GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

46 Achievements

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Master Tactician

Master Tactician

Have card advantage of 3 cards.


How to unlock the Master Tactician achievement in GWENT: The Witcher Card Game - Definitive Guide

The “legit” Way from the previous guide worked for me! But took quite a while.

Had Ciri (regain card if you lose the round) and Letho. With one of them in my hand, i used the Fisher King card early on in the first round to position the other card at the top of my deck, then intentionally played the round so my opponent had the lead, but not a commanding lead. Then once there were only a few cards left I played Ciri, and in the same turn used my Nilfguard leader’s ability to chose 1 of the top 3 cards and played Letho. My opponent played another card and since he went first was naturally 1 card lower than me after that turn. Then I passed to the 2nd round, you recover both cards (which are both Ciri at this point) and then in the 2nd round you have a 3 card advantage and achievement popped once we both played a card in the 2nd round.

There’s some luck in this but more importantly your opponent has to not lock or destroy either of the cards before you have the opportunity to pass. Which it’s pretty obvious what you’re doing and they will try and stop it. Having a purify card in your hand can be helpful if they try to lock one of them. Also waiting until each player only has a few cards left is helpful since it’s likely they don’t have the ability to damage/lock the cards.

19 Nov 2019 05:32

1 Comment
I did a video of me using the following tactics if it helps. The tactics have worked on my main account and did it first go on a secondary account. Here is the video -

This is copied direct from my video description-
LEADER - Tactical Decision
DECK, Neutral: Nilfgaard:
Renew - 800 Damien De La Tour - 800
Dandelion: Poet - 800 Letho: Kingslayer - 800
Ciri: Dash - 800 Assire Var Anahid - 200
Adrenaline rush* - 80 Vicovaro Novice - 80 x2
Mandrake - 200 optional-
Ciri - 800 Emissary - STARTER
Decoy - 200 Tourney Joust - 30 x2
Fisher king - 200 Infiltrator - 30 x2
Traveling Merchant - 80 x2 Slartibartfast - x2 Any you choose! Inspirational Ballad? Starter card +1 for vitality.
Swallow - 30 x2 OR Golden froth - 80 x2 optional.
*or use Iris' Companions - 200 This will draw any card you want from the deck... but delete a random card from your hand.

The Dandelion, Travelling merchant, Vicovaro Novice, decoy and Fisher king cards are for first round setup.
Adrenaline rush will keep Ciri/Letho on the board after the round has finished then use ...
Mandrake will reset your Ciri/Letho card.
Renew will bring back your Ciri/Letho card from cemetary into play.
Assire Var Anahid will send a card from the cemetary back to the deck.
Damien De La Tour will reset the tactical decision ability to choose any of the top three deck cards and play it.
The Swallow/Golden froth, Emissary and Tourney Joust is for strengthening your Ciri/Letho cards.
You will still need eight more cards with four power... Infiltrator for filling up opponents deck with hot garbage.

The method:
Do not concentrate on winning the first round. I did not swap out cards using this team for the 'Thanks, but no thanks' achievement as you are minipulating your draw cards. Use the first round to set up the second round with your 'draw' cards. Remember, the Merchant cards puts a card back into the deck at random, but the Vicovaro card will put a card on top. Manipulate this (I use them in the order I have written in 'uses'). You want to place your Ciri near the end and, if you can, use your Letho card as these two will be returned to your hand if you lose giving a plus two advantage.

In the second round you want to get your Ciri then Letho played and get them strengthened (try to get to eight as opposed to nine as Geralt will ruin your day). Once one of them has succeeded, use Mandrake to reset it for a second run or you can use the Alchemist to try to get them killed for a Renew/Assire revival. Of course, if you won the first round, utilise your base Ciri to lose this round for an extra card.

The last round should be a polish up round using any of the methods above to get the final cards you need. This is actually a good deck to have for future use as well.

Potential Achievement you can get:
'Master planner' for getting a three card head start.
'Had enough yet?' for winning with two cards remaining in your hand.
'Heart of gold' for not killing any opposing cards.
'Thanks, but no thanks' for not swapping out any cards.
'Tables turned' for losing by twenty points and then winning.
'Leviathon' for getting a card over thirty points.
'Head start' (With Adrenaline rush)
'Quintuplets' for controlling five cards of same power.
'Blacksmith' for playing a gold and bronze card.

So... This video is my very first match on a different account and the other player went for a win straight away and literally gave me the three card advantage. I still played using the tactics I did for my main account and got the 'Thanks, but no thanks', 'Heart of gold' and 'Master tactician' achievements. I should have got the 'Had enough yet?' achievement, but
I stupidly bolstered Ciri up to nine and thus Geralt destroyed her. I also never played my 'Letho' card. Still get Letho as playing him and making a double Ciri/Dash will get you this achievement even easier! One other minor mistake was playing my Inspirational ballad card in the second round... Knew I was only playing a couple of cards in that round and still played it (would have been far better to use in last round).
Bonus cards recieved- Ciri (1st round), Ciri Bonus (2nd round) and, if I had waited to boost Ciri, would have the third... and the two card surplus achievement!
By StrontiumWolves on 22 Nov 2019 17:47
This achievement is unlocked by having a card advantage of three cards. This means having three more cards then your opponent in hand. This can be done legit or in a friend match.

Legit: Crafting and using the cards (1)Ciri, to regain you a card if you lose (if you lose on the same amount of cards as your enemy in round 2 for example). If you then play (2)Ciri: Dash to allow you to draw a card, and using (3)Letho: Kingslayer on this card to give you even one more card. Might be easier in casual games, but even there i struggled to get this. So making this happen is extremley difficult as even at the lower ranks most players know how to work around these cards, therefore i suggest...

...Boosting: Get a friend match set up(comment on this solution to maybe find someone willing to boost or set up a boosting session) Player 1 plays out all cards from his hand, player 2 passes immidiatley as the match begins. Next round each player plays one card and the achievement should unlock, now just forfeit and start a new match where you reverse the roles of the players.

PS! The player who playes all his cards can take home other achievements whilst doing this, like the weather effects, head start and having 5 cards with the same strength.
Happy hunting guys.!

Edit1: it appears that this game pings when you have a 3 card advantage after the opponent plays, which is why both players have to play a card round 2.

20 Feb 2019 15:33

If someone wants to boost this send me a message on XB. Can't get this the legitimate way seems buggy since I had CA of 3 several times and it never triggered.
By Fonorona on 21 Feb 2019 23:04
Got it thanks, the boosting way worked perfectly!
By Fonorona on 27 Feb 2019 05:16
Message me on XBL if you wanna boost this.
By djpatterson2011 on 02 Jul 2019 06:49
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