Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

119 Achievements

2580 XP


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Happy Town

Happy Town

Have more than 95% city happiness for 5 years

30 XP


How to unlock the Happy Town achievement in Cities: Skylines - Definitive Guide

This is one of the trickier Achievements in the game despite its simple description.

Happiness Explained

First, let's look at the description and work from there:
Have more than 95% city happiness for 5 years
Happiness is one of the statistics you can find in the Info Panel on your main screen.

Happiness is broken down into 4 categories, one for each type of area you can zone land for.

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A full breakdown and tips for Happiness can be found here:

"Happy Town" requires you to have more than 95% city Happiness for 5 years.

There is not a lot of information on this online but one can assume that this is the average Happiness value of a city.

We can view an approximation of average city Happiness in the City Info's Statistics menu, where you can access a number of line graphs:

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You'll note that I said "approximation" when referring to this menu. The reason for this is that although you have your 4 Happiness values mentioned at the top of this Solution a straight average is not what decides the overall Happiness value. These values are weighted so some will have more importance to your city than others.

In any case this approximated value is a good reference point.

Reaching 95% Happiness

The best way to tackle this is to attempt the following:

> Get Residential Happiness to 100%
This is best achieved once you have access to Monuments.
Construct the Eden Project (maximum land value) and the Medical Center (maximum health efficiency) and this should be enough to hit 99-100% eventually.
If you need a top-up be sure to add many Service buildings, Metro Lines and Parks as these also bump up your overall score.

> Get Industrial Happiness to 100%
This is a little trickier than Residential. In addition to the above you will want a solid transport network and good traffic flow in and out of your industrial zones. Cargo Terminals are also important as they help create supply and demand for goods.
Easy access to your Commercial areas is also important in order to ensure goods get delivered quickly to stores.

> Get Commercial Happiness to the highest value possible.
This is notably trickier than the other two, as Commercial rarely seems to go above 85% no matter how well you play. Most of the above tips will apply here as well.

An alternative strategy is to build a city with only Residential and Office areas, thus negating the supply and demand issues of Commercial/Industrial. If you're going for this I would also suggest building the Hadron Collider Monument in addition to the 2 mentioned above.

Once all of this is done you simply need to maintain as high a score as possible for 5 years. What you need to do will vary, but typically you will be keeping an eye out for any icons that pop up and taking care of your citizens' issues as they arise.

One last tip I can give regarding this is to be ready for "death waves". These occur every few years as several citizens reach the end of their lifespan. The best way I have found of combating this is to create a "death squad" of 10 Crematoriums in the city centre (in addition to your regular deathcare solution) and setting the Health budget to 150%. This will add an additional 150 hearses to your city, capable of handling 1500 dead citizens. This puts a strain on your budget however so once the majority of death icons disappear I recommend turning off each of these Crematoriums until the next wave.

Finally, one thing to note is that you may earn this randomly while building a strong city for other Achievements. I wasn't building a "Happy Town" city at the time but my city was performing well enough to unlock it anyway. The screenshots in this Solution are from just after the Achievement unlocked, and here's a final one showing my overview:

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Good luck.

08 Jun 2017 15:39

I went with the residential/office route, worked perfectly. I had built a city based on the walkthrough but then changed all industry and commercial to office space
By Cernunnos295 on 20 Sep 2020 10:46
Great hints! I'm still struggling to get this achievement but with your tips I have to be getting close.
By Huppster6 on 10 Dec 2017 23:36
When PJTierney says this is tricky, that ain't no lie. It is very frustrating and mine popped as the Happiness Stat showed barely above 90. My numbers in the end were Residential 100%, Commercial 74%, Office 100%, Industrial 98%. Having the Medical Center and Eden Project monuments active really helped.
By Drachen77 on 11 Mar 2018 07:03

- Population of 160k inhabitants.
- Residential areas and offices only
- Removed all commercial and empresarial areas (including cargo port and freight station)
- Built Eden Project, Medical Center, and Hadron.
- Low taxes (7% at all)
- Law on benefits to offices and studies.
- 150% budget in healthcare and studies.

At all times I had 100% happiness in residential and 96-99% happiness in offices.

I'm sorry my English translator ^^
By Yui Shojei on 10 Oct 2019 15:18
I had about 98% residential, 80% commercial, 80% office, 96-98% industry - and this popped it.
By Viper3773 on 09 Oct 2022 19:15
I'm at 10 years in a row with 100% happiness but it wont unlock...
I dezoned my 200k city and only keep high density residential with monuments (stabilized at 45k)
On the city stats we can clearly see that the happiness curve has been at its maximum for 10 years so I don't understand why it doesn't work...

Edit : Luckily I made a separate save at the start of the attempt, so i just reloaded this save (let's go for an other afk), BUT after only 1 in game year of waiting the achievement pop... So wtf very stange i didn't do anything different from the first attempt...
By Alexisphh on 25 Jan 2023 18:30
By XI AlphaMale IX on 11 Feb 2023 11:50
it is 100% for sure only the CITIZEN happiness needed. I had for 5 years straigt 100% citizen 80% Commercial 80% Office and 94-100% Industrie 90-92% total happyness and achievement poped for me.
By Sambaweb on 03 Mar 2023 11:16
It does seem that residential is the important factor (or at least strongly weighted). I just popped this with 100% residential happiness, and 98% industrial (though there was virtually none zoned), but commercial and office down at 77% and 78% respectively.

My average/overall happiness (from the statistics screen) was constantly around 85% (and never crossed 90%), so that isn't too much of a guide.
By stordoff on 09 Apr 2023 03:11
For what it is worth, I was 100% Residential, 97% Industrial, 81% Commercial, and 80% Office when it popped. However, Industrial was at 95% for part of that. So maybe it only averages industrial and residential.
By Tombo Ahi on 22 Feb 2024 19:10
Just as a heads up, I found that 1 year passes in about 30 minutes on 3x speed. You're looking at sustaining that happiness level and constantly monitoring it for about 2.5 hours.
By HiddenJaguar25 on 06 Aug 2021 18:52
Weird. I had 98% happiness in residential, but mid 80s for every other zone and this still popped this morning. I'm not sure if it solely takes into account residential, or if each zone has different weight. I had about 15k people and my average land value was maxed out across the city
By Mr DopeGaming on 22 Oct 2022 14:59
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I managed to unlock this achievement by creating a city with over 100,000 population then building all of the monuments in an area with lots of public services, cemetery's, hospitals, police stations, landfills, power stations and good transport links.

I then dezoned my entire city and then once the population had crashed I set up a new residential zone around the services and monuments.

I enabled recreational use, small business enthusiast, big business benefactor and enabled all tax relief policies.

Finally I reduced all taxes to minimum.

While my finances collapsed happiness stayed above 95% I just had to keep dismissing the bail out option as the game played through 5 years

31 Oct 2017 15:18

Would the achievement be negated if you were to accidentally accept the bailout option?
By Cause on 10 Feb 2018 19:52
As far as I'm aware the bailout option voids future achievements so you're best off reloading an earlier save
By Ian333333 on 12 Feb 2018 00:14
Or have a separate save in case you do hit the bailout option.
By capicawl on 08 Apr 2019 12:14
I gave it a try and this solution is spot on. I would recommend pausing the game and making sure you have everything set up for the tanking of your funds. By the time 5 years was up, I was 47M in the hole. lol
By capicawl on 29 Apr 2019 00:58
Putting the taxes to a minimum for commercial did the trick for me. Got commercial happiness up to 87%. Just kept rejecting the bail out for 5 years!
By Charlie Lima on 18 May 2019 12:55
Worked nicely for me. I had 200k pop and 35 million cash before I dezoned my city. Still had 15 million cash after achievement.
By Maztech7 on 02 Jun 2019 16:11
This popped for me at 3 years thanks. Doesn't have to be a continuous 95% without dropping below for a couple days from the looks
By Gruber Hof on 02 Feb 2020 21:21
This solution works perfectly! Just be mindful of the proportions of the different type of buildings that you have. If you have a ratio of 2 residential squares for every 1 commercial square, the happiness score will be weighted more towards your residential score by that ratio. It's not a simple calculation your average RCIO score!
By A Rabid Meerkat on 26 Apr 2020 14:41
it is 100% for sure only the CITIZEN happiness needed. I had for 5 years straigt 100% citizen 80% Commercial 80% Office and 94-100% Industrie 90-92% total happyness and achievement poped for me.
By Sambaweb on 03 Mar 2023 12:54
This way works good. If you're only doing residential then any dip below 95% in the info view may reset it. I did low density first with a few hundred and I felt like it fluctuated in the late 90s with it going to 94% at one point. I didn't get it unlocked.

When I did high density with a few thousand citizens it mostly stayed on 100% happiness for residential. I also cut off any highways from other parts of the city and just had one entrance into the city. This area I made with some services, unique buildings and the economic stuff mentioned in the guide. Thanks. :)
By Blissed Away on 10 Dec 2019 04:50
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I saw this in a comment on another guide and thought it needed more exposure.

I did this with 125k city.
- dezone all industrial and commercial
- use only office zones and residential
- max out services budget (medical, police, fire etc)
- total coverage with schools to create high educated workforce

This removes a lot of noise, traffic and pollution. I was running with nuclear power and garbage incinerators out of town.

Then sit back and wait a few hours for 5 years to roll by

12 Mar 2020 00:00

City Happiness is measured as a weighted average of the happiness of each type of zone, meaning the more squares of each zone the more important that zones' happiness is to your city.

To achieve 95+%, start with a normal, endgame city (100k, all monuments unlocked) and build the Hadron Collider, Eden Project & Medical Center monuments. (I also had the Space Elevator, but I don't think it was necessary).

Next, dezone all of your commercial & industrial sectors and zone enough Office space so that you have at most 50% unemployment. Be careful not to zone too much office, because you want a ratio of about 1/3 office and 2/3 residential.

After the zones are built up, make sure you build a lot of parks, fire & police to cover everything as much as possible. You'll also need at least 4 prisons because unemployment causes crime, and you need to keep your crime rate low.

Finally, go to your economy panel and set the office tax rate to the minimum and turn on the office tax break policy. You can safely bump up your residential tax a little (11-12%) to offset the lost profits.

With this setup I had 100% residential happiness and 86% office happiness, which gives slightly over 95% for the whole city. (100*2/3 + 86*1/3 = 95.34) You can check the average number in the City Info's Statistics screen.

Now, you just wait for 5 years, which does take a few hours. I would recommend watching it for at least the first year or so, because you'll probably need more crematoriums & police. Just keep adding stuff until the citizens stop complaining and you should have no problems.

21 Sep 2022 12:31

1 Comment
it is 100% for sure only the CITIZEN happiness needed. I had for 5 years straigt 100% citizen 80% Commercial 80% Office and 94-100% Industrie 90-92% total happyness and achievement poped for me.
By Sambaweb on 03 Mar 2023 20:58