Dead Cells

Dead Cells

121 Achievements

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Nothing left to... collect.

Nothing left to... collect.

You beat \"The Collector\" without taking a single hit!


How to unlock the Nothing left to... collect. achievement in Dead Cells - Definitive Guide

I know a lot of people are gonna want to downvote this for not being the super-most-awesomest-ever-possible setup without actually commenting and providing anything better. So, in advance: roll


EDIT: first and foremost, you need 5 Boss Stem Cells active to open the Astrolab door. This means you first need to beat the Hand of the King at least 4 times, each time with all available BSC active, and then beat the Giant with all 4 BSC active to get the 5th.

NOTE: equipping any Aspect at the Doctor in the Prisoner's Quarters at the start of the game will prevent this achievement from unlocking. I found that out the hard way and had to do yet another full run.


My setup for this was:

  1. Magic Missiles
  2. Lightning Whip
  3. Great Owl of War
  4. Turret
For mutations:

  1. Tranquility (bonus damage when no enemies nearby)
  2. Emergency Triage (substantially faster use of potions)
  3. No Mercy (automurderilate anything at low health)
The path I took was:

  1. Prisoner's Quarters
  2. Dilapidated Arboretum
  3. Prison Depths
  4. Morass of the Banished
  5. Graveyard
  6. Cavern
  7. Guardian's Haven
  8. High Rock Castle
  9. Throne Room
  10. Astrolab
  11. Observatory
I got a couple of cursed chests and some challenge rifts. I sunk every scroll into Tactics when I could, and when I couldn't I just chose the highest percentage health increase between Survival and Brutality. I ended up with 6-32-7 at the end of my run.

I cannot stress how OP Magic Missiles is. I got some affixes on it that gave bonus damage against bleeding and electrocuted targets, which the Lightning Whip and Great Owl provided. By the time I got to the Collector, I was dealing significant damage.

I didn't upgrade any weapons to S level until the very end, and I toyed a bit with rerolling affixes but didn't get the +300% damage I was hoping for on Magic Missiles. It was still a very powerful weapon, with DPS around 60K. The blueprint for it drops from Arbiters - the enemies that drop exploding barrels when they die, which fire 6 projectiles in a star as they blow up. They can be found in the Cavern.

I also cannot stress how important Emergency Triage is to the Collector fight itself. The blueprint is dropped by the Time Keeper the 7th time you kill him.


30 Jun 2022 08:59

Looks like a good guide to me! I'll have to work on getting some of those blueprints you mentioned. Can this only be done when you start the run with 5 boss cells? I didn't know if Astrolab stayed opened after you get there the first time or not, still working my way there :)
By Scarovese#3367 on 30 Jun 2022 10:31
@Scarovese#3367 Yes, the door to the Astrolab is a Cell door, so you have to have 5 BSC active each time to open it. It doesn't stay open like the keyed doors.
By Adayin on 30 Jun 2022 14:26
Cursed sword in backpack is a great tip for all these hitless achievements, thanks Fingers!
By Scarovese#3367 on 02 Jul 2022 11:58
You can also force saves as you go through levels by quitting to the main menu or just by hitting the guide button and then closing it. If you have the cursed sword in your pack, and the death assistance mode enabled, you'll go back to whenever you made the save instead of all the way back to the beginning of the level.

This is useful for making it through levels without wasting potions, or other resources like gold on health items at the shops. It's also helpful for keeping progress made while cursed by opening cursed chests and breaking gold doors.
By Adayin on 02 Jul 2022 16:00
I don't think the Emergency Triage is necessary anymore. I didn't have it and my character drank the potion instantly. I had more trouble with picking it up than drinking it. Also you can't use the whip and the missiles together anymore. On a final note the Owl was great during the levels but it was useless at the final boss (using checkpoints): any time I reloaded, the cooldown was on maximum and when I tried to summon it the cooldown reset.
By HUN playmore on 17 Jul 2022 21:40
@HUN%20playmore Fair point, and one that I forgot. I got screwed with the checkpoints in that fight on my second try and ended up giving up on a damageless win and had to do yet another full run. The only checkpoint I forced during that fight was right after the cutscene when the collector teleports the homunculus to the first phase room. I didn't summon anything and trigger a cool down until after that. If I took a hit, I had to redo the whole fight but it wasn't that bad.
By Adayin on 17 Jul 2022 22:03
I played with Assist Mode and made checkpoints during the fight without issue. Couldn't beat him hitless, but did manage to beat him
By Scarovese#3367 on 11 Aug 2022 21:08
Does save exploiting still work? I had 3 seperate runs ruined where in restsrting started me off with less health despite not being hit. The last time it took off 1 HP to screw me over
By F TANK on 15 Aug 2022 14:38
Using the in-game retry, it does reduce your health each time but you can get the hitless achievements.
By Scarovese#3367 on 15 Aug 2022 15:30
This was a really tough one. Took me 3-4 runs just to find out that my gear wasn’t ready. On the final run I had to „use“ the hidden safe function at least 50 times. Thanks for the guide, paved the way but really challenged my patience
By Hammerlore on 24 Aug 2022 19:09
Do you have to do this with all the boss cells activated? Or does the door stay open after the first time you open it?
By KiRRAYNE on 08 Sep 2022 02:59
Adayin previously answered that, you need five active boss cells each time you try to go through the door.
By Scarovese#3367 on 08 Sep 2022 09:34
Cool thanks. I posted this from my phone last night and I didn't realize there were so many comments! I finally just expanded them all. Thanks again :)
By KiRRAYNE on 08 Sep 2022 15:28
Got this on my first run with 5 boss cells active! I used the S-Grade Lightning Strike with a double damage mod on it. Using Emergency Triage was a great idea. Once you get an idea of how the fight works this is really easy.
By KiRRAYNE on 27 Sep 2022 15:13
I had the same problem as Ice Faux Pirate where I did so much damage, I skipped the add phase, and when picking up the flask it didn't do the animation. So when I go his health down to 0 he wouldn't die. What worked for me was just drinking a health flask (or maybe somehow it was drinking the blue flask he drops?), and as soon as I drank the flask he died.
By SaucyCooper on 20 Aug 2023 21:02
With assist mode on and using the save method this isn't too bad. Dump skills into tactics and make sure to collect every possible scroll. To be safe if you can find and equip a Cursed Sword in your backpack do so.

Im seething right now because I had to restart my run... I paused the game on a death animation because I needed to reference this guide again to see what to do when he was stuck at 0 health. One button away from unlocking... god dammit.
By ScribblesJaws on 06 Jan 2024 03:47
Thanks the emergency triage was the tip for me. Couldn't use the potion without taking a hit before i tried that.

Multiple times I took a hit in the last second as my turret finished him off and had to do the whole run again.
I'd advise picking up the cursed sword and putting it in your in your backpack (Y button on equip screen). Then you know you definitely didnt take a hit when you beat him.
You can drop the sword at the start of levels and pick it you before you leave the stage so you dont have to do the whole game without getting hit. It doesn't despawn when you go in doors so dont worry about that.
I kept it on me for bosses because sometimes you get locked in the arena once you kill them. You could drop it once the fight starts i suppose.

Also assist mode doesn't effect achievements so set the sliders in your advantage. This makes it very do able with limited skill. I wouldn't say easy but I did it and am by no means great at this game.
By Fingers87 on 02 Jul 2022 05:54
The game won't let me beat The Collector. I've reached him twice now and both times on the second level of his tower I have his health at basically 0 for over 60 seconds and the fight just keeps going. He won't teleport...
He dropped his flask already but I couldn't actually drink it, it just disappeared when I clicked RB.
So I just have to quit out which sucks.

Anyone else have this glitch and know how to fix it?
Maybe it has something to do with Assist Mode? I was saving a checkpoint on each new level of his tower so I didn't have to replay the whole fight if I got hit. Does this screw it up?
By ICE Faux Pirate on 11 Aug 2022 20:09
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So, I’ve done a lot of no-damage speedruns and I’d like to share one build for each class and what u should look for in each weapon/skill/power so you guys might have an easier time depending on your play style:

Lets start with my favorite
This build focus on parries so if u are not that good with the timing u can always enable easier parries in the assist tab, there’s no shame on that btw.

- Giantkiller Sword (with the affix Crits do 20% more damage)
- Thunder Shield or Parry shield (with the affix atk after parry inflict 300% more dmg)
- Stun Grenade (with stun duration +50%)
- Mushroom Boi or Owl if colorless (with 100% more dmg inflicted/ 100% more dmg taken)

During th run I used
- What doesn’t kill me (to regen health as much as possible before each boss)
- No Mercy (to quickly run through Mobs)
- Necromancy (for the same reason as WDKM)

Just before The Collector boss room I changed my mutations to:
- CounterAttack
-Kill Rhythm
-Instinct of the Master of Arms

20-30 On Survival
Any on Brutality
Any on Tactics

The main focus here is raw Crit damage, as the Giantkiller always inflicts crits on bosses. So u can force The Collector to change fases as quickly as possible with that. It’s the most fun build imo. The only thing u should look out for with this build is the Quake attack as it is “unblockable”and “unparriable”.
The owl has amazing dmg output if colorless, and the Mushroom boi has the best utility as he can interrupt some of the bosses atks giving u a window to dodge or make distance or whatever.
The Mutations, as u can see, help u boost atk speed and dmg. Therefore providing a better dps. Instinct is only there to give u more stun grenades.
The Stun is imperative for this build to work, as it gives u constant windows to atk and more importantly as soon as the boss drops the blue vial it guarantees u will be able to drink it without interruption (making Emergency Triage not needed as it would be otherwise)

This build, of course, focuses on ranged battle so keep your distance (or not it works close range too)
- Magic Missiles
- Any of ur preference tbh
- Owl
- Corrupted Power

- Tranquility (if longer range) or Point Blank (if close ranged)
- Ranger’s Gear
- Emergency Triage

25-30 is more than enough on Tactics
Any Brutality
Any Survival

This build focuses more on timed dodges and jumps to dish out the most dmg possible via Magic Missiles + Corrupted Power u just never stop firing. The missiles auto track so u can use them while jumping and they will still follow the boss. It’s pretty straight forward tbh as long as u focus on an element u should be able to melt the boss quite easily, I tend to go for an ICE focused more often than any other element but it’s up to u honestly. Both Tranquility and Point Blank ups ur dmg, same as Ranger’s Gear after using Corrupted Power.
Emergency Triage makes it so u can instantly use the Blue Vial once the Collector drops it. Note that u can replace this Mutation but he usually follows the vial drop with a combo, so its riskier.

- Sadist Stilleto
- Frost Blast for utility/ Front Line Shield for defense
- Phaser
- Face Flask

- Open Wounds
- Instinct of the Master of Arms
- Vengeance

20-30 on Brutality
Any Survival
Ant Instinct

If u can’t tell yet this is a Bleed focused build, so try to have most affixes have bleed on them. This build works mostly by spamming Phase + Stilleto combo. it deals MASSIVE dmg overall with the Crits provided by the aforementioned combo, and the bleed effect is the cherry on top as it furthers the dmg dealt. Frost Blast is more situational thing, as it doesn’t scale with brutality. It serves to keep the boss in place to dish out a combo or drink the Blue Vial when he drops it. Face Flask is a means to trigger Vengeance without taking a hit. This is a very good combo and it doesn’t prevent the achievement from popping up.

- Don’t use any aspect before starting the run as it blocks the achievement from popping up.
- During his last fase u can go to the leftmost corner of the screen as soon as he uses his downwards beam to drink from the vial. the spikes for some reason do not hurt u, do with that information what you will, but be mindful that it won’t work for certain atks, they will still hit u nonetheless.
- You can “force” a save just before the boss room and save some time between each try by minimizing your game or going to the Home screen on Xbox and PS5 for a few secs. don’t do it in between phases because sometimes it reduces ur hp a few points which IS considered a hit.

Hope you guys enjoy!

19 Jul 2022 16:57

The final boss in the expansion. When actively attacking with your character with damage advance, the battle can last from 1 to 4 rounds in different locations. That is, you destroy 50% of the HP - the boss is healed, you destroy it again - it is healed again, the 4th time it drops an elixir, drinking which you will one-shot the boss. To get the trophy, you CAN save between rounds with successful progress without taking damage and use active attack tactics - you simply preventively cause damage and do not give the boss the opportunity to attack you. Completed the round without taking any damage - save until victory!

04 Aug 2022 22:32