Industry Giant 2

Industry Giant 2

12 Achievements

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Hard enough

Hard enough

Finished Hard Campaign


How to unlock the Hard enough achievement in Industry Giant 2 - Definitive Guide

The other solution is great for the basics and I used that same guide to get through them all, but I really struggled with the last mission failing multiple 5-6 hour attempts so here is some more specific info on how I completed it.

The key to the last level is not building too much. Build enough that you're making ~$40 million in profit per year and then stop building and just simulate, only stopping to fix stuff as resources run out. Also don't try to use planes to ship everything you make all over the map. Make everything local to each city except the electronics.

I had paper industries next to every town. Sometimes you have to bring in extra wood by train. Do not skimp on the calendars and wrapping paper. Let them pile up during the summer and then they'll all sell in the winter. Meet every city's demand for every paper product and this will give you a good base of profit during the first couple years.

Next I built summer clothes operations next to about 3 towns, in between the two large towns in the middle feeding both by train and then another farm in the southwest. Try to get these built before June of whatever year you're in so you don't lose a year because of missing the planting season for the cotton. I didn't make any jeans with the cotton, just summer clothes. I supplemented a couple of the towns with sheep farms nearby and fed them wool and winter clothes by train. No need to go crazy building huge operations for those though.

Then build your electronics industry in the far south of the map next to the petroleum and bring in glass and copper by plane. Use the small section of copper on the east side of the map and make sure to place your copper mines so you get two of them in there because if you just put one in the center of the copper it won't be able to keep up with the demand. Make color TVs, hi-fis, and push button telephones and ship them everywhere by plane. Have separate airports for incoming and outgoing by the factories and eventually even 2 of each if necessary if they get too clogged up with traffic. It's more likely that you'll need two for incoming than outgoing.

I did not mess with furniture or sports stores at all on my final successful run. Just those three industries mentioned above are enough to make you 40 million profit per year (a bit over 3 million per month) and then you just need to worry about keeping your paper operations stocked with wood once the close wood runs out and keeping up with all the petroleum resources that run out pretty quickly at the electronics industry. Most of the $400 million will come in the form of cash so you need to keep that profit margin up so that's why you keep your operations to a minimum since shipping everything all over the place by plane really cuts into your profits and so will continuing to build and spending your cash on stuff that won't make you back enough money to hit the goal. So just keep saving up that cash until you hit $400 million total value.

Good luck and hopefully you'll be able to complete the last mission in less time than the 15+ hours it took me to do 3 attempts at it.

13 Jan 2017 09:41

Just wanted to add my thoughts on 5, so people aren't too intimidated by it. $400mm is a gaudy number at first glance, but I found 5 the least challenging mission of the 5 hard missions. It helped that with so few of any resource other than wood it was clear wood had to be your principle industry. It very likely could be done with furniture, but I also went bookstores. I concentrated only on the 4 big cities and sold nowhere else. In the first 2 years I had 8 bookstores covering the 4 cities (only 1 down south as it was so concentrated). I sold comics, posters and wrap in all of them at 150% and games and copy books in 2 of the cities, also at 150%. Midway through year 4 I began making electronics, tvs, hifis and phones (push button switch in 66). By the end of year 5 I was making 11 each and selling in the south by train and 1 city in the north by plane. That's it, no fabrics or anything else. Hit $400mm midway through 1973.
By Daelus1 on 23 Mar 2022 02:20
Great tips! Also, i'd like to add a small thing to your already great solution that helped me a lot.

When flying glass from the top of the map to the electronics area near the petroleum, it is very simple to also transport some steel (or iron ore, depends on where you want to place your steel factory) to the same position. The petroleum over here can also be manufactured into rubber besides plastic.

Then all you need left is a simple cattle ranch for some leather and you also have everything you need to be able to manufacture luxury sport cars. In my final playthrough i shipped them (by truck) to Columbus, Port Ogden and Port Christmas. The demand is low but because the product is very profitable so you can boost your yearly income very easily. Just shipping some luxury cars by truck to these three cities gave me an extra $4,000,000 per year extra.
By EaSkateVideo on 06 Feb 2020 11:56
Level 1
Objective: Achieve a company value of $25 million
Time Limit: 1910 - 1924

1. Just behind Aurora's skyscrapers is a strip of land large
enough for a medium warehouse. Drop one in and put up two
household stores.
2. Build a harbour on the coast to the south-east of the city
and bring up the iron ore from the island to the south.
Construct a steel works and household equipment factory and
build deep freezers. The mountains make it impossible for trains
to get to the town, so employ a fleet of trucks to ensure swift
delivery of the freezers.
3. You can't satisfy demand with one factory, so once you have
the money, build another one alond with an additional steel
works. Now build a harbour near the precious metal on the big
island and deliver it to your main depot close to Aurora.
4. Build extra factories for the production of cutlery and buy
additional trucks. By this point you should have a healthy back
balance, so you can now look to use the oil stashed in the three
large warehouses to the east of Aurora. There's no room to build
factories here, so construct a harbour and deliver it to the
island where the iron ore is being mined. Convert the iron and
oil to steel and rubber and produce wheelbarrows. Deliver these
to Aurora and you're well on your way to reaching your target.
Now all you have to do is sit back and watch your money grow and

Level 2
Objective: Accumulate $4 million; meet at least %40 of bread
Time Limit: 1925 - 1939

1. You'll find that each is extremely tight on thiis level, so
the most immediate goal is to simply make some money. Don't
worry about trying to feed the masses straight away.
2. Start by having all your ships deliver timber to Sawmill
harbour. Near the harbour build two more material factories and
have one produce wallpaper, the other wooden ladders. Red Sund
is quite a distance, so focus on selling to Red Creek initially.
If you have the cash, open another hardware store in the town to
increase your sales potential.
3. Once your cash reserves are looking quite healthy
replenished, look to start supplying bread to the towns of Red
Sund and Red Creek - ignore the other towns as they only add to
your logistical problems.
4. The only fertile land available is on the island to the
north, near your logging harbour. Build your farms around here
and look to be making in excess of 20 bread a month. This
requires a lot farms and a large fleet of ships too. If your not
making enough money to sustain such large production, open a toy
store in both Red Creek and Red Sund to keep the kids happy with
wooden toys.
5. If you meet the demand for bread in both of the towns, it
should be enough to complete this level.

Level 3
Objective: Achieve a company value of $20 million; achieve a
minimum of %5 growth each year
Time Limit: 1940 - 1955

1. Start by shutting down your timber yards on the island in the
south-west corner of the map - they're too far from any of the
towns to e of much use.
2. Open a book store in the town of Grand Jaw and build a
logging camp, sawmill, paper mill and a print shop on the land
just north of the town. In order to keep your book store
supplied without the need for ships or trucks, position your
warehouse between your production facilities and your shop.
3, You only need to achieve five percent growth each year, so
don't expand too quickly or it becomes exceptionally difficult
to maintain over the last few years of the mission.
4. Start by selling simple goods like papers and copy books.
Each year add something new to your product catalogue,
remembering to keep new factories away from the town
5. Turn your attention to Timberly North once you've run out of
development space around Grand Jaw. Build another book shop in
this bustling coastal town and set up the required factories on
one of the islands nearby. Again, start by selling one or two
products and add to the list each year. Once the town's demand
for paper goods is met, repeat the process with the town of

Level 4
Objective Meet %50 of the demand for luxury cars.
Time Limit: 1955 - 1964

1. Luxury car production is so profitable that you can't fail
but to make money on this mission. However, in contrast to the
last level you need to expand quickly in order to meet %50 of
the demand over the 10 year period.
2. The most important thing on this level is to get cars into
the shops as quickly as possible right from the start. Begin by
targeting the town of Buicktown. Build al the necessary
factories norht of the town and bring iron ore down form the
mountains by train. Place an airport near your factories and fly
in petrol from the oil fields to the south - airports are
important for the first time on this level as success lies in
the swift delivery of recourses and goods.
3 Once you start selling cars in uicktown, plough the profits
into new factories so that you can start selling to the other
towns. Build an airport near each town's warehouse and fly the
cars staright to the shop floor.
5. Planes require more maintenance than trains so make sure you
build repair facilities near all your airports.

Level 5
Objective: Achieve a company value of $400 million
Time Limit: 1960 - 1979

1. As with the last level, success depends on rapid but sensible
expansion. You need to double your income each year for the
first four of five years until your earning about $3 million a
month, then you can sit back and wait until your ban-balance
resembles that of Bill Gates's.
2. Metallic resources are extremely scarce on this level, so
start by building up an empire of book stores. Concentrate on
one town the first year, ideally Port Ogden, making sure you
meet demand for as many diferent products as possible.
3. In the second year expand your business empire with book
stores in the other towns, opening two or three book shops in
each one to ensure maximum sales. Just by selling newspapers,
copy books, gift wrapping and comics you can make about $1
million profit a month.
4. In the forth year spots goods and clothing become
increasingly profitable thanks to the pleasant weather, so build
lots of cotton farms to supply all the towns with summer
clothing and jeans. Also, open spots stores and flog footballs
and sledges as they're cheap and easy to make.
5. Once your credits is looking healthy, turn to more profitable
goods like hi-fis and colour TVs. Trains are too slow for
covering the considerable distances between each town, so build
airports and ferry goods and resources by air. Ariports are
expensive, but they, alond with all your factories, add to the
value of your company.
6. There's an abundance of trees on this map, so it's worthwile
building furniture factories in order to keep towns supplied
with tables and chairs. Such goods may not be highly profitable,
but they provide a stable and consistent source of income.

Original source:

10 Jan 2017 15:37

For the second level, Red Islands, i found this approach to be much more reliable:

The approach I used was to produce furniture and to concentrate that furniture production at Hampton.

With careful positioning you can have the raw materials arrive at a port just across from the existing Logging Harbour 2, be processed and then delivered to the same or another storage area slightly further down, and then be processed into final goods that are stored in range of both of the shops (replace the hardware store with a furniture store) and also the port on the lower side.

It does result in demolition of almost everything you start with (i.e. everything except Logging Camp 2 and Long Isle Harbour) however it is far a more efficient use of the starting capital than trying to make the existing setup work.

You can keep the sawmill at Logging Harbour 2 to start with however I found moving wooden board production to Hampton later on made it easier to deal with the need to move logging camps around and/or to have multiple logging camps running at once.

When Hampton was saturated with all 4 furniture products I then started shipping the goods to Red Sund by ship.
The goods would arrive at a port just above and to the left of Red Sund and then be sent by rail to Red Sund and Red Creek.

At that point there was enough income to start setting up the bread production.
This involved a lot of farms (setup quite near the middle of the map) supplying wheat to a group of 4 food factories (built in a block for adjacency bonus) and then shipped out to the existing ports and railed to their final destinations.

This way I found that transport costs were minimised at the start (just a boat or two on a short hop) and the infrastructure setup for revenue generation can also be used to distribute bread with only one additional rail line to Norton needed.

To fully saturate bread demand I did need to rail in some wheat because the number of farms grew far beyond what could fit around a single coastal storage area.

Also remember to increase the price of bread at each shop to maximum so that you can meet demand with lower volume and get closer to break even on bread sales.
By EaSkateVideo on 31 Jan 2020 08:45
Just a small addition to your level 1 solution, there is enough space on top of the mountain next to the oil storage to build a factory to produce rubber. This rubber was then placed in a warehouse on the other side of the mountain where I made my wheelbarrows to be shipped into Aurora :)
By EaSkateVideo on 30 Jan 2020 17:40
I also have a tip for the third level. As you are progressing slowly, making sure you are at least increasing your turnover with 5%. What i seemed to miss, you also need to grow your turnover with at least 5% going from year 1955 to 1956! I learned this the hard way and had to redo the entire level :')
By EaSkateVideo on 01 Feb 2020 23:25
I should have checked the comments before tackling this vaguely -worded mission. If any of the devs of this game have English as their first language they should be embarrassed! As per the comments and not the actual "solution" you need to achieve at least 5% sales growth every year over the entire 16 year period AND have a company value of at least $20mm at the end.
By Daelus1 on 18 Mar 2022 17:52
Additional tip for level 3 is that it doesn't end when you hit 20 million. You have to keep up the 5% growth for the entire period. So make sure you're being careful and not growing too much in the earlier years. I was trying to keep it around 10% growth so there was some cushion but it wasn't too hard to keep going. Sandbag hard in the early years not even meeting demand on all the products, just doing enough to make a profit. Like start with newspapers at half demand, then meet demand for year 2, then half demand on copy books, then meet demand for those in year 4, etc.

Then once you're making as many products as you can at Grand Jaw, then start building on the northern island and ship to those towns by boat. Only do one product to one town first, checking around the six month mark to make sure you're going to hit around 10% growth and increasing production if necessary but not too much.

Your first setup will run out of wood toward the end so be ready with boats bringing in wood from the nearby island to the north.
By erod550 on 13 Jan 2017 09:53
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