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Knights Contract achievements progress.
Defeat the witch Straeggele
Defeat the witch Trendula
Defeat the witch Rapunzel
Defeat the witch Verderinde
True Peace at Last
Secret Achievement
Defeat your true enemy
Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
Beat the game on Hexen Knight
Beat the game on Witchslayer
Acquire the Scythe of the Assassin Queen
Acquire the Scythe of Imperial Massacre
Attain the highest possible combo rating
Perform 10 counterattacks while taking
enemy attacks
Catch and defeat five enemies at once
with Mag Mell's Rose
Collect 100 Recovery Items
Defeat 200 enemies with Knight's Fury
Defeat 200 enemies with Witch's Embrace
Defeat 50 enemies with the help of Minukelsus
Acquire a collection item
Acquire all collection items
Land 100 Perfect Finishers
Bash the same enemy into a wall five times
Pick up the same enemy five times
Repel an enemy's attack 10 times
Experience your first revival
Save Gretchen from enemy attack
Save Gretchen from enemy attack 50 times
Use Witch's Embrace when no enemies are present
Damage both yourself and an enemy with Witchcraft
Damage both yourself and an enemy with Witchcraft 10 times
Carry Gretchen around for a long time