Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2

79 Achievements



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Tourist of Duty

Tourist of Duty

Completed all campaign acts on Casual Difficulty


How to unlock the Tourist of Duty achievement in Gears of War 2 - Definitive Guide

The achievement can be obtained offline/online with a co-op friend or with AI. You must completed all 5 acts on any difficulty to obtain this achievement since all difficulty achievements are stackable in this game.

This difficulty is very easy and allows you to rush through the game if needed but if you only want to run through this game one time go ahead and play it on insane (suggest having a co-op partner). The DLC is not a requirement to unlock this achievement because it has it's own achievements so only the original 5 acts are required.

There are five acts in this game and here they are with some tips on the hardest chapter of each act:

Act 1: Tip of the Spear (6 chapters)

Chapter 5 (Roadblocks): Overall this act is fairly easy and even this chapter is easy. Mostly you will face drones in an open area, so long range weapons are your friend. Lancer works just fine here. Only notable difference is when you enter the tunnel and fight a few waves of tickers. I suggest the shotgun because you can melee with it. Just shoot the ones coming up and melee the ones that get too close. Remember once you melee a ticker just aim and fire at them right away to take them out. The "boss" fight at the end of the tunnel is a reaver so just take cover and switch to your long range weapon (lancer does great here).

Act 2: Denizens (6 chapters)

Chapter 3 (Disturbing Revelations): Level is pretty straight forward but you will be fighting several kantus', several boomers, pletty of drones, and a handful of Troika Turrets. Unless you like fighting close combat (and getting pushed over by the kantus') I would suggest getting two long ranged weapons for this chapter. There is a longshot in this chapter and with a lancer you will be fine.

Act 3: Gathering Storm (6 chapters)

Chapter 3 (Rude Awakening): Time to take out LOTS of sires... It takes a good amount of ammo to drop these guys and there are so many the easiest and best way to take these guys out is to chainsaw these guys into the next life with the lancer. Since they have to melee you they have no choice but to run right into your saw. So make sure you have one. You will also have soem drones and flamers to battle. Towards the end you will have the pleasure to take out two maulers and a few snipers. I also suggest a lancer or another long range weapon.

Act 4: Hive (6 chapters)

Chapter 6 (Royal Inquisition): Got maulers and mulchers? This chapter does! You will also be greeted with plenty of drones and palace guards. The boss fight will be clear when you start fighting Skorge. You will be dodging ink 'nades, stalactites, pillars, and killing tickers. Once you have done enough dodging you will enter into a chainsaw battle, win it and you will damage him, do this twice and the fight is over.

Act 5: Aftermath (5 chapters)

Chapter 3 (Free Parking): Not much to say here, in the courtyard you will face plenty of drones, snipers, and a flamer, long range does the trick. Once inside you will have several drones, a kantus, and aplenty grinder. Take themsomeToward out with mid-range weapons. You will come to a route selector to either enter the parking garage or stay on the streets. By far the easiest way to go is to take the parking garage. Once you meet back up get ready to take out the grinder and grab the hammer of dawn to take out the rest of these scum to end the chapter.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need anything else or any more help!

28 Aug 2010 00:35

Finished the game and rolled all the credits but it didn't unlock. Any thoughts?? Thanks!
By Fermasmas on 13 Jan 2021 00:36
Fermasmas, you skipped the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
By death2prudes on 20 Mar 2021 18:09
Simply complete all the story missions on the easiest difficulty to nab this achievement. The training the rookie mission also counts. But you can do this on normal or hard too, as difficulty achievements do stack. Cna be done in either single player or co-op.

To make your life easier, simply go through it on Insane with a buddy playing it on casual and get him to fight everything as they will be scaled to him. There will be a few instances where you have to get your hands dirty though! Can be done in a day and you can also work towards all the following

Gears of War 2Tourist of DutyThe Tourist of Duty achievement in Gears of War 2 worth 29 pointsComplete all campaign acts on Casual Difficulty

Gears of War 2Open RelationshipThe Open Relationship achievement in Gears of War 2 worth 41 pointsComplete 10 chapters in Co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom)

Gears of War 2Friends with BenefitsThe Friends with Benefits achievement in Gears of War 2 worth 86 pointsComplete all acts in Co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom)

Gears of War 2Tourist of DutyThe Tourist of Duty achievement in Gears of War 2 worth 29 pointsComplete all campaign acts on Casual Difficulty

Gears of War 2Guerilla TacticianThe Guerilla Tactician achievement in Gears of War 2 worth 65 pointsComplete all campaign acts on Normal Difficulty

Gears of War 2Artist of WarThe Artist of War achievement in Gears of War 2 worth 127 pointsComplete all campaign acts on Hardcore Difficulty

Gears of War 2Suicide MissionaryThe Suicide Missionary achievement in Gears of War 2 worth 341 pointsComplete all campaign acts on Insane Difficulty

NOTE: The "ROAD TO RUIN" DLC does not count towards this!