Knights Contract

Knights Contract

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Soul Reaper

Soul Reaper

Collect 100,000 souls


How to unlock the Soul Reaper achievement in Knights Contract - Definitive Guide

You should get this naturally if you don't skip any mobs. I didn't get it on my first playthrough because I skipped a few but replay the first level for about 1 min or so and it should pop.

31 May 2011 01:55

Like most hack and slash games, defeating enemies rewards you with experience. In this game, they are called Souls, shown as floating pinkish purple orbs. Luckily, there is no need to run up to them and pick them up; they are automatically collected when you defeat an enemy.

Souls collected is accumulative and carries across all playthroughs; you don't have to have all the souls in your pool at once.

Once you've collected your 10,000th or 100,000th soul, the corresponding trophy will unlock. You will most likely unlock this without trying for it during your first playthrough.


Souls are the currency which is used to upgrade your spells. Every enemy defeated will upon death release a set amount of souls which are automatically added to your pool.

You get souls that can be used to pump up magic for killing enemies and bosses; this trophy is cumulative, i.e. you don’t need to collect 100,000 souls at a time, you can safely spend them on leveling up, spent souls are also counted.

12 Mar 2011 00:21