Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

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Combined Arms

Combined Arms

Perform any combination of 50 biotic combos or tech bursts.

How to unlock the Combined Arms achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

This achievement is Combined Arms worth 25 gs.

Mass Effect 3Combined ArmsThe Combined Arms achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 33 pointsPerform any combination of 50 biotic combos or tech bursts.

For this you need to use a combo of any of your special powers. You Do Not have to register a kill for this achievement. Just a combo to cause a Biotic Explosion or Tech Explosion.

You can even have your teammates use Stasis or Singularity and then use one of your own abilities. This will stack across Multiplayer and Single Player and should be easily picked up no matter what class you used. Just make sure when using your teammates you have them activate there powers first, then hit them with your own. Any power ability you use while another is active will register.

I found these to be easiest to attain with Tech Armor. You can have Liara shoot a Singularity bomb that will catch a few enemies, then run up and detonate the Tech Armor. It will hit all enemies and register each enemy as a combo.

For Soldiers I would recommend using Cryo or Incendiary Rounds. Once the target is on frozen/ on fire, then use Concussion shot. This will register for you.

07 Mar 2012 22:12

Vanguard plus either Liara or EDI will make this very quick. Actually any class with them will, great skills.
By sirbradenwalker on 11 Mar 2012 07:40
Changed my comment. Might be worth noting that concussive shot can be very finicky to get to count. It will however count if paired with Overload.
By ponypo2001 on 09 Mar 2012 03:05
Ya, my friend confirmed he popped it as a Soldier using Concussive shot. Don't know what other affect was active on the enemy though.
By Sly Strategist on 09 Mar 2012 16:09
It seemed like I was getting some from using Nova on enemies who were burning.
By Box#4473 on 09 Mar 2012 18:14
Thanks for this - didn't realise that concussive shot would work! I started pairing it with Liara's singularity and that seems to be working as the ticker is up to about 20/50 now.
By Quantum Binman on 10 Mar 2012 06:06
No problem.
By Sly Strategist on 10 Mar 2012 20:48
@Ellusion no
I never stated that Concussion shot with singularity would work. I played as a Sent and had a Tech shield. I would have Liara use Singularity and then run up and detonate my Tech Shield. Please fully read the sentences.
By Sly Strategist on 12 Mar 2012 21:52
I did this as an Infiltrator by using Cryo ammo on a Sniper Rifle, and Incinerate. One shot with the sniper rifle would freeze the enemy, then Incinerate would finish them off.
By Snappeddragon on 13 Mar 2012 15:43
Speaking of fully reading sentences, fully read Ellusion no's comment carefully. The comment does not claim that you said Singularity plus Concussion will work, just that you mention Singularity. Which you did.
By Mr Rodster on 14 Mar 2012 21:08
Edited so there is no more confusion.
By Sly Strategist on 14 Mar 2012 21:32
So you need to do 50 combos?
By brjaladur on 06 May 2013 18:22
^^ yes.
By Sly Strategist on 06 May 2013 19:13
Singularity+Conc. Shot won't register at all. You mentioning Singularity as a possible pairing probably throws many off this. Playing a soldier and using Liara's Warp will however work excellent with Conc. Shot, but not on easy as a warp will kill most unshielded enemies. Got this easily in a mission by upping the difficulty to normal and then Warp + Conc. everything.
By Ellusion no on 11 Mar 2012 17:52
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This is for people who have a "Soldier Class" Character. The easy way for me to use it in campaign was to use "Overload" with Garrus on enemy who have a "blue shield", then I simply use Concussive shot on them. I hope this can help some people.

12 Mar 2012 04:15

1 Comment
This is what I kept doing as well. I also through Tali's Energy Drain in there as well for good measure. Think i'm about 5 off getting it now. Thanks for the solution from all the Shepard Soldiers out there.
By Han D Maiden on 12 Mar 2012 12:39
This is for people who have a "Soldier Class" Character. The easy way for me to use it in campaign was to use "Overload" with Garrus on enemy who have a "blue shield", then I simply use Concussive shot on them. I hope this can help some people.

12 Mar 2012 04:15

1 Comment
This is what I kept doing as well. I also through Tali's Energy Drain in there as well for good measure. Think i'm about 5 off getting it now. Thanks for the solution from all the Shepard Soldiers out there.
By Han D Maiden on 12 Mar 2012 12:39
For any Soldiers out there, I've found that using Cryo Ammo to freeze the enemy and then Concussive Shot works well. You should be able to get it without having to wait for any special enemies or relaying on teammates.

13 Mar 2012 21:27

For any Soldiers out there, I've found that using Cryo Ammo to freeze the enemy and then Concussive Shot works well. You should be able to get it without having to wait for any special enemies or relaying on teammates.

13 Mar 2012 21:27

Another easy place to rack up some combos is during the prologue, during the holdout sequence with the cannibals. Simply hit the cannibals with whatever ability you have, as long as it has some kind of effect over time, and then have Anderson hit the same target with his Concussive Shot. The sequence lasts until you run out of ammo (or die), so feel free to string it out as long as you are able.

EDIT: According to Hasharin, the Normandy will show up anyways even if you don't fire a shot. Maybe there's also a kill counter involved? I don't know, but he was able to get 30 combos out of it, so it's a good start.

10 Mar 2012 05:36

For Vanguards out there looking for a way to get this achievement, I found using a combination of Pull and Biotic Charge to be a good choice. I got 37 credits for this achievement by playing multiplayer without really trying, and I got the last 13 in the mission where you rescue the Cerberus Scientists.

14 Apr 2012 12:24

A combo indicates you have used 2 powers on the same enemy, one after another. These should come naturally. There are many combos and you'll probably use them without thinking. An example is Singularity which raises an opponent up, then using Throw to knock the enemy flying. A tech burst is basically a weapon power. Both powers have to be of the same type to raise the counter (using a biotic Singularity and then a tech Incendiary won't count, for instance) and at least one needs to be done personally by you.

Note: Even after dying, the ones you have obtained count. They count across all playthroughs as well as multiplayer (which you can play by yourself).


Like Mass Effect 2, there are certain powers that when combined with another can have a devastating effect. For some, the enemy that you target must be killed by the combination. Unlike ME2, there are also combinations with tech powers. Below is a list of biotic and tech combinations. The list comes from Relix on the Bioware forums.

We all know the drill, cast a biotic power on an enemy, and once an enemy is affected by it, finish it off with another biotic power for a damaging AoE explosion.

-Not all biotic powers are compatible with each other (E.G. Singularity --> Pull will not cause a biotic combo).
-Stasis is unique, because it can bypass defenses (such as shields and barriers), and enemies can be detonated while their defenses are still present. It is, however, completely ineffective vs. armored targets such as Atlas mechs and Turrets.
-Warp & Reave are unique because they can either set up or set off biotic combos. They can also set up combos on enemies with defenses (shields/barriers), so they functions similar to Stasis in this regard. And they are the only two biotic powers in the game, able to set up combos on armored targets, such as Turrets and Atlas mechs.

List of biotic combos below.

-Sigularity --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Stasis --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Pull --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Warp --> Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Lift Grenade --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Shockwave (only with Rank 6 Lifting Shockwave evolution) --> Warp/Throw//Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Reave - Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade

There are also some new combos in ME3, that involve Tech or Combat elemental based powers. It's the same principal as with biotic combos, but they function in a slightly different manner.

-Can be set up by: Incinerate, Carnage, Inferno Grenade, Incendiary Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by any of the fire based powers, cause an AoE fire explosion, once they are killed by a direct damage power. The effect is similar to blowing up Pyros with Overload in ME2.
-Note: Enemy MUST be killed by the second power, in order to cause a Fire Explosion. E.G. it will not work, if an enemy is hit by Incinerate --> Overload, and still has HP left after that. So, in this case, Overload would have to do sufficient damage to outright kill a burning enemy, in order to cause a Fire Explosion.

-Can be set up by: Cryo Blast, Cryo Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage.
-Effect: Frozen enemies killed by damage based powers, cause an AoE cryo explosion, freezing any enemy that is nearby.
-Note: Same as Fire Explosion, frozen enemies MUST be killed by the second power in order to trigger Cryo Explosion.

-Can be set up by: Overload, Energy Drain, Disruptor Ammo, Sabotage
-Can be detonated by any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by electricity based powers, discharge multiple electricity bolts to nearby enemies, when hit with direct damage powers. Effect is similar to Overload's Chain Overload upgrade.
-Note: Unlike Fire & Cryo Explosion combos, this one doesn't require an enemy to be killed by the second power. E.G. enemy hit by Overload --> Incinerate will produce Tech Burst, whether he is killed by Incinerate or not.

Source: Choose Language | BioWare Social Network

Like Mass Effect 2, there are certain powers that when combined with another can have a devastating effect. For some, the enemy that you target must be killed by the combination. Unlike ME2, there are also combinations with tech powers. Below is a list of biotic and tech combinations. The list comes from Relix on the Bioware forums.


We all know the drill, cast a biotic power on an enemy, and once an enemy is affected by it, finish it off with another biotic power for a damaging AoE explosion.

-Not all biotic powers are compatible with each other (E.G. Singularity --> Pull will not cause a biotic combo).
-Stasis is unique, because it can bypass defenses (such as shields and barriers), and enemies can be detonated while their defenses are still present. It is, however, completely ineffective vs. armored targets such as Atlas mechs and Turrets.
-Warp & Reave are unique because they can either set up or set off biotic combos. They can also set up combos on enemies with defenses (shields/barriers), so they functions similar to Stasis in this regard. And they are the only two biotic powers in the game, able to set up combos on armored targets, such as Turrets and Atlas mechs.

List of biotic combos below.

-Sigularity --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Stasis --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Pull --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Warp --> Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Lift Grenade --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Shockwave (only with Rank 6 Lifting Shockwave evolution) --> Warp/Throw//Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave
-Reave - Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade

There are also some new combos in ME3, that involve Tech or Combat elemental based powers. It's the same principal as with biotic combos, but they function in a slightly different manner.

-Can be set up by: Incinerate, Carnage, Inferno Grenade, Incendiary Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by any of the fire based powers, cause an AoE fire explosion, once they are killed by a direct damage power. The effect is similar to blowing up Pyros with Overload in ME2.
-Note: Enemy MUST be killed by the second power, in order to cause a Fire Explosion. E.G. it will not work, if an enemy is hit by Incinerate --> Overload, and still has HP left after that. So, in this case, Overload would have to do sufficient damage to outright kill a burning enemy, in order to cause a Fire Explosion.

-Can be set up by: Cryo Blast, Cryo Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage.
-Effect: Frozen enemies killed by damage based powers, cause an AoE cryo explosion, freezing any enemy that is nearby.
-Note: Same as Fire Explosion, frozen enemies MUST be killed by the second power in order to trigger Cryo Explosion.

-Can be set up by: Overload, Energy Drain, Disruptor Ammo, Sabotage
-Can be detonated by any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by electricity based powers, discharge multiple electricity bolts to nearby enemies, when hit with direct damage powers. Effect is similar to Overload's Chain Overload upgrade.
-Note: Unlike Fire & Cryo Explosion combos, this one doesn't require an enemy to be killed by the second power. E.G. enemy hit by Overload --> Incinerate will produce Tech Burst, whether he is killed by Incinerate or not.

Source: Choose Language | BioWare Social Network
There are different combinations of skills, the main thing is that Shepard combines skills with someone, and not 2 from the party... I did Liara’s singularity and throw at Shepard (played as a guard) 50 repetitions and you get it.

09 Mar 2012 11:19

There is another method.
We go through the omega dlc and after it we go to the med. sector and there we select a biotics skill called whip (allows you to knock the enemy down with a biotic whip, causing average damage) and in battle together with Liara or Javik we use biotic skills.
By antet on 19 Jan 2022 16:11
Elementarily done by an adept, because The main thing is to carry out the combo itself, not necessarily in pairs with someone, and the entire gameplay of the adept is built on combos: the “ attraction / singularity + throw / deformation ” combination is used constantly and I almost got the trophy even in the prologue.
By Akrioz on 09 Mar 2012 12:47
In the first mission, when you first encounter the cannibals, you are told to take cover and shoot. You need to move away from cover and then the enemies will be endless. We simply take an adept and see in them the singularity plus the deformation. 10 minutes and the trophy is yours.
By End11Lord on 20 Jun 2021 01:29
Technical link.

Basics for combination: Overload, Energy Absorption, Sabotage, Disintegrating Ammo, Command Network.
Catalyst: Any skill that deals direct damage. The type of skill does not matter, as with Cryo and Fire Blast, however it does not have to be the same skill as the base. However, a significant difference between the Bundle and other combinations is the absence of a condition for destroying the target with a catalyst, i.e. A technical link can be activated on a still living opponent. Once launched, this combo releases multiple blasts similar to Overload at nearby enemies, knocking out shields and paralyzing weaker enemies.

Taken from the mini-guide to technical skill combinations . There is also a video guide .

I play as a soldier myself, using my partner’s reload + my stun shot. It doesn’t work on easy levels, because the overload instantly kills the enemy
By kodeir on 06 Jul 2012 08:00
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It is enough to use two abilities on one enemy at the same time. For example, Liara lifts the enemy into the air with Singularity, and your character hits with Warp. Whether the enemy dies or not is not important, the main thing is to use your skills.

Class examples:

Soldier. Shoot at the enemy with freezing or incendiary cartridges. When the enemy freezes/burns, use the Stunning Shot skill - it will count.

Guardian Activate "Technical Armor", lift several enemies into the air with Liara's "Singularity" skill, run up to the hovering heroes and deactivate the armor, causing a blast wave. One will be counted for each person hit by the wave.

There are plenty of combinations for all classes. Find one more convenient for you, repeat 50 times and the achievement is yours.

26 Mar 2012 14:09