.
  • There's no harm in redoing the solo maps until you are absolutely confident in successfully completing a map regularly. If you struggled on a map, replay it if you barely scraped through it.


These Campaign Challenge Maps are a combination of the previous Combat and Predator Challenge Maps. Each Campaign Map will contain three Challenge Maps, be it 2 Combat and 1 Predator, 3 Combat, or even 3 Extreme Predator Maps. All of the medals remain the same from each map, which makes each Campaign Map have a total of 9 medals. You have the ability to retry up to three times if you fail, but you will ultimately still need to obtain all nine medals in one run.

These Campaign Maps also have a set of mutators and modifiers that will alter the gameplay depending on whether it is a Combat or Predator Map. Each modifier must be used at least once during the entire Challenge. You can use up to three in a single section, so if you feel as though you want to knock out some of the modifiers on a map you're comfortable with, this will help you in the long run on the other two maps.

Overall, once you have obtained all 108 medals in the Campaign Challenge Maps, the achievement will finally unlock.