HITMAN World of Assassination

HITMAN World of Assassination

47 Achievements

1000 XP

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Treacherous Architecture

Treacherous Architecture

Kill Ingram with his oil-rig model, push Stuyvesant over a rail, and kill them while parachuting.

15 XP


How to unlock the Treacherous Architecture achievement in HITMAN World of Assassination - Definitive Guide

To unlock the Treacherous Architecture achievement in Hitman 3, you’ll need to kill Charles Ingram with his oil-rig model, push Marcus Stuyvesant over a rail, and kill them both in the air. This is a fairly straightforward achievement that can be unlocked in two playthroughs of the On Top of the World mission in Dubai.

First, follow the (In)Security Mission Story. If you're playing on Casual or Professional, you can highlight the story from the menu and see where you have to go first. You’ll need to access a staff room to get the ball rolling on the Mission Story.

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Starting from the lobby, head up the stairs and to the left and up another set of stairs past the camel statues to a bar. Go to the far left corner of the room and run up the stairs with the blue drapes. There will be two guards. Eliminate one, hide the body in the closet, and put on his uniform.

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Go past the staircase you used to come up and immediately turn right into the security room. You’ll hear two guards talking about a new security guy starting today for Marcus Stuyvesant.

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After that, head out the double doors in front of you, turn left through another set of doors and down a set of stairs through the kitchen and into the changing room. You’ll hear the new recruit talking to another staff member. Sneak behind them and pick up his transfer papers located on the bench. You’ll then need to head back the way you came and up to the security office.

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Once you present the papers to the security guard, Marcus will come down to the office to greet you, take your papers, and welcome you into his personal ranks. Marcus then takes you on a walk to the balcony where you have to complete a knife-throwing mini-game to impress him. It’s not hard, simply aim at the targets and lob the knives. If you hit them all, Marcus dismisses his other guard and conveniently stands next to an incomplete part of the balcony. Give him a nudge to complete this part of the achievement.

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Next, we’re going to impale Carl Ingram on his oil rig model. To do this, we’ll be following part of the Bird of Prey Mission Story. You’ll also need coins or something you can throw to cause a distraction in your inventory.

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Turn around back the way you came and take the first set of doors on your right. Head through the backstage area back out into the atrium. You’ll see Zana Kazem, the man in the funky suit, arguing with a staff member.

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Once he’s finished, follow him into the smoking area and turn right into a small alcove area with a bench, a sound system to interact with, and bushes to hide in. Turn on the sound system to get Kazem to investigate the noise, then hide in the bush. Once he comes over and turns off the distraction, take him out, put on his clothes, and hide the body in the bushes. You’ll also want to dump any weapons in these bushes too to pass the pat-down. Head towards the stairs where Kazem and the staff member were arguing to get frisked. Then go up the stairs and talk to the assistant. You’ll then be walked up to a meeting with Ingram who asks you to deal with a pesky journalist who’s asking too many questions in the atrium.

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Head downstairs, and you’ll see him in a red blazer. Approach the journalist and ask him to accompany you somewhere private. I took him into the atrium toilets and choked him out in a cubicle there, but any secluded place where his body won’t be found will work. Get a photo of the incapacitated journo and head upstairs to Ingram’s assistant once again who will lead you up to Ingram’s penthouse room. Once in the bedroom present Ingram with the photo and he’ll clear the room of security bar one guard. Ingram will go over to his desk and stand over the model. However, you’ll need to distract the one remaining guard before killing him.

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Take cover behind the bed, and flick a coin (or another throwable item) through the doorway into the adjoining room next to the guard. He’ll go in for a look. Wait for Ingram to turn around over the top of the model and push him down onto it before making a very swift exit out of the penthouse and to an escape route ending the level.

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The next part of the achievement requires you to kill both targets while they’re skydiving. Start the mission again and head straight to the Bird of Prey Mission Story again with Nazem. Repeat the process of taking his clothes and going up to the meeting room. Instead of listening to Ingram, go out of the double doors on the left-hand side of the meeting room.

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You’ll be standing in front of a security room. Turn right, and you’ll hear a guard talking on the phone about an evacuation drill planned for the next day. He mentions that a keycard to activate the alarm is in a safe in the office. The code for the safe is 6927. Take out that guard, disguise yourself with his clothes, and dump his body over the railing (it won’t kill him) but not the railing over the stairs. Head into the office, and you’ll see the safe on your right. Enter the code: 6927 and grab the key.

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You can also unlock a second achievement later by grabbing the banana off the desk next to the sleeping guard in the office. Walk past the sleeping guard and out of the office, and you’ll see a blue carpet that leads up to the penthouse. Follow that path into the penthouse, and you’ll hear two guards talking about the lockdown/evacuation drill.

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There’s a card reader located next to two parachutes and another upstairs. To activate the drill, you’ll need to swipe your card in that reader and rush upstairs to the second reader and swipe that one, but first, go through the archway ahead of you, cross the hall, and into the kitchen. Grab the knife off the counter. Head back to the parachutes, and once the guards have left, open their cases and slash them with the knife.

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Now, if you picked up the banana from earlier, you might be able to unlock the Keep Your Eyes Peeled achievement here. Get the banana and place it in front of the parachute on the right, but not too close to the wall. If all goes well, you’ll see one of the targets slip on the fruit when they go to collect the parachute.

Next, swipe the card through the reader and run through the arch, across the hallway and turn left up a flight of stairs. Turn left into another room, and you should see the second card reader directly in front of you.

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Go ahead and swipe it to start the evacuation procedure. Both targets will head towards the helipad. Ignore Grey’s instructions to go there; the helicopter doesn’t take off. At this point, I ran and hid in the basket next to the two parachutes to see who would slip over on my banana. You can do the same, or just stay out of the way of the enforcers who will see through your disguise.

The targets will pick up the sabotaged parachutes and jump off the building to their deaths. The achievement should pop (and hopefully that extra fruit-related one too). Finally, exit the level.

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Alternatively, if Keep your Eyes Peeled didn't unlock, you can try placing the banana in the spot where the two targets jump from. Sometimes the guards escorting the targets get in the way and slip on the banana themselves, so it might not work.

19 Jan 2021 16:47

This guide is perfect. Great job.
By thirtysacklunch on 22 Jan 2021 13:41
This is a great guide! Much better than someone just posting a YouTube link! Thanks
By Wabbbit on 24 Jan 2021 09:47
Just wanted to say that as soon as you get frisked, you can go back and get your weapons and they'll let you by without frisking you again. Absolutely stupid, but it works.
By koolkong94 on 28 Jan 2021 12:44
This glitched on me, I've completed all 3 assassinations under the challenges tab of On the Top of the World level, Vertical Approach, Black Golden Eye and Mile High Drop all completed with a check mark on them still no achievement, Don't know what to do next
EDIT: Problem fixed. I replayed the first 2 challenges again and it popped, seems the online connection lost was the problem. Probably online connection to the server is required for it to pop.
By PhantomPlanetAP on 14 Jan 2023 09:36
Trying to get the one with Carl Ingram and his oil rig, they don't even stay in the room with the model. They go into another room and I have no coin. Is this glitched?
By SnarkLord1980 on 27 Jan 2023 05:45
Real nice guide, Sean. We appreciate your contributions!
By SincereSeeker6 on 15 Feb 2024 04:10
View all 6 comments Show less comments
for this achievement you will need to do at least 2 separate playthroughs

in the first playthrough i did the oil rig and the push kills

second playthrough i actually didnt need to do as i had already done the kills in the air but i put them all in the video guide to do

if you follow the video guide its pretty simple and straight forward


10 Feb 2021 21:26

The Oil-rig kill.

When the mission starts make your way up the stairs and run to the right. go up the next two steps flights of stairs and walk towards the man arguing you need to trigger the escalation of the argument by getting close to them. Now turn to your left and walk towards the park. Inside the park go to the right hand side you will see a sound system on the wall. Wait for the man to come to the park after the argument and sit on a bench once he does this turn on the sound system and run around the corner.

Wait for the man to go turn the system off and run behind him and subdue him, take his clothes DROPPING any illegal items you have on you. go back over to the stair case with the two guards and allow them to frisk you. Once frisked go up the stairs and talk to the assistant.

Once you have talked follow her up the stairs and see will point you into the meeting room, go inside and sit down to your left. Eventually Marcus will come into the room. During the meeting he will put a picture on the desk pick it up and wait for the meeting to conclude.

Once the meeting has finished he will ask you to see yourself out. Walk down the stairs back and take a left back towards the main room. you around the main room and you will see a reported with a purple jacket, Find him talk to him he will then follow you. Take him into the toilet on that floor (right of the lobby stairs and then right again).

Take him into a stall and subdue him you DONT need to kill him. take a photo of the body before returning back up the stairs to the meeting room. at the right hand side of the meeting room you will see the assistant at the desk go talk to her and show her the photograph. See will ask you to follow her again.

she will eventually take you to the penthouse bedroom where Carl will be waiting for you. He will then ask the guards to left you all alone before walking over to a desk. On the desk is the Oil-rig figure wait for Carl to go towards it go behind him and push his skull into the figure. This completes this part of the challenge.

Rail Kill.

As soon as the mission starts stand up by pressing B turn around open and go through the double doors. Take a left and go into the kitchen then enter the changing room via the side door run around the lockers on the right side you will then see some "Transfer papers on a bench pick these up.

The next thing you need to do is leave the changing rooms and kitchen using the same way you entered. As you leave the kitchen you need to walk into the open door you can see on your right hand side. Once inside the room stand out of sight next to the big boxes in the center of the room, pull out your camera and use it on the window in front of you. Wait for the Event staff member to leave the room then Subdue the Event security member and take his clothes.

now you have his clothes leave the room the way you came in go up the stairs and into the security room the same as the Ballistic kill. Once inside go to the Security member sat down on the computer and interact with him, once you have interacted with him he will call up Marcus Stuyvesant and tell him to come to the security room.

Once Marcus has entered the room go talk with him and then follow him, he will set you a challenge of throwing knifes at 4 targets. Once you have completed the task you will need to wait for him to dismiss the other guard once Marcus has done this he will stand over the ledge of the building, wait till the old guard has left and simply push Marcus off the edge of the building. Accidental kill completed

Air kill.

As soon as the mission starts run up the stairs in front of you and take a left. As soon as you turn left you will see a small crowd next to a bar head over to the bar and wait for the event staff member to come out inspect the food and return into the back room(For me he was already going into the back room).

Follow the event staff member into the room wait for the door to close behind you and subdue him, once he is subdued take his clothes. Run to the left and enter the double doors that lead into the kitchen walk down the stairs into the changing room on the bench you will see some "Transfer documents" pick them up make sure your NOT seen.

Now you have the documents turn right go through the double doors and then exit the kitchen turning right. Once you have turned right you will see a door that is open you will need to run into that door but be quick a guard in the hallway will make your disguise if he sees you for too long.

Once you have entered the room pull out your camera and scan the window once scanned it will open you need to wait for the event staff member to leave and subdue the guard taking his clothes. turn around and leave the door you came in from.

On your right you will need to run up the stairs and go all the way to the top run towards the penthouse reception and take a left going through the double doors. AS you leave to your left you will see the security room enter walk towards the guard sitting down and announce that you have arrived.

The guard will then call Marcus Stuyvesant wait for him to arrive. Once he has arrived he will ask for your transfer documents you picked up previously hand them over and then he will ask you to follow him. Do just that follow Marcus

Eventually he will lead you under the helipad you will see 4 targets swinging in the wind. Marcus's Bodyguard will place 6 knifes on the table pick them up and throw them at the targets knocking all off them down. Once you have done this Marcus will walk over to the edge of the ledge DO NOT push him yet. After admiring your skills Marcus will dismiss his bodyguard before returning to the edge of the ledge once again.

All you have to do now is wait for the Bodyguard to get out of sight before kicking Marcus over the side of the ledge. This will then pop the achievement.


28 Jan 2021 16:13