Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

61 Achievements


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Win 20 sessions of Cops & Robbers (Ranked Match).


How to unlock the Addict achievement in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days - Definitive Guide

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Addict - 20G
Win 20 sessions of Cops & Robbers

In order to obtain this achievement, the player must be on the winning team in 20 sessions of multiplayer mode Cop & Robbers. One session is comprised of four rounds wherein each team will have the opportunity to be cops or robbers twice. As a robber, the player's objective is to grab as much loot as possible and safely make it to the getaway vehicle. As a cop, the player's objective is to stop the robbers. The team with the most stolen money at the end of the four rounds wins.

Seeing as how the online community is almost non-existent at this point and the only two guides on TA for this achievement describe how to do it legitimately, this guide will focus on how to boost wins in a timely manner.

A session of Cops & Robbers needs to have at least six players to begin and I would suggest keeping with the bare minimum so as not to complicate reconvening the lobby between matches (as I will describe below). Set up the session on the Airport map as it has one of the most direct runs to the getaway vehicle with minimal AI interference. To get to the roof of the Airport map (as robbers), run out of the garage you spawn in and head right. After encountering 1-2 AI cops, veer left by the wheeled transport unit. You'll likely encounter another 2-4 AI cops before running into a gap in the fence leading to the side of the hangar. Climb the stairs you find here, kick open the door at the top and head right. Take this path to the nearest door, kick it open and head left. Go around and up the stairs in front of you and look for the red smoke. The helicopter will pick you up here. As for the looting player, follow the previous directions but instead of going through the gap in the fence, find your way to the hangar entrance left of the gap. You'll encounter 1-2 AI cops in this room and a few more in the hangar to the left (the loot area). After gathering the money, take the stairs on far side of the room and get to the top. Run along the catwalk until you come to a four-way point with two rooms on either side of you preceded by a few stairs. Run to the far end of either room, kick open the door, find the staircase to the roof and run toward the red smoke. If my directions are hard to understand, give it a try in Arcade mode a few times.

EDIT (02.22.13): After a recent boosting session, I have found that Subway is actually about 15-20 seconds quicker. So, go with whichever you prefer.

It has been my experience that Alpha Team always spawns as robbers first, so the rest will be written assuming that to be the case.

If Alpha Team is getting the win:
Round One- Alpha Team (robbers) has one player run to the loot area (inside the hangar) while the others run to the roof. Looting player need only collect a small amount ($200,000 - $400,000 just for safe measure) before heading to the roof. Beta Team (cops) stays at spawn.
Round Two- Alpha Team (cops) stays at spawn. Beta Team (robbers) runs directly to the roof.
Round Three- Alpha Team (robbers) runs directly to the roof. Beta Team (cops) stays at spawn
Round Two- Alpha Team (cops) stays at spawn. Beta Team (robbers) runs directly to the roof.

If Beta Team is getting the win:
Round One- Alpha Team (robbers) runs directly to the roof. Beta Team (cops) stays at spawn.
Round Two- Alpha Team (cops) stays at spawn. Beta Team (robbers) has one player run to the loot area (inside the hangar) while the others run to the roof. Looting player need only collect a small amount ($200,000 - $400,000 just for safe measure) before heading to the roof.
Round Three- Alpha Team (robbers) runs directly to the roof. Beta Team (cops) stays at spawn
Round Two- Alpha Team (cops) stays at spawn. Beta Team (robbers) runs directly to the roof.

Once you get this process down, the looting player is often able to join his/her teammates on the roof before the getaway helicopter has even arrived. Each round should only last about two minutes each; however, after factoring in the downtime between rounds, loading time and the countdown at the start of each round, you're looking at about three minutes for every well-executed round. This equates to 5 wins each team in the course of two hours.

If you're looking for any opportunities to cut time, make sure you and the people you are boosting with are prepared to ready up between matches. If all players toggle "Ready," the next round will begin without having to wait for the timer to run out, shaving off about 10 seconds per round.

If you're looking to avoid confusion and eliminate the risk of a player unfairly missing out on wins, do not push the A button ("Rejoin lobby") at the end of a match. Failure to do this would result in players being unsequentially brought back into the lobby, thereby changing the team rosters. Instead, all players (except the host) should press the B button ("Quit") and the host should instruct the players to search for their lobby in the original order so that teams remain unchanged. As such, I would say that the host should either commit the teams to memory or just write them down. Either way, this should only take 30-45 seconds per session when done properly.

If you vote negatively, please let me know why.

Blame yourselves or god
\m/ Dan \m/

06 Feb 2013 04:36

Great guide. Thanks.
By IstIngiliz on 05 Nov 2013 07:26
Best fucking solution. Where the hell all the votes???
By tornprince2012 on 27 Jun 2014 09:05
It's even faster if the Team that is going for wins kills one or two of the cop players while waiting for the getaway car.. there is no need to pick up Money :-)

Cop Kill = 10.000$ that's more than enough to win the Match
By X InFlames80 X on 12 Jul 2015 08:36
I can never understand why people vote negatively when it's a very good guide & cannot even put a reason why they voted negatively, so the owner of the guide might be able to change something!
By DJ RJester on 17 Nov 2015 07:21
I'm at 28/20 wins with no achievement , anyone else have this issue and got any solutions?
By jak72 on 30 May 2019 13:15
Update: I got the achievement to unlock, I believe the win may not count if you didnt get any money. So on the first round of your team winning just make sure you grab little bit of money before escaping.
By jak72 on 30 Jul 2019 07:36
I concur with Jak72: One of our teammates did not grab any money during one match and only managed to get the achievement at 21/20 wins.
By MrInfliction on 25 May 2023 00:40
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You should really try to get host as the community is filled with poor sports who quit the game when they are losing. This just might be one of the harder achievements as there is no host migration and so many quitters.

As the crooks run to loot spot and grab up maybe 2 icons worth of loot then rush to get to the van. If you don't die the cops can't get any cash.

If you are the cops rush the loot area with most of the team while at least one person hangs back at escape area to babysit it.

I have won many games like this, but sadly only 2 have counted thanks to quitters. Soooo like I said get host its worth it, and goodluck.
how many people do you need min to start the match? 4 or 6?
By grasn reloaded on 13 Mar 2011 02:50
You need 6.
By Zurbum on 18 May 2011 08:17
As stated above, this achievement is a pain due to poor sports, etc.

Some tips to make it as painless as possible:

*Airport seems to be one of the best maps to do this on because there are several routes to get to the escape vehicle, instead of one or two.
*If you host, force start it at three people per team. If your team begins to dominate, there is a good chance at least one person leaves from the other team. Meaning you can end their robber rounds very quickly due to no respawns.
*Always aim to be on the hosts team (the host is always on the Alpha team). That way (because it is very rare that the host leaves if he is losing), if the host leaves, you were losing anyway.
*Only buy one weapon, not two. People tend to buy two "top" weapons, and it drains money. I've seen two-million go down the drain just from weapons.
*If it is a guaranteed win (Ex. You have 6 mil. going into the fourth round), don't run out and dominate the other team. Let them get some kills. Give them some incentive to stay, because if the entire team leaves, the game ends.

07 Sep 2010 00:44

Quite sad people leave because they are losing making it unfair to the rest of us. Oh well
By Lil Miss Cherry on 28 Oct 2010 11:55
damn it, Kane & Lynch 1 was the same, I remember one match that was completely mine and last remaining person waited till I got to the chopper and left the game before it ended.
By Yuhans on 08 Jan 2011 14:40
One question` can this be done with 2 people minimum ?
By Petrolium Bear on 27 Feb 2012 18:10
Same question: can you start a game with 1 person per team?
By GatorFist on 28 Jul 2012 02:42
You need a minimum of six people or 3 per team. I just got the 20 wins, but no unlock even though it says on the stats screen. I am hoping it pops out in the next few wins. I will keep everyone posted here.
By GTAmissions1 on 22 Feb 2013 04:21
I just popped it at 21 wins. It was even though someone disconnected, it still popped for me.
By GTAmissions1 on 22 Feb 2013 18:07
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Here is an addition to the other solutions to speed things up a lot, but that's only working if you are actually boosting this with a group.

Set and keep the teams for the whole process to not left anyone out.
Start the match on Subway. The robbers team, which is going for the win, will a grab a little bit of money in the first round and will escape with it.
In the 3 following rounds, everybody (except who is then playing as the cops) will commit suicide by running down the first set of stairs and jumping on the subway tracks to the right. Run along for a bit and the train will crush all of you, resulting in the end of the round or rather the match and the win for 1 team.
Continue letting the other team escape once, then repeat as mentioned. Alternate the winning teams to keep things fair and even and check your progress every once in a while in the main menu under, obviously, "Achievements".

Doing it this way means one match will take only 3-4 minutes, 5 if you include matchmaking in the lobby, and is by FAR the fastest method.

Big shoutout to my buddies F ii S 7 E IR, Howser and Hawkbit who I boosted this with.

19 Jun 2021 18:54

A minimum of six players is needed in order to start the match. The team with the most money at the end of four rounds is victorious. You will spend two of the rounds as a cop and the other two as a robber. While as a cop, money is earned by killing robbers and holding on to their loot - 10% of which will be added to your total. As a robber, earn your money by killing cops and escaping in the getaway vehicle with your loot. Generally you might see your opponents drop out of the match if they are way behind after two rounds which makes getting to 20 victories even easier.

Try not to end up on Team Bravo in order to guard against the host closing the session if your team has a huge lead. Additionally, if you are the host and do not mind being really shady, force start the game when the teams are 4vs3 in your favour. Unless the rest of your team-mates are a bunch of third graders, it will be a guaranteed win.

A little hint on how to overcome crashes in the online part of the game (especially when receiving this trophy).

In between rounds, do not press the X and PS buttons.

14 Jun 2015 14:48

In principle, everything is simple. A minimum of six players is required to start a match. The team with the most money at the end of four rounds wins. You will play two rounds as a policeman and two as a robber. Cops make money by killing robbers and getting +10% for their loot. Robbers make money by killing cops and running away with the loot. In general, the trophy is quite simple, because, as in all online games, there are people who quit the game when they come in last place. In this case, there are also such actions, however, this is only to help you.

28 Aug 2010 18:47

1 Comment
what undoubtedly makes it easier to get this trophy... is that the servers in this game have been dead for a long time and the interval of people appearing on them is approximately 0.5 - 1.5 people per hour, so you will have to assemble a team yourself for any online trophy By the way, I'm ready to help with this and hope that more players will respond..
By Patrocl on 04 Oct 2012 12:32