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Seriously ...

Seriously ...

Kill 10,000 people in versus ranked match total


How to unlock the Seriously ... achievement in Gears of War - Definitive Guide

This achievement has become glitched after the last patch. It will take over 10,000 kills to net this one.

All the kills MUST be on ranked matches and kills on Annex DO NOT COUNT towards the "10,000"

Personally it took me 12,827 kills to get this one and I've heard of people with 15,000 - 18,000 that still dont have it, so just hope you have some luck and keep at it.

My personal way of getting the most kills is to host 10-12 round matches on smaller maps (Raven Down, Fuel Depot) with a 2-3 min duration (playing with friends helps too, to trade off hosting duties). I averaged 20-30 kills per match.

Just have fun playing and don't give up, you will get it eventually and oh boy will you enjoy it :D

05 Aug 2008 01:30

This achievement is just crazy.. It should be worth alot more points
By Randomnutta on 24 Aug 2008 03:44
Annex kills DO COUNT. I personnally did not get this achievement this way but I have had 3 friends, in which I trust, varify that they got it during an Annex match.
By Fafhrdd on 17 Dec 2008 14:46
ANNEX kills DO NOT COUNT. There is no doubting that fact.
By Crimson Drifter on 17 Dec 2008 21:31
Just type in Google: Do Annex kill count towards Seriously? and you will get the obvious answer.
By Crimson Drifter on 17 Dec 2008 21:34
Just because a bunch of people claim they do not count on some random forums that google shows up means nothing. I will bet my life that ALL of these are just as unvarified as your account.

You say Annex kills do not count towards this achievement JUST because everyone else says it does not... however no one has varified this. I know for a fact and I have personal friends who have unlocked this achievement during Annex matches.

So in my opinion it is varified that it does work.
By Fafhrdd on 20 Jan 2009 15:26
whatever you say man, if they did count, that would make it way to easy to get this achievement, I've checked a MILLION different sites and they also say that they don't count
By Crimson Drifter on 20 Jan 2009 21:01
Like I said before, the same poeple sparing the same BS answer...

"Just because everyone else says it, it must be true!" - Typical human tool.
By Fafhrdd on 03 Feb 2009 18:25
Annex kills don't count, sorry. Stop bickering.
By TheVinster on 07 Mar 2009 22:00
Thanks for the backup proof against Annex kills counting
By Crimson Drifter on 21 Mar 2009 01:05
It's possible that whoever unlocked Seriously during Annex had more than 10,000 kills that counted, and the achievement just decided to unlock during that time. I've heard of people that have unlocked it after a match where they got no kills.
By Marx0r on 26 May 2009 18:42
As for another verification -- Epic themselves have stated that Annex kills do not count:

THat is the official Annex FAQ, and note the last question:

Q: How does Annex affect gaining achievements?

A: Due to the addition of infinite respawns, any kills in Annex won’t count towards kill-based achievements like “Seriously…” and “The Nuge”. Since Annex is a new additional gametype, you will not need to play Annex to be granted “Mix It Up”. The basic multiplayer achievements like “Always Remember Your First” are still achievable in Annex.
By Pedle Zelnip on 05 Jun 2009 08:47
(Oh snap!)
By dropK1CK ninJA on 05 Jun 2009 17:19
Very nice response Pedle Zelnip. We should have comment voting as well.
By Nv Defines on 14 Jun 2009 15:58
This achievement Seriously is a pain in the butt.
By keoskey on 10 Nov 2009 07:49
Pedle shut him up.
By Brandon OGOD on 16 Dec 2009 17:24
I got this achievement on my other tag at 10,400 kills. I never quit and I always hosted. Guess getting all the "z0mg ur a host scrub n00b fgt" paid off.
By Anguished Abyss on 30 Apr 2010 16:11
took me about 15-17k kills... in 2007... this is the best game ever and the best and most fun achievement IMO. If you don't know what gamebattles is then you should definately just get rid of this game....
By SeMi KiD on 17 May 2010 14:20
Probley never get this at the this stage.
By UlteriorDesert on 03 Aug 2010 09:53
agree with semi kid
By xI Abs0Lute Ix on 18 Aug 2010 08:56
Remember guys, just keep at it and it will eventually pop!
By Perdipt on 25 Nov 2010 17:47
Got mine on 11499 kills. I had only 2 matches were people quit from.
By Grufalo on 09 May 2011 18:58
This is a good method... however I also did suicide boosting on war machine with the guy that wrote this solution, and that is very effective as well.
By EaglesFan520 on 17 May 2011 15:03
Yeah I wrote this way back when the online was still somewhat thriving, most people just boost the crap out of this now
By Crimson Drifter on 17 May 2011 23:18
How efficient are the boosting methods? Will it still take a gazillion hours?
By Mike Langlois on 06 Jul 2011 14:43
As far as I've heard from friends its an incredibly long grind, im guessing its in the 100's.
By Crimson Drifter on 06 Jul 2011 16:02
just popped my seriously this afternoon. Final kill total: 17,785. None of those kills were legit. First 5000 were vending machine method. The rest were Suicide method with about 500 kills from spawn boosting. Fuck this achievement - I must have spent 180 hours over the past year grinding this bullshit. I'm never buying another game developed by epic.
By Sredit on 09 Jul 2011 09:18
By the way guys stealing kills also dont count towards it as well because i think i stole over 1000 kills of my uncles (woops lol ) and yer i had to get in the end 11 thousand odd to get it. have fun getting this by the way :)
By Tank Force UK on 16 Jul 2011 03:24
From my experience, the Torque Bow/Grenade Tag method for a double kill does not count 2 kills towards Seriously, although the match and leaderboards register it. Only the person who did the Grande Tag/Torque Bow will get a kill towards Seriously.
By AceMcCloud on 04 Aug 2011 09:53
can anyone tell me if its possible to get on a dlc map please. thank you
By OiiNamiSwan on 10 Aug 2011 08:05
As far as I know, the map makes no difference. Although like said before, Annex kills do not count.
By Crimson Drifter on 13 Aug 2011 22:12
I'm up to boost later today around 630 eastern time.
By WINK4193 on 08 Sep 2011 21:35

Annex and the "Dreaded" Seriously.. Achievement.

Q: How does Annex affect gaining achievements?

A: Due to the addition of infinite respawns, any kills in Annex won’t count towards kill-based achievements like “Seriously…” and “The Nuge”. Since Annex is a new additional gametype, you will not need to play Annex to be granted “Mix It Up”. The basic multiplayer achievements like “Always Remember Your First” are still achievable in Annex.

Where I found this:
By xThe Spartan on 08 Sep 2011 23:47
would love a group of people to do this with
By Xn3m0killsX on 14 Sep 2011 01:01
Check the boosting sessions on the right....they are all for Seriously.
By Solario32 on 14 Sep 2011 12:41
Does letting the enemy bleed out until he dies count as a kill for the achievement?
By Tulukaruq907 on 18 Sep 2011 23:58
I got seriously almost 4 years ago at 10,025 kills. I swear that most of the time I was playing people quit with less than 6 players and I must have stolen around 100 kills. So I don't believe those two myths about quitters and kill steals. I don't know what gave me the achievement sooner than most but I think it has to do with WHEN you activated the game. I popped the game in like 3 days after the game came out so it's possible that the earlier you started playing the sooner you'll get the achievement. Maybe it's because I also did it legit that it went faster, I'm not sure.
By RealistIdealist on 16 Jan 2012 19:02
@Realistldealist you got it then because the achievement wasn't glitched at that point, it became glitched after the free dlc came out, then the counters towards it got messed up, thats why people who got it before the dlc get it on time
By JamP0und on 19 Jan 2012 17:51
Ok that was the reason. People told me it was glitched for everyone.
By RealistIdealist on 19 Jan 2012 19:44
I'm looking for anybony to boost !! Add me: Junior Vedelago - Subject : Gears Boost
By xxBLADEJRxx on 23 Mar 2012 04:06
Getting this game as soon as possible, so anyone looking to boost this send me a message.
By x Daniel Nash 7 on 21 Apr 2012 10:42
By whitedreams2 on 24 Jul 2012 05:21
"I averaged 20-30 kills per match"

What the hell? That's like 2-3 kills per round. I average like 2 kills per match. I can't do this legit, it's unbearably annoying.
By Octobot Super on 21 Aug 2012 17:29
lol yeah I hear your pain, I mainly played this with close friends while it was thriving and I was quite a good player so I was able to pull many kills each match.
By Crimson Drifter on 21 Aug 2012 18:15
Haha, I just spent an hour playing and got one kill, and it was an unintentional steal. Looks like boosting is the way to go for me.
By Octobot Super on 21 Aug 2012 18:18
lol people still regularly playing this game?

Boosting is your best bet then, there are a TON of people boosting this so you should be able to get right in!
By Crimson Drifter on 21 Aug 2012 18:33
Yeah, I can still get into matches regularly... I got a little better in just a short time and I got like 11 kills in a 19 round match. It still wasn't very impressive and prompted someone on my own team to message me telling me I suck and to quit the match! As if I wasn't suffering enough knowing full well that I'm not that great yet, this guy has to be incredibly rude and insulting. I guess I should get used to it.
By Octobot Super on 22 Aug 2012 21:54
I have a stupid question and don't know where else to ask it...

How is everyone keeping up with their kills? I can't find my stats online or on a leaderboard of any sort...
By zLEGENDinJAPANz on 19 Mar 2013 06:18
got it at 10,019 kills, all of those were boosted, i think if you played any legit you might have to go over a few kills or a 100+ even a 1000+
By S4LUT3t0LUN4CY on 10 May 2013 01:59
I'm not sure, but I've read and proved this fact. When I was going for the weapon kills, I unlocked the pistol, boomshot, headshot, and Longshot all at around 100. Now I did keep note of the kills I got, and when I hit 100, I would stop, with the exception of the headshot, as I used the Boltok and Longshot for that. However, with the Torque Bow, I had to do nearly 150, before it popped. The only change was, I carefully counted my Torque Bow kills, and I player three matches. After the first, my daughter caught my xbox, switching it off. I counted from there onward, and reached 100, stopped, and it popped at the end of the game. Now, the problem I've read, is that the last match you play, doesn't count, unless you play a private, or local match against a friends or a second controller. I can't confirm if this works with seriously, but since it has the same principle, I thought I'd just offer a piece of advice, proved and tested.
By The Devil 696 on 30 May 2013 15:01
Got my seriously at 10015 kills, yep thats not a misprint. All were boosted from scratch with a 1 rounder before quitting to dashboard. So does the game not register the last match? According to my stats it must register some. Also i can remember at least 3 sessions where people dropped out due to internet issues but we carried on to finish upto round 19, those kills i got must have registered judging by the final kill count. Something to think about........
By beerthirst on 08 Jun 2013 09:52
remember that you can boost this even in system link!
By iDennis 6G on 10 Aug 2013 17:40
Note to all the Warmachine boosters, i'm currently at 10713 kills and still no achievement unlocked, but I'm starting to think that suicide kills add to your leadreboard but MAY NOT count toward Seriously which means that peolple who simply gets tagged/torqued and staying close to their boosting partner to blow them up for the kill may not count for the achievement. So maybe I'm wrong but my advice is, if you get tagged, use the chainsaw to ensure kills and if you get torqued, use the shotgun you really have nothing to loose
By Warkullt on 23 Nov 2013 06:42
so this is this guy's master solution, play and have FUN, what a loser
By morphable freak on 27 Jun 2014 05:56
Got my at 10120 kills:
-Like @beerthirst people lagged out in at least 3 matches but we finished round 19.
-2-3 times people (not the host) lagged out at the beginning and we stopped the match.
-2-3 times the host lagged out.
-At least 20 times the game lagged but could be finished.
-Once the game crashed while loading the 1 rounder.
-Got torqed / tagged (doing nothing / doing the chainsaw), did it myself, switched between Locust and Cog.
-Did all on War Machine starting at 1000. The first 1000 came from weapon kills.

What I didn't do: playing any Annex matches to get other achievements.

I have a good connection and was sometimes chosen as the host because of it.

Hope this helps and cheer up!
By OverChunk143877 on 08 Oct 2014 07:05
Annex kills does not count...i asked the company that made this game and they said the same thing.. No the annex kills do not count..
By on 25 Jan 2015 19:59
Unlocked the achievement at 10,520 kills (9,979 in Warzone, 540 in Execution, 1 in Assassination)

I only played this game on the disc, never even downloaded the digital copy which I hear causes issues with this achievement unlocking. I played legit for the first 1,000-1,500 kills then switched to boosting 19 round warzone. I don't think I was host very much and if someone dropped out of the game we played through and finished (did not quit the match).

Hope this helps with any rumors.
By MR MITT3NS on 07 May 2015 04:51
How do I see how many kills I have?
By MannedPython070 on 10 Jun 2015 20:54
Through the in game leaderboards, tab through each gametype and add up your total kills, besides Annex of course.
By Crimson Drifter on 10 Jun 2015 21:20
Thank you
By MannedPython070 on 11 Jun 2015 12:48
Popped for me at 10,029 kills. Boosted all kills. I always went to dashboard from Gears menu before turning off Xbox. Whenever someone was disconnected mid-game, I always had the host quit the game.
By Strykerz911 on 22 Dec 2015 02:21
Popped for me at 10392 kills
By EdOrAm05 on 27 Jan 2016 16:48
All Serious achievements are 100% unobtainable. Nobody has completed any Gears of War games
By Grim Reaper X79 on 21 Aug 2016 02:48
^Makes sense...
By MR MITT3NS on 21 Aug 2016 03:25
Grim are you literally retarded?
By z RagnaroK z on 04 Apr 2018 17:49
Does anyone have any idea if there's ever been an issue with switching consoles? What I mean by that is this: I started playing gears1 on the 360 years ago. Got about 7000 kills legit, and would like to start boosting myself the rest of the way there. I'm nervous that if I start playing again on the Xbox one, and not the 360, that it may nullify the achievement. Anyone have any idea if this is the case? I'm probably just being paranoid, but better safe than sorry on this one.
By z RagnaroK z on 04 Apr 2018 17:53
We triple box , had the dummy account 9 games get disconnected but we continue anyway, the achievement pop for both of us on 10,000 kills so it seems it did not matter if my dummy disconnected. Also my partner always did the grenade kills at the end so it counted as a kill for me for sure.
By Rainleaf on 14 Jul 2018 19:04
Quad boxed with zero people ever lagging out and always did a 1 round at end of sessions. My partner is at 10,700 kills rn with no luck and I’ve just hit my 10k. Hope everything pops soon enough :/
By Inferno118 on 14 Mar 2019 01:14
Mine popped at 9,847, had people disconnect multiple times throughout the boost, didn't seem to have an effect. I also would usually do a one rounder when stopping the grind but forgot to a couple times as well
By Corymonster1 on 16 Jun 2021 07:43
Changing consoles DOES NOT reset your kills. I can vouch for this as I’ve just popped it and used two consoles. If anyone tell you different, they are simply wrong.
By Ox1893 on 11 Nov 2023 13:36
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This isn't really a solution, more some advice for people trying to unlock the various kill related achievements as quickly as possible - at the end of every boosting session you should play a quick one round local match against a second controller before quitting to dashboard or turning off your xbox. I've done this and unlocked Seriously yesterday pretty much bang on 10000 kills. I've also unlocked all the weapon kill achievements after 100 kills.

I think what's going on is that sometimes, for whatever reason, the progress you make in the last match of a session isn't added to the various achievement counters. I first noticed this when boosting the 'Win 20 matches on map X' achievements - if I won 20 matches in one session the achievement would pop, but if I spread them out across multiple sessions I'd have to play 21, 22, sometimes 23 matches depending on how many sessions it took.

10 Jul 2012 07:41

Sounds legit to me... mine popped around 1800kills (18%) higher than it should have been which, when every session had 4-5 matches, would put it right into that region!
By Quantum Binman on 10 Jul 2012 08:08
I think that is a very plausible hypothesis as to why Seriously (and others) unlocks so late. It did feel like I was losing progress from time to time.
By x Malefactor x on 10 Jul 2012 11:37
Ah makes sense--might get back to boosting this bad boy as a result!
By BenJScar on 12 Jul 2012 03:38
I've been part of the weekly boosting team with Capricious Kiwi since we started in January, and popped mine last night at a total of 10,334 Warzone kills (and 77 Execution kills). Kiwi told us about his theory right at the start but because I was forgetful (hours running around War Machine will do that to you) I'd estimate that I did not play a local match at the end of sessions perhaps three or four times over the past six months. Wish I had more hands so i could give Kiwi four thumbs up (apologies to Dave Chappelle). Anyone starting fresh on their 10,000 kills like I did should give this method a go, it may save you 1,500 in the long run.
By Capt Poopey on 15 Jul 2012 21:44
Quick update:

Since you posted this, I started doing the "Annex" achievement. I used your theory for that as it is also known to unlock well past 100 games. To my surprise, it popped after EXACTLY 100 matches were finished.

I think this is the answer to all problems and wish I knew about it before wasting about 20hrs extra for "seriously" lol!
By Quantum Binman on 22 Jul 2012 05:13
Thanks for bringing this across into the Annex achievement page. I can't thumbs up you there, so a thank you here will have to do. It took me 104 Annex games which I did in about 5 sittings, so this fits.
By HolyHalfDead on 06 Aug 2012 11:14
After doing Kiwi's method (playing a local 1 round match at the end of each boosting session I can confirm that this WORKS! I started doing this method after I had my first 2000 kills so seriously popped for me in 10750 kills! So if u do this method from scratch you should have it ever sooner!
By FalconGR LIVE on 11 Aug 2012 00:07
Negative votes? WTH? Kiwi is saving us valuable gaming time here.
By Capt Poopey on 28 Aug 2012 22:18
This should help me out alot when i start the grind for it lol. Thanks for the method.
By TRACKEY on 17 Sep 2012 14:35
I can confirm that this works, so no more negative votes, this will save most people dozens of hours, and even if you don't believe it, a quick 1 round game at the end of every session isn't going to take long.

I did the weapon kills without this method. Some, like the Hammer of Dawn, I didn't get until 200 kills. Once I had completed all the weapon kills and one session of suicide boosting I had 1354 total kills - about 300 more than I should have needed.

Three weeks ago I started boosting Seriously and always used this method and I got the achievement at 10,319 kills. At the very start I predicted that I would get it after 9,000 more kills by using this method and I have proved that Capricious Kiwi was right. 300 of the kills were the weapon kills that didn't count and the 19 or so would have been the 1 or 2 kills I got in the 1 round matches we finished each session with.
By HolyHalfDead on 05 Oct 2012 22:07
I agree with this as well. I boosted with HolyHa1fDead and we did this every time. I got the achievement at 10,104. I'm very happy. Thanks Kiwi.
By oKAPSHAW on 06 Oct 2012 01:26
Awesome - I'm glad this is helping people out :)
By Capricious Kiwi on 06 Oct 2012 01:34
Using the one rounder method, I unlocked Seriously somewhere between 9,949 and 10,058 kills (since I got 109 kills in a multibox match). Capricious Kiwi is awesome.
By Octobot Super on 27 Nov 2012 02:44
I think this is a very likely explanation. Good work figuring it out.
By RobertOrri on 04 Dec 2012 17:17
This is I can confirm true. I must warn though if you get stuck on the infinite loading screen, you won't be able to save your last game's progress...
By TitleInLarge on 08 Dec 2012 23:17
I have a question. If I get zero kills because the session decides to play it as a regular match, no suicide boosting, would I risk losing the 37 kills or I would lose nothing if I got zero kills?
By GTAmissions1 on 23 Feb 2013 04:32
If you play a boosting match (37 kills) and then a regular match (0 kills) you should be all good. The main issue seems to be kills in the last match you play aren't saved towards the achievement - 0 kills in your case, so no problem.
By Capricious Kiwi on 23 Feb 2013 20:25
Thanks Capricious Kiwi, you saved me and all my boosting buddies at least a whole weeks worth of boosting sessions (somewhere around 16 hours).
By jasonlc3221 on 25 Feb 2013 14:00
I just signed in a local account - worked fine.
By Capricious Kiwi on 20 Mar 2013 18:49
Hey kiwi did you suicide boost? If so what did you do i.e tagged or get tagged..
By xWEEDMAN 89x on 16 May 2013 16:07
Yep, I did a mixture of both tagging and getting tagged with both grenades and the torque bow. I don't think it matters which you do.
By Capricious Kiwi on 16 May 2013 19:36
Cool thanks for the replytoast
By xWEEDMAN 89x on 17 May 2013 19:49
It has already been stated, but I'll add that this worked for me. Mine popped at ~10,060. Thanks and thumbs up to Capricious Kiwi.
By DivxKiller on 30 May 2013 05:39
I currently have 24,000 almost all in warzone, and still no achievement. all of my kills are legit, I didn't boost them and I can tell you at least every second game the total players in the game would drop below 6. so I can pretty much confirm if it drops below 6 I doesn't count.
moral of this don't do it legit you'll waste way too much time angry
By Purds on 10 Jan 2014 21:27
So basically when doing a one rounder you don't have to get a kill or do you.
By Agent Cobra 7 on 24 May 2014 06:04
+1 for figuring it out. With all the different theories, this one is the best.

It unlocked for me at 10,019 using the 19 round War-Zone/War-Machine suicide boosting method followed by a 1 round match before we went to dash-board.

I had expected it to go to beyond 10,200 because I had about 200 kills in matches that ended with 1 player or the host being disconnected. But whenever that happened, we always completed another match to hopefully lock-in what we earned up to that point.

55 TA sessions totaling 112 hours over a 12 week period.

In that same 10,019 kills/112 hours, I also completed all of the 100x weapons, curb stomp, executions, revives and hosted 50 ranked matches.

Always played War Zone, 6 players.

Roof Tops for Hammer of Dawn,
Gridlock for Boom Shot, Long Shot, Revives, Curb Stomp, Execution.
War Machine for the rest.

P.S. If you find a consistently good group STAY WITH THEM!! The fastest match we finished was in 19 minutes 44 seconds (19:44)...
By The Planet Pete on 29 May 2014 03:42
I can officially vouch for this solution since I manage to unlock it at 10,586 kills and the one rounder trick helps lock those kills in.

Basically here are some theories I came up with:

If someone drops out of the match, DON'T QUIT, just take the bullet and finish the match. I had people drop out of the match and those kills still went on the "leaderboards" and hopefully minimize the kills not counting.

Switching consoles doesn't cause problems. Making sure your kills are saved on the right "storage device" is where the "seriously achievement" progress is. I have a 250 gig hard drive and always ensured that "I always had it selected" and checked my two consoles that there were no "game files" related to Gears of War on both systems. The data "needs to save somewhere."

I had a "fat Xbox 360" with those "fat hard drives" which had around 300 kills and those don't count since they were not saved onto the "hard drive."

For the one rounder, you don't need any kills. I had gone through one rounders with zero kills and as long as the "one rounder" is completed, your kills should be locked down.

I finally got my achievement at 10,586 kills. If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to ask me and I will try my best to answer the best of my ability.
By GTAmissions1 on 02 Jul 2014 23:12
Unlocked Seriously at 10.150 kills so this works just fine.
By X InFlames80 X on 16 Jul 2014 05:20
Does it have to be a local match. can it be a ranked match?
By The Joelstr on 22 Jul 2014 01:13
I voted up, have not tried myself but the evidence seems overwhelming and actually gives me hope of finishing this one day. I got tired of boosting after the weapon kills 5 years ago and just came back to do the annex ones. glad someone finally figured out what is going on here
By NickHawkeye on 19 Mar 2015 12:59
At first I was skeptical but I confirm, you have to do it otherwise you'll take a few more days to finish...
By On Phone Em on 18 Apr 2015 02:49
Downvoted because this solution obviously doesn't help. We started doing the one rounder at about 2,000 kills. I now have 13,213 kills and still no achievement.
By Jawnie B on 15 Oct 2015 02:33
Hey, if I play on the xbox one and have only one controller, could I play one online match instead?
By Neptune Diamond on 17 Jul 2016 21:05
One round matches online worked fine aswell if you don't want to do local. This solution DOES work. Just read all the comments. Mine popped at 10 668 which is very accurate because some sessions we forgot to do the one round game. Disconnects also make the kills you've gotten not count.

Thanks for this fantastic guide! 1+ from me! toast
By Neptune Diamond on 05 Sep 2016 18:42
Finally unlocked. 10,286
By on 08 Apr 2017 15:10
Nice guide dude I unlocked at 10,210
By ASOC11031993 on 22 Apr 2017 19:29
Thanks for the tip. Unlocked at 10,617 kills.
By K1ck on 16 Apr 2018 14:30
10067 :)
By motter on 28 Jun 2018 20:16
I did this without taking the one rounder advice in 2018.

It took me 10,743 kills.
By FixedFrameNate on 30 Jul 2018 02:06
I just started solo boosting this with my 8 xboxs again. I just noticed that the leader board is not updating with my kills. Should I ignore this or is something currently wrong with the server? I also do what this guide said.
By sean2k5 on 05 Oct 2018 22:20
Sean2k5 did u just keep going or did u stop?
By Snatch Snake on 31 Jan 2019 18:00
Cause I am doing it with a buddy and it is not counting either
By Snatch Snake on 31 Jan 2019 18:01
I stopped because I cant afford to have 8 Xbox live profiles anymore
By sean2k5 on 31 Jan 2019 18:35
I'm pretty sure the Leaderboard Tracking does not matter your Achievement will still pop.. the only "inconvenience" is that you have to keep track how many kills you've got cause the leaderboard won't update.
By X InFlames80 X on 15 Feb 2019 11:46
No the leaderboards have been fixed now, it was a true skill issue that’s been resolved. My question is... how do you do a local split screen through BC? I’m only given the option to download a profile through bc, even if there’s a second profile signed in on the X1 interface. Kinda sucks
By Inferno118 on 24 Feb 2019 00:11
Hi all! I am seriously thinking of putting in the time to get all these achievements! I can never find a ranked match so shoot me a message over Xbox and I’ll hop on :)) anyone need the achievement???
By Freglovefeet on 18 Apr 2019 16:24
I just finished this recently and sometimes forgot to do a local coop game at the end but we always a 1 round ranked match to finish. I was keeping track and it unlocked pretty much on 10,000. Thumbs up from me.
By Falensarano on 20 May 2019 13:51
10,595 (:
I can confirm that Kills do count up until 1 player drops out. From that point onwards. New Kills will not count. Works for weapons achievements too
By A Big Radroach on 27 Oct 2019 17:04
I can confirm you can unlock this for backwards compatibility.
By Alberto Silva76 on 24 Nov 2019 12:48
I popped it today at around 19,500 kills on my XB1. The only thing I've done that could possibly affect my counter was playing local annex and switching from my XB1 to 360 and back.
By MagicBullet1985 on 24 Apr 2020 17:31
mine popped at 10,090 kills back in march. clap
By BlackSamurai24 on 03 May 2020 01:43
I was in a party where someone was insisting we should do a one round ranked match in between each 19 round boosting we did that, will all those kills be null since we never did local matches?
By DiSSNTNGOPiNiON on 11 Jul 2020 17:47
Recently unlocked this achievement after wanting it for years. I had around 10,500 kills back in 2007 playing legit ranked warzone. I didn't unlock the achievement until close to 20k kills. So I think there is some legitimacy to the idea that all of the kills you get need to be on the same hard drive. At least it seemed that way for me, since my first 10,500 kills were on multiple 360's back in 2007. Getting the achievement recently all of my kills were on the same Xbox one hard drive.
By Elden Goon on 12 Jul 2020 05:37
Unlocked yesterday at 10,209. I dipped in and out of this game for years but started to boost recently. Double boxing with 2 other people, 3 mains and 3 dummy accounts., we managed to get 444 kills in 3 hour sessions, earning 111 kills per match. Beats the method of 37 kills a match with 6 boosters.
By Jamone the Afro on 11 Aug 2020 18:02
Unlocked for me in 10169 kills.
By on 03 Dec 2020 19:47
Got mine at 10291 however I was triple boxing and getting 111 kills every match so this could have popped way before if I had have done single sessions
By on 26 Feb 2021 00:23
Just finished this quad boxing with my cousin bang on 10k. For those curious, if the round ends in a tie the kills DO count!

A 19 round game with 1 minute timer is best way to go. Followed by a one rounder either in local or ranked (both worked)

Sometimes we just decided to keep getting kills after we both reached 18/18 score letting the timer run down. (even got 400 kills one game whilst cousin was asleep) It just depends if you want to risk the connections dropping and losing it all.

Good luck it took way longer than we anticipated...
By Yadamus on 18 Mar 2021 16:13
@Maw N Paw Done, however further to our conversation your not into double boxing, whereas I am and I want it done more quicker.
By VanillaLatte44 on 07 May 2021 12:27
If anyone likes to come grind with us we are a gears achievement hunting community
By ImQueenBoo on 31 May 2021 06:49
So I just unlocked the achievement today. It unlocked at 11.8K kills and my group never did a 1 round "lock" match for our kills. I did it on two separate Xboxs and that is most likely why it took so long for my kills. Had about 1700 kills on my old xbox and a little over 10k on my new one for anyone attempting this nonsense.
By Maxiimum Chaos on 24 Jun 2021 23:30
14,809 kills it took me. F**k this game.
By VanillaLatte44 on 16 Jul 2021 21:27
Nah, f**k this achievement not the game lol
By FTW IGotChuked on 31 Jan 2022 06:02
This game does suck. Multiple glitches throughout the campaign along with this achievement to boot.
By Happy Dog CPH on 16 Feb 2022 11:47
I wish for the leaderboard to be fixed, despite having the achievement now.
By Happy Dog CPH on 10 Mar 2022 11:25
I unlocked this achievement yesterday when I reached 9.5k kills which was a complete shock for me as I know there are people who got it after 10k kills at 11k or 15k so to get it earlier than 10k I had no idea that was even possible but I ain't complaining at all. 🤣🏆
By GamerD90 on 14 Mar 2022 16:15
Seeing everyone commenting about unlocking makes me want to go back and try for it again. But at this point I’m convinced this achievement will never unlock for me cry
By Purds on 14 Mar 2022 16:23
Mine popped right on the money at 10,049. I played entirely on a Series X and I did not switch consoles or have any old save data. I had counted all kills except most 1 rounders and matches where I got disconnected. I did all roles while suicide boosting. The matches I was in where others disconnected that were finished appeared to count the kills before the other player disconnected. Others I have done sessions did not always pop at exactly 10k so beware. Best of luck to everyone boosting this and I hope this helps you out.
By EriCO OwNz NuBz on 18 Jul 2022 01:41
Finally unlocked this horrible achievement today at 19,109 kills. All on one Xbox One, never having played the online before April of this year. Always did the single round lock in at the end and didn't count any questionable games. I must've got hit by a kill reset right before I hit 10k the first time? Hopefully this can be avoided for others, but I don't really have any advice as I followed what everyone else who has recently unlocked it did.

Best of luck to anyone else going in for this, hopefully you're more fortunate than I was!
By myAR5ENAL on 11 Aug 2022 21:28
Has anyone ever popped this on a digital copy of the game? I'm about 10K kills in right now and i just saw someone mentioning that the nondisc version can cause problems.
By Smiththedude on 14 Aug 2022 07:24
@Smiththedude, yes mine did. I had the gamepass version of the game installed on my series x. Mine popped shortly after 10k.
By EriCO OwNz NuBz on 18 Aug 2022 14:25
Working on setting up grinding sessions for this and all the MP achievements (as well as other games like AC Brotherhood, Bioshock 2, etc etc) so feel free to join this Discord and we'll make it happen!
By Freak OTRT on 18 Aug 2022 18:50
Finally got it to pop after 14K kills. I had heard about issues with the digital version (I'm playing on my original 360, not on the X1 Game Pass version), and after so many thousands of kills I put a disc in just to see. The game updated for whatever reason, but then after just a few games the achievement popped. If there's anyone in my same position that's starting to feel a little desperate, try slapping a disc in. Unless i just got super lucky with the timing
By Smiththedude on 21 Aug 2022 05:05
I think it's an issue with the cloud save. For some people the kills don't seem to track properly or sync. There's also theories that kills were reset or progress doesn't carry over properly from 360 to one or series x as well but atleast you were able to get it.
By EriCO OwNz NuBz on 21 Aug 2022 16:38
It seems like the in game leader boards are broken and no longer work
By J ROLL 1998 on 30 Aug 2022 18:45
They aren’t broken but matches longer than 5 minutes don’t register to the boards.
By jjaldana on 13 Sep 2022 16:44
Can confirm the kills are still counting even though the leaderboards are broken.
By STrueman93 on 18 Sep 2022 16:41
I heard having a splitscreen guest resets kills. Is that true?
By J ROLL 1998 on 26 Oct 2022 19:10
@J ROLL 1998-I can confirm at least for me this was not the case. I used a guest from time to time after suicide boosting to work on the Annex and other local achievements, didn't seem to impact my kill count. Mine popped slightly over 10,000. I think I was in the 10,045 to 10,060 range when my achievement unlocked after the match. I think the main issue people have is their cloud save not counting kills for one reason or another. Apparently kills were also reset years back. I even counted kills in matches where others disconnected. I would just recommend staying away from using multiple consoles and clearing your cache, etc until you finish up.
By EriCO OwNz NuBz on 30 Oct 2022 22:51
The quick local match helps. Kept track of every kill I made while going for Seriously. Somehow got it at 9,644 kills.
By Brawler rocks on 03 Jan 2023 02:16
To add some further data to this, I did all of my boosting on a Series X, after having done all the "Kill 100 players..." achievements on an OG One in 2017 or so. I played various other games, both One/Series and backwards compatible ones and it popped on around 9600 kills, including the approximately 1000 kills you get from the aforementioned 10 achievements. Whenever somebody would drop out, I'd count only the kills I had gotten up to that point in that match. I also did the one round game at the end of every session.

Therefore, just keep at it and keep track of your kills somehow, I used Excel.
By Anima Pura on 28 Apr 2023 22:04
I unlocked this today It took me almost 12k kills though
By TurnoverDuck on 09 Aug 2023 03:53
Changing consoles DOES NOT reset your kills. I can vouch for this as I’ve just popped it and used two consoles. If anyone tell you different, they are simply wrong.
By Ox1893 on 10 Nov 2023 17:57
I got this last night on the Xbox one using this method. Unlocked around 9200 apparently some of my kills from 2006 on my first Xbox still counted
By Sam Squanch15 on 04 Feb 2024 17:21
idk if ranked is still running but if anyone is willing to boost (more the better i guess) let me know GT is the same id also be looking for seriously dedicated ppl to run all gears of war games
By SpitFire690 on 12 Mar 2024 19:03
Join sessions @Spitfire.
By Ox1893 on 08 Apr 2024 17:54
A lot of superstition surrounds this achievement and everyone abides to the rumors just to be safe. Personally, I think people see correlations where there are none, giving credence to those urban legends. But you can never be sure right? JK shits broken AF
By Bimmsmeister on 14 Apr 2024 07:17
Starting up an Xbox group of players to boost all the ranked matches achievements. Will plan to be online around 10 PM - 2 AM EST (north america) most evenings. Message me via Xbox if you are interested!
By theg00chmaster on 06 Jul 2024 13:23
I've just spent the better part of two weeks grinding for this achievement and thought I'd throw my experience into this solution to see if it can help anyone else.

I ran the following set up:
Main - XSX - Digital - Wireless - Save file on the Cloud
Alt 1 - XSS - Digital - Wireless - N/A
Alt 2 - 360 - Digital - Ethernet - N/A
Alt 3, 4, 5 - 360 - Disc - Ethernet - N/A

- My main always hosted the game, and all Xbox's could get into it with an occasional hiccup every now and then with the XSS struggling to find it.

- I previously had 652 kills on an old Xbox 360 (from 8 years ago) before starting this again on my XSX and I unlocked the achievement on 10,262 kills. It would appear that kills across multiple Xbox's do indeed count.

- I always played 19 rounders (57 kills a match) and attempted to do 2-3 hour sessions at time. If I was efficient with matchmaking, I could do 4 matches an hour, which would give me 228 kills. If I went for 2 hours this = 456 kills. If i went for 3 hours this = 684 kills.

- I always did a local 1 rounder at the very end of the session before closing the game. However, in two separate instances after doing a 3 hour session and a 2 hour session did I not manage to do a local 1 rounder due to disconnecting from XBL. This should have cost me in theory 1,140 kills from my total, however judging from the kill count when I unlocked Seriously it would appear that local 1 rounders ARE NOT required to lock in kills.

- On 3 separate occasions an alt lagged out of the game. I counted up my kills at the time and quit the match. In theory I lost 95 total kills. Sadly, I'm not 100% sure if these kills count towards Seriously. Although, I think this needs to be tested more...

- On 2 separate occasions an alt lagged out of the game, however this time I remained in the game and finished the match. I gained 104 kills from these matches and I'm not 100% sure if they counted towards Seriously. I'm more inclined to believe these count over the above.

In total this took me 41 hours (not counting kills from 8 years ago) to unlock by running 6 boxes. In my honest opinion I believe that:
- Changing Xbox's doesn't matter
- Playing wireless/wired doesn't matter
- Playing disc/digital doesn't matter
- Where the save file is doesn't matter
- 1 rounders aren't required to lock in kills
- If anyone lags out and you quit the kills don't count
- If anyone lags out and complete the match it does count

And lastly, good luck everyone.
By MashedPeas11 on 05 Aug 2024 22:21
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Achievement/Video Guide

This is how to boost for the "Seriously..." achievement in Gears of War.

You get 6 people together and have one of them host a match, make sure they have a stable connection! Have them host a 19 round match on War Machine. Then join the match and one person on each team will kill for 12 rounds total. For example person on COG team will kill two people but the person on the Locust team will kill all three members of the COG team. It is best to meet up by the sniper spawn and each match should only take about 18-19 minutes.

The person on the Locust team will continue to do this for 6 rounds and then the person on the COG team will be the one who gets the 3 kills for 6 rounds. After doing this the COG and Locust team will have 6 rounds won and each person will have 30 kills. Then it will go to the next two people on the list and they will do the same thing.

When both teams have 18 rounds won you can either do Free for all or grenade tags. We like to do grenade tags because it ensures everyone gets an extra kill.

I already have this achievement, please don't send me messages asking if I want to boost.
To start; as every other solution states. The achievement rarely (Basically never) pops on time. The average for the people I boosted with was right around 11.5k though there have been people with 20+ thousand and still no achievement. I felt the need to write a solution because a friend mentioned to me that he hadn't known how to suicide boost and there was no solution explaining so I figured well; Why not?

To start just like any other method you get a group of 6 people together and host a 19 round match on War Machine. In order to suicide boost one member from each team must go to their own grenades, the torque bow and the other teams grenades. If you don't know where grenades are they are located they are in the direction of the open part of the map towards troika and such. Depending on which side you spawn they are either directly left or right after leaving the main spawn area past a couple pillars and the torque is on the ground in the middle of a circle just in front of the troika on the lower level. Anyway back to the boosting process. Basically run to your designated spot which again would be your teams grenades , the torque or the opposite grenades and meet up with a member of the opposing team there. Now it's as easy as either pick up and tag / torque or be tagged / torqued and move up to each other so you each get a kill. In some cases the rounds will become unbalanced so one grenade group will have to slow up (If cog are down the locust grenade guy waits and vice versa) and after the other two groups go the locust tags the cog, and the cog can chainsaw / beat down the locus to make sure they win the round. Doing this method you can work on your torque, chainsaw and grenade tag achievements and some people allow weapons to be thrown in the mix. In a near perfect session you can get done right around 20 minutes and earn yourself 37 kills. This is the fastest and most efficient method by far and what most sessions on TA are set up for. The final tip...find some way to entertain yourself while boosting! This can get rather boring and repetitive and it helps to have something to keep your mind off it. Other than that...Happy boosting!

04 Mar 2011 02:57

This method is flawed, the reason some don't get it with 20+ thousand kills is because from my experience, the Torque Bow/Grenade Tag method for a double kill does not count 2 kills towards Seriously, although the match and leaderboards register it. Only the person who did the Grande Tag/Torque Bow will get a kill towards Seriously. If you're the type who gets tagged all the time, you're basically earning no kills at all towards Seriously.
By AceMcCloud on 04 Aug 2011 09:32
Except I did only this method and it unlocked around did many of my friends. It's not the method, it's the game. People went up to 30 and 40 k without it before, that's just how it is.
By Sanada on 04 Aug 2011 18:18
As long as you're doing the tagging, sure it'll still unlock for you.
As for before this method, I've also got strong reason to believe kills towards Seriously are map specific.
By AceMcCloud on 05 Aug 2011 20:13
Look at my stats. I didn't do the tagging for the most part. Honestly, until you figure out a method and test it out from scratch and that achievement pops exactly at 10,000. Please keep your theories to yourself. Because honestly if I included every rumor people spread this solution would be much much longer. That is all.
By Sanada on 06 Aug 2011 20:42
I just started this for the xbox and did a two hour session of suicide boosting, got 150 kills not doing the tagging and didn't even get the tag achievement. So either this method does not count all the kills ( I am sure it works, just probably not every kill counts, which is why so many people have to get more kills then what they should) or it doesn't count as tags. Not sure but I am not going to go with this method from now on because I don't trust it.
By Davis 888 on 06 Sep 2011 18:07
Do what you want, but I had no problems. I was usually the one tagged as well. All the achievements are rather glitchy, regardless I can't say anything for sure then again nobody can. This is just the most common method from when I did it.
By Sanada on 06 Sep 2011 19:21
you don't get the tag achievement from being tagged you have to tag the person to get the tagging achievment
By TG OMN1BL4Z3 on 06 Sep 2011 20:08
I confirm that this method works perfectly. Finally I got the achievement around 12,140 kills and I never did the tagging. Perhaps 20% (2000 or 3000 kills) are from guns or tagging but the rest was made with this method. So I can ensure all kills count to get the achievement "Seriously."
This method is the quickest and most effective way to reach the 10,000 deaths. If the achievement is bugged, the method doesn't have the fault, is the game.
By Eclipse GX on 08 Sep 2011 14:46
Just a note for those who doubt whether each person gets a kill: ask one of the teams (doesn't matter if it's at the torque bow or the grenades) to wait. The 4 that are dead will enter spectator mode and see the last remaining member of their team. Press x to bring up a stats screen and take a look at the kills/death. Have the remaining team suicide while still watching this small menu - you'll see the kills tracked in real time. I watched this menu as someone was being tagged, and they blew up and they got counted for a kill. This proved the suicide method works for me, so I'm going to continue doing this (currently at 11, 372 kills).

The reason why the achievement is not popping "on time" is due to irregularities and anomalies in what is being shown on the leaderboards and what is actually being saved to your achievement progress (a hidden file attached to your GamerTag) due to disconnects and drops. Also, playing an out of date version of Gears of War (i.e. you've declined an update, which would have been saved onto your system cache had you not) will also reset your progress - this happened to me; I know because all of my previously collected cog tags disappeared. So, as others have pointed out, the suicide method is not flawed - it's an issue related to how Epic set up this game that is the problem.

I've seen someone who only used the shotgun-spawn boosting method (meaning only one person is killing and being killed) go up to 11,500 before unlocking Seriously - what accounts for their delay?
By SinReturns03 on 07 Nov 2011 19:36
To start, Ace is clearly wrong... As of 12/09/2011 suicide boosting is still by far the most effective method to boost seriously if you do not own two xboxs. This guide for the achievement far exceeds the other ones voted above it and it is a shame this one does not come up first under the achievement.
By GutshotStraight on 10 Dec 2011 04:07
Thanks mate. Appreciate some positive feedback. Still haven't heard anything of us method going from 0-10,000 and popping on time. laugh
By Sanada on 10 Dec 2011 04:11
Funny how this website is called "trueachievements" & yet you are boosting - hardly a true way to get the achievement is IT ... RETARDS
By gallzy111 on 20 Feb 2012 14:42
That is the chilliest of tales brother. Tell me the difference between my boosted kills and your legit ones then we'll talk. Besides the whole I have the achievement and you don't part.
By Sanada on 20 Feb 2012 20:15
Yeah this method is fine I was being tagged about 98% of the time and my weapon kills also counted. Everything is a rumor it pops when it feels like it mine did at 10,067 so saying this method is flawed is complete bs.
By xWEEDMAN 89x on 24 Jun 2013 04:20
Go for it.
By Sanada on 17 Mar 2014 04:43
I can confirim this method really works. I was being tagged most of the time and it unlocked for me at 10,274. Could it be possible it didn't work for Ace because he didn't do a one rounder at the end of each session.
By Agent Cobra 7 on 12 Jun 2014 21:09
Is there any way to see how many kills I have? I see people saying they got it to pop after “x” kills, but I can’t find stats in game

Also, if I move from my X360 to my X1X will I run the risk of starting my kill count from scratch?
By DiSSNTNGOPiNiON on 25 Jun 2020 12:44
To check your current kills (+ more stats): Go to Versus, Leaderboards, set the search parameters to "Me" & "All-time", press A on your name. The kill count is in the top left of this stats screen.
By adraedin on 03 Apr 2021 17:41
How do i properly see stats in 2022? Are they just entirely broken? Says I’ve got 51 warzone kills even though I boosted all day
By FTW IGotChuked on 29 Jan 2022 07:23
Finally got Seriously today - even cleared my cache on my Series X after 8000 kills and it still unlocked at 10,000
1 rounders seem to be irrelevant based on my count. I missed some and still got it.
Ive done a mix of tagging grenades, being tagged, using the torque or getting blown by the torque and all counted.
Just glad its over!!!
By Darth Si on 01 Oct 2023 11:05
Changing consoles DOES NOT reset your kills. I can vouch for this as I’ve just popped it and used two consoles. If anyone tell you different, they are simply wrong.
By Ox1893 on 11 Nov 2023 13:37
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I found this on the Epic Games forum and I find it pretty legit as to describing the crisis with the Seriously... and other weapon kill achievements.

"Here is what our Gears of War producer, Rod Fergusson, replied when someone asked about not getting the "Seriously" achievement which probably applies similarly to your question...

I’m assuming that you’re taking your kill count from the Leaderboards. Unfortunately the number on the Leaderboard doesn’t necessarily reflect your progress towards the "Seriously..." achievement, although it’s usually very close. Due to the way Ranked Matches work, if a match is aborted (either by you or the host quitting before it’s complete), if enough rounds have been played then those will get counted towards the Leaderboards but because the match was not fully completed, those kills will not count towards the "Seriously..." achievement. Over time this usually means that there is a small difference between the number on the Leaderboards and your achievement count.

Nothing it broken, you just need to keep playing for a little while longer in matches that go all the way to the end and you will ultimately get the achievement."

Here is the link to that forum.

25 Nov 2009 02:31

This achievement is one of the most grueling grinds i have completed. The idea is to get 10,000 kills in ranked matches. Its important to note that Annex matches do _not_ count towards this achievement for the kill counts. I did all of mine on Warzone, easier to track on the leaderboards where my progress was.

The achievement says 10,000 kills, but that's more of a suggestion for what to shoot for than a hard and fast limit. It took me to 11,871 kills to get this done. War Machine is a great map to accomplish this, it's the smallest map and it has a couple of weapons which make killing fast. Host 19 round matches with a 1-2 minute round duration, and have at it!


If you really want to do it fast (relative), get a party of six people together, and all search for the map the host puts up at the same time. Differentiate from other matches by round duration. Usually War Machine, Warzone, 19 rounds, 1-2 minute round duration. When all 6 players from the party are in the GOW lobby, start the match. 1 person each from Locust and COG respectively will take turns getting 30 kills over 12 rounds, while the other two on the team will just stand there and take it. The idea is to run down to the Sniper spawn, and the individual who is killing from each respective team run to the right of the sand bags, and the two who are dying run to the left. COG takes the remaining kill for 6 rounds, and then switch with locust taking the remaining kills for 6 rounds. After 12 rounds you get 30 kills.

There is a lot of speculation as to why kill counts above 10K do not unlock the achievement. Bottom line is, there is a discrepancy between how Epic reports your kills, and how Epic counts your kills towards the achievement. The information that follows is not fact.

When I was working on this, the feeling in the community was if anyone drops, or as soon as there are less than 6 people in a match, the kills do not count anymore towards seriously.

Another idea (suggested by Octobot Super) is that kills in your very final match of your play session don't count, which is why it's advisable to do a one-rounder. I realize that this is anecdotal too, but it's the only thing that seems to have consistently worked for many people recently. At the very least, people have been calling it a "minimal amount of effort for potentially massive gain". It couldn't hurt.

19 Jun 2009 11:49

Guide to Seriously...:

Among the hardest achievement in any game, only the very dedicated will achieve this. The achievement description states that you must kill 10,000 people in ranked versus matches. However, due to quitters/incorrect leaderboards and other issues, you will need well over 10,000 kills for it to unlock.

I achieved mine at 11,014 kills but it is unlocked between 12K - 15K kills for most people, however I got lucky. Kills in annex do not count, kills that you steal do count (despite the rumours).

Your best method of getting the achievement is to host 19 round games on Raven Down. With your host shotgun, you can easily average 30-40 kills every game in a 30 minute period. I hope this little insight to the achievement helped.
This method is for people that have 2 or more Xbox 360's. This is actually a little bit faster than the "Vending Machine" method. You get a few more kills and have some spare time. Remember, you need to have 2 Xbox 360's and 2 Xbox Live Gamertags. You will also need to have 2 other people with 2 Xbox 360's and 2 Xbox Live Gamertags each. That is the only way that this method will work.

First, host a ranked match of Warzone on War Machine. Set the Round number to 19 rounds. The time limit does not matter, but make it a higher number so that random people do not join. Have the other 2 people and their Xbox 360's search for the match. Now this how the teams should be set up:
1. Player 1 getting kills
2. "Dummy" account
3. Player 3 getting kills

1.Player Locust getting kills
2."Dummy" account
3."Dummy" account

Right now, it looks as if the teams are uneven for kills. But the player that is on the Locust team with two dummy accounts will be switched every match. The players that are getting kills will run to each others spawn location and kill the idle players. Then, they will grab frag grenades and the person that wants to lose will grenade tag the other person. The person that wants to win will melee the other person. Make sure you standing close to each other. Player 1 from COG will get kills this way until COG and Locust both have 9 rounds won. Then, Player 3 will replace Player 1 in getting kills and do everything that Player 1 was doing. Player Locust will be getting kills for the entire match. Player 3 and Player Locust will get kills until COG and Locust both have 18 rounds won. On the last round, all players can grab grenades/Torque Bow and grenade tag the dummy accounts to get an extra kill.

Remember, the match must be at least 3 vs. 3 for it to count the kills. If one person/xbox 360 disconnects, then the kills will not count.

Seriously... is glitched. Mine unlocked at around 12,000 kills. It's different for everybody. There have been reports of people not getting Seriously... until 25,000 kills. Just don't lose hope and keep playing. I also DISCOURAGE any legitimate playing against random players. 80% of the time, random players quit out. And that makes it hard to get kills that count towards Seriously...

It took me a total of 145 hours over a course of two weeks to get Seriously... Again good luck!

24 Nov 2010 21:21

Alll righty then, time to say my thanks and appreciation to all those who helped me by paying it forward.

(And here I thought it was obvious, but Drizzt1987 and CT Dutchmasta were kind enough to point out a readability issue...Ass-U-Me, you know?

Bold stuff=Important, rest is not and is skippable)

Who am I?: The crazy bastard who looked at Seriously 1.0 and said: You know what, I bet I could get this achievement in 20 days or less, by Christmas, Dec 25th, 2011. I started on a late December 4th, 2011 evening and I finished it on an early December 24th, 2011 morning.

For the 1st week, I was finishing up my College Exams and did 6+ hours of Seriously boosting a day.

For 2 weeks, I more or less no-lifed and did 12+ hours of Suicide boosting a day.

In those 3 weeks, this is what I have learned:

1. All kills must be on Ranked matches and as always, Annex never counts.

2. I got my seriously achievement at 11.4k kills , about average, really. I hosted (as in hosting the game itself, not the TA session) roughly 85~90% of all matches. When it popped, I was not hosting and actually 6x Xbox boosting with some friends (Getting 180 kills an hour FTW!) on someone else's host.

Ergo: It seems as though whether you hosting the matches or not is a moot point, as the damn thing will still pop when it wants to pop.

O, and the Average for people to pop it is about 10.5k-12.5k Kills. Your lucky if you get it at 10.5k, keep that in mind. On the flip side, if you go over 12.5k kills, be prepared for the long haul...Usually that means you are looking at popping it in the 16.5k-20k mark.

3. Lumping 9k plus of my kills with one weapon did not make the achievement unlock faster. I extensively used the Torque Bow, and was the one being Torqued most of the time. Still got it at the average mark. By using a Shotgun. One someone else's host. In a Multi-Xbox boosting session.

Ergo: Keeping the kills to one weapon does damn near nothing, as the thing is still will pop when it wants to pop.

4. Weapon kills DO count towards Seriously 1.0, as I only had 3 weapon achievements unlocked (Torque, Chainsaw, and Grenades) and still got it on the average mark. Furthermore, I have a friend named Shadows in 3D, he actually unlocked his Seriously achievement in one of my Weapon boosting sessions that I had to do after getting Seriously.

Ergo: FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL, at the cost of my own sanity and time, I ended this debate. Weapon Achievements/Kills DO count towards seriously. The damn thing will pop when it wants to, and that's that.

Don't believe it? Check my Achievements and his Achievements. Mine should show Seriously unlocked AFTER the Torque, Chainsaw, and Grenades but BEFORE everything else. His will show Seriously unlocked on the same day as many of his weapon achievements.

5. Clearing the cache does NOTHING! So does Changing Hard Drives, Switching Xboxs, getting a New Internet Service Provider, Sending Death Threats to Epic or Humping Cliffy B's leg. All except for the last one I did (was getting desperate and was very tempted on the last one when I was over 11k kills with no end in sight.) Personally, I went through 2 Xboxs in getting the achievement and it still popped on average. A very close, personal, RL friend of mine went through 4 Xboxs and yep, you guessed it: popped on average.

Ergo: No matter what you do to your Xbox/Internet, as long as it is not during the actual match, it will not affect Seriously 1.0 The achievement is fickle and will pop whenever it F****** wants. O, and Epic really doesn't give a shit about it, either.

6. Suicide boosting is the best method. It's all I did, with the multi-xbox shotgun boosting being a desperate thing that took some major favors to pull off. Needless to say, 2 of my Xbox Live friends now own my soul because of it.

Ergo: Suicide is the fastest boosting method, as I proved by using it almost exclusively for the 3 weeks and getting the achievement in 20 days. Shotgun boosting provides breaks, but Suicide gets the job done faster. To me, that's better.

7. Factoring in all the missed/messed up kills, the lag outs on my behalf or someone else's, and other such things: what I finished at makes sense. Sad to say, but it does. The achievement could probably have popped sooner had I not fallen prey to the "all the kills we did count before he disconnected!!"
Either way, the 11.4k kills, as b***** as it is, add up in my head when I think about all the problems that happened with each session.

JamP0und32, one of my mates, is trying to see if he could get it to pop at exactly 10k (He's tracking his kills carefully and making it land exactly on that, to see if going over ruins the achievement. Can't wait to hear from him.)

Ergo: Kills after someone disconnects do not count. That is what I have decided. With as much dedication and effort I put into this, I could have been done sooner if it were not for the few hundred kills or so that I got after someone had disconnected.

That the teams must be even at all times. 4v2, for whatever reason, does not get you the achievement. Only 4v4, 3v3, and supposedly (But I wouldn't try it...) 4v3

Update: As of 11/1/12, JamP0und32 has informed me that sadly, no, landing exactly on 10k does not unlock the achievement.

Yet again: If you track your kills and have it land exactly on 10k, the achievement will not unlock.

8. And whatever you do, don't fall prey to "But you only missed one kill, man." If you miss one kill in one match for whatever reason, find out why and be an ass about it. Why? Cause I just missed one Kill this match. And the next. And the next. And the next 100 or so until my Deaths far outweighed my kills.

Ergo: When your doing this, your K/D should be the same if your Suicide boosting. If anything, your Kills should be ahead of your deaths. Any discrepancies (i.e, your Death's ahead of your Kills.) only hurt you in the end. If Shotgun Boosting, your kills should be waaaay ahead of your Deaths, especially with multi-Xbox boosting. Rest still applies.

Friends/Fans? Information:

Quantum Binman said:
I'm now at 11,734 and this is what I can tell you so far;

1) I have been locust drone for every single round - changing character/side was something I thought might affect seriously but clearly not.

2) I have been shooting the torque bow for about 75% of my kills so that doesn't make things any faster

3) I have all my kills within 1 month of play so playing often doesn't make any faster than bit-by-bit

4) I have always quit out of matches when someone drops.

5) I have "a series of tubes" but not hosted any matches since that popped, I will try to be host next time and let you know if that helps.

I will let you know once my achievement pops - I think you are right in that it will just happen when it wants to and cannot be "forced" into unlocking!
General Notes: This is standard Suicide Boosting: Warzone, Warmachine, 19 rounds, 3v3. Locust A and Cog A goes to Torque, Locust B and Cog B go to Grenades 1 and Locust C and Cog C go to Grenades 2. Torque/Grenade user shoots/tags their partner on the opposite team, then hugs their partner. Everyone blows up, rinse, wash, repeat.

Multi-Xbox boosting: Need 6 Xboxs, 6 copy's of Gears of War 1, and 6 Xbox Live Gold accounts. If you have all that, then Raven Down for 19 rounds and run over to the other teams spawn. Shotgun them, and then rinse, wash, and repeat.

Shotgun Boosting: Although I never did it, I do know what it is. And I've mentioned it enough that I should explain it. It is the exact same as Multi-Xbox boosting, but with one key difference: More people actually involved.

Raven Down, Warzone, 19 Rounds, 3 Locust on one side, 3 Cog on the other. Locust A runs over and kills Cog B and Cog C while Cog A does the same to Locust B and Locust C. Locust A and Cog A meet in the middle, and Locust A kills Cog A. Thus the end score for that round should be Locust A: 3 kills, Cog A: 2 Kills. When Locust A has 18 Kills and Cog A has 12, Cog A starts killing Locust A for 3 kills a round, and Locust A now only gets 2 kills a round. Once Locust A and Cog A have 30 kills each. After that. Locust A and Cog A trade places with Locust B and Cog B, who then do the exact same thing. Rinse, wash and repeat.

In between you killing and you being killed, on the rounds you are being killed, you will have an ~ 20-60 minute break where all your character does is sit there and die. Go do whatever in RL that you want; that's the point. It's the reason why people like Shotgun Boosting. Just make sure you get back in time for your turn again.

Vending Machine Boosting: NEVER, EVER, EVER DO! It is typically unorganized, very wasteful (30 kills in 1 hour? With Suicide boosting I get 100 or so, with Shotgun boosting I get 90 if I have a single xbox or 180 if Multi-Xbox boosting.) and hardly worth it. If you want a break, Shotgun boost.

Shotgun Boosting Vs Suicide Boosting: Suicide=No breaks, but you get the achievement done faster as you are averaging ~100 kills an hour.

From my friends who were with me the whole way, those who did the Chainsawing, the Grenade Tagging, or the Torque Shooting tended to get the achievement before those who were lazy like me. I.E, just standing there and exploding MIGHT not always count towards the achievement.

A Nintendo D.S. with Nostalgia (An Old-School, Skies of Arcadia Styled JRPG) and a really good book + popcorn and Pizza help make the sessions go faster. Talking does too, but sometimes people don't talk and other times people are assholes and you don't want to talk.

For the book, I recommend Bones of the Dragon, by Margret Weiss and Tracy Hickman if you are a fantasy buff like myself. Vikings and Sorcery, that is all. XD

Sci-Fi your taste: The Collective Works of H.P. Lovecraft was my secondary book, when I wasn't in a Fantasy mood.

And if you like Romance w/a little action, I recommend The Hunger Games. Read it during the summer and it was very, very good. For being a more Female Audience Orientated book. (So it's a chick book by some people's definition. What? I liked it... Bite me!)

That's about all I can think of now and I hope it was helpful. Feel free to post this Seriously 1.0 Mini-Guide ANYWHERE on the net, for NO COST. All you have to do is give me credit and give credit to True Achievements, for without that site, I would not have been able to do this in 20 days and meet all the wonderful people I've met. Failure to do that may result in appropriate legal action, as outlined in the legal section.

If there are any questions feel free to ask and I will answer and update this guide as I think/hear things. The main problem with this achievement is that once people get it, they don't want to come back and share the necessary information that make getting it for other people easier. The General attitude is: "I'm Free and so long suckers, enjoy your time."

Selfish, ney? Well, since I'm paying it forward in order to say thank you to all those who helped, you get this mini-guide and hopefully some useful information. Just make sure to do the same. My goal is to make Seriously 1.0 look like a joke, just like Seriously 2.0 is (Turbo Controller, Rubber Bands, Charger Pack, and Brumack FTW! That is all I'm saying ^_^)

Till the next 20 day challenge, see ya!

What the hell was I thinking? Man, I was pretentious with all that legal stuff. It's the internet: How the hell am I going to stop you? Just give credit to true achievements, please? I want to spread this site around. Me too, would be nice.

And remember: This is all my opinion, nothing more, nothing less. Validated only by the collective experiences of myself and some others to help soothe over the fears of those going through this.

09 Jan 2012 16:22

Gow seriously for 8ppl combined with curb stomp, pistol, head shot

Don't you hate being told that you're only 7th or 8th to show up for a session and therefore not needed? As a session host, I hate telling people they're not needed. Normally with 8p the first 6 grab their suicide spots, the last two wait for everyone else to suicide kill then grab the ledftover grenades/torque. The problem being the extra time taken for 7/8.

Enter the 8p simulboost: (originally suggested by kaptin Darling, but since iterated several times to arrive at this streamlined version)
First decide on cog short 1 & 2, cog long (3&4) , locust short 1&2, locust long 3 &4.
Unlike 6p sessions you don't need the host to launch before randoms show up, so you can wait and take up the exact same spots for each game without panic.

ONLY the 4 players CS1, CS2, LS1, LS2 will pick up grenades, the 4p going long will simply get tagged.

Round1: CS1, CS2, LL3, LL4 go to cog short. CS1 grabs the grenades, tags LL3. All 4 huddle together after the grenade tag; keep away from sandbags.
LS1, LS2, CL3, CL4 go to locust short, LS1 grabs the grenades & tags CL3. All 4 huddle together.

Round2: CS1, CS2, LL3, LL4 go to cog short. CS2 grabs the grenades, tags LL4. Huddle.
LS1, LS2, CL3, CL4 go to locust short, LS2 grabs the grenades & tags CL4. Huddle.

Rinse & repeat; whomever ends one match (so CS1, LS1 if you get all 19 rounds) the other 2 start the next match (CS2, LS2)

Looks complicated, but once you get the rhythm down it takes the same amount of time as 6p, with the added benefit of more ppl boosting, and being able to weapon boost at the same time.
The person being tagged can shoot the
one NOT tagging him. Curb stomp, execution, headshot, chainsaw, even torque. Do it even before they get tagged; that person would've been their 2nd kill anyways.

Also remember: each tagger will always tag the same person. So if you tag Baird, you will always be tagging Baird. If you accidentally tag the other person, then have the next person tag your target (swap targets for 1 round to even out the kills, as only the tagger and the person being tagged get 2 kills each that round, that's why the alternating rounds). Obviously choose different characters!
Edit: one locust to each grenade spawn should choose Raam to make it easier to tell people apart.

Everyone needs to have a mic, at least until everyone gets the rhythm.

Do this in ranked warzone, Annex doesnt count (execution should work as well) So far we've only had success doing this on War Machine.
Raven down doesn't work because of the 4 point symmetry of the map, as opposed to 2 identical spawns. So Fuel depot should also work

Finally don't worry about getting 19 rounds; you waste time waiting and its more about kills/hour, not rounds/ game.

04 Oct 2013 04:24

I'm posting this as I've been asked the question a couple of times since unlocking "Seriously...".

TrueSKill was the original online ranked service for Xbox multiplayer games.. and it's been broken for 4 or 5 months now (September 2018, somewhen around there).

It effects games differently - for instance, Quake 4 all on-line achievements are tracked via the leaderboard, which is backed on the TrueSkill service, so totally broken. GTA IV - the level rank is tracked via the leaderboard, but race wins are tracked from the local save game. It's still possible to unlock everything but requires consoles to be on for several days with no interuptions to the XBL service.

Gears of War.. the leaderboard is backed on the TrueSkill service - but your achievements come from local save game file. Just write them all down as you go along. Mine did pop at 10,000 bang on schedule.. my boosting buddy, his popped at 12,400 - but he swapped consoles at one point and I reckon his profile wasn't copied properly. We'll never be sure about that though.

Also remember at the end of the session to do a round of 1 match - I don't really know if it helps but it has been suggested that it is always possible to lose the stats from the last match played in.. hence play it safe and do a throw-away 1 round match at the end.

The boost - we had 4 consoles each and could get 111 kills each in a game of 30 to 31 minutes, consistently, playing 6 matches on war machine per session, not including that one extra round match, so 666 kills a session lasting roughly 3 hours 20. We took turns with picking up grenades.. kill one at the spawn, but leave two standing close to each other - grenade tag one of them and stand next to the other one holding a grenade, that ends the round. If it isn't your turn to grenade tag, just run to the spawn and kill everything.. and a few moments later you win the round, after the other guys has grenade tagged to death. The guy with grenade, occasionally if you don't stand quite right you'll only get 2 kills but that may only happend for a round or two in the entire session of 234 rounds.

Hope that helps anyone that is wondering how to pop this with the leaderboard TrueSkill tracking down.

02 Feb 2019 12:42

This is my experience with Seriously and i hope it helps people with getting this ridiculous achievement

I started boosting kills on my Xbox One in September of 2021 and stopped for a good while, got all the weapon achievements mostly without 1 rounders and on January 28, 2022 i boosted with 3 xboxes with two partners, timmie271 and Barker216.. Couldn’t have done it without you guys. Boosted non stop for 6+ hours each day, missed a few 1 rounders as my game would crash but i counted everything on the dot and on January 9, 2022 it popped on the dot at 10,000 kills.. I switched consoles from One to Series X so that didn’t affect anything at all and 1 rounders didn’t matter since i didn’t do them on multiple occasions so that proves that 1 rounders don’t matter at all! Also we had multiple disconnects where we had 2v3’s and i ended the match to save my kills, i still counted those and it popped at exactly 10,000

Also being one getting tagged still counts for Seriously as if it didn’t, it would have taken me wayyy more kills, and kills are NOT map specific, whatever you do, every weapon kill and everything.. IT ALL COUNTS FOR SERIOUSLY in the end, Do not listen to Ace Mccloud and the urban legend about 1 rounders, it is all just PARANOIA

I hope this helps as i want people to understand that it might be different for some but 1 rounders DONT MATTER, also that the achievement might have just decided to pop at 10,000 although we cannot be sure

Thanks for reading my guide i hope i was informative and helpful

09 Feb 2022 22:13

Finally got this today but I’m here to tell you a guide on how to get it as fast as you can.

Before you start this make sure you have 6 players or 8 players Yes it has to be those two numbers or the match won’t start & If anyone gets kicked out and it’s five players you only earned what you did at 6 players or more in the game say you got 50 kills If you’re down to five before you get more sadly that’s the only amount you earned but do not quit the match because you can still make those kills Count At the end by playing the rest of the match. Make sure you don’t hit the 1 hour mark or else kicks Most people or everyone out. Last thing Optional however does guaranteed the kills when you all feel like calling it a day do a 1 rounder before going To guaranteed the kills set it to 1 on both search warzone Then once your game is over Go to the menu then you can dashboard or Take the disk out if you’re on 360.

You don’t have to play local play at the end I did this without local play.

Now down to the Steps.

1st You can use whatever weapon to get kills Yep including the ones that aren’t achievements Easy as pie 🥧

2nd Grenade and chainsaw to guaranteed a win on Whichever team needs more points Chainsaw person is the one who gets the points for there team.

Not anyone else Should only just be them 2 Alive In order to make it work 100%
You can use the Tbow To do Rounds too But it’s not Guaranteed I recommend Grenade & Chainsaw Strategy

This one’s Optional 3rd Get any Ranked Weapons Such as The ones not on the 1st step a.k.a. everything else This is so you know you’ve got 1000 kills The easy way if you haven’t got any kills.

Finally step 4 Optional Map but it’s the best because it’s not laggy & Mega Fast Warmachine. Recommended mode Warzone so you don’t have to execute in execution Which takes a long time believe me you don’t want to take a long time in the game.

another reason don’t need to worry about a leader like in Assassination Where killing the leader ends the round.

Finally last but not least no Annex you do not get kills in this mode Once upon a time you used to but they patched it back as Further as 2011 I know it sucks they did it Would’ve made it easier.

Anyway I wish everyone the best of luck to anyone going for this achievement be in mind you might be doing this for 3 months or 4 & a half like me This is not quick anyway best of luck to everybody I wish them all the best

17 Nov 2022 10:28

Multi Xbox Boosting

All “Multi” Xbox methods are generally the same. The strategy I have chosen IMO is the most realistic/efficient to replicate with other players

4 player double xbox strat

2 players 2 dummies each team

1 player on each team runs to opposing spawn and kills 2x dummies

2nd player on each team grabs a grenade and run back to their own spawn and tags the 1st player after they kill the dummies

Every 18/19 rounds we rotate

Each game each player will get either 73 or 75 kills

If everyone is efficient, match times should be 26/27 minutes

And will result in 296 kills per 2 hours over 4 games

Other Methods…

3 player double box method would be the second best, as 1 player can go “afk” for a whole game while the other 2 get 111 kills each, over 3 games / 2 hours you’ll end up with 222 kills

2 player triple box - 333 kills / 2hr
(3 games)

2 player quad box - 444 kills / 2hr (3 games)

Regular suicide boosting being 185 Kills / 2hrs (5 games)

The amount of Kills from each method is the minimum each player will get in an average group of boosters, and is based on the amount of 19 rounds game in roughly a 2 hour period. Obviously if you have an efficient group you can fit a smaller game in, increasing your kills

08 Feb 2023 04:59

This is possibly the most time-consuming achievement in any popular game to date. Averaging a kill a round, this will take you around 400 hours of gameplay to complete, not counting time spent waiting for matches to get started. What's more is, players have reported getting upwards of 13,000 kills and not having it unlock. It is possible that 'stealing' a kill (killing a downed player that you did not down) will not count towards this, or that the match must be at least 3v3 at the time of the kill, but no one knows for sure. What is known is that a lot of time and patience, and a little skill, is needed for the achievement.

For help on weapons kills, maps, and general gameplay, check out our multiplayer guide here.