Child of Eden

Child of Eden

50 Achievements


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Master of Eden

Master of Eden

Cleared all Archives on Normal and Hard Difficulty Mode with a Gold Star Clear Rank.


How to unlock the Master of Eden achievement in Child of Eden - Definitive Guide

This is truly a beast of an achievement. The ratio does not lie. But you feel so damn proud after getting this! :D
Main point: you need to gold star all the archives on BOTH Normal and Hard. Hope is excluded from this (thank god!).

Gold star means 100% purification and more than 800,000 points (if playing with controller; for Kinect it's 500,000).
My suggestions are:
1) Be very comfortable with 100% purification, meaning know all the little "danger" spots for each level (such as killing someone either too late or too early). Check out the solutions for those 100% purification achievements, that was the help/boost I needed to make it work for me. Here are a few pointers on the "danger zones":

=== MTX
Area 3 (red squares): You must have 84% after killing the last wave of red squares. Killing the blue sphere to the end gives 16%.
Area 5 (4 red orbs): Make sure to kill the last blue snake in time, in order to get two big purple snakes.

=== EVO
Area 3: Those spinning purple enemies are annoying. You have to be very precise on timing with the last wave of those.

=== BTY
Area 1: After the two butterflies, the three flowers that release 8 enemies each. Make sure to octo lock and kill the enemies first and then kill the flowers. If you kill the flower too early you won't get all 8 enemies => will count as a miss on purification counter.
Area 3: The 8 enemies that come out in a spiral shape. There are three waves of those. Make sure to kill them in time, because if you don't they just get buried back into the tunnel. If you are too late you might still get the perfect octo-lock, but your "bullets" will be too late in reaching them before they burry again. Just make sure that your purification counter increased after killing them.

=== PSN
Area 2 (speedway with gates): After the 3rd gate, you get 6 and then 8 red dots. I personally used a euphoria here, because it was too annoying to try to kill them all in time before they fly away. Plus euphoria took care of the last gate too! ^.^
The rest of the level is hard, but everything is visible, so you just need to be fast enough (but don't forget about the beat!) ;)

=== JNY
Everything is very straight forward from the purification standpoint. Only the the "evo" themed area there are enemies that might get away from you if you are too slow, but otherwise you are just fighting bosses. Can't miss anyone here!

After being able to purify the socks our of each archive focus on keeping the beat and creating the cursor movement pattern from enemy to enemy.

2) Created mental "check points" at some Areas of the archive to make sure that you have enough points to make it to 800,000 in the end. The checkpoints below are very approximate, they are plus/minus 50,000 on either side. Sometimes you might do bad with normal enemies, but perfect with boss fights and still get 800K in the end, or vice versa, messing up bosses fights will put your efforts to waste.

=== MTX End of Area 2 (before red squares) ~ 130,000
=== MTX End of Area 4 (speedway) ~ 250,000
^^^ No Euphoria used (+100K)

=== EVO End of Area 2 (many little fishes + snakes) ~ 300,000
=== EVO End of Area 3 (with purple spinning enemies) ~ 400,000
^^^ No Euphoria used (+100K)

=== BTY End of Area 2 (before the tunnel) ~ 300,000
^^^ No Euphoria used (+100K)

=== PSN End of Area 5 (mirrors) ~ 600,000 (I was not planning on octo-locking the final boss because its too hard and used 1 Euphoria previously)
^^^ 1 Euphoria used in Area 2 (+50K)

=== JNY End of Area 4 (running men) ~ 350,000
^^^ 1 Euphoria used in Area 5 (+50K)

3) Lastly, practice, for the love of god, practice... and know that it's possible to get this cheevo, just might cost a bit of your sanity! ;)

Wishing everyone lots of patience!!! Please let me know if you have questions/concerns before down voting.

28 Mar 2012 08:56

As an edit to above comment, I meant on TA for level guides. I never like directing to other sites.. always prefer original in house things so to speak. Won't hold it against ya if you do though :D
By Meringue on 03 Apr 2012 20:47
More things: See , this is easy once you get into it!

Beauty. When the flower has orange points at the end of its' petals, those do not count towards your score. Just spam them down and be done with it, so you can focus on bullets. ONLY THE CORE GIVES POINTS!

Journey, end boss. The orange fish things that cover the core do not give points. Just hold down RT and hammer A like crazy. The giant arm things do not give points either (after the orange fish). Again, DO NOT OCTOLOCK HERE. Hold down RT and spam A. If you take too long, you stand a very good chance of getting hurt! Just burn em down. If you do as I say, you will have plenty of time, and should never fail there.
By Meringue on 03 Apr 2012 21:02
Yep, Meringue, those are all really great points. I didn't link to other solutions because I figure people who are determined (read: crazy) enough to go for this beast should/would already know how to get 800,000 and 100% purification separately. Perhaps you could add these valuable comments to the solutions of the respective achievements?

I mean, in reality, this is very straight forward. It's just combining the two together and not making a mistake of missing some small enemy is the biggest hurdle.
Practice, practice, practice, no words, other than those ones, will help at this point... :)

The point of this solution is to point out that one need gold stars on BOTH Normal and Hard. Had I known this before I set out to complete this game I would've passed it on and still had my sanity! ;) I literally thought it was only about gold starring it on Normal.
By ReDSHiFTD on 04 Apr 2012 08:16
Yeah, writing solutions for seemingly straightforward achievements can sometimes be a pain in the ass. Something like this is a "well duh" but at the same time there's so much behind that "duh". In that case I tend to just act that the reader knows nothing and break it down piece by piece. Maybe that's just a problem of my own though heh. The solution is looking a lot nicer now, and you are more than welcome to take any of my suggestions and paste em up there if you want.
Thumbs up.
By Meringue on 04 Apr 2012 14:09
U guys have any tricks for getting the final 1% on the boss in MTX, 3 times now Ive missed my gold star on hard because one little light (Im assuming) gets stuck behind the boss leaving me with only 99% purification. I already did it on easy and I dont miss any octolocks during the whole boss and finish it pretty quick. I had though maybe I was going too slow on the boss but I don't think that is the case anymore.
By NINja277 on 27 May 2012 16:41
I had the same problem as well, and I figured out that the only way to make sure to have 100% in the end was to make sure you have 72% at the purple sphere part. There you might need to just spam A to raise the percentage. Check my solution for MTX. :)
By ReDSHiFTD on 27 May 2012 21:10
Just got it! All i can say is, as soon as you know when where which enemy appears, you only need to focus on keeping the x8 multiplier. Best advise for me was using my foot to keep the beat. Gotta admit i'm kinda sad my Child of Eden journey is over... This game was a blast to play!
By WaKK0r on 02 Apr 2013 20:10
Would this possibly be easier with kinect since u only need 500000 to gold?
By itsa pumaa on 18 Jan 2016 13:35
Controller, for kinect 500,000 points are needed. But frankly, with the precision and accuracy that you will need to make it happen, Kinect just doesn't cut it. In my honest opinion it's easier with controller, even though Kinect's score is 300,000 points lower.
By ReDSHiFTD on 03 Apr 2012 12:32
Last thing that I found immensely helpful when learning the levels. Set your SFX to 20 or 30%, and max the music volume. Some of the ambient parts can be difficult to octolock through ( I am looking at you Beauty Phase 2 intro / Passion intro)

For Beauty you can actually hear (It's very quiet) a sort of chiming behind the electronic hum. You pick that up and you can octolock flawlessly. Once the downbeats come back you're home free.

For Passion in the beginning the globe pulses with the beat until you break it apart. With each "BOOOOM" there's a slight "tup tup" behind it. Release at the second "tup" and it will be a perfect octolock.

I only type that out because if you play with SFX up it is almost impossible to hear, and as such can really screw up your octolocks.
By Meringue on 03 Apr 2012 20:55
While I appreciate that you put together a small solution for this, maybe you could come along and share a couple of places that gave you a bad time. As it is you really aren't telling anything people don't already know. For your mental checkpoints, perhaps you could post a rough score guide (At end of Phase 1 in Passion, have 130,000ish points, etc.)
I will give another example.

For me, it took a long time to figure out how to effectively take bullets down in hard mode. The flower in Beauty is a hell of a beast (Pun :P) and will test your patience. The last phase it belches out crap tons of bullets. Sweeping the reticule from left to right instead of small circular motions at that part is far more effective. It was such a simple thing that kept tripping me up until my wife pointed it out.

To burn down things faster if you just need it dead, hold RT and spam A. It is far faster at killing than octolocking or just gunning it down.

Lastly if people have put up good level guides already, don't be ashamed to link to them in your own solution!
By Meringue on 03 Apr 2012 20:45
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Since there is already an excellent guide above by ReDSHiFTD, there is not much else I can say in terms of specifics, so here's just some extra advice for this maddening challenge.

1. Take it slow and enjoy the ride. Don't jump in with the expectation to master it instantly. Doing so will overwhelm you and burn you out. The game is essentially a work of art, so it should be enjoyed as such during your first run through.

2. Learn the rhythm mechanic. This mechanic is described in more detail in the octa-lock guides. It is absolutely essential that you become proficient with this mechanic to increase your score. In addition to practicing the levels over and over again, you can look up the original Genki Rockets songs on Youtube to help yourself become more familiar with the beats.

3. Realize that the challenge is fair. Many eastern 'quarter eater' games like shmups and on-rails shooters are heavily weighted against the player to the point of being unfair. This is not one of those games. There is no ulterior motive to the difficulty here, only pure skill. Even the most difficult and chaotic sections of the game are designed in way that can be handled efficiently with the use of memorization, timing, and prioritization of targets.

4. Achieve an almost meditative state. As a good friend of mine once described it, meditation is the full effort and unity of the mind and body when engaged in a specific task. This concept fits well with the gameplay and is evident in the very soul of the work. Focus on your involvement with game and less on the achievements themselves. I know it's a fuzzy concept to describe, but I implore you to just try it and see if it improves your experience.

5. Let the music move you. This coincides with octa-locking and meditation, but it's important enough to warrant its own explanation. The music and lighting effects are almost always in sync with octa-lock moments and enemy attack patterns. Don't focus solely on octa-locking the targets, but instead focus on the beat. With proper attention, the music will act as a precursor to the obstacles and opportunities that would be quite unpredictable otherwise.

6. Train your eyes to notice the color purple. This may seem obvious, but just a second's delay in player response could mean doom in the harder levels. The color purple is almost exclusively used to show enemy projectiles, so learn to differentiate it from the mass of sensory overload. This also applies in reverse with orange representing a target.

7. Learn when to step back and cool off. Even with intense focus on the last step, failure is still inevitable. No matter how good you are, you will fail again, and again, and again. You'll get mad, you'll get sad, and you'll begin to lose proper judgement. This happened to all of us Eden veterans. Even if you've been playing the same level for hours straight, after a certain point it becomes better to attempt it another day. I'm not just saying this as a mental issue, there is evidence for the physiological side too. Our brains begin to reject and ignore repeat stimuli after overexposure, so I assure you that you're better off taking a break than continuing a marathon grind session.

8. Try out the different visual and auditory effects. To help counteract the above mentioned sensory fatigue, the visual filters and sound variations could provide some much appreciated variety. Some targets even become easier to see under certain conditions. Be aware though that this can also work in reverse and make some projectiles nearly invisible, so use with caution. This could also help with grinding the Lumi's Garden achievement too.

9. Consider trying out the game Rez HD. Child of Eden is essentially the spiritual successor to Rez, which was originally released on the Sega Dreamcast. Luckily the game received a HD remastering so it can be experienced via the XBLA for just $10. Choosing to play this game will provide extra experience with the gameplay type and reveal an interesting relationship between the two titles.

10. Don't underestimate yourself. This is my final and most important advice. I personally had no intention of completing this game when I started. It was so tough that I instantly became discouraged from even trying. That was my biggest mistake. With full effort and genuine motivation, you can achieve almost anything in life. All pros start out as utter noobs, but the transition can only begin if you are willing to try. Good luck and may the reflexes be with you.

Bonus tip: For quick reference, you can print out the various guides on this site, and then store them together by using the Kinect as a fancy paperweight. wink

08 Jun 2013 03:48

I like your last advice the most: don't underestimate ourselves. I've been struggling on whether to get this game for quite some time but the achievement difficulty has been holding me back. Your advice really motivated me. I bought this game just a few days ago and I unlocked all possible achievements from Matrix to Beauty! Practicing and taking reference from Youtube videos help a lot.

I'm sure hard will be much harder but I'm up to the challenge. I won't underestimate myself.
By on 03 Aug 2013 14:55
Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad I could help. Good luck with the remaining levels. smile
By Dr JaMiN on 03 Aug 2013 23:14
Thank you for the motivation. I haven't played it for over a year but I will be popping it back in cause of your post. Thanks again and I'll let you know how it goes..
By xMANNY FRE5Hx on 11 Oct 2013 20:47
This is a marvelous guide, honestly do feel invigorated and motivated to start the game now.
By WeltallAY on 23 Jan 2014 14:45
Wow, thanks for compliments. It's like you're the one giving me the pep talk I've been needing recently.
By Dr JaMiN on 10 Apr 2014 06:41
Would this possibly be easier with kinect since you need less points for gold?
By itsa pumaa on 18 Jan 2016 13:38
There are indeed a few people who have had success with the kinect method, however considering the immense amount of practice required for each level, the normal controller may be best in regards to stamina expenditure and run consistency. In addition, even though the point requirement is lowered, the gold stars still require 100% purification at the same time, which is nearly impossible with the kinect's variable accuracy and responsiveness.
By Dr JaMiN on 23 Feb 2016 04:14
Considering the items in your trophy case, I'm sure you'll be able to pull this off. Good luck.
By Dr JaMiN on 13 Oct 2013 22:37
What makes this solution so great, is that most of the tips aren't specifically towards the game itself but more intrinsic tips if anything else; an under-rated form of guidance. I'd go as far as to say that a fair few of these pointers can be used when tackling any other game that one endeavors to complete. I never felt more content with myself for giving a solution a positive vote of my 4 years on TA.
By Zenn P on 24 Mar 2014 09:41
Haha, I wouldn't think so. However that sort of meditation state I mentioned could certainly be akin to some of the effects one would experience on lsd, specifically ego death. What that refers to is a temporary loss of one's personal feeling of identity. This is usually accompanied by a sense of oneness or understanding of the world, so it is usually a positive experience. It has a heavy presence in some eastern philosophies, and doesn't necessarily require the use of psychedelics. Any form of meditation, be it art, music, work, cooking, etc., can lead to this sort of transcendent moment. So in retrospect, I believe that is partially what I went through here. It certainly helped me mature more as a person, even if it was just in small ways. Any ego death experience can reap positive benefits to an open, yet reality grounded mind.
By Dr JaMiN on 12 Jun 2018 14:30
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This is the mother of all trophies. This is what you are working towards and getting this trophy will net you 80% of the trophy list. This is what makes the game a 9 (borderline 10) out of 10 difficulty. Many will not have the skill, patience or dedication for this trophy because Gold Stars must be attained on normal and HARD! Basically, look at every trophy related for 800,000 points I have outlined strategies for Gold Starring each level. For a Gold Star you need 100% Purification and over 800,000 points in the same playthrough on a level.