DOOM 3: BFG Edition

DOOM 3: BFG Edition

59 Achievements


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Lost Veteran

Lost Veteran

Complete the Lost Mission campaign on Veteran


How to unlock the Lost Veteran achievement in DOOM 3: BFG Edition - Definitive Guide

If you want to tackle Veteran for this, here's an idea of what to expect:

The Lost Mission campaign is a new addition for Doom 3: BFG Edition. While the campaign only consists of just 8 levels, playing on Veteran is almost the equivalent of playing Ultra-Violence on Doom II, meaning it's going to be a decent challenge. You'll be facing a lot of enemies, including quite a handful of Archviles which is not fun for anybody. I would recommend playing your first playthrough on the Lost Mission campaign on Veteran. That way you can get a better idea on how to prepare yourself for your nightmare run. The difficulty also ramps up in Level 4. This is apparent when you have to fight two Revenants, two Hell Knights and a Cacodemon in the same room at the same time.

First things first, SAVE OFTEN. Make good use of the save system because if you don't, you WILL be dying a lot and will wind up going all the way back to the automated checkpoint on the level. Make sure you save your game after every good fight you had and never save over your old file unless you're satisfied with how your battle turned out.

Don't hesitate to use your ammo. There's plenty of it lying around and even though I played through on Veteran, I was never in danger of running out of ammo during the entire campaign. That doesn't mean use the BFG as soon as you get it as you'll want it for near the end but if you've got the ammo to spare for the rocket launcher and you're facing a Revenant or anything like that, feel free to use it to dispose of it as quickly as possible.

The Super Shotgun is an absolute beast in this as it was in Doom II. The code to get the Super Shotgun is 731. The Super Shotgun will kill almost any enemy instantly if you hit it at point blank with the shotgun. The only downside to the Super Shotgun is that you can only shoot it once before you need to reload and it takes a few seconds longer to reload it than your other weapons but the power is so immense you won't care, especially when you can one-shot Revenants up close.

Assume every area with items is a trap. While not every item you collect will trigger a trap, there are certain items that will open monster closets or spawn demons into the room. If you feel like it's a trap, save your game before collecting it or decide if you really need that extra Medkit or some shards of armor.

Don't be afraid of using the health stations on the walls. They may have limited use but you'll rarely run into the same station twice so if you need a health boost, use it and save your game afterward.

Don't go out of your way looking for everything. There are only two miscellaneous achievements for the Lost Mission campaign outside of the difficulty related achievements, which are:

DOOM 3: BFG EditionLost CollectorThe Lost Collector achievement in DOOM 3: BFG Edition worth 24 pointsCollect every PDA in the Lost Mission campaign

DOOM 3: BFG EditionRAGEThe RAGE achievement in DOOM 3: BFG Edition worth 25 pointsFind the RAGE logo in the Lost Mission

The PDAs are all visible and easily spotted even if you're not trying to look for them and the RAGE logo is in the very last level, right before the final gauntlet of enemies you need to face before finishing the campaign.

Above all else, stay patient and keep a cool head. The Lost Mission has a throwback feel to Ultra-Violence on Doom II, meaning you'll be facing a lot of tough enemies that can do a lot of damage (usually around 15-20 damage per hit if up close) early on and a lot of tough enemies in the same room that can easily gang up on you. It might not seem fair at times but make sure to save your game occasionally when you're doing well. This is not an easy task but with perseverance you'll eventually beat it. If you've played Doom II on Ultra-Violence, you'll know what to expect. If this is your first Doom game, get ready to struggle.

Now what should you expect when playing the Lost Mission?

ZOMBIES: The easiest enemy in the game but there are times in which you may not look in every corner and run into one, taking some damage. There are a few different variants: Regular zombies, fat zombies, flaming zombies and skeleton zombies. They don't have any different abilities other than wanting to slap you across the face until you die. A well placed Shotgun blast will take them down in one hit, sometimes two.

IMPS: The classic Doom enemy that has gotten a little makeover. No longer are they the brown looking walking turds but now are tall ugly white things. The Imps in this game can crawl and pounce at you, causing your to have your aim go off balance while they swipe away at you. They still have their signature fireballs as well and there's a special kind of Imp in the Lost Mission that does nothing but crawl and throws fireballs faster than its regular counterpart. Regardless, Imps are only dangerous if there are more than three in a room which is very rare. The Shotgun is the weapon of choice here as well.

MARINE ZOMBIES: Think of the Grunts and Shotgun Guys, except smarter. There are three different variants for these enemies: Pistol, Shotgun and Machine Gun. The Pistol and Shotgun enemies will often chase you down and try to get as close as possible while the Machine Gun will usually take cover and pop out every once in awhile and shoot you. They're not overly dangerous but can rack up the damage pretty quickly. The Machine Gun at a distance is usually best.

MAGGOTS: A new enemy to the series, the only thing they do is just run at you and try to swipe at you. They generally like to come from behind as well so make sure to watch you're back while you're in the middle of fighting an enemy. One shotgun blast is usually good enough to take them out. Not dangerous at all.

TICKS/TRITES: These are spider like creatures that always come in packs and will usually crawl out of small vents or come down from the ceiling. It's important not to stand in one place for too long as they have a nasty habit of sneaking up behind you, pincering you and draining your health quickly. Two or three shots from your pistol is more than enough to destroy a few but if they come in a pack, the Machine Gun might be a better option.

CHERUBS: These little turds are more bothersome than hard. They like to zig-zag, throwing off your aim before leaping up at you and scratching you. If you see one, there's always more in the area even if it comes by itself so be prepared. If you're feeling ballsy, a well placed single Shotgun blast will kill one but the safer bet is using the Machine Gun at a safe distance.

LOST SOULS: Another classic Doom enemy, they're just flaming skulls that love to dive bomb you and generally come in packs of 2-6 or sometimes solo. Whenever they start diving at you, they move in a straight line until they hit you or something else so you have time to line up your shots to them down. Using the Chaingun or Shotgun is the way to go here.

PINKY DEMONS: A very different looking Demon than the one from the previous Doom games, these things are huge and pack quite a wallop but can only hit you if they're close enough so you should be able to back up and unload either the Machine Gun or Chaingun into it as it runs at you.

COMMANDOS: There are two types of these: Melee and Chaingun. The melee ones have a tentacle on their right arms and the best way to dodge it is to duck as it goes to swing it at you. Using the Chaingun at a safe distance is the way to go for this guy. The Chaingun Commando is much more dangerous, however, as he likes to chase you down and has pinpoint accuracy with his Chaingun so he's bound to hit you a lot if you stand in the open. The Rocket Launcher is good at wasting these turds quickly as you come in and out of cover. It usually only takes two rockets.

CACODEMONS: Yet another classic Doom enemy. All they do is float around and shoot fireballs at you which are easily dodged by stepping to the side. The Machine Gun is more than enough to take them down.

WRAITHS: These will be one of the first enemies you face in the Lost Mission if you're playing on Veteran. They usually appear and then disappear, teleporting to a new spot, usually right in front of you. A few pistol shots and a well placed Shotgun blast is all it takes to down them.

MANCUBUS: A giant fat walking blob that shoots rockets at an alarming rate, meaning you need to constantly be moving in order to avoid damage. Thankfully that's their only attack so if you have any corners you can hide in and pop out and shoot rockets yourself, you should be able to avoid taking any damage. Thankfully there's not that many in the Lost Mission campaign.

REVENANTS: Ah yes, the pain-in-the-ass Revenant from Doom II makes his return. The only difference between this Revenant and the one in Doom II is that this one moves MUCH slower meaning you have time to run behind cover and get out a different weapon if needed before being bombarded with rockets. The Plasma Gun is great for the Revenants as it can blow up their missiles as well.

HELL KNIGHTS: Hell Knights are just overgrown Imps that throw green fireballs at you but they do a lot more damage than the Imps fireballs. However Hell Knights aren't very difficult at all if you're in a wide open area. If you're in an open area in which you can hide behind cover or run to the side to avoid their fireballs, you can easily take one out with 4-5 Super Shotgun blasts up close. If you're in an enclosed area, it's best to use the Rocket Launcher. Only use the BFG as a last resort.

ARCHVILES: You will grow to hate these bastards as there are A LOT of them. In Doom II, Archviles raised enemies from the dead and hit you into the air while you were engulfed in flames. In Doom 3, Archviles summon demons (Anything ranging from Imps to Hell Knights) and shoot a line of fire at you. The best way to handle Archviles is to pull out your rocket launcher and as soon as they spawn, fire 3-4 rockets into it to kill it before it has the chance to spawn any more enemies or throw fire at you.

GUARDIAN: This is the final "boss" in the Lost Mission. This is what you want to save your BFG for as he takes many, many BFG shots to kill. It took me about 12 to take him down but it could be different for you. The main thing you want to do is keep moving and keep running. Don't stop for anything. Run while you shoot and run while you reload. The Guardian will either throw about 3-4 fireballs at you consecutively or he'll stomp on the ground, sending out 8 fireballs in different directions. If he gets too close it's going to be an insta-kill so make sure to not stop and not get stuck against anything. He's not hard to kill, it just takes a lot of BFG cells.

Good luck and have fun!

15 May 2013 05:29

1 Comment
You make Veteran sound tougher than it is. Just saying. Idk about Nightmare but the only fucks in this campaign were the Arch-Viles and the Mammoth-things.
By HerrKätzchen on 31 Jul 2016 13:38

Note: The difficulty trophies stack.

You simply have to complete the Lost Mission campaign on at least Veteran difficulty. Veteran difficulty can be chosen from the start. The only difference between difficulties is the damage you take, it's not like the original DOOM games where there are more enemies etc.