HITMAN World of Assassination

HITMAN World of Assassination

47 Achievements

1000 XP

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Full House

Full House

Complete all Mission Stories in Death In The Family.

25 XP


How to unlock the Full House achievement in HITMAN World of Assassination - Definitive Guide

There is a chance this achievement might be glitched, I finished all 3 mission stories in one playthrough, did not unlock.

22 Jan 2021 19:58

did not unlock for me either, any solutions?
By Ju René V on 24 Jan 2021 05:38
Same. I've completed each story mission 5 times, and achievement just wont unlock.
By SPACE ODDITY on 25 Jan 2021 23:43
Definitely glitched. I've tried everything, too. I tried doing all 3 in one go. I tried deleting my save entirely and playing offline, and doing everything in one go. No luck. It just doesn't want to work at all. (Note: This was on PS5)
By Wyndo on 26 Jan 2021 20:06
same here glitch online and offline
(Note: series x)
By soulreaper H on 27 Jan 2021 01:41
I think the reason this mission story glitches is if your online service ask you to reload, it screws up the achievement. I completed all 3 stories in one play through and didn't get it. checked my challenges today and one of the story missions was not finished
By Caldo15 on 27 Jan 2021 06:51
Glitched for me as well. I’ve now completed every challenge in Dartmoor and it still hasn’t popped. Hopefully a patch will come soon.
By nodge on 27 Jan 2021 13:41
TA shows 14% have unlocked it so it shouldn't be unobtainable. I just finished Dubai 100% and now doing this mission. I hope it works properly. Game is full of bugs.
By I ASK NO ONE on 27 Jan 2021 15:06
This achievement is not glitched you're not doing the hidden mission stories. Each mission has 3 revealed and 3 hidden.
By YaIrishMick96 on 29 Jan 2021 21:27
@ YalrishMick96. You are wrong, it is glitched for some people. This achievement is glitched for me on this tag I am speaking to you. I have tried my alt account and this achievement unlocked after meeting the requirements. Also, hidden stories are not needed for these story achievements.
By SPACE ODDITY on 30 Jan 2021 10:52
Also, I’ve completed all the hidden stories. I’m pretty convinced it’s related to the connection issues with the HITMAN servers that a lot of us were/are having problems with.
By nodge on 30 Jan 2021 11:37
@nodge. Yeah, I agree. I didn't have any issues with the game until they took the servers offline on the 25th for maintenance. Now I have issues with achievements not unlocking, challenges wont register as completed, and manual saves getting corrupted (5 times happened to me). I know it hasn't effected everyone, but there are few people experiencing some kind of issue with achievements since they did this maintenance.
By SPACE ODDITY on 30 Jan 2021 13:19
Ok, so this achievement just randomly unlocked after booting the game up today.
By SPACE ODDITY on 30 Jan 2021 13:37
I believe I have found out the reason for this glitch you need to listen to all the conversations in each story mission and you need to find every clue inside the mansion to unlock means motive and opportunity
By xWheelieBinns on 04 Feb 2021 01:00
@xWheelieBinns, nope still won’t unlock for me — I’ve been through all that several times, playing out every detail of each story.
By InfectionAgenda on 04 Feb 2021 05:59
It bugged on me aswell. Since it was only the second level I had my save data deleted via the IO website. Re-did the stories and it popped.

Might be an option for people in a similar boat.
By Dylan XBA on 07 Feb 2021 07:41
Didn't unlock for me either... Another game to put on hold until it's patched.
By Wicelow on 11 Feb 2021 15:12
Glitched on me too.

Edit: unlocked after completing mission
By AKfoy0face on 16 Feb 2021 21:39
Today's patch didn't fix it for me.
Replayed all stories then completed the mission. Nothing.
By Wicelow on 24 Feb 2021 00:42
Mission stories ticked. Related challenges ticked. Achievement bugged..

Edit: it's fixed now with the new patch.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 29 Mar 2021 18:03
I confirm that it's fixed as of 08/04/2022.
By Aizawa on 08 Apr 2022 15:09
Didn’t unlock for me after completing:

- A Day To Remember
- Her Final Resting Place
- Means, Motive And Opportunity

Reloading a previous save did get it to unlock.
By HolyHalfDead on 04 Mar 2023 20:01
Achievement delayed for me. After finishing A Day to Remember story with the One for the Ages assassination challenge and it failed to pop, I hit Replan Mission. A few moments into the mission planning screen I saw the Connecting alert and the achievement popped straight after.
By z 4assed monkey on 28 Jan 2021 04:36
I managed to get it to work for me. All i did for each was,

1. Means, Motive and opportunity - Find all the clues before telling Alexa it was

2. A day to remember - Listen to the photographers convo, TSubdue take his clothes. THEN do the fuse. finally take the pictures. (Needs to be done in this order)

3. Her final resting place. - Subdue the gardener next to the birds nest, take his clothes. Shoot the nests. Now go stand next to the grave and blend in the rest will play out.

Completing them this way popped it for me, It took enough practice to figure how to get it to pop.

(full Information in my guide Below)
By xWheelieBinns on 05 Feb 2021 00:00
Still broken, I'm not deleting my progress via IOI as I've already 100%ed Hitman 1 and 2 and finished Hitman 3 and don't want to lose my progress.
By RidleyDeckard on 14 Feb 2021 17:10
It was the same as AKfoy0face for me. Finished the photo story and nothing happened, got to the challenge screen after completing the mission and it popped. I may also stop playing for awhile because I'm also not going to delete my profile if something messes up.
By cdrw1987 on 09 Mar 2021 19:48
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In order to get this achievement you need to complete the THREE story missions in the mission "Death in the Family" The story missions are as follows

1. Means, Motive and opportunity
2. A day to remember
3. Her final resting place.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE the first story mission is buggy i found that you needed to completed and find every clue for the achievement to unlock

1.Once you have started the missions "Death in the Family" you will start in front of the mansion, The first thing you want to do is head over to the bushes on the right hand side of the gate. It is important to listen to the conversation at the gate. Once the guard has told the investigator to go inside jump through the gap in the wall to your right, make your way over the little stream and into the bushes on your left hand side.

Waiting for the detective to cross the bridge throw a coin to lure him into the bushes. It may take two to get him fully into the bushes. Now go behind and subdue him taking his clothes it is important to now drop any illegal items you have on you. Once you have done this go over and talk to the maid and follow her to the front door.

Allow the guards to frisk you and walk inside. Wait about half way in the room for the target to come talk to you. She will now leave and the butler will start talking to you and ask you to follow him. Now follow the butler upstairs to the dead brothers room. Once the butler has finished his conversation go into the room to your left.

We need to find a total of 6 clues in this room. To get the first two clues Pull out your camera and scan the Dead body in the bed and then the whiskey bottle. We now need to head to your left hand side and you will see a desk in the corner go and interact with the laptop for the third clue. Now turn around on the table next to the fire is the fourth clue. The fifth clue is on to the left of the entrances you will see one of the books can be pulled to reveal a secrete room. The last clue is in this room head over to the one way mirror and pick up the floor plan that is in front of you.

Now that you have all your clues go back downstairs and talk to the butler, Will now are going to get the alibis off all the suspects to the murder. The butler will automatically give you his alibi you now need to locate the five family members on the bottom floor of the mansion.

The first family member is in the "Library" on the left hand side of the mansion go inside and talk to Alexa's son "Patrick" talk to him and get his alibi. Next we need to walk through the hallway on the right of the stairs go straight through next set of double doors and take a left. this is the "Trophy room" You will need to go up the the table and scan the paperwork with your camera and talk to Rebecca taking her alibi.

Turning around and go out the way you came in straight in-front of you is the Sitting room. As soon as you enter this room take a left and go outside you cant see it with the eye but through the camera you can see footprints scan these and head back into the sitting room. on the other side is a portrait of the dead brother scan it.

Once you have completed the scan "Emma" and "Gregory's" conversation should have finished take both of their alibis. We only have one more alibi to get and if you look behind were Gregory is sitting on the sofa you can see the dinning room.

Once you have entered the Dinning room you will find the final brother Edward take his alibi and scan the notes he has left on the dinning room table. Edward will now confirm that he was with his brother Gregory at the pub and we can eliminate these two as suspects.

Turn around and head south through the double doors this will lead to the "Kitchen" enter the kitchen and take a right into the "Staff room" you will see two female staff talking one of them is "Rose" talk to her and she will confirm that she was with the first brother Patrick when the murder took place. This eliminates all three brothers.

The next step we have to do is to to search the rooms of the remaining three suspects. All the rooms are locked and we need keys the fastest way to get access to the rooms by turning left after you have talked to rose and vault out the window in front of you.

Take a left and head over to the guard leaning on the van he is too busy talking to the main to notice you taking the crowbar that is on top of the wine boxes next to him. Now you have the crowbar go back and climb through the same window you exited the building from.

Once through the window turn right this is "Mr. Fernsby's Office" Break into the room with the Crowbar. We need three clues from this room the first one is to the right as you enter the room it is a Lethal poison pill jar. Now the next to clues are behind you the first one is on the desk and the final one is in the fireplace. BEFORE you leave the room look on the bookshelf to the left off the fireplace and pick up the master key. KEEP the crowbar on you as you will need it again later.

With the information we have we can frame the butler for the murder. HOWEVER to complete the mission we need more information for a later conversation so don't talk to the butler yet. Go upstairs to the south east room of the mansion this is Rebecca's room unlock it with the key. Enter the room you will find a book by the fireplace scan it and go on Rebecca laptop on the table in the center of the room. Now we need to go to the North west side of this floor and go into Emma's room.

Next to the luggage you will see a Greenhouse key chain this is the first clue. The second clue is Emma's heels by the side of the wardrobe. To find the third clue go to the left side of the end and on the table is a letter to Emma from her mother. The final clue is the walking cane to the right of the fire place.

We now have enough information to frame the butler OR accuse Emma (The killer) HOWEVER we still have more information to find to complete the mission. Pick up the cane and as you leave Emma room take a right and run into the top floor of the library as you go through the door turn left and you will see an option to use the cane to open a hidden room. Go into the room walk straight ahead and you will find an unopened letter pick it up.

The last thing we need to do is go outside to the greenhouse. Head over to it and break in with the crowbar use the door facing the fountain as its the best way of entry without being spotted. go over to the book and scan it on the counter.

All we need to do now is talk to the butler. He should be waiting for you in the exact spot you spoke to him earlier. If he is not wait for him here he will eventually return. Follow him to the meeting with Alexa on the top floor. At the meeting you will have three people to accuse Emma the butler and Zachary (suicide). IT IS IMPORTANT that you select Emma as this is the only way to get the case file without breaking into the safe.

you will tell Alexa what you have found in the investigation she will offer a reward SELECT CASE FILE. after she opens it up walk over and pick it up. ALEXA will make sure way onto the balcony follow her and push her off. Now all you have to do is leave on the bike you came in on.

2. The second Story mission is "A day to remember" from the start of the game you need to head into the bushes in front of you to the right and then vault the wall. Run across the stream and into the next set off bushes you will need to lure the gardener over to the bushes with your coin. Subdue and take his clothes.

Run along the right side of the mansion you will come across a guard talking to a maid on top of the wine box next to him will be a crowbar pick this up and continue walking the same direction to the garden. Walk over to the photographer he is seen talking with the maid. Wait for the conversation to finish or the achievement may bug. Wait for the photographer to start walking away from the maid.

Turn around and on the wall behind you is a fuse box break into it and steal the fuse. Now run towards the photographer who will either be and a fuse box in the garden or next to his equipment throw a coin to distract the guard then subdue the photographer drag him round the corner DONT place him in the box turns out the guard can see you doing it for some reason.

Take his clothes and then move over to the fuse box next to the guard you just distracted. Place the fuse in the fuse box and then go over to your camera. All you have to do is take a picture of the maid and then wait for the family to come back down. You take 2 pictures of the family before they go into the house and you have completed this story mission.

3. The final mission story is also fast and easy. using the same tactic as the 2nd and 1st missions jump the wall over the stream however instead of hiding in the bushes continue running on the left hand side of the mansion CROUCHING into the bushes and going through all the streams that you can. avoiding the two gardeners fixing the land mover go behind the building and wait in the bushes.


03 Feb 2021 21:27

1 Comment
Great guide. They fixed this yesterday tho.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 31 Mar 2021 14:13