Dawn of Man

Dawn of Man

24 Achievements

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Ultimate Challenger

Ultimate Challenger

Complete all 4 challenges in hardcore mode


How to unlock the Ultimate Challenger achievement in Dawn of Man - Definitive Guide

This can be done easily if you know what your doing for each of the three challenges. Some were actually easier in hardcore as the increased frequency of attacks by animals lead too more supplies.

First is building the temple. Immediately plant a 5x5 square of barley as it provides potentially 50% more hay (make sure you click then drag outward to place the field I at first placed individual tiles of crops and this is utter waste of space). This is so you can build and maintain all your structures which require hay. Set up each of your work areas allowing 2 people per job and a limit of 10 resources, this allows them to perform other jobs if they reach the limit of say ten flint or wood. The only job which you do not want done automatically is hunting and that goes for almost every scenario. Individually gathering three to four healthy people and sending them too attack a beast is far more efficient then asking one guy to auto hunt then never ever kill anything and just end up chasing beasts half way across the map and losing them. Next build a tanner and skin dryer( I set both too only make a max production of five) then a haystack, and a food drier. Set your crafter to auto produce everything then layout where u want the temple near the base as it is central. I lay the circle then make sure four menhirs can go around it then I delete the circle stone and build the four menhirs first for the morale boost they provide. Once those four are built I then layout the circle stone and build it last. Spend your time hunting until u get your first harvest of hay then build another house and always have at least one more house then you need for your population. So you should at this point have a base that is maintaining itself for the most part, your workload will over 150% causing popups all the time until more settlers show up. If you've been hunting enough and set your tanner and skin dryer to 5 max production you should have a surplus of animal skins and your settlers should have max amount of clothing and weapons made from dry skins without all the animal skins being turned into dry skins since you need leather to bring those megalithic stones in. So get too work! Some stones need to be dragged around the lake or over mountains but get the closest first obviously. Using Primal Vision (clicking right cursor stick) the stones show up as a purple mass and then a blue pillar stone once mined, once they are mined you have to tell your settlers to take leather and wood to make the sleigh for it, once built they start to drag it to your mapped out megalithic structure. You must have the structure waiting to be built on the map or they wont know where to drag it too.

The second scenario is by far the easiest. Building 4 stables (you'll need five) and maintaining 50 animals. My advice is basically the same as the first, plant 5x5 barley patch for the extra hay it can produce, you'll want about four 5x5 plots of this as you ramp up your animal and human population since you need hay to build as well as feeding animals in winter). Get all your auto jobs set out except for hunting which you'll do manually. Set each job to two people getting 10 supplies max. Build you basic structures, leather and dry skin producer (both set to 5 max production again) you'll need more haystacks this time so build accordingly. Hunt until you get your first harvest of hay then immediately build two stables too house your animals, you will have a couple animals die before you get these built. Now you want to ramp up slowly with your population growth. Build 5x5 plots of barley if your people aren't already overworked 200%. Get a weaver and a Outfitter (set production on both to 150%production) eventually turning your wool from sheep into cloth and clothing to sell too the trader that shows up every now and then. This is your source for animals and they are expensive, though they did mate and produce in this scenario. Mud as well as hay is needed to make structures so I had to make multiple auto source points on the river for it. Once your settlement is in equilibrium set production limits for jobs higher to collect a surplus of supplies to sell to the trader.

The final challenge is maintain a population of 50 in the stone age, it was a steep learning curve and a fun to overcome.

This is the reason I learned about manual hunting. It is absolutely required that you manually hunt to get dry skins which are necessary for EVERYTHING, building and maintaining your structures and making weaponry and clothing your people.

First off I set out all auto gathering jobs with 2 workers and 10 supplies max. (surround the lake to get all fishing spots) except hunting which your doing manually. Build multiple skin dryers (set production to infinity) too make dry skins so u can build the crafter (set it to auto produce everything and make 125% clothing too never ever run out). Build the food drier another two huts too house everyone and anyone else who comes. It will be winter when you start out but as soon as you find wildlife start hunting. You will want to gather about 2-5 healthy adult or old settlers depending on what your hunting. Most of the wildlife you will be hunting are predators from wolves, lions to bears. Its the stone age so sneak up and kill the young of most groups to aggro the adults and bag extra pelts since they run away usually. Sometimes docile herbivores will walk right by your settlers near the shore for easy group kills. Had a giant megalosomething woolly rhino wander directly though my main camp. It sure died quick with twenty spears through it and the eight pelts it provided were welcome. I even let some settlers get kilt if the amount of aggro'd enemies was worth the take in pelts. With a ready steady pile of pelts and a population near thirty you wanna expand to other bodies of water in the area too fish there. Fishing is what maintains your people while the meat you hunt is what allows you to grow. From the main settlement with the biggest mountain to your back you want to first expand to the lake straightoutward to your right, the biggest body of water on the map. Build three houses with food and skin drier then start fishing (set production from fishing to something high like 40 but keep number of people at 2 for each fishing job, 3 fishing location squares can be covered by one auto fishing circle). Keep hunting the best thing you can do is have too many pelts. Around population 35-40 you want to expand to the lake on the left from the main camp, there are many predators around this lake so get it last. Build same thing three houses, driers then get all fishing locations around the lake. As your population grows you require the steady stream of fish to maintain the population while taking any opportunistic chance to hunt beasts for their hides. So end scenario with 48 people before the two who showed up to make 50 I had a surplus of weapons and clothes but was super short on hides despite hunting constantly as you need to fix buildings and cloth people constantly, I had 7 huts main camp with 6 at each of the other lake sites, needed a storage hut eventually but only one at main camp, I did build one of the spiritual skull trees they pray too at each camp sight for a slight morale boost. I hovered around 48 for a while with infection, disease and old age keeping me there but eventually a birth will occur with a few settlers joining to take you over 50.

Thanks if you read completely, hope it helps.

04 Mar 2020 04:09