Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

30 Achievements


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Mercenary Work

Mercenary Work

Completed all contracts


How to unlock the Mercenary Work achievement in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - Definitive Guide

Hi Guys,

For this achievement, you will want to complete the 13 contracts in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider in a single playthrough .

The contracts are as follows

2 in Mission 1 (Industrial Espionage & Burn the White Hound)
4 in Mission 2 (The Mime, Workplace Harassment, Missing Brother, Kidnap the Bartender)
4 in Mission 3 (The Art Connoisseur, Pickpocket's Delight, Quiet as a Mouse, Rags to Riches to Regs)
3 in Mission 4 (A Risky Wager, Pilfer the Prophecies, Alvaro and the Abbey)
0 in Mission 5

Contracts are fun side quests that give you coin/bone-charms upon completion. Once they are failed, they cannot be attempted again without a reload; however, as this is a Dishonored game you can save at will so if you fail, just reload.

Edit: I recommend you do this on your non-Shadow run. Some of these are much more difficult undetected. It isn't perhaps as hard as first implied but in my opinion you don't need the headache of trying to remain undetected as you'll need 2 play throughs anyway. Additionally, its easier to do this on normal mode and not on Original game Plus as the abilities suit better; however I did it on OG+ so it's entirely possible. Finally, as with everything in Dishonored, nothing is saved until you save or it autosaves. Once you've fulfilled a requirement and you're in a safe area, make a save or two to back up your progress.

I have included a video guide at the end of the solution if you prefer a video reference for a couple of the trickier one, full credit going to video owner Rubhen295

GUIDE: (I recommend you do the contracts in the following order for the easiest time; this is especially the case in Mission 2, as Workplace Harassment is pretty finicky)

Mission 1 - One Last Fight

Contract Pickup: Right at the start of the level, next to where you pick up your main mission info off the board.

M1, C1 - Industrial Espionage. - Easy one. For this contract, we will want to be relatively chaos-free getting to the Bathhouse so we are neutral as we enter. Pay 100 coin to get into the door on the right (pickpocket people for money if you need to, they're pretty stupid). The first area we will be in will be a mini-distillery. Shut the door upon entering so the person you bribed doesn't turn on you, and kill the enemy/enemies (could be 1 or 2 depending on patrol route). Kill or subdue the enemy sweeping, and loot his key (he'll always be here). Use the key on one of the drawers next to him to get the recipe (from where we entered, it's to the right of the counter by a sink). Then smash ALL the orange bottles in the crate, and you should see a notification that you've completed the contract.

M1, C2 - Burn the White Hound - Another easy one. Make sure your marker is active, and just proceed to it, killing any people on the way (stealth isn't overly important.) Once at the marker, you should notice a few wolfhounds in a pen. Hit a red button to the left of it and take them all out. Once everything is dead, carry the white one (the marker should be on this specific dog and it's the only one that is white) to the new marker - a furnace. If you killed everything on the way over here, you should be able to just sprint there (it's on the same floor.) Open the furnance, put the dog in, hit the button and you should get a completed contract notification.

Mission 2 - Follow the Ink

Contract Pickup: Black market. Follow the marker there, and pick up the contracts off the board inside the black market area.

I strongly recommend you do the contracts in the order I detail here, especially doing 2 before 3 and/or 4.

For mission ease, I also recommend you get your tattoo from the Red Camilla, the Secret knock for Shan Yun's door, and the key from Jacobi's apartment. The last contract will alert everyone, which means we can just run to Shan Yun's and complete the mission quickly after completing all contracts.

On this level, if people see you killing aimlessly they'll be scared of you and alert guards. This can be pretty difficult to circumnavigate for a couple of the stealthier contracts, and for one of them we will become wanted no matter what so we're best leaving that one for the end. You've been warned.

M2, C1 - The Mime - We'll start off with an easy one. Proceed from the black market, past the canals & to the mime. Make a save here, in case you mess up as the mime MUST be unconscious and NOT dead. The easiest method if you have an electric bolt is as the video details - to displace/blink up to the black pipe directly above & opposite from the mime (it's to the left of an alcove with a golden deer head). Shoot him with the electric bolt to knock him out. The crowd will run away, and you can then head back down, grab him and carry him to the marker, throwing him off. IF you DON'T have an electric bolt, you're best going to the black pipe, shooting the two crowd members with Voltaic bolts (be careful not to hit the mime). The mime will run, QUICKLY run, grab and choke him unconscious. If pulled off without a hitch, repeat the above - take him to the marker and throw him off to get a completed contract notification. Either way, once you're done, and are confident no one saw you (people won't freak out when they see you unsheathed) save and move on.

M2, C2 - Workplace Harassment - In my opinion, this is the second most annoying contracted in Death of the Outsider, but it's best to do it now whilst the world is left relatively untouched. I recommend you follow the video (7:08) as the route is as perfect as anything I could explain to you and a visual guide for this one is easier However the video got pretty lucky with guards which were a PITA for me, so some tips ahead for safety.

- Firstly, make a manual save before starting, then quick-save as you progress. If you f**k up, reload the manual save.
- Secondly, as annoying as it is, navigate your way around guards in the courtyard whilst using the video's route instead of assassinating them. This is, effectively, a tailing mission and I found that the subject was hypersensitive and would investigate a/ not reach her destination at the slightest thing (a body, a sword left from a moved dead person, seeing you even for a split second). When I left everyone untouched, it worked the first time - thus I would be significantly more stealthy than the video. This is why I strongly recommend you did the contracts in the order I say, as if you leave this for last and lots of people are dead / you're wanted by the Eyeless, it makes this contract almost impossible).
- Finally, if you do have to kill anyone, make sure they are incredibly well hidden.

Follow your target to her destination, which will be a bench outside the Spector Club. Once you see the two markers, make another save in a separate slot.) Use bolts to kill them from a distance. You should complete the contract here, but be stealthy as people might now be on the lookout.

M2, C3 - The Missing Brother - This one isn't too hard but requires some planning + strategic saves and reloads if things don't go right. You should conveniently be outside the Spector Club, so lets enter (note: to do so you must get a member only tattoo from Red Camilla if you haven't already. Go to the back of the Red Camilla shop, which is bright red, as the name suggests, enter through the door at the back and give yourself a tattoo from one of the rooms inside.)

Inside the club you should be in a neutral territory. Head to the very top floor. Once here, make a manual save. Follow the contract marker to a closed door. Open it, close it behind you and take out the standing individual (kill or choke). There should also be a person on the bed, who is our target. DONT KILL HIM. Above his bed, you should see a contraption with a red lever. Pull it, and it will knock him out.

Pick up your target, and head back downstairs (be stealthy, although everyone is pretty oblivious up here). As we are about to re-enter the bar, note the white poster and 2 kegs to your left at the bottom of the stairs. Put your target down gently by the kegs, then make a new manual save or quicksave when its safe. Head to the front door, open the latch (not the door, just the latch) and knockout the bodyguard who let you in. There should be no one else in view, and he should naturally be in a corner. If he's not, just tuck him in the corner by the door out the way. Move back to your target, crouch and quicksave again if you are certain you haven't been detected. Move your way left around the bar slowly - the bartender and the bouncer we knocked out just now are the only 2 people who will detect you. When you have a clear route to the front door, displace or blink your way to it and make your exit. This can be a little finicky, it shouldn't matter too much if you've been seen but obviously, your journey to the cabin will be easier undetected. Make your way to the marker with blink & displace to avoid civilians if still undetected, enter the cabin, and carefully place him inside to complete the contract. If you've been detected, just leg it.

M2, C4 - Kidnap the Bartender. This is actually the easiest contract, but 9/10 will trigger everyone in Karnaca. We'll need to go back to the Spector Club and kidnap the bartender as the contract name suggests. There isn't really a delicate way of doing this unless you want to spend 30 mins slowly taking everyone out, which really isn't necessary. So, smash and grab it is Back at the Spector club, choke the bartender and pick him up quickly. This will spark a reaction out of everyone in the bar. Simply sprint, sprint, sprint to your marker. People will chase you, and they will have guns, so make sure you displace/blink ahead to get the jump on them. Put your target in the crate, and that's all 4 contracts wrapped up for mission 2.

Mission 3 - The Bank Job

On the whole, this mission's contracts are easier as it doesn't matter as much if you trigger guards; however, I recommend you still follow the same order to avoid backtracking You MUST also buy Poppy Tincture for 800 coin, which given all the contracts we've done to date shouldn't put you back too much. The final contract in the area requires zero alerts in the bank area (only here, not outside), and the third is also much easier using the poppy tincture. I'll explain below.

Contract Pickup: Black market, exactly the same as Mission 2. Follow the marker there, and pick up the contracts off the board inside the black market area.

M3, C1 - The Art Connosieur. From the black market, head to the marker to find a boat on the canal. There will be a guy on the small bridge by it, and one actually on the boat trying (unsuccessfully) to pick a lock. Take them both out however you see fit. Then, jump in the water. Directly underneath the boat, you should find a corpse. Loot the key from the corpse, jump on the boat and open the locked door. Then claim the painting for your first contract (note: if you're going for the "Art Aficionado" achievement, this is 1/4 paintings for this mission)

M3, C2 - Pickpocket's Delight. Follow this video,
(1:18 - 2:53). It is by far the most efficient route. Make sure you aren't seen before or after pickpocketing him or it'll void the contract.

M3, C3 - Rags to Riches to Rags. Trickiest of the bunch for Mission 3 but not too bad. I'll be referring you to PowerPyx's excellent guide for "The Perfect Crime", another achievement for doing the heist without notifying anyone. This is because for the next contract you MUST be undetected the entire time you are inside the bank (outside is okay). It also makes this one much, much easier, as you only have to worry about clockwork soldiers and not standard guards.

Make your way to the roof of the bank, and use your poppy tincture (800 coins, black market) in the vent at the top of the bank. If it's your first PT or can't remember how to get there, follow this guide until 5:13

Once in the bank make a manual save. Follow the guide until you're past the arc pylons (7:10), then head to -1 floor. Watch out for the clockwork soldiers. The patrol the area, and can be difficult to keep a track of, so use Foresight/dark vision to mark or keep track of their movements.

Once at -1 floor, you should see an electrified floor. Displace/blink to the cabinet in the center of the electrified floor directly ahead of you, then blink to the open doorway slightly to your left (if you're following the clockwork soldier, he'll enter here). Head through, and stealthily follow your contract marker to a room on the right with some safes and an unconscious guard. Make a quick save when you're safe in here; there is a guard on the floor in an annoying position who can be easily woken up. If you're not going for the Perfect Crime achievement, kill him. By him, you should see a safe with "Morgan Yu" on it (nice Easter egg, if you've played Prey). Use the combination "315" and collect the gem inside to complete the contract

M3, C4 - Quiet as a Mouse. This one is easy but does require zero alerts in the bank area to my knowledge. Go back to the bottom of the stairs before we traversed the electrified floor (remember to be mindful of the Clockwork Soldier patrolling). Once past the electrified floor, you should see a lift. Take it to the 3rd floor, the Director's office. Follow the contract marker, remaining crouched and by a woman slouched over a desk and some gold ingots (steal these whilst you're here) should be an address book. interact with it, and select the 2nd option "copy down the address". This should complete the contract, however, make sure you remain undetected for the remainder of the heist by following Powerpyx's video or the contract can still be void.

Mission 4

Contract Pickup: Black market, different location as we are in a new area. Follow the market, collect your

This mission has 2 very easy contracts where the main video has the best solutions. I do them 2nd and 3rd, not 1st and 2nd as the other contract is very, VERY annoying and I'd rather you do this first so its out the way and if we fail you haven't wasted your time doing the others before reloading mission save. We'll do the tough one first.

M4, C1 - Alvaro & the Abbey . For the first contract and easily most annoying contract, Alvaro and the Abbey. This single contract makes doing it on a Shadow (Edit) a pain, as as you must kill all overseers AND cultists except for one specific Overseer whom we need to knock out and put in a chair in the basement. 3 friendly NPC's (black market, side quest given by your apartment, a witch in the basement) don't need to die, nor do they void it if they die as collateral damage. Finding and killing all enemies can suck. If an enemy dies by any means other than your hand, it doesn't count. Save constantly so you avoid having to reload mission save if someone dies not by your hand (thanks Dresden N7 for confirming this). Additionally, finding them in the first place can be difficult if you're not methodical.

The main piece of advice is to NEVER, ever knock an enemy out except for one specific one I shall point out. He is on the top floor of the conservatory with some cultists. Save often. (Edit) Although this doesn't void the a contract it does mean you have to remember who you knocked out to go back and kill them which can be infuriating. Use this video from 28:29 for good advice on who to watch out for and how to ensure you kill everything When you do find your target, drop everything, knock him unconscious and take him to the basement, then proceed with killing people.

The general areas you need to comb through are as follows:

Street: Jump onto the street and kill overseers. 4-6 should come to your location, kill all of them. At the end of the level, another 2-3 might pop up on your way back to the apartment, although I'm not sure if these are the apartment guards if you miss them (see next area)

Apartment: Across the road from your spawning apartment should be a balcony. Displace/blink to it, and you should here 3 guards reasoning with someone (who's actually dead) to surrender and that they will be spared. Open the door, and kill the 3 guards.

Courtyards in the Conservatory: An enemy or two will appear here.

Foyer: There will always be 2 overseers here. If you are loud, you might also trigger the attention of a third.

Door in Foyer area: There are a ton of overseers through here. Comb through them.

Basement: Through the above area, go down to find 1/2 areas here with lots of overseers

1st floor: An overseer (he might come down if you triggered him in the foyer area) + 2-3 cultists to the left of the large central area. There will also be some overseers in the side areas, including 1 praying, and some in the wooded areas with booths. Giving exact numbers is difficult but there will be a few

2nd floor: Tons of Overseers & cultists here. Take them out on your way to your unconscious target.

3rd floor: Cultists and your contract target (make sure not to kill him).

Roof: Tons of cultists here, including the main story target.

The contract will trigger before the end of the level once you've killed everyone, so you should know if you've done it right or not. If it hasn't triggered, someone isn't dead. Scout around, going through the area and combing through all the corpses to see if everyone is dead. Using grenades or smashing glass cabinets can also flush out any straglers.

M4, C2 Pilfer the Prophecies - The main video below has the best route and solution, so adding another one would have little purpose. Watch from 27;36 to 28:29

M4, C3 - The Risky Wager - Again, the main video as a pretty stellar solution. Watch from
26:12 - 27:36.


18 Sep 2017 10:08

@Dresden N7 - updated
By NoHeroes94 on 19 Sep 2017 06:11
i reload my whole mission and did it twice but it didnt work for the third time i refuse to steal Cardozas identity.. and when i put him on the chair i got the contract done.. i dunno if u steal his identity will void the contract or not. but it did for me
By Gutsy Goddess on 19 Sep 2017 21:49
@White Peryton: when the achievement popped for me, I had stolen Alvaro's face. So I don't think it matters.
By Dresden N7 on 19 Sep 2017 23:10
It should make no difference @white peryton. If in doubt, do it again without doing it.
By NoHeroes94 on 20 Sep 2017 08:30
For the 2nd mission's workplace harassment, the chick kept walking around instead of sitting down next to the guy so I just killed them both and it counted for the contract.
By SLAM PIG 86 on 20 Sep 2017 16:59
Just for some information, I did all contracts and just finished the last one now, and at the end of Chapter 4 haven't been spotted yet.

It's 100% possible to do them all and while not being spotted, as you said since this is Dishonored, save/reload is your friend.

Also I should be popping that "Shadow achievement" here shortly so if anyone is in doubt if I'm truthful or not :)
By Sons O Liberty on 21 Sep 2017 02:55
@Sons O Liberty - It's possible to do this on Shadow run and have mad respect for doing so; some are very difficult without being spotted.
By NoHeroes94 on 21 Sep 2017 05:37
Anyone who is looking to kidnap the bartender stealthy & undetected here's a good video.
By The Nerds Club on 21 Sep 2017 21:23
@CoreScan - My theory would be that killing friendly NPC's might mess with the weighting.
By NoHeroes94 on 22 Sep 2017 09:03
The enemy counter for the fourth (or every?) mission is glitched/broken. Last Sunday, before getting this achievement and completing the game, I had to do three runs through mission 4 in order for the game to register all kills for the "Alvaro and the Abbey" contract properly. On my first run, I got to 52 kills/92%, on my second the stats said 53 kills/92% (which is impossible if 1 enemy counts as nearly 2%), and on my third and final attempt I completed the contract at 56 kills and 94% of enemies killed. Now, if that one enemy we must not kill - Brother Cardoza - counts as 6% of enemies, then the 56 enemies I did kill would amount to 336%.

For those who dont know; you can check the amount of enemies killed in the pause menu, under "stats" - which, as pointed out above, proved to be pretty useless. It might give you an indication if there's more than one unconscious enemy lying around, though.
By CoreScan on 22 Sep 2017 09:07
^ No, I didn't kill any of those.
By CoreScan on 22 Sep 2017 14:27
I just have a few suggestions you might want to put in the solution. In mission 3, causing any sort of disturbance that makes the Elite leave his hut voids Pickpocket's Delight. Harming anyone in the bank, even just knocking them out (not counting the poppies) voids Quiet As A Mouse. Also, disarming any technology causes an alarm but you can rewire them to allow yourself to walk through safely. Not counting the pylons in the hallway, there are four opportunities to do this and you can carry four rewire tools. Don't move the safe, you will have to drop it with the lever.
By Seeker74 on 26 Sep 2017 01:27
Just wanted to say that no one should be afraid to do this on a Shadow run! They really aren't too bad if you plan ahead (buy lots of springrazors for chapter 4!!). Truthfully the hardest one is getting the bartender out of the bar in mission 2.

Luckily this weird thing happened where when I left the bar with roberto (in stealth) I left the door open and the nearby guards aggro'd the bar patrons and they all went into the street fighting (including the bartender). I took the opportunity to shoot the bartender with an electric shot from a rooftop and then later went back to collect his body from the street once everything had died down lol
By FrozenImplosion on 26 Sep 2017 21:42
Appreciate the feedback, updated the guide a bit.

I still think it is far easier non Shadow but it's not as impossible as I first thought, just takes more thinking.
By NoHeroes94 on 26 Sep 2017 21:56
i was combing the observatroy for hours, then read this and it was the men at the apartment who i'd left sleeping! killed them 3 and then BOOM the whole thing popped thankfully.
By cjanderson on 27 Jan 2024 15:15
Alvaro and the Abby successful first attempt. Had 53 kills (all were either my knife, my spring razor or my hook mine (set to kill) 0 kills of civilians. I stole Alvaro's face. Pretty fun too!
By wosmack on 30 Sep 2017 07:52
I agree with Wosmack. For those needing Alvaro and the Abbey: 53 Total Kills, Global Kills 94%, Global Nonlethal 3%. I let the witch in the basement go. I did not kill the black marketeer or civilian who lost her loved one. I did steal Alvaro's face as well and still got credit. It was my last Contract and the achievement popped right as I put him in the musical chair. So if you have 53 kills too, you should get credit for the contract as soon as he is seated.
By I Argonaut I on 03 Oct 2017 04:07
I completed all the quests successfully, but didn't get the achievement upon completing the last one. Now I'm on the 5th mission and still no achievement. When did it pop for people?
By Bastiaen on 04 Oct 2017 22:24
For Alvaro and the Abbey, you can knock enemies out and still kill them later for credit as I just did that and finished the contract popping the achievement.

So this sentence:

"The main piece of advice is to NEVER, ever knock an enemy out except for one specific one I shall point out."

...makes the parameters seem more stringent than they actually are. wink
By AllOvaMyself on 07 Oct 2017 23:26
The reason I put as stringent as I have is because although it doesn't void the contract it means you will have to go back remember exactly who you've knocked out which from experience can be a nightmare. It's best to go through and kill everyone from the get go to ensure no mistakes are made
By NoHeroes94 on 08 Oct 2017 08:43
I'm guessing these all have to be done on one playthrough then?
By Gizmo2k on 08 Oct 2017 10:23
Yes they do
By NoHeroes94 on 08 Oct 2017 10:24
By Gizmo2k on 08 Oct 2017 10:57
@NoHeroes94 - I meant it in the sense that if you didn't realize that you had to kill everybody until, say, mid-level, then you can still go back and kill the enemies you only knocked out rather than have to start the level over. wink
By AllOvaMyself on 09 Oct 2017 00:52
I needed 55 kills for the achievement. Didn't kill the witch in the basement or the quest giver under BIllie's hideout. Wierd. Achievement popped when I killed a final straggler.
By exactor it on 17 Oct 2017 21:14
54 for me. Either way if the achievement doesn't pop when you place the dude in the electric chair, you've missed someone.
By Gizmo2k on 18 Oct 2017 05:57
I didn’t specifically put a number because it seems glitchy not a consistent way of checking. I was 55.
By NoHeroes94 on 18 Oct 2017 07:06
Álvaro and the Abbey - 56 kills and 94% global kill ratio

Targed already in the chair, but no achievement. Checked twice everywhere and then just found the last guy on the street right from the main gate of the building. Achievement unlocked!
By zsoltee53 on 04 Nov 2018 14:48
The only way to beat this contract is to go loud and stabby to draw everyone in the room or area to you. Do not use non lethal moves or weapon or your ratio would be affected, except with Alvaro. Also remember to get some spring-razors, life vials and ammo from the black market.
By Matodion 1st on 10 Feb 2020 19:39
I just did it. For Alvaro and Abbey, i've made 54 kills. For information, the achievement pops just after you complete the last contract and no at the end of the mission.
By Wendsoy on 13 Jun 2020 22:14
great solution man ty.
By TheOnlyMatto on 25 Mar 2021 23:51
51 kills can’t find the others anywhere
By Bootybandit1#751 on 29 Nov 2021 23:00
My last overseer was hanging in the ceiling from a fucking hook mine. I only found him because I decided to put my headphones on and I heard snoring after combing everywhere for the past hour looking for people to kill.

You'll know youve killed all 53 overseers if the contract completes and the achievement pops, (if this was also your last contract, as well).

I recommend headphones for hearing the snoring, and double check your corpses. Some people have said 58 kills but that wasn't the case for mem I had killed 53 after putting brother cardoza in the chair, and the contract completed netting me the chievo.
By Ape King Iræ on 28 Sep 2022 00:08
Does completing this in new game + not count? I just finished it and didn't unlock this achievement.
By Buachaill Dona on 30 Mar 2023 14:06
Love spending several hours killing 53 people just for the achievement not to pop
By Yung Ruggs on 12 May 2023 11:21
i was combing the observatroy for hours, then read this and it was the men at the apartment who i'd left sleeping! killed them 3 and then BOOM the whole thing popped thankfully.
By cjanderson on 28 Jan 2024 13:14
Concerning Mission 4's contract: Alvaro & the Abbey

Except for Alvaro, every single Overseer and Sister must die by your hand or it won't count. Autosaves and quicksaves are your friend in case an enemy dies by friendly fire (overseers love to chuck grenades), an enemy trips into a pyre (seriously, it happened to me), or some other misfortune of gravity befalls an enemy and robs you of the kill. If all else fails, load the mission save and try again. For those who suffered under Dunwall City Trials, it's reminiscent of the "By My Hand Alone" achievement but no where near as tough.
By Dresden N7 on 19 Sep 2017 01:26
Seeker74 that isn't the case, the "guard" leaving his "hut" is fine, as I lured quite a few of the enemies down the stairs took them out and hid them under the stairs. As long as that "guard" doesn't see any bodies or notice anything unusual it's okay.

But on your second one "Quite as a mouse" yes you can't hurt anyone, knocking them out even but, killing the clockwork soldiers is fine. I did not take them head on though I re-wired the wall of light and one got nosey and half spotted me and went through the wall of light and he got vaporized. You can easily move the safe, just tell the "awake" guard you are testing it.

NoHeroes94 it wasn't to bad honestly. The bartender I thought was going to be a pain but I just was just sort of in the hallway stunning people left and right and they didn't have a clue laugh

Workplace Harrassment can be buggy, sometimes the chick won't go sit down with her buddy, but you can jut take her out then go to where old boy is sitting down and take him out to and mission done.

Mission 4's contract: Alvaro & the Abbey, was quite the easy task without being spotted as they all seemed to be bunched together. It was a fun run to say the least.

I got every achievement on the first run but the OG+ one for obvious reasons, but as long as your vigilant with saves, no issues toast
By Sons O Liberty on 28 Sep 2017 06:44
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Chapter 1 - One Last Fight

1 Industrial Espionage (00:16)
2 Burn the White Hound (02:14)

Chapter 2 - Follow the Ink

1 Death to the Mime (00:51)
2 Missing Brother (02:35)
3 Kidnap the Bartender (05:26)
4 Workplace Harassment (06:50)

Chapter 3 - The Bank Job

1 The Art Connoisseur (00:03)
2 Pickpocket's Delight (01:18)
3 Quiet as a Mouse (02:53)

Complete Stealth walkthrough for "Quiet as a Mouse" Chapter 3

4 Ras to Riches to Rags (07:53)

Chapter 4 - The Stolen Archive

1 A Risky Wager (00:05)
2 Pilfer the Prophecies (01:05)
3 Alvaro and the Abbey (02:36)

15 Sep 2017 23:58

i think there are some contract in all missions. this guide is incomplete i guess
By Gutsy Goddess on 17 Sep 2017 04:51
This guide is incomplete; misses out all Mission 3 contracts and (I think) Mission 4 contracts (can't confirm the latter.)
By NoHeroes94 on 17 Sep 2017 20:32
Important Notes:
-There's a total of 13 contracts. 2 in M1, 4 in M2, 4 in M3, and 3 in M4. There's 0 in M5.
-Must be done in a single playthrough
-If you miss a contract in one mission, you needa reload an older save

Mercenary Work Guide Specifically
For those of you who are doing a run specifically for contracts and are pretty familiar with the map, I would suggest you just follow this video.

Shadow and Mercenary Work Missions 1,3,4
Here's a playlist that I also shared for the Shadow achievement as this shows you without any cuts how to get all contracts done in mission 1, mission 3, and mission 4. Use this playlist if you want to work on Shadow and Mercenary Work at the same time, or have no fuckin knowledge of the map because all you want are the goddamn achievements. Because Mission 2 is not included, I will give you some information on how to tie in another guide with the M2 walkthrough in this playlist to get all the contracts done with Shadow.

Mercenary Work and Shadow for Mission 2
Here's a video that I personally made demonstrating how to get through mission 2 with shadow, all paintings, story and all contracts completed.

If you prefer Mr. Codeslinger's videos, here's a text guide which utilizes two of his videos.

This will be referenced as Video 1. This is essentially the shadow walkthrough for mission 2 from the playlist above.

This will be referenced as Video 2. This is the mercenary work video posted in this guide as well.

1. We are going to start off with Video 2. Follow along exactly how the guide shows from 6:36 - 31:44.

1.5 I am guessing you are doing attempting the story as well if you are reading this section, so you will need to pause Video 2 at 7:54 and switch over to Video 1 to get a story-specific item. Now from Video 1, start at 9:31 (which is where Video 2 cuts off at 7:54) and follow until 10:17 which gets your story progressed to the next step. After that continue Video 2 until 31:44

2. Picking up from 31:44 at Video 2, you are on that porch. You want to get yourself back to the spectre club undetected. There's no part of in the videos that shows you a safe path directly, but you can just retrace your steps back to the shack and then head over to the spectre club from there which I am sure you know how to do by now.

3. Once you are back to the spectre club, you want to switch back to Video 1 and follow along from 35:20 - 45:02. Now he mentions stuff about semblance/foresight when leaving Spectre Club and Shan Yun's house, but if you followed along with Video 2 until 31:44, you shouldn't have to worry about sneaking as those guards he's referring to detecting you have been taken out and stored on top of that porch.

4. Ok, so you have stopped at 45:02 in Video 1, so you are staring directly out of Shan Yun's house. Now I want you to make your way back to the area where you took out mime from Video 2 (9:44 as a reference).

5. Ok, so you are back to the square where you took out the mime (9:44 video 2 as a reference again lol). You now want to switch back to Video 1 and start at 14:33 and follow until 25:35. Now the place he is staring at in 14:33 V1 is straight at where your character would be standing at 9:44 V2. Just a reference if you absolutely short term memory loss or smth, i'm not judging.

5.5 He didn't do this in Video 1 when he was at the black market, but you need to pick up the contracts while you are there or else all the extra work you are doing is going to be for nothing, so please don't forget to do that. Dw about robbing the black market with contracts. Contracts will still work and can be picked up even after the market gets robbed.

6. Ok, so you stopped at 25:35 and are in front of that worker, perfect because that's where we will start in Video 2. Pull up Video 2 and follow along from 32:37 - 38:09. It is super important that you don't step a single foot into the bank, or you risk triggering the Workplace Harassment event early which means you won't be able to get the next few things done in a convenient fashion. .

6.5 Read this if you want to get the painting for Art Connoisseur. Ok so from 38:09 in Video 2, you are literally staring at the exact same thing as Video 1 at 28:46. The only difference now is that you don't have another person's face, so what you want to do instead of walking down them like he does in Video 1, you can get up on the stairway railing and displace yourself over to the 'red awning' that is mentioned at 28:53. Ok, so you got the painting, you can use 29:20 in Video 1 as a reference. Just hop out the window and displace yourself back up to the stairway that goes into the area that you cleared out. (left-hand side when you are looking out the window at 29:20).

7. Follow along with Video 1 from 25: 51- 28:44. You don't need to worry about semblancing that dude he did just before getting out the door cuz all the guards should be disposed of at this point, and you will be using a displace in a few seconds anyone on a better target.

8. Alright, the home stretch. Back over to Video 2, starting at 38:11. This is pretty much the exact same angle you are facing when you paused at 28:44 from Video 1. Just follow along with the video until the Workplace Harassment is finished. He doesn't show you how to get back to the car, but at this point you are all done with the mission if you have followed along with my guide. You have all of the paintings, undetected, contracts, and story-related shit. Just avoid the civilians and get your sorry ass back to the railway and be thankful that you get to leave that hellhole.

P.S. He mentions several times in Video 2 about the female employees walking around and just wasting everyone's time. If you find them, just knock them out so you don't have to wait for all that bullshit. Doesn't break anything, just knock them out.

23 Feb 2022 04:55

This achievement is missable and must be done over the course of a single playthrough.

In Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, contracts act as secondary quests that you can undertake during a main mission. These quests involve mercancy-like work such as stealing valuable goods from a specific location to eliminating and kidnapping key targets. All in all, contracts can only be attempted once; if you botch your attempt at the contract, you could potentially fail the job. With this in mind, it's always wise to save often when working on a contract just in case you have to reload a checkpoint.

Of the five missions in the game, only the first four missions contain contracts. The two contracts for the first mission can be accepted by interacting with their notice papers on Billie's workstation aboard the Dreadful Whale. The contracts for Missions 2, 3, and 4, however, can only be accepted at the Black Market in those missions. At any time, you can review your list of open contracts, and their details, by visiting the "Contract" tab in the Journal.

Please see below for a brief overview of each contract in the game. Once all thirteen contracts have been completed in a single playthrough, this achievement will unlock.

NOTE: In order for a contract's objective to be marked on your HUD, you must make the contract active by pressing on its details page in the Journal.

Mission 1: One Last Fight
  1. Burn the White Hound
    • You will have to find a means of reaching the second floor of the Albarca Baths. In one of the rooms on this floor, there are two Eyeless gang members hanging out, as well as two normal wolfhounds and a white wolfhound locked inside a cage. Eliminate the gang members and kill all three wolfhounds with a Voltaic Gun shot. Now press the red button near the cage door to open the cage. Pick up the corpse of the white wolfhound and follow the new waypoint to the furnace room. Drop the canine's corpse inside the furnace and press the red button on the machinery to burn the wolf and complete the contract.
  2. Industrial Espionage
    • You will have to find a means of reaching the second floor of the Albarca Baths. In one of the rooms on this floor, there is an Eyeless thug cooking up a concoction. Sneak up on him, knock him out, loot his body for a key, and then open the cabinet drawers next to the sink and loot the contents within. After that's done, destroy all the Plague Spirit bottles in the room by slashing at them with your sword and the contract will be complete.
Mission 2: Follow the Ink
  1. Kidnap the Bartender
    • The key target to this contract is located inside the Specter Club. When you first arrive at the club and knock on the front door, you will be denied entrance. When this happens, visit The Red Camellia on the other side of town. Just outside this store, there is a vent to the left of the front entrance. Use Foresight to enter the vent, then deploy a Displace marker within the shop. Exit Foresight and use Displace to teleport into the store. You can now use the tattoo machine inside The Red Camellia. Once you are inked, revisit the Specter Club and knock on the door. You will now be allowed to enter. Knock out the bartender however you see fit (eliminating everyone else first is a wise idea) and then follow the updated objective maker across town to dump his body in a rooftop crate. If you are playing stealthily, eliminate all of the Eyeless gang members inside the club before knocking out the target and carrying his body out of the building.
  2. Death to the Mime
    • When you approach the mime, press repeatedly until the actor begins to berate you. Continue to agitate the mime in this manner and he will eventually run into a nearby alley. Follow the mime. When the coast is clear, knock him out and then follow the updated objective marker to an area labeled "Dead Man's Bluff." When you reach this cliff, throw the mime over the edge, making sure nobody catches you in the act (particularly the fisherman by the canal).
  3. Workplace Harassment
    • Make your way to the Dolores Michael's Bank. When you enter the lobby, you should sees a Racketeer threatening the bank teller. Wait around and listen to the conversation. Once the woman is done "speaking" with the teller, you will have to tail her as she treks across town to the Specter Club. Here, she will meet with her associate and then it is up to you to eliminate them both via lethal means.
  4. The Missing Brother
    • The key target to this contract is located inside the Specter Club. Refer above to Kidnap the Bartender in order to gain access to the Club. Once you are inside, make your way to the second floor and enter the last room on the righthand side of the hallway. Knock out the Eyeless thug within the room and then interact with the medicine machine above the target's bed. Once the machine overloads and breaks, pick up the target and be ready to deliver him to a cabin near the canal, which is inconveniently located on the opposite side of town. If you are playing stealthily, it would be in your best interest to eliminate all of the Eyeless gang members inside the club before carrying the target's body through the building.
Mission 3: The Bank Job
  1. Rags to Riches to Rags
    • Once you have infiltrated the Dolores Michaels' Bank, make your way to the lowest level of the building. Once you reach the basement, you will have to use Displace to traverse the room and avoid the electrified floor. From the steps that lead into the main basement chamber, use Displace to reach the open window shafts to the left, following the objective marker on your HUD. Once you reach the room with the lockboxes, break into Morgan Yu's lockbox using the code 315. Loot the gemstone in his lockbox and the contract will be completed.
  2. Quiet as a Mouse
    • Once you have infiltrated the Dolores Michaels' Bank, make your way to the topmost level of the building. Once you reach Dolores' office, simply interact with the marked ledger on the dining table in order to complete this contract. It's worth noting that this contract will only conclude successfully if you did not harm any bank personnel (this includes non-lethal takedowns) before interacting with the ledger.
  3. The Art Connoisseur
    • Follow the objective marker to the canal in Upper Cyria. Here, you will notice a boat and two civilians who are trying to break in. Simply use Foresight to pass through the bars of the boat and deploy a Displace marker inside the cabin. Now cancel Foresight, use Displace to teleport inside the cabin, and loot the painting to complete this contract.
  4. Pickpocket's Delight
    • In the Cadmus Abele Plazza in Upper Cyria, there is an elite guard on duty who can usually be found within a guard post. For this contract, you will need to pickpocket a note on his belt without being seen. The easiest way to steal his note is to wait until he is inside the guard post, Displace to the top of the post, open the hatch, drop down inside, and snag the letter off his belt before Displacing through the hatch once more to escape.
Mission 4: The Stolen Archive
  1. Alvaro and the Abbey
    • This is, undoubtedly, the most involved contract within the game as it requires you to kill every single enemy within the mission with the exception the contract's target, Brother Cardoza. It may seem daunting, but with the use of Foresight and plenty of Voltaic Gun shots, it shouldn't be too hard. Take note that you will need to do a very thorough clean sweep of every inch of the Royal Conservatory; this includes the streets outside the building, the outer courtyard, the two inner courtyards, the basement, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, and the fourth floor, which is exclusive to Brother Cardoza himself and the Blind Sisters. It's worth noting that there are three Overseers inside Lonnie's apartment that must be killed, too. This is the apartment to the right of Billie's outpost. It's easily identified by the large red banner on the outside of the building. Once you are certain you have killed every single Overseer and Blind Sister in the mission (make sure to kill the Witch in the basement, too, for good measure), return to Cardoza's laboratory and knock him out. Pick up his unconscious body and make your way to the basement of the Conservatory. Once there, place him in the marked chair to complete the contract.
  2. Pilfer of Prophecies
    • Once you have infiltrated the Royal Conservatory, make your way to the topmost floor and locate the elevator at the back of the building. Here, you will find a Blind Sister talking to herself in front of a broken elevator shaft. Eliminate the Blind Sister, climb into the elevator shaft, and drop down into the elevator itself in order to pick up the book needed for this contract.
  3. A Risky Wager
    • Follow the objective marker on your HUD to the multi-story apartment building not too far from Billie's outpost. The objective marker is pretty high up, but you can use Displace on the various balconies and pipes of the surrounding buildings to reach the apartment. Once inside, be mindful of the near two dozen tripwire traps scattered throughout the apartment. Your objective is to reach the elevated balcony in this room by use of Displace. When you reach this area, simply loot the safe for the ancient relic needed for this contract.
This achievement is missable and must be done over the course of a single playthrough.

In Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, contracts act as secondary quests that you can undertake during a main mission. These quests involve mercancy-like work such as stealing valuable goods from a specific location to eliminating and kidnapping key targets. All in all, contracts can only be attempted once; if you botch your attempt at the contract, you could potentially fail the job. With this in mind, it's always wise to save often when working on a contract just in case you have to reload a checkpoint.

Of the five missions in the game, only the first four missions contain contracts. The two contracts for the first mission can be accepted by interacting with their notice papers on Billie's workstation aboard the Dreadful Whale. The contracts for Missions 2, 3, and 4, however, can only be accepted at the Black Market in those missions. At any time, you can review your list of open contracts, and their details, by visiting the "Contract" tab in the Journal.

Please see below for a brief overview of each contract in the game. Once all thirteen contracts have been completed in a single playthrough, this achievement will unlock.

NOTE: In order for a contract's objective to be marked on your HUD, you must make the contract active by pressing on its details page in the Journal.

Mission 1: One Last Fight
  1. Burn the White Hound
    • You will have to find a means of reaching the second floor of the Albarca Baths. In one of the rooms on this floor, there are two Eyeless gang members hanging out, as well as two normal wolfhounds and a white wolfhound locked inside a cage. Eliminate the gang members and kill all three wolfhounds with a Voltaic Gun shot. Now press the red button near the cage door to open the cage. Pick up the corpse of the white wolfhound and follow the new waypoint to the furnace room. Drop the canine's corpse inside the furnace and press the red button on the machinery to burn the wolf and complete the contract.
  2. Industrial Espionage
    • You will have to find a means of reaching the second floor of the Albarca Baths. In one of the rooms on this floor, there is an Eyeless thug cooking up a concoction. Sneak up on him, knock him out, loot his body for a key, and then open the cabinet drawers next to the sink and loot the contents within. After that's done, destroy all the Plague Spirit bottles in the room by slashing at them with your sword and the contract will be complete.
Mission 2: Follow the Ink
  1. Kidnap the Bartender
    • The key target to this contract is located inside the Specter Club. When you first arrive at the club and knock on the front door, you will be denied entrance. When this happens, visit The Red Camellia on the other side of town. Just outside this store, there is a vent to the left of the front entrance. Use Foresight to enter the vent, then deploy a Displace marker within the shop. Exit Foresight and use Displace to teleport into the store. You can now use the tattoo machine inside The Red Camellia. Once you are inked, revisit the Specter Club and knock on the door. You will now be allowed to enter. Knock out the bartender however you see fit (eliminating everyone else first is a wise idea) and then follow the updated objective maker across town to dump his body in a rooftop crate. If you are playing stealthily, eliminate all of the Eyeless gang members inside the club before knocking out the target and carrying his body out of the building.
  2. Death to the Mime
    • When you approach the mime, press repeatedly until the actor begins to berate you. Continue to agitate the mime in this manner and he will eventually run into a nearby alley. Follow the mime. When the coast is clear, knock him out and then follow the updated objective marker to an area labeled "Dead Man's Bluff." When you reach this cliff, throw the mime over the edge, making sure nobody catches you in the act (particularly the fisherman by the canal).
  3. Workplace Harassment
    • Make your way to the Dolores Michael's Bank. When you enter the lobby, you should sees a Racketeer threatening the bank teller. Wait around and listen to the conversation. Once the woman is done "speaking" with the teller, you will have to tail her as she treks across town to the Specter Club. Here, she will meet with her associate and then it is up to you to eliminate them both via lethal means.
  4. The Missing Brother
    • The key target to this contract is located inside the Specter Club. Refer above to Kidnap the Bartender in order to gain access to the Club. Once you are inside, make your way to the second floor and enter the last room on the righthand side of the hallway. Knock out the Eyeless thug within the room and then interact with the medicine machine above the target's bed. Once the machine overloads and breaks, pick up the target and be ready to deliver him to a cabin near the canal, which is inconveniently located on the opposite side of town. If you are playing stealthily, it would be in your best interest to eliminate all of the Eyeless gang members inside the club before carrying the target's body through the building.
Mission 3: The Bank Job
  1. Rags to Riches to Rags
    • Once you have infiltrated the Dolores Michaels' Bank, make your way to the lowest level of the building. Once you reach the basement, you will have to use Displace to traverse the room and avoid the electrified floor. From the steps that lead into the main basement chamber, use Displace to reach the open window shafts to the left, following the objective marker on your HUD. Once you reach the room with the lockboxes, break into Morgan Yu's lockbox using the code 315. Loot the gemstone in his lockbox and the contract will be completed.
  2. Quiet as a Mouse
    • Once you have infiltrated the Dolores Michaels' Bank, make your way to the topmost level of the building. Once you reach Dolores' office, simply interact with the marked ledger on the dining table in order to complete this contract. It's worth noting that this contract will only conclude successfully if you did not harm any bank personnel (this includes non-lethal takedowns) before interacting with the ledger.
  3. The Art Connoisseur
    • Follow the objective marker to the canal in Upper Cyria. Here, you will notice a boat and two civilians who are trying to break in. Simply use Foresight to pass through the bars of the boat and deploy a Displace marker inside the cabin. Now cancel Foresight, use Displace to teleport inside the cabin, and loot the painting to complete this contract.
  4. Pickpocket's Delight
    • In the Cadmus Abele Plazza in Upper Cyria, there is an elite guard on duty who can usually be found within a guard post. For this contract, you will need to pickpocket a note on his belt without being seen. The easiest way to steal his note is to wait until he is inside the guard post, Displace to the top of the post, open the hatch, drop down inside, and snag the letter off his belt before Displacing through the hatch once more to escape.
Mission 4: The Stolen Archive
  1. Alvaro and the Abbey
    • This is, undoubtedly, the most involved contract within the game as it requires you to kill every single enemy within the mission with the exception the contract's target, Brother Cardoza. It may seem daunting, but with the use of Foresight and plenty of Voltaic Gun shots, it shouldn't be too hard. Take note that you will need to do a very thorough clean sweep of every inch of the Royal Conservatory; this includes the streets outside the building, the outer courtyard, the two inner courtyards, the basement, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, and the fourth floor, which is exclusive to Brother Cardoza himself and the Blind Sisters. It's worth noting that there are three Overseers inside Lonnie's apartment that must be killed, too. This is the apartment to the right of Billie's outpost. It's easily identified by the large red banner on the outside of the building. Once you are certain you have killed every single Overseer and Blind Sister in the mission (make sure to kill the Witch in the basement, too, for good measure), return to Cardoza's laboratory and knock him out. Pick up his unconscious body and make your way to the basement of the Conservatory. Once there, place him in the marked chair to complete the contract.
  2. Pilfer of Prophecies
    • Once you have infiltrated the Royal Conservatory, make your way to the topmost floor and locate the elevator at the back of the building. Here, you will find a Blind Sister talking to herself in front of a broken elevator shaft. Eliminate the Blind Sister, climb into the elevator shaft, and drop down into the elevator itself in order to pick up the book needed for this contract.
  3. A Risky Wager
    • Follow the objective marker on your HUD to the multi-story apartment building not too far from Billie's outpost. The objective marker is pretty high up, but you can use Displace on the various balconies and pipes of the surrounding buildings to reach the apartment. Once inside, be mindful of the near two dozen tripwire traps scattered throughout the apartment. Your objective is to reach the elevated balcony in this room by use of Displace. When you reach this area, simply loot the safe for the ancient relic needed for this contract.
Difficulties can only arise with these contracts.

Mission No. 2 - kidnappings

To make your task easier, complete the story quest until the moment with the tattoo; you will need it to get into the bar, where there are two targets - the bartender (first floor) and the poor guy (third floor at the very end). The enemy in the game is a fool, you can safely shoot them in a crowd from afar. When you have cleared everything, take the bodies one by one to the required markers on the map.

Mission No. 3 - a contract for 900 coins, where you cannot touch anyone or cause alarm.

Use the hint for the trophy - The Perfect Crime (at the same time you will receive this trophy)

What you need to remember is that you cannot turn off any security systems and you cannot touch anyone. We do everything as usual until the moment of putting the bank to sleep (allowed). Next, we open the steel doors and go through until the moment of the first meeting with the robot and the light wall. To bypass the light wall, you need to use the 'ghost' skill and place a mark on the second floor of the room with the light wall. When you place the mark, use the teleport and everything will go like clockwork.

Take the elevator to the third floor and take the master key from the director's safe. Through the elevator hatch cover, you rise to the fourth floor - the technical department. At the end of the room there are two drawers, one of them contains a wrench. We grab the key and go down into the hatch, there we pick out the bolts and drop the vault. Using the codes, we open the remaining safes in the vault and take the blade. The trophy will drop when you leave the location.

Most importantly, you must not touch protective systems and people. With proper skill, you can speedrun in a couple of minutes. Don’t forget, go around the first light wall with the ghost skill (run to the second floor as a ghost and place a mark) and teleport through this mark.

Mission No. 4 - mass murder

It’s not even that difficult a moment, just boring. You need to cut out the entire card. Kill absolutely everyone (except Cardoza's brother and the witch). There are about 50 opponents in this task. Kill all living things, so that later you don’t have to run around and look for someone you strangled.

16 Sep 2017 16:04

By assassin71rus on 24 Sep 2017 20:01
When completing the contract for Mass Murder in Mission 4, it is important to kill all the targets yourself. If they get hit by their own grenades, bullets, etc. - fulfillment of the contract does not count.
It is best to go through the contract as stealth as possible and kill all the enemies one by one to be sure of progress.
By Torana on 28 Feb 2020 20:19
Mission No. 3, contract for 900 coins, in the main game +, I destroyed the mechanical guard with two mines, just to be sure, and then took out the tank with crows from the light wall. The alarm never rose.
By dread29rus on 21 Apr 2020 09:42
Mission No. 3 - a contract for 900 coins, where you can’t touch anyone and cause alarm

“You cannot disable any security systems” is not entirely true. On my first playthrough, I failed the contract where I needed to steal a note from a guard in a booth (I didn’t notice that I needed to steal it, and not strangle him and take it away). Therefore, I did all the contracts during the second playthrough on NewGame+.
There was a difficulty when meeting the sentry soldier for the first time. In a normal game, everything is clear - I put a mark behind the wall and everything is fine. NewGame+ does not have this ability. I did this here. I walked around the sentry in a circle to the place with the tank of blubber, which turns off the wall. We are waiting for the robot to turn and walk away from the light wall. Next, we take out the tank with blubber and quickly run through the disabled light wall along the stairs up to the door, closed with a latch. We open the latch, get out and quickly move back to the tank and insert it back. All. The wall is working again, the robot did not have time to notice its shutdown. If he manages to notice, the contract fails.
Well, then everything is simple. We move upstairs and go to the second floor through the door we opened
By drow-it on 22 Sep 2017 09:04
Mission No. 3 - a contract for 900 coins, where you cannot touch anyone and cause alarm: you can disable security systems, verified. On my first pass, I turned off the electric floor in the basement and on the way to the control room, I also turned off the electric wall. He didn’t touch anyone until the vault was raised to the 3rd floor, after which the alarm went off (I didn’t know about the microphone) and several guards went up to the director’s office. One, standing directly opposite the storage facility, had to be strangled, but the contract was counted, and “Ghost - absolutely invisible” was also counted at the end of the mission, although there was 1 alarm in the statistics. The Shadow achievement also dropped at the end of the game.
By dimx21 on 18 Oct 2017 08:43
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In mission 4, to complete the contract for Alvaro, you must kill 53 people (the imprisoned witch does not count). The number of kills can be viewed in the statistics during a pause.

16 Sep 2017 19:09

After “Enemies killed - 56”, I got a green tick indicating that the contract was completed.
By Enot_ on 21 Sep 2017 01:29
The mass murder contract in mission 4 is slightly glitchy. Through trial and error, I became convinced that a non-lethal technique could be used only with brother Cardoza, and kill the rest immediately without stunning. I ended up with 60 kills (medium difficulty), 95% lethal moves and 1% non-lethal moves. The latter reset to zero when I put Cordoza in the chair and the contract was accepted. The seller on the black market can be left untouched, although he is included in the kill count, but his death is not required for the contract. You don't have to touch the witch in the basement.
By LeonDTM on 22 Sep 2017 10:45