Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter

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Level up a Dweller from Level 1 to 50

5,000 XP


How to unlock the Overseer achievement in Fallout Shelter - Definitive Guide

To begin this solution, sorry if it is a little long winded. I have quite a few hours invested into Fallout Shelter and not only am I trying to help anyone get the achievement for leveling a dweller to 50, but I am also providing tips that will ultimately allow you to get other achievements more easily.

Undoubtedly the fastest way reach level 50 is to send a dweller into the Wasteland. Dwellers continue to level up in the Wasteland when you are not playing where they only level up while you are playing in the Vault. The down side is the Wasteland is not kind to your dweller.

To prepare your dweller for the leveling grind, and to just stay alive in the Wasteland period, spend some time, caps, and praying to the RNG gods with the following.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats
To best maximize your dwellers survivability in the wastes, max out all of their S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats. The dweller becomes almost completely self-sufficient with maxed out S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats allowing you to leave them out for days with almost no supervision. I have done my own personal testing; with max stats a dweller at level 1 should reach level 50 between 3 - 5 days in the Wasteland depending on RNG events. They also earn between 1000 and 5000 caps a day.

All stats max out at 10. This is important to remember for Endurance.

If you are trying to get the dweller out the door fast, max out at least Strength, Endurance, and Agility.

Strength is upgraded via the Weight room. This determines how much damage the dweller takes. The higher the strength the less damage they take.

Endurance (END so I don’t have to type Endurance every time) is upgraded via the Fitness room. This determines how many hit points (health) the dweller gains per level. A dweller with END 1 will gain 3 hit points per level where a dweller with END 10 will gain 7.5 hit points per level. Endurance can be increased beyond 10 with outfits that have an END number resulting in more hit points per level.
Here is the equation to calculate your dwellers hit points.
2.5 + (END Number * 0.5)
Hit points are not retroactive.

Agility is unlocked via the Athletics room. This determines how many shots your dweller can fire before the enemy attacks, or how much damage they can avoid if fleeing. Obviously, the more damage they can inflict before the enemy attacks the faster the battle is completed.
Stimpacks and Radaway
You will need a Medbay and Science Lab to produce Stimpacks and Radaway. I recommend building 3 double room Medbays and 1 double room Science Lab. This way you can load your dweller up on 25 Stimpacks and 5 Radaway when sending them into the wastes, but still have enough to deal with any Vault emergencies that may happen immediately after your dweller leaves. Too many times I have had a pack of 3 Deathclaws attack within 30 seconds of a dweller leaving. Clever girl.

Just in case you are wondering why I recommend double instead of triple room sizes for the Medbay and Science Lab, it is more efficient and has a higher yield. Three double Medbays has the same storage of 65 as two triples, but the three double Medbays produce 9 stimpacks (3 each) where the two triples produce 8 (4 each). Production exponentially increases when fully upgrading the double Medbays. Same exact thing applied to Science Labs. See, I saved you some time and made your Vault more efficient.
Weapons, Armor, and Pets
And this is where RNG comes into play. Basically, give your dweller the best gun, best armor, (and if you have some animals with damage resistance, extra XP gain, or increased damage) the best animal that will help them stay alive or level up faster in the Wasteland.

I recommend any gun of 6 attack or higher for early treks into the wastes and weapons with only double-digit attack values at level 15 or higher.

Obviously whatever outfit you give them should have the highest Endurance you can provide them so they can earn those hit points.
Overseeing the dweller all depends on what S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats you maxed out.

If you maxed out all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats on a dweller then you literally can go for days without playing if you want. I have several Dwellers I have power leveled to 50 where I send them out and 4 days later I return to the game with a batch of new level 50 dwellers.

If you maxed out only Strength, Endurance, and Agility and you know you are going to be away for 10 or more hours before you can play Fallout Shelter again make sure they have 25 Stimpacks and 10 Radaway in the dwellers inventory. If the Wasteland is kind, in some cases you can go 24 hours with little or no supervision and find your dweller with half his supply of Stimpacks and Radaway remaining.
Hitting Level 50
Once your dweller reaches level 50 call them back to the Vault.

Alternatively, the dweller will auto return to the vault after their inventory is full. So, you can send out a dweller at level 1, have them level to 50, and have them return without you having to give the command if you so desire. This, from my experience, takes about 5 to 7 days. It all depends on how quickly they find stuff to fill their inventory. Don’t worry, the dweller always hits level 50 before finding enough stuff to auto-return.

Either way, once they return the achievement should pop.
Please, if you give any solution on TA a thumbs down leave feedback in the comments. Solutions cannot be improved without feedback. Personally, a thumbs down with no comment means you’re a troll.

References used: Fallout Shelter portion of the Fallout Wiki.

10 Mar 2017 21:22

I leveled a Dweller from 9 to 50 in one trip. When he returned I only got this achievement and not the 10 or 25 achievement.
By Heraizen on 06 Jun 2017 09:42
Having a problem with this achieve too. Have levelled a few dwellers in the wasteland, 2 of them from 1 to 50 in 1 trip but the achieve doesn't seem to be triggering. Fingers crossed it'll just pop if it is a bug that gets sorted!

In the meanwhile, hoping one of the 1-50 lvled in the vault will trigger it instead - fingers crossed!
By HybridsRage on 24 Jul 2017 08:07
Removing how long it took to level the SPECIAL stats on 2 dwellers, it took about 60 hours to level up to level 50 in the wastes starting at level 1.
By PhillyCh3zSt3ak on 15 Oct 2017 04:50
I sent out a level 1 dweller with Max special stats and it only took them 2 and a half days to reach level 50, I checked after 2 days and she was level 44 and I then went to sleep, woke up and checked again and she was level 50 on her way back to the vault because she couldn't carry anymore, so just a heads up that they could possibly find too much to carry and head back before they reach level 50
By Fondle my Sheep on 29 Jul 2018 20:57
I have followed this guide like five+ times, I send a dweller at level 1 and he returns being level 50 but the achievement never pops. Any suggestion?
By MrWero94 on 07 Jul 2019 16:24
I can confirm at time of writing that this achievement is somewhat glitched because, well it's a Bethesda Softworks game. What do you expect? Anyways, after sending a vault dweller out into the Wasteland for two days and returning at level 50, the achievement did not unlock.

So, I sent a different dweller out into the Wasteland in my following play session, but I made this dweller return to my vault at level 48. Upon return, this dweller was then added to my main questing group and the group was sent out on the weekly quest. During this weekly quest, the level 48 dweller ranked up to level 50 and the achievement unlocked.

Based on the reports from other users and my own personal experience / observation, it seems that the player must be present either attending to the activities occurring in the vault or on a quest when the dweller finally reaches the milestone to rank up to level 50.
By ZNMS on 11 Dec 2020 10:41
I thought this would be way harder, but I trained a newborn survivor on every stat except charisma, gave them max stimpacks and radaway, a minigun, some armor and a parrot for good measure, and only took three days to get to level 50. popped on return. awesome guide! very simple.
By ijiekmotors on 08 Apr 2023 21:54
This game not rewarding the deserved achievements is an ongoing problem. I did go down the internet rabbit hole of searching for a fix. All I have to say it Bethesda is useless when it comes to achievements not registering for their games. And Xbox Support tries, but the only solution they seem to have is to try making a new save and try again. If I were you I would research the problem some more, but the achievement might just be fixed one day in an update then be broken again in the next update. It's kind of Bethesda's calling card at this point.

By The Dawn of Don on 08 Jul 2019 13:45
Heraizen; I have checked out the solutions for the other level based achievements. It appears that others are having trouble getting the achievements and no one has a clear fix. If you haven't tried it already I would level up some dwellers to both level 10 and 25 in your vault. Maybe power level one to 24 to save you some time for the level 25 one. I really hope this is a simple programing error on Bethesda's part where level achievements don't stack.
By The Dawn of Don on 08 Jun 2017 02:45
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Not a guide. I had a dweller in the wastes over night and they finally reached level 50 while I wasn't playing, when I logged back on no Achievement, so what I did was returned them back to the vault and as soon as they were back in the vault the Achievement unlocked. If you have this situation too I hope this works for you too.

19 Feb 2017 02:18

Finally got this ach, on my 6th or 7th dweller (have several legendary dwellers that started at lv20-25).
By thomaskorat on 19 Jun 2017 22:27
Same here...level 50 in wasteland but no achievement. Returned them and still no achievement. I think leveling them up by selecting them in the vault from 49 to 50 may work. I just have to wait for my next dweller to get close and not send them to the wasteland.
By Blissed Away on 19 Feb 2017 18:12
That sucks, was the Dweller originally level 1 when you first got it?
By Arador on 19 Feb 2017 21:26
Ditto, 2 or 3 of my levellers have hit 50 out in the wasteland and no achievement yet, even on return :/
By Durera on 25 Feb 2017 19:15
I've leveled about 20 Dwellers from 1 to 50 at this point between two different Vaults. No Achievement. I have literally tried to level them in every possible way. Any idea what there is left to try out? Is it possible to erase the whole game save and start from scratch?
By Σχ şlαy3r on 27 Mar 2017 07:03
Yeah you can delete your save from everything
By Arador on 27 Mar 2017 10:49
Thanks! I'll do that once I've got all other Achievements.
By Σχ şlαy3r on 27 Mar 2017 11:17
Got my first dweller to level 50 in the wasteland today but like posters above No achievement! Not impressed Bethesda
By INSURGENTALPHA on 28 May 2017 16:28
They need to start out as level 1
By Arador on 16 Aug 2017 02:03
Thanks to everyone who posted here with the info! I sent my dwellers out into the wasteland and didn't receive it, so I'm assuming it's correct to need to level them up yourself in the vault.
By NicoleRenee00 on 25 Jan 2019 13:24
Can you do this with a high level dweller that you've got from a lunchbox? Or someone who started out as a baby?
By C3LLDW3LLER on 15 Aug 2017 14:24
I popped this the other night. I've had a few dwellers hit level 50 while in the wasteland or on quests where they auto level once an encounter is done. However the one that popped was one that came back to the vault with 49 almost complete (minus one sliver of XP needed). I put him to work for a little bit. In a couple minutes, the level prompt appeared. When I clicked it, the achievement popped immediately. So I'm thinking the achievement is literally "leveled" up a dweller from 1 to 50.
By Jump Joker on 15 Nov 2017 18:47
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Level a dweller that must start at level 1 to level 50, I found the easiest way to do this was to send them out into the wasteland exploring and leave them as long as you dare :) The maximum level for a dweller at this time is 50 so you cannot go any higher than that, also you may not get the trophy until the dweller has returned to your vault for it to register.

09 Aug 2018 13:04

To start a dweller at level 1, they normally will be a child as some from the wastelands already have some level of experience.

To get a child, leave a male and female adult in the barracks while you have room for more dwellers, eventually the female will get pregnant (if they aren't related, swap people around if you're having trouble). After awhile the pregnant dweller will have a child, who'll be useless for awhile before 'growing' into a adult dweller - then level them up to 50! :)

09 Sep 2018 19:54

First thing, the Dwellers who arrive in your Vault with a Level 2 or more won't count for this trophy. This has to be done with a Dweller starting at Level 1. For this you can attract Dwellers with your Radio room (most of them will be Level 1) or make babies but if the parents don't have high S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats, they will be level 1. All the Dwellers from your starting Vault are also Level 1 and eligible for this trophy.

Dwellers will earn XP while doing their job inside the Vault, if assigned to a Production room. Dwellers assigned to a crafting room will earn more xp if they're actually crafting items.

The quickest way to level up a Dweller, is to send him/her outside on the Wasteland but it's also very risky when they're low level as they can die quickly. If you don't play on Survivor mode, you will be able to revive them with Caps and they won't lose anything. You can wait until you have some powerful weapons, while maxing out the Strength stat of one Dweller, before sending him outside so they will be able to survive longer and earn more xp.


Your dwellers will gain experience from doing a number of things in and outside of your vault, such as, crafting items, producing food, water, electricity, and medical supplies, completing quest objectives, and killing threats inside and outside of the vault. They won’t, however, gain experience if they are in one of the Special stat training rooms. After a dweller has gained enough experience they will have a LVL UP icon appear above their heads, and when you highlight them it will automatically level them up. Dwellers obtained from a lunchbox that are higher than level 1 WILL NOT COUNT. Getting a dweller to level 50 will take a while, but once one hits level 50, your achievement will unlock.

Don’t repeat my mistake, when I went on missions, lost a lot of time and so on, wasted days at work in a shelter, everything is easy and simple here - if you have good armor and weapons of at least 17-18, or better yet 20+, send a Persian fully loaded with first aid kits in the wasteland for a walk, you waste a day and see if it holds up or not, in 1 day they gave me 5 lvl)) in 3 days I received the required 15 lvl) as you understand, it takes 15 seconds to waste 3 days) Of course it must be a character who originally came to you or was born to you as the first level.

19 Jun 2018 10:34

If you received any legendary resident with an already high level, then do not waste time on him, only the character who started in your shelter with the 1st level will count towards the trophy.
By UniqueAmar on 12 Aug 2018 12:05
It’s easy to upgrade when you craft legendary items (any). There the crafting time is on average 7-9 days, we rewind one day at a time. And for every day they will give lvl to those characters who will work in this room
By Nick___ on 20 Jun 2018 14:02
You send him to reconnaissance at any level, just give him 10 first aid kits, that’s enough for a day, and if he’s killed, then resurrect him and bring him back, or when he has 1-2 first aid kits left, also return him
By sapers on 08 Aug 2018 15:08
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To instantly level up to level 50, I did this. 1) built all the gym rooms (each pumps up its own SPECIAL trait), put a low-level guy there and pumped each room to the maximum using rewind for a week (I also collected a lunchbox). 2) Having completed SPECIAL to the end, he put some clothes on this guy, handed him a good quality gun (18-20dmg), assigned an animal with +8 experience, and let him out into the wasteland for a walk 3) I rewinded time to a week, he died on me, but it was message for 1000 crishes to revive and return to the shelter, which I did, and was very surprised when my boyfriend returned, having lowered the level from 5th to 50th at a time.

22 Jun 2018 23:23