Loop Hero

Loop Hero

50 Achievements

100,000 XP

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See the world and not die

See the world and not die

See all the possible tiles

3,500 XP


How to unlock the See the world and not die achievement in Loop Hero - Definitive Guide

Much like the description suggests, you are required to unlock and generate every tile over the course of all your runs (unlocking the tile without placing it does not count). You will need to alter your "deck" of tiles by selecting the icon in the top left when prepping for an expedition. Most of them you will get through natural play but the list of tiles is as below:

(Note: all tiles will be organized by placement type)


Campfire - Automatic from start of game. This is the obvious start point of each loop
Wasteland - Automatic from start of game. This is the basic starting state of every road tile
Cemetary - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Grove - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Blood Path - Overlap the aoe of two Battlefields on the road
Village - Unlocked by building the Gymnasium in your camp
Ransacked Village - Place a Vampire Mansion adjacent to a Village
Count's Land - Created 3 loops after a Ransacked Village is created
Farm - Unlocked by building a Farm in your camp
Overgrown Field - Created by building a field next to a Village(?) tile or by using an Oblivion card on a village adjacent to an existing field
Ruins - Unlocked by building a Supply Depot at your camp
Swamp - Unlocked by building a Herbalist's Hut at your camp
Village(?) - Automatically created every 10 Forest/Thicket cards played
Bridge - Unlocked by building a Bridge at your camp and then created by building a river card on the path


Spider Cocoon - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Vampire Mansion - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Battlefield - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Shipwreck - Place a Battlefield adjacent to a River
Road Lantern - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Goblin Camp - Automatically created every 10 Rock/Mountain cards played
Goblin Lookout - Build a swamp adjacent to a Goblin Camp
Witch Hut - Requires the Herbalist's Hut to be upgraded to Level 3. Every 3 Swamp cards played thereafter will generate a Witch Hut card into your hand (not automatically placed/created)
Bookery - Unlocked by building a Library at your camp
Abandoned Bookery - Complete the full 20 loops and drain all the charges of a Bookery
Blood Grove - Unlocked by building a Field Kitchen and must be placed adjacent to a Forest/Thicket tile
Hungry Grove - Build a Blood Grove adjacent to a Burned Forest or Oblivion the adjacent Forest/Thicket tile once placed
Bandit Camp - Automatically generated every 2 Village tiles placed
Reed - Unlocked by building a Bridge at your camp and then created by building a river card next to the path
Outpost - Unlocked by building the War Camp in your camp
Smith's Forge - Unlocked by building the Smithy in your camp
Chrono Crystal - Unlocked by defeating the first boss.


Rock - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Mountain - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Mountain Peak - Created by placing a 3x3 grid of Rock/Mountain tiles (one per map)
Meadow - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Blooming Meadow - Place a Meadow Tile adjacent to any other non-Meadow tile
Desert - Unlocked by building the Intel Center in your camp
Sand Dunes - Unlocked by building the Intel Center in your camp
Ziggurat - Automatically generated after placing 7 Desert/Sand Dune tiles
River - Unlocked by building the River in your camp
Oasis - Generated by placing a River adjacent to a Desert/Sand Dune
Forest - Unlocked by building the Forest in your camp
Thicket - Unlocked by building the Forest in your camp
Burned Forest - Generated by overlapping a Forest/Thicket with the aoe of a Storm Temple
Maquis - Generated by placing a Forest/Thicket adjacent to a Desert/Sand Dune
Suburbs - Requires the Gymnasium to be upgraded to an Academy
Town - Generated after 5 Suburbs are placed in a + pattern


Treasury - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Empty Treasury - Surround the 8 adjacent tiles of a Treasury
Storm Temple - Unlocked by building the Smelter in your camp
Beacon - Automatic tile in your deck at the start of the game
Temporal Beacon - Unlocked by reaching Loop 12 in one expedition
Lich's Palace - Automatically generated when the first boss spawns (Note: placement of other tiles will prevent these tiles from spawning)


Arsenal - Unlocked by building the Intel Center and Smelter in your camp
Ancestral Crypt - Unlocked by building the Intel Center and Crypt in your camp
Maze of Memories - Unlocked by building the Library in your camp
Alchemist's Tent - Unlocked by building the Alchemist's Tent in your camp

17 Apr 2023 00:04

1 Comment
In case this achievement doesn't fire initially, I had left the run after placing my last couple tiles and no achievement had popped, just start another run and place a tile and it should trigger. In my case I placed one of the last couple ones I had been missing but had played the run before and it triggered.
By Phim Phighters on 16 May 2023 06:08