Knights Contract

Knights Contract

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Souls United

Souls United

Defeat 200 enemies with Knight's Fury


How to unlock the Souls United achievement in Knights Contract - Definitive Guide

If you plan to complete this game you may want to wait til after your 3 playthroughs to get this as it is cumulative across multiple playthroughs.
If you want to cross it of the list though, I found the best way to boost this as well as the "Witch's Embrace" achievement on episode 6.
Right when the episode starts you have a full blue bar, (magic used in Witch's Embrace and Knight's Fury), as well as 5 fire homonculi in front of you. Hold left trigger and X button right away and your Knight's Fury will activate. Quickly take out all 5 monsters, (I recommend spamming Y button toward each 1 until you see the red souls leave their bodies and go into yours).
Immediately after they are dead there is a quick cut scene that you can skip by pressing start followed immediately by an auto-save. After the auto save quit back to episode select menu, (use back button). reload episode 6 and repeat until the achievement unlocks. This is a perfect spot because everytime you restart the episode you have a full blue bar to cast Knight's Fury.

18 Jan 2012 04:11

Knight's Fury: + or

You won't unlock Knight's Fury until after Episode 2.

The blue bar beneath Gretchen's health bar must be at least half full before you can activate this skill. To fill it, when you defeat enemies they will release spirit power which Gretchen can absorb.

Upon activation, Heinrich will transform into a demonized sort of creature. When active, Gretchen will be off screen, meaning you won't be able to cast her spells. However, to make up for this, the damage you do with your Scythe is dramatically increased, giving you a few seconds to dish out massive damage before the effect wears off. To unlock this trophy, simply kill 200 enemies with Knight's Fury active.

If you don't get this by the end of your third playthrough, consider using Episode Select on one of the earlier episodes, particularly Episode 3. The first group of enemies you encounter is a bunch of Dendrites. Activate Knight's Fury and kill as many of the seven as you can. Once Knight's Fury wears off, quit and return to the Episode Select screen. The amounts you killed will be saved, so you can keep repeating this method until you killed your 200th and the trophy pops.


Knight's Fury is the spell used by holding and pressing either or when the Witch Points bar (the blue bar underneath Gretchen's health bar) is over half full. Heinrich transforms into a demonesque creature. Pressing will produce chainable standard attacks, will cause Heinrich to jump forwards and spin with his scythe attacking anything below or infront of him, will make Heinrich jump directly upwards and spin his scythe around him to damage all enemies in his vicinity. will dash forwards further than regular Heinrich can. Gretchen will disappear while in Knight's Fury and consequently none of her spells will be available though any already out will continue their effect. To earn the achievement, you need to defeat 200 enemies while in this mode. The easiest way to do this is to go on the easiest difficulty, Page, and start episode 3. The first group of enemies you encounter is seven Dendrites, which are very weak. Activate Knight's Fury and kill as many of the seven as you can. Once Knight's Fury finishes, press and choose to return to the episode select screen. The amount of kills will stay, and you can restart episode 3 for fast and easy kills. This technique will also work for Her True Strength.

“Knight's Wrath” is a kind of super power of the main character, it is used when the magic bar is completely filled, first hold down , then press + . To get the trophy you just need to kill 200 enemies with this super power, so try to use it when there are as many enemies on the screen as possible.

13 Mar 2011 21:46

We set the difficulty to the easiest, start the very first level, reach the boss (you can not touch the zombies along the way and run past, we kill only those who are needed). After killing the boss, we return back to the save, and behind the arch there will be a bunch of primitive zombies (10 pieces). We launch "Knight's Wrath" and kill them. Then we simply complete the level. Total: passage time 3-3.5 minutes. After the level, we go to the chapter selection, start again, and so on until the trophy drops.

14 Jan 2013 00:55