Loop Hero

Loop Hero

50 Achievements

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As anew

As anew

Fill the whole map

1,500 XP


How to unlock the As anew achievement in Loop Hero - Definitive Guide

This achievement is earned for filling each and every square on the map as your hero loops around. My experience, as well as others in the comments, confirm that this entails filling not only the "void" (sections forests, rivers, road lanterns go) but the road itself, as well as directly beside the road (the only place, say, spider cocoons or battlefields can be placed).

It is easiest to earn this in the first expedition, as enemies are weakest. There are also a few things you can do for yourself to make this easier, though bare in mind it will require quite a few loops (I reached loop 17 by the end of this) so enemies will become somewhat challenging.

*You want to be relatively far into the game, to where you have unlocked "Alchemy". The ability to exchange resources will let you have a few resource runs specifically to level out buildings in camp.

*The gold card "Maze of memories" fills out a fair chunk of the map, and has no negatives outside of not having access to other gold cards.

*The "River" land card is excellent to match with the forest/thicket card. Not only will you quadruple the bonus to attack speed bonus with a river on either side (2x2x2), river can be placed as many times as you can loop it around, as it won't spawn enemy buildings, such as goblins with rocks. The FORESTS will, but the village? tile isn't hard to deal with.

*Place spider cocoons next to buildings such as cemeteries, ruins or anywhere you have spawned a goblin camp. I found spiders to be much easier to deal with than the undead, scorchers or goblins.

*Avoid swamps. While mosquitos aren't terrible to deal with, the swamps themselves reverse healing effects outside of potions. Meaning, when you have 40% vampirism and/or 10+HP regen a second, your health will tank. Quickly.

*Desert tiles are a mixed blessing. You will end up fighting 4-5 enemies per tile in the later loops, and unless you have incredibly high attack speed and damage/damage to all, you can't afford to be lacking health. HOWEVER, should you get to the upper limits of health reduction, you can end up one hit killing your enemies. Its up to you if you want to try, but if your gear can't keep up, neither can this strategy.

*Have plenty of camp items. I recommend max potions (Alchemists shelf), ones that add to health regen (Stool), damage all (Scythe), Add damage when near a beacon or lantern (Brass Candlestick), add to item rarity (Jewelers lens) and food at the start of a day (Smoked ham). Those are just my choices, just having a bunch of bonuses will help you.

*Bookery will help you cycle cards so you can get the tiles you need quicker, just keep in mind that they spawn books/special watchers/vampire mages if you place them near other encounters, which is bound to happen as you fill the map.

*I recommend warrior or necromancer. Warrior has high survivability in most situations and health regen/vampirism is a must as you go more loops, and necromancer can get a trait on level up which starts him with skeletons. If you put harder encounters near the camp and easier ones as the loop ends, necro has no problems.

I am open to any and all questions and will add to this guide. This took a few times because of RNG, but once you get a good run going, it isn't as hard as it first seems, especially if you tackle this later in the game.

Happy hunting (>*_*)>

17 Apr 2023 12:34

Well, I’ve played around with it and my XBox chose this moment to stop giving achievement notifications.

I left filling the road to last and my time stamp suggests that you do need to do it - it took me another 10-15 minutes after filling the last empty space to drop all the cards I needed for the road.

Hopefully someone with working notifications will have a go at leaving the road to last and confirm all this.
By Brujeira on 17 Apr 2023 18:31
I started by filling the green tiles first (river, forest, etc.), then I completely filled the black tiles around the road (spiders, etc.) and it was until I completely covered all the road tiles (village, grove, etc.) that the achievement finally popped. So I can confirm you need to fill ALL the tiles in the map to obtain this achievement.
By Yuk1oh on 25 Apr 2023 20:05
Popped once I filled in all of the void + roads. Had to do another couple loops to get what I needed to fill the road, but once everything was covered it popped right away.
By NeedMoreTendies on 09 May 2023 05:17
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