Cyberball 2072

Cyberball 2072

12 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Win a game without being scored against in Easy mode.


How to unlock the Shutout achievement in Cyberball 2072 - Definitive Guide

This one is harder then it seems. It actually took me several attempts to get it.

Time management is critical. You can set it up so that you only have to stop them once. What you want to do is, after initial kick-off, is waste a full quarter getting to the "defuse line" at mid-field. Just run the ball, and keep your gains minimal, until you get hot, then cross the defuse line. Also, after every play, highlight the play you want to pick, and then let the clock run down. DON'T select your play. It will pick the one you have highlighted, after the time to pick a play expires. (Roughly 30 seconds).

When you get close to their goal line, letting another quarter expire, do not score. Throw the ball away near their goal line. It may not let you select a pure pass play. Just pick an option play, and throw the ball away. If you score, for some reason, with a few quarters passed, and you in the lead, the computer AI is ramped up, and it becomes really hard to stop them.

Now you're on defense. Use clock management, winding down the clock with each play they pick, before you pick your defensive play. While it lets you pick Standard Nickel, select that, and drop the middle linebacker into pass coverage. Its easy to stop the run. If you get burned, it'll most likely be the pass. Once they're close to the defuse line or goal line, you won't have the standard nickel option, so go with the OLB drop, and try to get as much pass protection as you can.

If you do stop them, they should have wasted a quarter away. Use the initial step above to drain as much clock as possible on offense again. This time, you will want to score. When you score, you'll want to have 5 quarters killed.

When the CPU gets the ball back, just play pass coverage again, and wind the clock down with your play selecting, and you should be all set.

I will say this. The above strategy is the best way I found to get the achievement, but it's not fool-proof. It still may take 3-4 tries to get it this way, but if you implement that above strategy, it should make it much easier for you to nab this achievement.

04 Apr 2011 01:15

What exactly is "easy mode"? I did this without getting scored on and it did not unlock. At the beginning I selected the "Rookie" Cyberball difficulty.
By KinectKid333 on 04 Aug 2017 20:56
I figured it out. To confirm myself, yes, this achievement is unlocked by selecting "Rookie League" at the very beginning. What I was doing wrong was that I tried to make this a little easier on myself by setting the "clock speed" to 4 in settings. This disables achievements. Clock speed must be set to 1, the default, to enable achievements.

As a side note, I found the "Safety Blitz" defensive play to have an 80%-90% rate of causing the opponent to have either small gains, negative gains, or incomplete passes, with you having to do very little. It also creates very nice chances for interceptions.

Also, in period six if you are ahead, your opponent will use timeouts every play. They'll have 9 at that point. If you make it to the end of period 5, you're only halfway there. Good luck.
By KinectKid333 on 24 Oct 2021 23:08
The most important thing to remember for this, is that the clock runs until you select a play. So, march down the field to get the lead, and let the little play-clock timer almost run out before choosing your play every time. Once you score, hold them on Defense and the clock will run while you pick Defensive plays as well, so drain it again as much as possible. After you hold them once and get the ball back, repeat the same slow play calling until you get down by their endzone but do NOT score. You already have the lead and are going for the shut out, so more points do not really matter. Keep the ball close to the endzone, but don't score and when the ball becomes "Critical", throw it away or get tackled and they will get the ball back right there and have to go the length of the field to score on you. (It does not matter in easy mode if you lose a player from a critical ball explosion; they will be replaced on the next play.)