Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

68 Achievements

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Finish all multiplayer maps on Gold or all single-player missions on Insanity.

How to unlock the Unwavering achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

The achievment is self-explanatory for completing all MP maps on Gold. There are 6 maps, simply survive all 10 waves (and extract) on all of the on Gold difficulty.

In order to get this in SP, you need to complete all unique missions on Insanity (best done when doing your Insanity run). These are the missions where you land on a planet/space station, do something and leave. The random fetch quests for Citadel people do not count.

As per the in-game achievement tracker, there are 27 such missions. As far as I know they are as follows:

All Priority missions (story related and unmissable). 13/27.
- Earth
- Mars
- Palaven (Menae)
- Sur'Kesh
- Tuchanka
- Citadel (Cerberus)
- Geth Dreadnought
- Rannoch
- Thessia
- Sanctuary
- Cerberus Headquarters
- Earth Return
- Citadel Finale

All other planetary missions. For safety, do these BEFORE doing the Priority mission. 17/27.
- Tuchanka: Turian Platoon
- Tuchanka: Bomb
- Rannoch: Rescue Admiral Koris
- Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons

All N7 Missions (6 of them). 23/27.
- N7: Cerberus Lab
- N7: Cerberus Attack
- N7: Cerberus Abductions
- N7: Cerberus Fighter Base
- N7: Fuel Reactors
- N7: Communication Hub

Miscallaneous. 27/27.
- Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation
- Attican Traverse: The Rachni
- Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery
- Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists

Eden Prime (from the From Ashes DLC) is not required for this achievement.

Note that both Grissom Academy and Tuchanka: Bomb are missable if you do not do them within three missions of receiving them. Do them ASAP. Thanks to Pyro1099 and Kennyannydenny in the comments for the intel on these.

In addition, you can obtain these across saves (you could, for example, miss Grissom Academy, reload a previous save and do the mission for the achievement progression to register). Thanks to Tony Starc in the comments for the confirmation of this fact.

As far as I am aware, these are the missions that must be completed on Insanity. You can keep track via the Achievements tracker on the Main Menu (there will a bar with #/27 completed).

If I missed anything, left anything out please let me know in the comments. Good Luck!

10 Mar 2012 18:20

@Sideburns: I have no experience with MP on Gold, but with randoms it is easy to fail even Bronze challenges on waves 9-10 so I am not surprised that Dank Ki11a has said they are very hard. I would expect them to be very hard as well. Since you have to go through the game on Insanity anyway, and the extra missions are not any harder than what you have to do on Insanity core missions, I did the same as you and just did it all in SP.
By Chimaera36 on 11 Mar 2012 17:14
prority missions and names are wrong but still, great job
By Gamer In Denial on 12 Mar 2012 02:55
What about the other quests where you meet your previous teammates from ME2 i.e. Citadel: Hanar Diplomat?
By Pyro1099 on 13 Mar 2012 15:52
@Pyro1099 - That mission is not required - only missions involving combat actually matter. On my insanity run, I did _only_ the missions above to get Unwavering. I did nothing on the Citadel at all.
By Chimaera36 on 13 Mar 2012 15:58
ive found if you missed a mission (such as grissom / tuchanka ones), you can load a previous save, beat it, and it'll count on the achievement tracker.
By Tony Starc on 13 Mar 2012 20:12
@Tony Starc: Thanks for confirming that. I believe I did the same thing, but forgot to put it in the solution. Added!
By Chimaera36 on 13 Mar 2012 21:08
Dang, i totally missed one quest and I can't figure out what it was. since i got the insanity achievement and i know i completed all the cerberus ones it must be one of the side missions. at least i can narrow it down to the rachni/grissom (both of which i reloaded previous saves to do but i think something may have gone wrong) - but i can still confirm that thing i said before bc it worked for a cerberus mission for me
By Tony Starc on 14 Mar 2012 17:49
- Tuchanka: Bomb is missable... i had the mission (as i was close to tuchanka) but i prefered to go and do sometihng else and after the mission i did i got a message from wrex that tuchanka was destroyed from some sort of bomb.
glad i had a save and just had to replay 1,5h. xD
By Phoenix C64 on 14 Mar 2012 20:45
Dang, i totally missed one quest and I can't figure out what it was. since i got the insanity achievement and i know i completed all the cerberus ones it must be one of the side missions. at least i can narrow it down to the rachni/grissom (both of which i reloaded previous saves to do but i think something may have gone wrong) - but i can still confirm that thing i said before bc it worked for a cerberus mission for me
By Tony Starc on 14 Mar 2012 22:11
figured out what i was missing. it was tuchanka: bomb. it's missable as well, but if you've activated it it will actually be greyed out in the mission log as if it were completed even if you haven't. i think all the missable ones do that if you activated them but don't do them in time, so be aware of that. check the ME wiki for a list of missable quests, there's more than just the one you listed
By Tony Starc on 14 Mar 2012 22:39
I was having trouble on 'Geth Dreadnought' in insanity so changed the difficulty. Changed it back to insanity before the end and it counted for one of the 27.

(I know this will not work if your going for the insanity achievement)
By Toxof on 14 Mar 2012 22:43
I just beat the game on insanity after completing every mission and did not receive the achievement. I can recall doing all the missions listed. Any idea what could have happened?
By holy canadian on 15 Mar 2012 06:46
@holy - What foes the achievement tracker in the extras list say about X/27 missions?
By Chimaera36 on 15 Mar 2012 14:49
26/27. I'll try loading an earlier save and attempt the N7 missions again. It sucks how it won't tell you specifically which ones still need to be done.
By holy canadian on 15 Mar 2012 18:46
DLC does not count towards the achievement by the way. I've done them along with the other missions and I've currently got 4 left to do until the achievements pops at 27 (Sanctuary, Cerberus Base, Earth and Citadel Final).
By Pyro1099 on 15 Mar 2012 21:33
Still no luck. I beat the N7 missions again and nothing. Anyone else have this achievement glitch?
By holy canadian on 15 Mar 2012 23:09
I found a post on the official Bioware forums were people have run into their achievement progress being reset and glitched. I think this is the problem I am having. Here is the link for anyone who is interested:

Hopefully they will release a patch to fix the problem!
By holy canadian on 16 Mar 2012 01:10
As far as someone else pointed out with the Priority names being... off, this is solid. Copied and pasted to a Notepad so I can check them off as I go. Thanks a bunch!
By Skurkitty on 17 Mar 2012 07:39
Mines on 26/27 and I've definitely done all the missions... Theyre all ticked off in the Journal and I got the Insanity achievement so I didn't change the difficulty at any point.. I hate it when this happens...
By CASP3R on 18 Mar 2012 20:43
@shanecasper I have the same problem. I was looking through my journal and found out that Tuchanka: Turian Platoon was missing from the journal even though I knew I did it. I attempted to do the mission again on newgame+ but that didn't unlock it and the mission was erased from my journal again. I'm trying to finish the mission on a completely new character. I'll let you know if it fixes it.
By holy canadian on 18 Mar 2012 21:34
one does not simply finish all mp maps on gold
By gammatron9000 on 18 Mar 2012 22:02
The mission Tuchanka: Bomb is also missable. If you complete three missions before completing this mission, it will no longer be available and considered failed.
By Kennyannydenny on 19 Mar 2012 13:56
The best way to check yourself if you're doing them in one playthrough is to have 24/27 completed before making the final assault on Cerberus HQ. Cerberus, Earth and the Citadel are the final missions.
By Scheme in Rhyme on 20 Mar 2012 09:35
i just checked after every mission that my tracker went up by one so if it dint i know sumthing went wrong for that mission but i dint have any issues and all counted and got achievment. Though other achievment trackers did sumthing similar i had to do the multiplayer version of do all 6 n7 missions as the tracker for this got stuck at 3 and still is now after my 2nd playthrough.
By DemonDuffeh on 20 Mar 2012 12:57
I just finished my Insanity run and got this achievement with no problems whatsoever. I did ALL of the side missions, just like my first run. Maybe that's why I didn't have problems- one of the side missions might have counted towards the 27 when a normal mission didn't, I don't know. Just thought I'd offer my two cents.

I played as a level 60 Engineer with EDI's power bonus, I died just about as many times on Insanity as on Normal which is kind of odd but I think the extra protection helped a lot.
By TheOtherBarber on 20 Mar 2012 20:43
You can play each mission on narrative and change it to insanity just before final cutscene. Far more easier and faster way than on mp.
By SaberFusion1 on 21 Mar 2012 16:14
Can you still get this achievement if only one person survives on gold?
By Ozzy InFeRno on 22 Mar 2012 10:39
Ozzy InFeRno: Yes
By Exia Of War on 24 Mar 2012 14:50
Thanks to the OP for writing up the list came in very handy to keep track not to skip/loose any missions.
Thanks heaps.
By chriswhv6 on 26 Mar 2012 02:45
I missed one map on my insane run so i decided to try a speed run on casual and got to the mission I needed to get the achievement. I switched the difficulty before I started the mission and finished the mission on insane and I got the achievement. So if you are missing a map just finish the game on insane get the Insanity achievement, then run a game in casual until you get the mission you need, switch the difficulty to insane again and finish the map you need on insane.
By A 360KID on 31 Mar 2012 14:48
Rannoch: Rescue Admiral Koris: Where i got this mission from?
By TAI JASON on 31 Mar 2012 18:20
Simply survive? i can not go along with the simply ^^
By KGK Lunchbox on 02 Apr 2012 07:36
Tuchanka: Crashed Turian Ship

Does not appear on my list
Does not appear on the ME3 Wiki
By Big Dibs theDog on 06 Apr 2012 08:11
Priority : Palaven


Priority: Eden Prime

appear on my list but not the guide list.
By Big Dibs theDog on 06 Apr 2012 08:14
@holy Canadian I only have 10 completed missions in my journal but It says 11/29 in my accomplishments. I completed Tuchanka: Turian Platoon and that is not listed in my journal. So maybe I avoided the glitch you are having
By NateEasy on 09 Apr 2012 04:14
I can confirm "Tuchanka: Turian Platoon" disappeared from my list but was counted, I don't think you can avoid that mission. Freaked me out when I printed the list and it was missing from my log, its a sound guide, the only way to improve it is to list missions in the order they become available. As long as people complete non priority missions first and as soon as they are availble they shouldn't have a problem unless your console has failed you.
By FDCODEOFCONDUCT on 10 Apr 2012 16:12
Easiest way to do this is by playing MP and using 4 salarian engineers. Play whichever map you want to, but select the geth as the enemy as the salarian's energy drain is super effective against them. Then just get into a designated area and work in groups of two. Make sure to always have your decoys placed and then just go to town with energy drain and incinerate causing massive damage with the tech bursts. Just did all 6 of the maps last night using this strategy.
By LegendaryMarvel on 15 Apr 2012 20:06
Does the citadel final count towards a level done on insanity for example 26 out of 27 then you do the citadel final an that make it 27 ?
By AL DOT BIZZLE on 24 Apr 2012 21:43
Attican Traverse: The Rachni is called Attican Traverse: Krogan Team in my questlog. You should edit your solution cuz I almost missed this one. I don't know if it's called Krogan Team just cuz I saved the rachni queen in mass effect 1.
By Angelr1pper on 05 May 2012 21:34
@I Asbo Aaron I - I certainly hope so!!! I'm currently on Earth with 25/27 and have done EVERY mission so fingers crossed there will be no problems! Although knowing I can do the majority of the missions on Narrative then switch back to Insanity to complete the mission is very reassuring.
By MugenKairo on 15 May 2012 05:51
im about to assault the cerburus base im currently on 23/27 i know the mission im misssing is rannoch rescue the admiral its still listed on my journal but i cant go there i could earlier in the game but it still wouldnt let me evne tho i did the other 2 missions on rannoch? im also not too sure if i have an old save to go back any ideas?
By AJayG on 17 May 2012 18:00
I did the Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons quest & all other quests on my fist play tho on Insanity but it some how did not register so I completed the game and on my new game+ I did the quest Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons a gen and finally got the achievement =P

It did this to me for the achievement for just doing the quest too it seems to be a glitchy quest =/
By Cpt Kent James on 01 Aug 2012 13:34
Having problems with this, completed Firebase White and Firebase Dagger on Gold MP and went back to look at accomishments, this achievement us still sitting as having done 0. Sane problem with Tour if Duty, it's stuck at 4/6 on MP, any ideas?
By Yurgi Windu on 09 Nov 2012 00:18
Same as above for me
By SRJB on 15 Nov 2012 01:10
I had 24/27 missions done on my Insanity run as I was going for both in one go. I had 4,986/5,000 kills and all of my counters reset. Even the counters for the achievements I had already obtained.
By kbkM347W4D on 21 Jan 2013 00:34
You should mention that the ardat-yakshi mission is originally titled 'Mesana: Investigate the Asari colony'.

Once you get to the Mesana system and the planet Lesuss the name changes, but someone might skip the mission and head to the Perseus veil/Rannoch missions because they don't realise the Mesana mission is important.
By CovetousCash64 on 18 Feb 2013 13:11

You cannot obtain this achievement by choosing the dlc ending. You have to choose one of the original 3 otherwise you have to replay the end parts.

I chose the dlc ending and it remained 26/27 and no insanity achievement. Had to redo it.
By Yemeth on 29 Aug 2013 19:34
Tuchanka Turian Platoon becomes Tuchanka bomb. Is why it doesnt show up as completed.
By SolaceConquest on 12 May 2020 23:21
I don't see how someone can negative vote this. It helps a lot. Great job.
By Almighty Allah on 13 Mar 2012 09:36
@Chimaera36. You should mention that Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation is missable. If you don't do in within 3 missions of getting the mission the student will be captured and the mission will count as failed.
By Pyro1099 on 13 Mar 2012 15:49
I'm doing my second, perfect paragon playthrough on Insane so I was wondering whether it counted or not. It doesn't matter though, I'll still be doing the mission.

I'm finding all these missions easy though, as long as you stay behind cover and use Liara's stasis bubble you'll have no trouble. I found that giving my second teammate, either Garrus or Ashley a Black Widow which is maxed out for damage and accuracy helped a lot. They would usually do massive damage on harder enemies I had trouble with. I tend to move around behind cover and let them DPS.
By Pyro1099 on 13 Mar 2012 16:29
I tried the mission on a new character and it again glitched, disappearing from the journal. I tried it on narrative difficulty to see if it would work before trying it on insane. Here is a video I recorded showing it in the journal before the mission and then missing once I'm back on the Normandy.
By holy canadian on 19 Mar 2012 01:01
I'm doing this now. I did an Insanity run, now I'm going back and doing the additional side missions that I didn't do on that run. (I didn't want anything in the way of the Insanity run.) Doing a straight Insanity run requires 15 missions... you have to do one Tuchanka and one Rannoch, but you can skip the others. The other 12 are what you need. I'm going back to the menu and checking EVERY mission as I complete it to see if any don't pop up. So far I've done N7: Cerberus Labs, and I'm up to 16.
By Sashamorning on 20 Mar 2012 17:43
^ The Tuchanka Platoon where you have to rescue the Turian Lt mission did not appear as completed in my journal after I finished it so don't freak out if you don't see it completed. (check after every mission under extras in the main menu and keep checking after each mission if you're worried)

Also MAKE SURE you save priority missions for last, mop up the side missions then tackle the priority ones. I'M ON MY THIRD play through because of this {missed the Rannoch Geth Fighter squadrons, I did the priority instead by accident} -_- )

and as far as choosing an ending just WALK STRAIGHT after all that catalyst boring ass dialogue. I could care less about the endings.
By Angels Kill Too on 18 Jan 2016 01:08
I had the Tuchanka: Turian Platoon mission disappeared from my checked-off missions in my journal but was still tracked properly in the Accomplishments part of the main menu. Perhaps this is because it's continued by Tuchanka: Bomb mission.

Also, the Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery mission is originally referred to in the journal as Lesuss: Asari Distress Beacon or something similar to that. It becomes the Kallini mission shortly after arriving.
By Cellar Attic on 01 Aug 2012 00:54
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The achievment is self-explanatory for completing all MP maps on Gold. There are 6 maps, simply survive all 10 waves (and extract) on all of the on Gold difficulty.

In order to get this in SP, you need to complete all unique missions on Insanity (best done when doing your Insanity run). These are the missions where you land on a planet/space station, do something and leave. The random fetch quests for Citadel people do not count.

As per the in-game achievement tracker, there are 27 such missions. As far as I know they are as follows:

All Priority missions (story related and unmissable). 13/27.
- Earth
- Mars
- Palaven (Menae)
- Sur'Kesh
- Tuchanka
- Citadel (Cerberus)
- Geth Dreadnought
- Rannoch
- Thessia
- Sanctuary
- Cerberus Headquarters
- Earth Return
- Citadel Finale

All other planetary missions. For safety, do these BEFORE doing the Priority mission. 17/27.
- Tuchanka: Turian Platoon
- Tuchanka: Bomb
- Rannoch: Rescue Admiral Koris
- Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons

All N7 Missions (6 of them). 23/27.
- N7: Cerberus Lab
- N7: Cerberus Attack
- N7: Cerberus Abductions
- N7: Cerberus Fighter Base
- N7: Fuel Reactors
- N7: Communication Hub

Miscallaneous. 27/27.
- Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation
- Attican Traverse: The Rachni
- Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery
- Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists

Eden Prime (from the From Ashes DLC) is not required for this achievement.

Note that both Grissom Academy and Tuchanka: Bomb are missable if you do not do them within three missions of receiving them. Do them ASAP. Thanks to Pyro1099 and Kennyannydenny in the comments for the intel on these.

In addition, you can obtain these across saves (you could, for example, miss Grissom Academy, reload a previous save and do the mission for the achievement progression to register). Thanks to Tony Starc in the comments for the confirmation of this fact.

As far as I am aware, these are the missions that must be completed on Insanity. You can keep track via the Achievements tracker on the Main Menu (there will a bar with #/27 completed).

If I missed anything, left anything out please let me know in the comments. Good Luck!

10 Mar 2012 18:20

What about the other quests where you meet your previous teammates from ME2 i.e. Citadel: Hanar Diplomat?
By Pyro1099 on 13 Mar 2012 15:52
one does not simply finish all mp maps on gold
By gammatron9000 on 18 Mar 2012 22:02

You cannot obtain this achievement by choosing the dlc ending. You have to choose one of the original 3 otherwise you have to replay the end parts.

I chose the dlc ending and it remained 26/27 and no insanity achievement. Had to redo it.
By Yemeth on 29 Aug 2013 19:34
@shanecasper I have the same problem. I was looking through my journal and found out that Tuchanka: Turian Platoon was missing from the journal even though I knew I did it. I attempted to do the mission again on newgame+ but that didn't unlock it and the mission was erased from my journal again. I'm trying to finish the mission on a completely new character. I'll let you know if it fixes it.
By holy canadian on 18 Mar 2012 21:34
@Sideburns: I have no experience with MP on Gold, but with randoms it is easy to fail even Bronze challenges on waves 9-10 so I am not surprised that Dank Ki11a has said they are very hard. I would expect them to be very hard as well. Since you have to go through the game on Insanity anyway, and the extra missions are not any harder than what you have to do on Insanity core missions, I did the same as you and just did it all in SP.
By Chimaera36 on 11 Mar 2012 17:14
prority missions and names are wrong but still, great job
By Gamer In Denial on 12 Mar 2012 02:55
I don't see how someone can negative vote this. It helps a lot. Great job.
By Almighty Allah on 13 Mar 2012 09:36
@Chimaera36. You should mention that Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation is missable. If you don't do in within 3 missions of getting the mission the student will be captured and the mission will count as failed.
By Pyro1099 on 13 Mar 2012 15:49
@Pyro1099 - That mission is not required - only missions involving combat actually matter. On my insanity run, I did _only_ the missions above to get Unwavering. I did nothing on the Citadel at all.
By Chimaera36 on 13 Mar 2012 15:58
I'm doing my second, perfect paragon playthrough on Insane so I was wondering whether it counted or not. It doesn't matter though, I'll still be doing the mission.

I'm finding all these missions easy though, as long as you stay behind cover and use Liara's stasis bubble you'll have no trouble. I found that giving my second teammate, either Garrus or Ashley a Black Widow which is maxed out for damage and accuracy helped a lot. They would usually do massive damage on harder enemies I had trouble with. I tend to move around behind cover and let them DPS.
By Pyro1099 on 13 Mar 2012 16:29
ive found if you missed a mission (such as grissom / tuchanka ones), you can load a previous save, beat it, and it'll count on the achievement tracker.
By Tony Starc on 13 Mar 2012 20:12
@Tony Starc: Thanks for confirming that. I believe I did the same thing, but forgot to put it in the solution. Added!
By Chimaera36 on 13 Mar 2012 21:08
Dang, i totally missed one quest and I can't figure out what it was. since i got the insanity achievement and i know i completed all the cerberus ones it must be one of the side missions. at least i can narrow it down to the rachni/grissom (both of which i reloaded previous saves to do but i think something may have gone wrong) - but i can still confirm that thing i said before bc it worked for a cerberus mission for me
By Tony Starc on 14 Mar 2012 17:49
- Tuchanka: Bomb is missable... i had the mission (as i was close to tuchanka) but i prefered to go and do sometihng else and after the mission i did i got a message from wrex that tuchanka was destroyed from some sort of bomb.
glad i had a save and just had to replay 1,5h. xD
By Phoenix C64 on 14 Mar 2012 20:45
Dang, i totally missed one quest and I can't figure out what it was. since i got the insanity achievement and i know i completed all the cerberus ones it must be one of the side missions. at least i can narrow it down to the rachni/grissom (both of which i reloaded previous saves to do but i think something may have gone wrong) - but i can still confirm that thing i said before bc it worked for a cerberus mission for me
By Tony Starc on 14 Mar 2012 22:11
figured out what i was missing. it was tuchanka: bomb. it's missable as well, but if you've activated it it will actually be greyed out in the mission log as if it were completed even if you haven't. i think all the missable ones do that if you activated them but don't do them in time, so be aware of that. check the ME wiki for a list of missable quests, there's more than just the one you listed
By Tony Starc on 14 Mar 2012 22:39
I was having trouble on 'Geth Dreadnought' in insanity so changed the difficulty. Changed it back to insanity before the end and it counted for one of the 27.

(I know this will not work if your going for the insanity achievement)
By Toxof on 14 Mar 2012 22:43
I just beat the game on insanity after completing every mission and did not receive the achievement. I can recall doing all the missions listed. Any idea what could have happened?
By holy canadian on 15 Mar 2012 06:46
@holy - What foes the achievement tracker in the extras list say about X/27 missions?
By Chimaera36 on 15 Mar 2012 14:49
26/27. I'll try loading an earlier save and attempt the N7 missions again. It sucks how it won't tell you specifically which ones still need to be done.
By holy canadian on 15 Mar 2012 18:46
DLC does not count towards the achievement by the way. I've done them along with the other missions and I've currently got 4 left to do until the achievements pops at 27 (Sanctuary, Cerberus Base, Earth and Citadel Final).
By Pyro1099 on 15 Mar 2012 21:33
Still no luck. I beat the N7 missions again and nothing. Anyone else have this achievement glitch?
By holy canadian on 15 Mar 2012 23:09
I found a post on the official Bioware forums were people have run into their achievement progress being reset and glitched. I think this is the problem I am having. Here is the link for anyone who is interested:

Hopefully they will release a patch to fix the problem!
By holy canadian on 16 Mar 2012 01:10
As far as someone else pointed out with the Priority names being... off, this is solid. Copied and pasted to a Notepad so I can check them off as I go. Thanks a bunch!
By Skurkitty on 17 Mar 2012 07:39
Mines on 26/27 and I've definitely done all the missions... Theyre all ticked off in the Journal and I got the Insanity achievement so I didn't change the difficulty at any point.. I hate it when this happens...
By CASP3R on 18 Mar 2012 20:43
I tried the mission on a new character and it again glitched, disappearing from the journal. I tried it on narrative difficulty to see if it would work before trying it on insane. Here is a video I recorded showing it in the journal before the mission and then missing once I'm back on the Normandy.
By holy canadian on 19 Mar 2012 01:01
The mission Tuchanka: Bomb is also missable. If you complete three missions before completing this mission, it will no longer be available and considered failed.
By Kennyannydenny on 19 Mar 2012 13:56
The best way to check yourself if you're doing them in one playthrough is to have 24/27 completed before making the final assault on Cerberus HQ. Cerberus, Earth and the Citadel are the final missions.
By Scheme in Rhyme on 20 Mar 2012 09:35
i just checked after every mission that my tracker went up by one so if it dint i know sumthing went wrong for that mission but i dint have any issues and all counted and got achievment. Though other achievment trackers did sumthing similar i had to do the multiplayer version of do all 6 n7 missions as the tracker for this got stuck at 3 and still is now after my 2nd playthrough.
By DemonDuffeh on 20 Mar 2012 12:57
I'm doing this now. I did an Insanity run, now I'm going back and doing the additional side missions that I didn't do on that run. (I didn't want anything in the way of the Insanity run.) Doing a straight Insanity run requires 15 missions... you have to do one Tuchanka and one Rannoch, but you can skip the others. The other 12 are what you need. I'm going back to the menu and checking EVERY mission as I complete it to see if any don't pop up. So far I've done N7: Cerberus Labs, and I'm up to 16.
By Sashamorning on 20 Mar 2012 17:43
I just finished my Insanity run and got this achievement with no problems whatsoever. I did ALL of the side missions, just like my first run. Maybe that's why I didn't have problems- one of the side missions might have counted towards the 27 when a normal mission didn't, I don't know. Just thought I'd offer my two cents.

I played as a level 60 Engineer with EDI's power bonus, I died just about as many times on Insanity as on Normal which is kind of odd but I think the extra protection helped a lot.
By TheOtherBarber on 20 Mar 2012 20:43
You can play each mission on narrative and change it to insanity just before final cutscene. Far more easier and faster way than on mp.
By SaberFusion1 on 21 Mar 2012 16:14
Can you still get this achievement if only one person survives on gold?
By Ozzy InFeRno on 22 Mar 2012 10:39
Ozzy InFeRno: Yes
By Exia Of War on 24 Mar 2012 14:50
Thanks to the OP for writing up the list came in very handy to keep track not to skip/loose any missions.
Thanks heaps.
By chriswhv6 on 26 Mar 2012 02:45
I missed one map on my insane run so i decided to try a speed run on casual and got to the mission I needed to get the achievement. I switched the difficulty before I started the mission and finished the mission on insane and I got the achievement. So if you are missing a map just finish the game on insane get the Insanity achievement, then run a game in casual until you get the mission you need, switch the difficulty to insane again and finish the map you need on insane.
By A 360KID on 31 Mar 2012 14:48
Rannoch: Rescue Admiral Koris: Where i got this mission from?
By TAI JASON on 31 Mar 2012 18:20
Simply survive? i can not go along with the simply ^^
By KGK Lunchbox on 02 Apr 2012 07:36
Tuchanka: Crashed Turian Ship

Does not appear on my list
Does not appear on the ME3 Wiki
By Big Dibs theDog on 06 Apr 2012 08:11
Priority : Palaven


Priority: Eden Prime

appear on my list but not the guide list.
By Big Dibs theDog on 06 Apr 2012 08:14
@holy Canadian I only have 10 completed missions in my journal but It says 11/29 in my accomplishments. I completed Tuchanka: Turian Platoon and that is not listed in my journal. So maybe I avoided the glitch you are having
By NateEasy on 09 Apr 2012 04:14
I can confirm "Tuchanka: Turian Platoon" disappeared from my list but was counted, I don't think you can avoid that mission. Freaked me out when I printed the list and it was missing from my log, its a sound guide, the only way to improve it is to list missions in the order they become available. As long as people complete non priority missions first and as soon as they are availble they shouldn't have a problem unless your console has failed you.
By FDCODEOFCONDUCT on 10 Apr 2012 16:12
Easiest way to do this is by playing MP and using 4 salarian engineers. Play whichever map you want to, but select the geth as the enemy as the salarian's energy drain is super effective against them. Then just get into a designated area and work in groups of two. Make sure to always have your decoys placed and then just go to town with energy drain and incinerate causing massive damage with the tech bursts. Just did all 6 of the maps last night using this strategy.
By LegendaryMarvel on 15 Apr 2012 20:06
Does the citadel final count towards a level done on insanity for example 26 out of 27 then you do the citadel final an that make it 27 ?
By AL DOT BIZZLE on 24 Apr 2012 21:43
Attican Traverse: The Rachni is called Attican Traverse: Krogan Team in my questlog. You should edit your solution cuz I almost missed this one. I don't know if it's called Krogan Team just cuz I saved the rachni queen in mass effect 1.
By Angelr1pper on 05 May 2012 21:34
@I Asbo Aaron I - I certainly hope so!!! I'm currently on Earth with 25/27 and have done EVERY mission so fingers crossed there will be no problems! Although knowing I can do the majority of the missions on Narrative then switch back to Insanity to complete the mission is very reassuring.
By MugenKairo on 15 May 2012 05:51
im about to assault the cerburus base im currently on 23/27 i know the mission im misssing is rannoch rescue the admiral its still listed on my journal but i cant go there i could earlier in the game but it still wouldnt let me evne tho i did the other 2 missions on rannoch? im also not too sure if i have an old save to go back any ideas?
By AJayG on 17 May 2012 18:00
I had the Tuchanka: Turian Platoon mission disappeared from my checked-off missions in my journal but was still tracked properly in the Accomplishments part of the main menu. Perhaps this is because it's continued by Tuchanka: Bomb mission.

Also, the Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery mission is originally referred to in the journal as Lesuss: Asari Distress Beacon or something similar to that. It becomes the Kallini mission shortly after arriving.
By Cellar Attic on 01 Aug 2012 00:54
I did the Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons quest & all other quests on my fist play tho on Insanity but it some how did not register so I completed the game and on my new game+ I did the quest Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons a gen and finally got the achievement =P

It did this to me for the achievement for just doing the quest too it seems to be a glitchy quest =/
By Cpt Kent James on 01 Aug 2012 13:34
Having problems with this, completed Firebase White and Firebase Dagger on Gold MP and went back to look at accomishments, this achievement us still sitting as having done 0. Sane problem with Tour if Duty, it's stuck at 4/6 on MP, any ideas?
By Yurgi Windu on 09 Nov 2012 00:18
Same as above for me
By SRJB on 15 Nov 2012 01:10
I had 24/27 missions done on my Insanity run as I was going for both in one go. I had 4,986/5,000 kills and all of my counters reset. Even the counters for the achievements I had already obtained.
By kbkM347W4D on 21 Jan 2013 00:34
You should mention that the ardat-yakshi mission is originally titled 'Mesana: Investigate the Asari colony'.

Once you get to the Mesana system and the planet Lesuss the name changes, but someone might skip the mission and head to the Perseus veil/Rannoch missions because they don't realise the Mesana mission is important.
By CovetousCash64 on 18 Feb 2013 13:11
^ The Tuchanka Platoon where you have to rescue the Turian Lt mission did not appear as completed in my journal after I finished it so don't freak out if you don't see it completed. (check after every mission under extras in the main menu and keep checking after each mission if you're worried)

Also MAKE SURE you save priority missions for last, mop up the side missions then tackle the priority ones. I'M ON MY THIRD play through because of this {missed the Rannoch Geth Fighter squadrons, I did the priority instead by accident} -_- )

and as far as choosing an ending just WALK STRAIGHT after all that catalyst boring ass dialogue. I could care less about the endings.
By Angels Kill Too on 18 Jan 2016 01:08
Tuchanka Turian Platoon becomes Tuchanka bomb. Is why it doesnt show up as completed.
By SolaceConquest on 12 May 2020 23:21
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Unwavering Achievement Guide – Multiplayer

3/26/2012 Version 0.4: Added Firebase White map. Added Descriptions of other Maps

Table of Contents
A1 - Foreword
A2 - Enemy Selection
A3 - Team Composition
A4 - Gold Tips
B1 - Versus Geth
B2 - Versus Cerberus
B3 - Versus Reapers
B4 - Objectives Strategy
C1 - Firebase Giant
C2 - Firebase White
C3 - Firebase Reactor
C4 - Firebase Dagger
C5 - Firebase Glacier
C6 - Firebase Ghost

A1 Foreword:

Single player or multiplayer? There is no 'better' way to obtain Unwavering, obviously if you're more keen with competitive play, then the multiplayer way might be better for you. If you are more attuned to playing single player, and are a tactful commander, than it might be easy to just play everything on Insanity. The choice will be obvious the moment you start your first multiplayer match.

Why Multiplayer? If you have a good team on multiplayer, you can bust through this on average, 30 minutes per map, for a total of 3 hours for this Achievement. Albeit you are unlikely to get Unwavering in 3 hours when just starting multiplayer. Yet through the course of levelling up your MP characters to be able to beat Gold, you should be able to hit these Achievements as well.

Mass Effect 3GunsmithThe Gunsmith achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 44 pointsUpgrade any weapon to level 10.

Mass Effect 3DefenderThe Defender achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 41 pointsAttain the highest level of readiness in each theater of war.

Mass Effect 3Peak ConditionThe Peak Condition achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 38 pointsReach level 20 in multiplayer or level 60 in single-player.

Mass Effect 3Battle ScarredThe Battle Scarred achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 38 pointsPromote a multiplayer character to the Galaxy at War or import an ME3 character.

Mass Effect 3VeteranThe Veteran achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 50 pointsKill 5,000 enemies.

Why Gold? Obvious reason being it’s the achievement requirement, but it’s more to it than that. Simply attempting the maps on Gold regardless if you feel like your team is good or not, is still worth it. The amount of credits you get in Gold is somewhat ludicrous. Wave 3 objectives give off 10-12k credits, which is already 2/3rd of what you get on beating all of the objectives on Bronze. Wave 6 gives off 15-20k, while Wave 10 gives off 40-45k, for a grand total of 75k+, which is more than enough for the elusive Spectre Pack which gives a bountiful amount of goodness.

A2 Enemy Selection:

Enemies selection is somewhat important, depending on your team composition. Regardless, what it boils down to is tactics and teamwork.

Why Geth? Among the three different army options, Geth are somewhat lax. They do not have any units that auto-kill you (Cerberus’ Phantom/Atlas, Reapers’ Banshee/Brute), and with the right class (Quarian Infiltrator), they are quite easy to tackle. Their boss unit, the Prime, is much easier to handle than the Atlas or the Banshee. However without a Quarian Infiltrator, they are struggle. Even with the current metagame and the Sabotage buff, Geth are still beatable with a QI aslong as you have the right strategy. My main grief with the Geth are the Geth Hunters, which can be a pain in enclosed maps with their cloak and shotguns.

Why Cerberus? One species and it's power can turn Cerberus from a pain into a cakewalk. The Asari's stasis bubble can freeze every unit that Cerberus has, except the Atlas and Turrets. One of the biggest pains for many teams are the Phantoms, but a quick stasis can put them in their place.

Why not the Reapers? Not a single playable species and their trio of powers have any advantage over the reapers. Sabotage is useless. Stasis doesn't affect Banshees, Brutes or Ravagers, making it useless. Banshee's charge towards you in biotic fashion, Brutes charge at you at high speeds, and Ravagers' 2-3 shot combo can kill you if you aren't mobile enough. It's not worth the medi-gel.

A3 Team Composition/Strategy:


Generally you want a team composed of characters ranging from Level 15-20, but for those interested in trying to build up your characters to be able to beat Gold, I give the following look.

Asari Vanguard
Role: Support
Against: (Cerberus: Good) (Geth: Okay) (Reapers: Mediocre)
Ideal Recharge Speed: +100%-200%
Weapon : Shotguns or Pistols
Powers Tree:
Biotic Charge (6) -> Radius -> Power Synergy -> Barrier
Stasis (6) -> Duration -> Recharge Speed -> Stasis Bubble
Lift Grenade (3)
Asari Justicar (6) -> Damage & Capacity -> Power Damage -> Pistols
Fitness (5) -> Durability -> Shield Recharge
Notes: Unfortunately Gold brings the worst out of the other Vanguard species. other than the Asari. Biotic Charge becomes a useless power at this difficulty. One does not certainly want to be using Biotic Charge into a group of enemies, even the weakest of grunts. (Yes, I've seen cases where some Human Vanguards are capable of soloing portions of waves on Gold difficulty, but this is a team game). Thus Biotic Charge is used more of a defensive power in this build, as upgrading it to Rank 6 and choosing Barrier allows you to escape the trickiest of situations. If your barriers are gone, simply use BC to regain them, and then run away to find a more tactical position. Stasis is a self-explanatory power and the bread and butter of the Asari. One needs to be utilizing Stasis at every second possible. Thus you should carrying only one weapon to reduce your recharge speed. Shotguns for small maps, and pistols for the bigger maps. Not a fan of Grenades as they tend to do much to nothing. However, having a few are good in case of anything.

Asari Adept

Human Infiltrator
Role: Carry/Heavy
Against: (Cerberus: Good) (Geth: Good) (Reapers: Good)
Ideal Recharge Speed: 0%
Weapon: Sniper Rifle (Preferably Widow/Black Widow)
Powers Tree:
Tactical Cloak (6) -> Damage -> Recharged Speed -> Sniper Damage
Cryo Blast (6) -> Duration -> Cryo Explosion -> Frozen Vulnerability
Sticky Grenade (0)
Alliance Training (6) -> Weapon Damage -> Headshots -> Weapon Damage
Fitness (6) -> Durability -> Shield Recharge -> Fitness Expert
Notes; The Human Infiltrator's job is to keep dealing damage. Equipped with the Black Widow, Widow, or another sniper rifle with atleast Level X, and then modded with the Extended Barrel, you should be able to one-shot kill any unit with 100% health. Ideally you want to be cloaking, and then firing your shots to deal huge damage, courtesy from your Sniper Damage, and Headshots bonuses. When it comes to units such as the Atlas, Prime, Brute or Banshees, the Cloak->Fire strategy can rip through chunks of their health and shields/barrier. Know where your ammo crates are and when the situation calls for it, cloak to revive downed teammates.

Quarian Infiltrator


Weapons can be diverse, but as long as your supports have the lowest cooldowns as possible for their powers, and aslong as you have one teammate with a heavy weapon (Widow, Claymore, Black Widow, etc), then you should be fine. Weapons with high fire rates, accompanied with ammo bonuses, are excellent to take down shields and barriers. Overload, Energy Drain and Warp can do the same as well.

Your team should be sticking together no matter what. Every time I played on Gold, my team, not led by myself but by other individuals, would just end up in the general area. We’d beat the map cleanly. My illustrated, yet poorly artistic maps for each individual area will help give a sense of where your team should be. Going solo/lone wolf is generally a bad idea unless you know your Infiltrators are ready to jump in and save your butt.

Gold difficulty isn’t something to be taken lightly. Your team should be willing to put in Equipment (Ammo/Weapon/Armor Bonuses), and your team should have the maximum supplies possible (Missile Launchers, Clip Packs, Medi-Gel, Survival Pack) for optimal results.

A4 Gold Tips:
Melee is useless
Unlike Bronze and Silver where you can troll around spamming charged melee attacks all day err day, it does absolutely nothing on Gold. It's alot like other FPSs, if you're going in for the melee kill, then it gives your opponent time to shoot you down doing so. Only use it as a finisher when your enemies health is low.

One weapon to rule them all
Stick to a single weapon, it reduces your cooldown time by only having one. Know where your ammo crates are and refill it when need be.

Grabs are win
Grabs can take down every unit in the Geth army except for the Primes, and any unit in the Cerberus army except Guardians, Turrets, Banshees and Atlasus. Thus, it's an effective way to easily to one-off enemies that have shields/armor.

B1 Versus Geth:

Strategy: Geth Hunters and Pyros are the biggest problem you'll likely face. Try to keep as much distance as possible and finish them off when you can.


With no shields or armor, Geth Troopers are the easiest things to take down. However much like anything on Gold, don't underestimate them!

Rocket Trooper
Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
If you're trying to sabotage geth, this unit is the number one priority. It can take out it's brethren at long range, and that means it's not focusing on long range either.

Health=Armor, enforced with Shields
Useless at long range, punishing up close. Make sure you take this sucker out when you can. Only sabotage Pyros when they are near other Geth as they will burn them down. Otherwise, take them out with conventional means.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
These guys are a huge pain. Either it's a bug or my sabotage is useless, but it doesn't affect them when they are cloaked? Make sure you know where they are on the map, or else by the time you do know where they are, it's on top of your corpse that needs to be revived.

Health=Armor, enforced with Shields
Stay in cover. The Primes can 3-shot you and it's not very pretty. They release Turrets and Drones that fire on you and regen their shields, respectively. Either way, there are many ways to take out Primes, either by sabotaging surrounding Geth to fire on it (Rocket Troopers/Pyros most importantly), by sabotaging the Prime and then firing on it, or letting your sniper fire headshots at it as it's a slow moving unit.

B2 Versus Cerberus:

Strategy: Cerberus is an army you can generally finish off by staying in cover. They love to talk so that should give you a heads up of whether or not they are flanking/around you. Make sure you have your sights on whatever your Asari is using stasis on, and if you are the blue femme, then spam that power all day long.


Assault Trooper
The Cerberus bread and butter. And their defenses are like butter. Headshot dead, move along.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
Throwing Grenades like this is Call of Duty, the Centurions will love to annoy you with their smoke and rapid firing rifle. Just make sure your team at least has Overload, Energy Drain, Stasis or a strong sniper to rip those shields apart and then you're set against them.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
These girls love to take down your shields in one shot but their killing blow ability is laughable. Despite that their agility is remarkable and they'll dodge your sniper rifle bullets like they're Usain Bolt. Thus I advise to leave them to last.

This unit is a joke. Sniper rifle headshot, dead. Stasis, dead. Pull, dead.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
Much like Guardians, make sure you take down their shields, and then punish them. Engineers, while they do dispense turrets, shouldn't be the priority to take out as they are somewhat harmless.

Health=Armor, enforced with Shields
Nothing much to be said other than to stay in cover, and let your heavies take them out.

Health=Regular, enforced with Barriers
The biggest pain in the Cerberus army, these units have cloak, some tiny gun that packs a punch and the ability to one-off you with their swords. Make sure your Asari uses stasis on them immediately and let your heavies pick them off accordingly.

Health=Armor, enforced with Shields
Fire on their canopy to deal loads of damage. Other than that, stand your ground when you're against them, and if there are multiples, it's time to bring out your Cobra ML.

B3 Versus Reapers:

Strategy: What are you doing? I told you to play against the other armies instead!


Easily killable by just about anything, make sure you take out Husks before they end up in your face, leaving you a sitting duck for other more dangerous Reaper units

Annoying grunt unit with rapid fire weapon and grenade spam. Put these Batarian mutants out of their misery with a well placed shot between their four eyes.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
With the ability to revive dead units, make sure you take out Marauders out when you can. Similar strategy as Centurions, Energy Drain/Overlord/Stasis does wonders against them.

With their 3-shot kill combo, make sure you stay in cover against these suckers. The giant circle/mouth is their weakspot, so make sure your sniper fires on that. They leave a puddle of poison, so don't run through that either. It's best to take down Ravagers before they pin you in position, allowing Banshees or Brutes to move in for the kill.

These come out of the Ravager looking for food. Support cast should take them out, ideally with Stasis or their small arm weapons.

Ideally your sniper should be able to take down the Brute in a handful of shots. Just stay behind cover and make sure you aren't in their charging lane or else you'll be down to one bar health.

Health=Armor, enforced with Barriers
Run away. Adepts can tear their barriers apart, leaving the Banshee easily killable from any of your heavies. Problem is on Gold is that once Banshees start showing up they don't stop showing up. So make sure the team is on the move at all times.

B4 Objectives Strategy:

Your team will be faced with three objectives over the 10 waves, spaced out at Wave 3, 6 and 10.

I: Hacking (4 Locations) – This is the easiest and fastest objective to complete, and hopefully the most numerous one you have in your maps. Whether or not you move as a team or as individuals does not really matter with this objective, but if you are moving as a team, make sure it’s the heavies who are not uploading. If you are against Geth, it's best for your Quarians to be sabotaging rather than hacking. If you are moving as individuals, then it’s a best bet to allow your infiltrators to cloak, and then upload the data.

II: Hacking (1 Location) – This requires your team to be within a certain area for an allotted amount of time. The more people you have in the area, the quicker the upload will be. The areas will generally not be the area you are already in, so your whole team will have to move. You can generally finish this in thirty seconds/a minute, however you will be swarmed by enemies like crazy. If you are against Geth, it's best for your Quarians to be keen to Sabotage. If you are against Cerberus, make sure you stay away from potential death dealers (Atlas/Banshee). If you are against the Reapers, good luck. If the situation calls for it, you may have to use Cobra Missile Launchers to get out of their alive. Once the upload is done, move back to the suggested location.

III: Priority Targets (x4) – This is generally a big pain on Gold difficulty. While some maps tend to make the priority targets simply weaker grunts, but sometimes it’s all Primes/Atlas/Banshees, and those don’t exactly go down very fast. The best option is to move as a team and take down the targets together. However after killing one target, you are then rushed or blocked by other enemies from your next target -> then the best solution is for Infiltrator to cloak. They can then move out and take out the target with whatever means necessary (Missile Launcher, etc) .

IV: Wave 11/Extraction – It’s not the best idea to always rush to the landing zone once your timer starts. It’s actually best to be spread out as much as possible on the map so that enemy spawns are erratic. Only once the timer hits 30 seconds remaining, should the entire team be rushing to the landing zone. This wave is the time you should be dishing out as many Missile Launchers as you see fit. You will still complete the map regardless if you have a Partial or Complete extraction, however if your team fails on Wave 11, you won’t get credit for the map for Unwavering.

Individual Map Strategies:

C1 Firebase Giant (Tuchanka)

Notes: This is by far the easiest map to complete on Gold, and probably the one you want to test out first to see if your team can pull the achievement off. Due to it's large area and large rooms, you'll have alot of space to work with. Obviously with that said, the best option in weaponry is Sniper Rifles. From the map below, you can see that the upstairs room gives the best vision for your team, and the best survivability chance.

External image

Strategy: Players 1, 2 and 3 should be equipped with long range weaponry, and at least one of them should be a suport so that the main force straight ahead of you can get sabotaged/stasised. Player 4’s role in this is to be the lookout, to make sure that your team is not flanked at all. Generally, Player 4 should be camping the top ladder. My biggest grief with this strategy is that your lookout/support really has to make sure no enemies are coming to flank your team. Regardless, the amount of time it takes from where the enemies spawn to where your team is located should give you enough time to blast them to bits.

C2 Firebase White (Noveria)

Notes: While its size may seem quite small, the downstairs room gives you the best option to complete this. You have a lot of different exit strategies in the room, and enough ammo crates to complement your fire power. However being small in its entirety, you should make sure your team is ready to move in case the situation gets hairy. Your support should be on a sabotage/stasis first, shoot later mentality. You might be thinking "Oh, well in Bronze and Silver my team likes to stay at the top and we did just fine". Well, if you actually manage to execute that in Gold, I commend you. There's no cover in the top area and it's so easy to get flanked. I highly recommend staying at the bottom area as it blankets the enemy.

External image

Strategy: Two players (#1,2) should keep a lookout for possible enemies from upstairs, while two players (#3,4) should be on the lookout for enemies outside. Players 1 and 2 should be in cover, and 3 if needed, and ready to grab enemies like crazy. Player 4 should have some sort of long ranged weapon, and lessen the load of enemies that are entering the room.

C3 Firebase Reactor (Cyone)

Notes: When I first started ME3 multiplayer, I thought that Reactor would be the toughest to go through on Gold simply because of its chunkiness and the fact that it’s also one of the smaller maps. After completing it, I think my consensus was correct, however it’s really not that bad. If you stay in the suggested area on the map below, the choke points in which the Geth go through just make your life much easier.

Strategy: Similar to Giant, have three players looking straight down the corridor, while one player is on the lookout for possible flankers.

C4 Firebase Dagger (Ontarom)

Notes: Dagger's long hallway provides good vision across the entire map and an easy time if your team is decked out with long range weaponry. The key is to watch your flanks and have good communication.


C5 Firebase Glacier (Sanctum)

Notes: Glacier is a hellhole, a map that asks your team to utilize grabs and to constantly be on the move. While it's generally a good idea to stay at the top of the map in the beginning of each wave, be ready to move in groups of two to sweep/survive.


C6 Firebase Ghost (Benning)

Notes: Ghost is a large map, but rather messy. Due to the fact that it's so wide open, your team will be transitioning from cover to cover depending on where the enemies spawn, which can be erratic at times.

Strategy: Ghost's landing zone is a complete flustercuck on Gold. Just move around the map and only come back to it when the timer is < :30.

13 Mar 2012 09:46

I'll have to rework some of it, but a QI is still somewhat ideal against Geth. However the more I've been playing Gold, the more of a pain the Geth Hunters are.

I think I'll create an alternate strategy involving fighting against Cerberus, as the Asari Stasis Bubble freezes all of their units except the Atlas.
By Exia Of War on 22 Mar 2012 01:32
For the Asari Vanguard you don't want any Grenades you want to get everything else up but Grenades!Same goes for Asari Adept any Asari is good on gold with a great Sniper Rifle. Statsis BUBBLE! :D
By A Batwoman on 24 Mar 2012 09:27
Firebase Dagger is probably the best on Gold with Cerberus long as you have at least 2-3 Asari Sniper Rifles or Carnifax guns. Asari adept can knock off alot health with Atlas with there warp all the way up. Even Sniper Rifles will do as long as everyone works together at it should be no problem and Asari can Stasis Phantoms as well as anything else plus it's great with Biotic explosions. If everyone stays in the long hallway you should be fine for objective just save Rockets til then.
By A Batwoman on 24 Mar 2012 09:32
This is a fantastic guide, thanks for the work you've put into this Hemskinator.
By Full Metal Tony on 24 Mar 2012 12:30
Thanks MissJaded, I'll take that into consideration when I'm writing up my notes on FB Dagger.

Thanks FMT, I appreciate that!
By Exia Of War on 24 Mar 2012 14:42
My only recommendation is with the Asari Vanguard class, change the level 6 "justicar" upgrade, and instead purchase the level 6 durability upgrade in fitness. 25% bonus to shields beats a pistol upgrade IMO.
By on 27 Mar 2012 00:06
Thanks B unit!

Lmao, some scrub actually went and neg voted all Unwavering guides, nice.
By Exia Of War on 29 Mar 2012 18:57
Something small to consider, since the multiplayer update on ME3 the Geth have received a massive damage boost and are now considered probably the hardest race to beat on Gold. (matter of opinion of course, some people still say the Reapers are). I'd recommend Cerberus for Gold runs. Just watch out for turrets and phantoms and communicate with your team to succeed.
By Jiterbug on 30 Mar 2012 10:52
PS, Sabotage was nerfed in the update as well, so that advantage is gone now. Just a heads up.
By Jiterbug on 30 Mar 2012 10:54
Sabotage was nerfed but it is still viable in the game, you just have to make sure you know who you're using sabotage on.
By Exia Of War on 30 Mar 2012 17:24
Good guide, very in depth. Been trying this with a few friends and meeting with sparatic success. Few quick things if I may, in section A3 Team composition and strategy, there isn't anything under Quarian Infiltrator.
I would consider putting something in to the effectiveness of the human engineer to be honest. Something like a high power AR w/ piercing for geth & the Geth Plasma Shotgun for cerebus (until they crack down on it and kill it's power,) would work for you weapon and having overload is universally helpful against all enemies since every class has a shielded or barrier enemy. Also I've noticed overload gets techbursts much more frequently with biotics than other moves. The incinterate ability is nice against the "boss" units, as it does lasting damage. One last thing I would mention is the piercing mod. Man, that makes those pain in the ass pyros and the Primes a helluva lot easier, especially if you have an accurate AR leveled up like the vindicator or avenger.
By Aura of Heroism on 15 Apr 2012 17:14
Quite extensive thanks for the guide and the drawings, I will consider this if I choose to dive into MP (which is a lousy game add on if you ask me). Cheers! As an aside, I can't take anyone serious who thinks Hemsky is a good hockey player haha, glad you're stuck with him. I kid, well actually I don't...
By ToastiestCape0 on 13 Mar 2012 15:17
Lmao, I was sort of thrilled of the possibility of changing my Gamertag if he got traded. But yeah, thanks for your support, hopefully I'll have this guide complete by weeks end.
By Exia Of War on 14 Mar 2012 00:20
Thank you for this guide. Seriously appreciate your write up,
By THEpaynexkiller on 08 Feb 2021 23:04
Great guide! I'm about to finish this in campaign but you really have covered everything and reading this makes me want to try do all the gold missions too.

Already have the level 20 Engineer too ;)
By Hybridchld on 21 Mar 2012 01:11
Is strategy still working after Bioware nerfed the Quarian Infiltrator down? You can only hack one Geth at a time nowadays.
By Parallax Demon on 21 Mar 2012 21:20
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Unwavering Achievement Guide – Multiplayer

3/26/2012 Version 0.4: Added Firebase White map. Added Descriptions of other Maps

Table of Contents
A1 - Foreword
A2 - Enemy Selection
A3 - Team Composition
A4 - Gold Tips
B1 - Versus Geth
B2 - Versus Cerberus
B3 - Versus Reapers
B4 - Objectives Strategy
C1 - Firebase Giant
C2 - Firebase White
C3 - Firebase Reactor
C4 - Firebase Dagger
C5 - Firebase Glacier
C6 - Firebase Ghost

A1 Foreword:

Single player or multiplayer? There is no 'better' way to obtain Unwavering, obviously if you're more keen with competitive play, then the multiplayer way might be better for you. If you are more attuned to playing single player, and are a tactful commander, than it might be easy to just play everything on Insanity. The choice will be obvious the moment you start your first multiplayer match.

Why Multiplayer? If you have a good team on multiplayer, you can bust through this on average, 30 minutes per map, for a total of 3 hours for this Achievement. Albeit you are unlikely to get Unwavering in 3 hours when just starting multiplayer. Yet through the course of levelling up your MP characters to be able to beat Gold, you should be able to hit these Achievements as well.

Mass Effect 3GunsmithThe Gunsmith achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 44 pointsUpgrade any weapon to level 10.

Mass Effect 3DefenderThe Defender achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 41 pointsAttain the highest level of readiness in each theater of war.

Mass Effect 3Peak ConditionThe Peak Condition achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 38 pointsReach level 20 in multiplayer or level 60 in single-player.

Mass Effect 3Battle ScarredThe Battle Scarred achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 38 pointsPromote a multiplayer character to the Galaxy at War or import an ME3 character.

Mass Effect 3VeteranThe Veteran achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 50 pointsKill 5,000 enemies.

Why Gold? Obvious reason being it’s the achievement requirement, but it’s more to it than that. Simply attempting the maps on Gold regardless if you feel like your team is good or not, is still worth it. The amount of credits you get in Gold is somewhat ludicrous. Wave 3 objectives give off 10-12k credits, which is already 2/3rd of what you get on beating all of the objectives on Bronze. Wave 6 gives off 15-20k, while Wave 10 gives off 40-45k, for a grand total of 75k+, which is more than enough for the elusive Spectre Pack which gives a bountiful amount of goodness.

A2 Enemy Selection:

Enemies selection is somewhat important, depending on your team composition. Regardless, what it boils down to is tactics and teamwork.

Why Geth? Among the three different army options, Geth are somewhat lax. They do not have any units that auto-kill you (Cerberus’ Phantom/Atlas, Reapers’ Banshee/Brute), and with the right class (Quarian Infiltrator), they are quite easy to tackle. Their boss unit, the Prime, is much easier to handle than the Atlas or the Banshee. However without a Quarian Infiltrator, they are struggle. Even with the current metagame and the Sabotage buff, Geth are still beatable with a QI aslong as you have the right strategy. My main grief with the Geth are the Geth Hunters, which can be a pain in enclosed maps with their cloak and shotguns.

Why Cerberus? One species and it's power can turn Cerberus from a pain into a cakewalk. The Asari's stasis bubble can freeze every unit that Cerberus has, except the Atlas and Turrets. One of the biggest pains for many teams are the Phantoms, but a quick stasis can put them in their place.

Why not the Reapers? Not a single playable species and their trio of powers have any advantage over the reapers. Sabotage is useless. Stasis doesn't affect Banshees, Brutes or Ravagers, making it useless. Banshee's charge towards you in biotic fashion, Brutes charge at you at high speeds, and Ravagers' 2-3 shot combo can kill you if you aren't mobile enough. It's not worth the medi-gel.

A3 Team Composition/Strategy:


Generally you want a team composed of characters ranging from Level 15-20, but for those interested in trying to build up your characters to be able to beat Gold, I give the following look.

Asari Vanguard
Role: Support
Against: (Cerberus: Good) (Geth: Okay) (Reapers: Mediocre)
Ideal Recharge Speed: +100%-200%
Weapon : Shotguns or Pistols
Powers Tree:
Biotic Charge (6) -> Radius -> Power Synergy -> Barrier
Stasis (6) -> Duration -> Recharge Speed -> Stasis Bubble
Lift Grenade (3)
Asari Justicar (6) -> Damage & Capacity -> Power Damage -> Pistols
Fitness (5) -> Durability -> Shield Recharge
Notes: Unfortunately Gold brings the worst out of the other Vanguard species. other than the Asari. Biotic Charge becomes a useless power at this difficulty. One does not certainly want to be using Biotic Charge into a group of enemies, even the weakest of grunts. (Yes, I've seen cases where some Human Vanguards are capable of soloing portions of waves on Gold difficulty, but this is a team game). Thus Biotic Charge is used more of a defensive power in this build, as upgrading it to Rank 6 and choosing Barrier allows you to escape the trickiest of situations. If your barriers are gone, simply use BC to regain them, and then run away to find a more tactical position. Stasis is a self-explanatory power and the bread and butter of the Asari. One needs to be utilizing Stasis at every second possible. Thus you should carrying only one weapon to reduce your recharge speed. Shotguns for small maps, and pistols for the bigger maps. Not a fan of Grenades as they tend to do much to nothing. However, having a few are good in case of anything.

Asari Adept

Human Infiltrator
Role: Carry/Heavy
Against: (Cerberus: Good) (Geth: Good) (Reapers: Good)
Ideal Recharge Speed: 0%
Weapon: Sniper Rifle (Preferably Widow/Black Widow)
Powers Tree:
Tactical Cloak (6) -> Damage -> Recharged Speed -> Sniper Damage
Cryo Blast (6) -> Duration -> Cryo Explosion -> Frozen Vulnerability
Sticky Grenade (0)
Alliance Training (6) -> Weapon Damage -> Headshots -> Weapon Damage
Fitness (6) -> Durability -> Shield Recharge -> Fitness Expert
Notes; The Human Infiltrator's job is to keep dealing damage. Equipped with the Black Widow, Widow, or another sniper rifle with atleast Level X, and then modded with the Extended Barrel, you should be able to one-shot kill any unit with 100% health. Ideally you want to be cloaking, and then firing your shots to deal huge damage, courtesy from your Sniper Damage, and Headshots bonuses. When it comes to units such as the Atlas, Prime, Brute or Banshees, the Cloak->Fire strategy can rip through chunks of their health and shields/barrier. Know where your ammo crates are and when the situation calls for it, cloak to revive downed teammates.

Quarian Infiltrator


Weapons can be diverse, but as long as your supports have the lowest cooldowns as possible for their powers, and aslong as you have one teammate with a heavy weapon (Widow, Claymore, Black Widow, etc), then you should be fine. Weapons with high fire rates, accompanied with ammo bonuses, are excellent to take down shields and barriers. Overload, Energy Drain and Warp can do the same as well.

Your team should be sticking together no matter what. Every time I played on Gold, my team, not led by myself but by other individuals, would just end up in the general area. We’d beat the map cleanly. My illustrated, yet poorly artistic maps for each individual area will help give a sense of where your team should be. Going solo/lone wolf is generally a bad idea unless you know your Infiltrators are ready to jump in and save your butt.

Gold difficulty isn’t something to be taken lightly. Your team should be willing to put in Equipment (Ammo/Weapon/Armor Bonuses), and your team should have the maximum supplies possible (Missile Launchers, Clip Packs, Medi-Gel, Survival Pack) for optimal results.

A4 Gold Tips:
Melee is useless
Unlike Bronze and Silver where you can troll around spamming charged melee attacks all day err day, it does absolutely nothing on Gold. It's alot like other FPSs, if you're going in for the melee kill, then it gives your opponent time to shoot you down doing so. Only use it as a finisher when your enemies health is low.

One weapon to rule them all
Stick to a single weapon, it reduces your cooldown time by only having one. Know where your ammo crates are and refill it when need be.

Grabs are win
Grabs can take down every unit in the Geth army except for the Primes, and any unit in the Cerberus army except Guardians, Turrets, Banshees and Atlasus. Thus, it's an effective way to easily to one-off enemies that have shields/armor.

B1 Versus Geth:

Strategy: Geth Hunters and Pyros are the biggest problem you'll likely face. Try to keep as much distance as possible and finish them off when you can.


With no shields or armor, Geth Troopers are the easiest things to take down. However much like anything on Gold, don't underestimate them!

Rocket Trooper
Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
If you're trying to sabotage geth, this unit is the number one priority. It can take out it's brethren at long range, and that means it's not focusing on long range either.

Health=Armor, enforced with Shields
Useless at long range, punishing up close. Make sure you take this sucker out when you can. Only sabotage Pyros when they are near other Geth as they will burn them down. Otherwise, take them out with conventional means.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
These guys are a huge pain. Either it's a bug or my sabotage is useless, but it doesn't affect them when they are cloaked? Make sure you know where they are on the map, or else by the time you do know where they are, it's on top of your corpse that needs to be revived.

Health=Armor, enforced with Shields
Stay in cover. The Primes can 3-shot you and it's not very pretty. They release Turrets and Drones that fire on you and regen their shields, respectively. Either way, there are many ways to take out Primes, either by sabotaging surrounding Geth to fire on it (Rocket Troopers/Pyros most importantly), by sabotaging the Prime and then firing on it, or letting your sniper fire headshots at it as it's a slow moving unit.

B2 Versus Cerberus:

Strategy: Cerberus is an army you can generally finish off by staying in cover. They love to talk so that should give you a heads up of whether or not they are flanking/around you. Make sure you have your sights on whatever your Asari is using stasis on, and if you are the blue femme, then spam that power all day long.


Assault Trooper
The Cerberus bread and butter. And their defenses are like butter. Headshot dead, move along.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
Throwing Grenades like this is Call of Duty, the Centurions will love to annoy you with their smoke and rapid firing rifle. Just make sure your team at least has Overload, Energy Drain, Stasis or a strong sniper to rip those shields apart and then you're set against them.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
These girls love to take down your shields in one shot but their killing blow ability is laughable. Despite that their agility is remarkable and they'll dodge your sniper rifle bullets like they're Usain Bolt. Thus I advise to leave them to last.

This unit is a joke. Sniper rifle headshot, dead. Stasis, dead. Pull, dead.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
Much like Guardians, make sure you take down their shields, and then punish them. Engineers, while they do dispense turrets, shouldn't be the priority to take out as they are somewhat harmless.

Health=Armor, enforced with Shields
Nothing much to be said other than to stay in cover, and let your heavies take them out.

Health=Regular, enforced with Barriers
The biggest pain in the Cerberus army, these units have cloak, some tiny gun that packs a punch and the ability to one-off you with their swords. Make sure your Asari uses stasis on them immediately and let your heavies pick them off accordingly.

Health=Armor, enforced with Shields
Fire on their canopy to deal loads of damage. Other than that, stand your ground when you're against them, and if there are multiples, it's time to bring out your Cobra ML.

B3 Versus Reapers:

Strategy: What are you doing? I told you to play against the other armies instead!


Easily killable by just about anything, make sure you take out Husks before they end up in your face, leaving you a sitting duck for other more dangerous Reaper units

Annoying grunt unit with rapid fire weapon and grenade spam. Put these Batarian mutants out of their misery with a well placed shot between their four eyes.

Health=Regular, enforced with Shields
With the ability to revive dead units, make sure you take out Marauders out when you can. Similar strategy as Centurions, Energy Drain/Overlord/Stasis does wonders against them.

With their 3-shot kill combo, make sure you stay in cover against these suckers. The giant circle/mouth is their weakspot, so make sure your sniper fires on that. They leave a puddle of poison, so don't run through that either. It's best to take down Ravagers before they pin you in position, allowing Banshees or Brutes to move in for the kill.

These come out of the Ravager looking for food. Support cast should take them out, ideally with Stasis or their small arm weapons.

Ideally your sniper should be able to take down the Brute in a handful of shots. Just stay behind cover and make sure you aren't in their charging lane or else you'll be down to one bar health.

Health=Armor, enforced with Barriers
Run away. Adepts can tear their barriers apart, leaving the Banshee easily killable from any of your heavies. Problem is on Gold is that once Banshees start showing up they don't stop showing up. So make sure the team is on the move at all times.

B4 Objectives Strategy:

Your team will be faced with three objectives over the 10 waves, spaced out at Wave 3, 6 and 10.

I: Hacking (4 Locations) – This is the easiest and fastest objective to complete, and hopefully the most numerous one you have in your maps. Whether or not you move as a team or as individuals does not really matter with this objective, but if you are moving as a team, make sure it’s the heavies who are not uploading. If you are against Geth, it's best for your Quarians to be sabotaging rather than hacking. If you are moving as individuals, then it’s a best bet to allow your infiltrators to cloak, and then upload the data.

II: Hacking (1 Location) – This requires your team to be within a certain area for an allotted amount of time. The more people you have in the area, the quicker the upload will be. The areas will generally not be the area you are already in, so your whole team will have to move. You can generally finish this in thirty seconds/a minute, however you will be swarmed by enemies like crazy. If you are against Geth, it's best for your Quarians to be keen to Sabotage. If you are against Cerberus, make sure you stay away from potential death dealers (Atlas/Banshee). If you are against the Reapers, good luck. If the situation calls for it, you may have to use Cobra Missile Launchers to get out of their alive. Once the upload is done, move back to the suggested location.

III: Priority Targets (x4) – This is generally a big pain on Gold difficulty. While some maps tend to make the priority targets simply weaker grunts, but sometimes it’s all Primes/Atlas/Banshees, and those don’t exactly go down very fast. The best option is to move as a team and take down the targets together. However after killing one target, you are then rushed or blocked by other enemies from your next target -> then the best solution is for Infiltrator to cloak. They can then move out and take out the target with whatever means necessary (Missile Launcher, etc) .

IV: Wave 11/Extraction – It’s not the best idea to always rush to the landing zone once your timer starts. It’s actually best to be spread out as much as possible on the map so that enemy spawns are erratic. Only once the timer hits 30 seconds remaining, should the entire team be rushing to the landing zone. This wave is the time you should be dishing out as many Missile Launchers as you see fit. You will still complete the map regardless if you have a Partial or Complete extraction, however if your team fails on Wave 11, you won’t get credit for the map for Unwavering.

Individual Map Strategies:

C1 Firebase Giant (Tuchanka)

Notes: This is by far the easiest map to complete on Gold, and probably the one you want to test out first to see if your team can pull the achievement off. Due to it's large area and large rooms, you'll have alot of space to work with. Obviously with that said, the best option in weaponry is Sniper Rifles. From the map below, you can see that the upstairs room gives the best vision for your team, and the best survivability chance.

External image

Strategy: Players 1, 2 and 3 should be equipped with long range weaponry, and at least one of them should be a suport so that the main force straight ahead of you can get sabotaged/stasised. Player 4’s role in this is to be the lookout, to make sure that your team is not flanked at all. Generally, Player 4 should be camping the top ladder. My biggest grief with this strategy is that your lookout/support really has to make sure no enemies are coming to flank your team. Regardless, the amount of time it takes from where the enemies spawn to where your team is located should give you enough time to blast them to bits.

C2 Firebase White (Noveria)

Notes: While its size may seem quite small, the downstairs room gives you the best option to complete this. You have a lot of different exit strategies in the room, and enough ammo crates to complement your fire power. However being small in its entirety, you should make sure your team is ready to move in case the situation gets hairy. Your support should be on a sabotage/stasis first, shoot later mentality. You might be thinking "Oh, well in Bronze and Silver my team likes to stay at the top and we did just fine". Well, if you actually manage to execute that in Gold, I commend you. There's no cover in the top area and it's so easy to get flanked. I highly recommend staying at the bottom area as it blankets the enemy.

External image

Strategy: Two players (#1,2) should keep a lookout for possible enemies from upstairs, while two players (#3,4) should be on the lookout for enemies outside. Players 1 and 2 should be in cover, and 3 if needed, and ready to grab enemies like crazy. Player 4 should have some sort of long ranged weapon, and lessen the load of enemies that are entering the room.

C3 Firebase Reactor (Cyone)

Notes: When I first started ME3 multiplayer, I thought that Reactor would be the toughest to go through on Gold simply because of its chunkiness and the fact that it’s also one of the smaller maps. After completing it, I think my consensus was correct, however it’s really not that bad. If you stay in the suggested area on the map below, the choke points in which the Geth go through just make your life much easier.

Strategy: Similar to Giant, have three players looking straight down the corridor, while one player is on the lookout for possible flankers.

C4 Firebase Dagger (Ontarom)

Notes: Dagger's long hallway provides good vision across the entire map and an easy time if your team is decked out with long range weaponry. The key is to watch your flanks and have good communication.


C5 Firebase Glacier (Sanctum)

Notes: Glacier is a hellhole, a map that asks your team to utilize grabs and to constantly be on the move. While it's generally a good idea to stay at the top of the map in the beginning of each wave, be ready to move in groups of two to sweep/survive.


C6 Firebase Ghost (Benning)

Notes: Ghost is a large map, but rather messy. Due to the fact that it's so wide open, your team will be transitioning from cover to cover depending on where the enemies spawn, which can be erratic at times.

Strategy: Ghost's landing zone is a complete flustercuck on Gold. Just move around the map and only come back to it when the timer is < :30.

13 Mar 2012 09:46

Sabotage was nerfed but it is still viable in the game, you just have to make sure you know who you're using sabotage on.
By Exia Of War on 30 Mar 2012 17:24
Quite extensive thanks for the guide and the drawings, I will consider this if I choose to dive into MP (which is a lousy game add on if you ask me). Cheers! As an aside, I can't take anyone serious who thinks Hemsky is a good hockey player haha, glad you're stuck with him. I kid, well actually I don't...
By ToastiestCape0 on 13 Mar 2012 15:17
Lmao, I was sort of thrilled of the possibility of changing my Gamertag if he got traded. But yeah, thanks for your support, hopefully I'll have this guide complete by weeks end.
By Exia Of War on 14 Mar 2012 00:20
Great guide! I'm about to finish this in campaign but you really have covered everything and reading this makes me want to try do all the gold missions too.

Already have the level 20 Engineer too ;)
By Hybridchld on 21 Mar 2012 01:11
Is strategy still working after Bioware nerfed the Quarian Infiltrator down? You can only hack one Geth at a time nowadays.
By Parallax Demon on 21 Mar 2012 21:20
I'll have to rework some of it, but a QI is still somewhat ideal against Geth. However the more I've been playing Gold, the more of a pain the Geth Hunters are.

I think I'll create an alternate strategy involving fighting against Cerberus, as the Asari Stasis Bubble freezes all of their units except the Atlas.
By Exia Of War on 22 Mar 2012 01:32
For the Asari Vanguard you don't want any Grenades you want to get everything else up but Grenades!Same goes for Asari Adept any Asari is good on gold with a great Sniper Rifle. Statsis BUBBLE! :D
By A Batwoman on 24 Mar 2012 09:27
Firebase Dagger is probably the best on Gold with Cerberus long as you have at least 2-3 Asari Sniper Rifles or Carnifax guns. Asari adept can knock off alot health with Atlas with there warp all the way up. Even Sniper Rifles will do as long as everyone works together at it should be no problem and Asari can Stasis Phantoms as well as anything else plus it's great with Biotic explosions. If everyone stays in the long hallway you should be fine for objective just save Rockets til then.
By A Batwoman on 24 Mar 2012 09:32
This is a fantastic guide, thanks for the work you've put into this Hemskinator.
By Full Metal Tony on 24 Mar 2012 12:30
Thanks MissJaded, I'll take that into consideration when I'm writing up my notes on FB Dagger.

Thanks FMT, I appreciate that!
By Exia Of War on 24 Mar 2012 14:42
My only recommendation is with the Asari Vanguard class, change the level 6 "justicar" upgrade, and instead purchase the level 6 durability upgrade in fitness. 25% bonus to shields beats a pistol upgrade IMO.
By on 27 Mar 2012 00:06
Thanks B unit!

Lmao, some scrub actually went and neg voted all Unwavering guides, nice.
By Exia Of War on 29 Mar 2012 18:57
Something small to consider, since the multiplayer update on ME3 the Geth have received a massive damage boost and are now considered probably the hardest race to beat on Gold. (matter of opinion of course, some people still say the Reapers are). I'd recommend Cerberus for Gold runs. Just watch out for turrets and phantoms and communicate with your team to succeed.
By Jiterbug on 30 Mar 2012 10:52
PS, Sabotage was nerfed in the update as well, so that advantage is gone now. Just a heads up.
By Jiterbug on 30 Mar 2012 10:54
Thank you for this guide. Seriously appreciate your write up,
By THEpaynexkiller on 08 Feb 2021 23:04
Good guide, very in depth. Been trying this with a few friends and meeting with sparatic success. Few quick things if I may, in section A3 Team composition and strategy, there isn't anything under Quarian Infiltrator.
I would consider putting something in to the effectiveness of the human engineer to be honest. Something like a high power AR w/ piercing for geth & the Geth Plasma Shotgun for cerebus (until they crack down on it and kill it's power,) would work for you weapon and having overload is universally helpful against all enemies since every class has a shielded or barrier enemy. Also I've noticed overload gets techbursts much more frequently with biotics than other moves. The incinterate ability is nice against the "boss" units, as it does lasting damage. One last thing I would mention is the piercing mod. Man, that makes those pain in the ass pyros and the Primes a helluva lot easier, especially if you have an accurate AR leveled up like the vindicator or avenger.
By Aura of Heroism on 15 Apr 2012 17:14
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You can change the difficulty to insanity before the mission ends. So play through on narrative, and when the mission is going to end, switch to insanity. I tested this, and it works.

09 Apr 2012 05:27

Would doing this affect the 'Insanity' achievement though? 'Finish the game on Insanity without changing difficulty after leaving Earth'. Just curious...
By Capt Poopey on 10 Apr 2012 01:25
yes it would affect it. This is a quick and dirty way to get it, like in Gears of wars
By KibagameGenjuro on 10 Apr 2012 02:11
Good find though man, thumbs up!
By Capt Poopey on 10 Apr 2012 03:56
Ok, I'll test this. I got my Insanity achievement yesterday, but my Unwavering glitched and reset. I guess you switch just before any final cut scene appears?
By Jodmeister on 10 Apr 2012 15:53
nope, just did each mission on narrative, and switched to insanity before the mission ended
By KibagameGenjuro on 10 Apr 2012 15:55
ok cheers, will try it. and get back to you hopefully with a big thumbs up.
By Jodmeister on 10 Apr 2012 16:15
Can confirm this works; +1 from me.
By Jodmeister on 10 Apr 2012 23:36
everyone enjoy your speed runs with a level 60 tank Shepard :-)
By KibagameGenjuro on 11 Apr 2012 00:36
I'm going to try this, I hate it when my achievements reset.
By Christian#2729 on 14 Apr 2012 12:41
Does this still work?
By Dhyphoon on 15 Apr 2012 07:26
@Dhyphoon, are you asking if it has been patched?
By KibagameGenjuro on 15 Apr 2012 15:10
whats narrative?
By KNIGHT RIDER187 on 20 Apr 2012 05:57
the difficulty level...
By KibagameGenjuro on 20 Apr 2012 14:07
oh ok thanks it still works!
By KNIGHT RIDER187 on 21 Apr 2012 21:04
Will this also work on Insanity achievement as well?
By blumunkey1982 on 23 Apr 2012 23:55
Read the posts...
By KibagameGenjuro on 24 Apr 2012 14:09
anyone know if this has been patched or not?
By ClaytThaGreat on 01 Sep 2012 04:58
not sure, havent played in months, try a mission and let us know...
By KibagameGenjuro on 01 Sep 2012 05:28
Good to see someone posted this. Today I got all the way to the end of the first mission in Vancouver and then set the difficulty to Insanity just before boarding the shuttle (as required for the Insanity achievement) and noticed my Unwavering progress was now 1/27.

This will be useful to those who already have the Insanity achievement. Wish I had known this on my first playthrough when I completed all the sidequests, as that would have meant I would only need to do the Priority missions on Insanity.

What I may do is save before starting a sidequest, start the sidequest and then save it, then reload the first save and skip the sidequest. Then after I have the Insanity achievement I can just reload each sidequest save and change the difficulty to Narrative for the mission then back to Insanity just before the end.
By HolyHalfDead on 03 Mar 2014 00:05
Anyone know if this has been patched?
By MidnitePizzamon on 18 Jan 2021 01:59
I can confirm that as of November 2023 this has NOT been patched. I just did the Citadel Combat Challenges using the difficulty switch cheese. Just switch to Narrative, and then right before completing something switch back to Normal, Hardcore, or Insanity.
By Jigsaw0097 on 08 Dec 2023 05:37
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You can change the difficulty to insanity before the mission ends. So play through on narrative, and when the mission is going to end, switch to insanity. I tested this, and it works.

09 Apr 2012 05:27

Would doing this affect the 'Insanity' achievement though? 'Finish the game on Insanity without changing difficulty after leaving Earth'. Just curious...
By Capt Poopey on 10 Apr 2012 01:25
yes it would affect it. This is a quick and dirty way to get it, like in Gears of wars
By KibagameGenjuro on 10 Apr 2012 02:11
Good find though man, thumbs up!
By Capt Poopey on 10 Apr 2012 03:56
Ok, I'll test this. I got my Insanity achievement yesterday, but my Unwavering glitched and reset. I guess you switch just before any final cut scene appears?
By Jodmeister on 10 Apr 2012 15:53
nope, just did each mission on narrative, and switched to insanity before the mission ended
By KibagameGenjuro on 10 Apr 2012 15:55
ok cheers, will try it. and get back to you hopefully with a big thumbs up.
By Jodmeister on 10 Apr 2012 16:15
Can confirm this works; +1 from me.
By Jodmeister on 10 Apr 2012 23:36
everyone enjoy your speed runs with a level 60 tank Shepard :-)
By KibagameGenjuro on 11 Apr 2012 00:36
@Dhyphoon, are you asking if it has been patched?
By KibagameGenjuro on 15 Apr 2012 15:10
whats narrative?
By KNIGHT RIDER187 on 20 Apr 2012 05:57
the difficulty level...
By KibagameGenjuro on 20 Apr 2012 14:07
oh ok thanks it still works!
By KNIGHT RIDER187 on 21 Apr 2012 21:04
Will this also work on Insanity achievement as well?
By blumunkey1982 on 23 Apr 2012 23:55
Read the posts...
By KibagameGenjuro on 24 Apr 2012 14:09
anyone know if this has been patched or not?
By ClaytThaGreat on 01 Sep 2012 04:58
not sure, havent played in months, try a mission and let us know...
By KibagameGenjuro on 01 Sep 2012 05:28
Good to see someone posted this. Today I got all the way to the end of the first mission in Vancouver and then set the difficulty to Insanity just before boarding the shuttle (as required for the Insanity achievement) and noticed my Unwavering progress was now 1/27.

This will be useful to those who already have the Insanity achievement. Wish I had known this on my first playthrough when I completed all the sidequests, as that would have meant I would only need to do the Priority missions on Insanity.

What I may do is save before starting a sidequest, start the sidequest and then save it, then reload the first save and skip the sidequest. Then after I have the Insanity achievement I can just reload each sidequest save and change the difficulty to Narrative for the mission then back to Insanity just before the end.
By HolyHalfDead on 03 Mar 2014 00:05
I'm going to try this, I hate it when my achievements reset.
By Christian#2729 on 14 Apr 2012 12:41
Does this still work?
By Dhyphoon on 15 Apr 2012 07:26
Anyone know if this has been patched?
By MidnitePizzamon on 18 Jan 2021 01:59
I can confirm that as of November 2023 this has NOT been patched. I just did the Citadel Combat Challenges using the difficulty switch cheese. Just switch to Narrative, and then right before completing something switch back to Normal, Hardcore, or Insanity.
By Jigsaw0097 on 08 Dec 2023 05:37
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This is not a true guide per se, but rather an assessment of the MP vs. campaign strategy for this achievement. (It assumes a second play thru with upper 50 / 60 level character).
The pros of the campaign method far outweigh the MP on gold for the following reasons:
1) In SP you are using a team of 50-60 level characters vs. 20 level characters in MP, thus giving you a wider array of powers & greater ability to complement your primary character's power (regardless of what class you are using).
2) You can stop combat with the wheel, making it easier to assess your situation and strategize your next move.
3) It is much easier to conduct concurrent strikes on the same target when you are in direct control of the entire team. This allows you to maximize the biotic power combos (especially the ones that do 2x damage).
4) Most of the N7 missions are short and on some objective based missions you can bypass combat by stealth or speed (the ringing of the bells for the thresher maw for example) and trigger the cutscene.
5) Most (not all) campaign areas offer a greater room for maneuver than the MP maps, allowing you to attack from range and preventing you from being swarmed.
6) greater medigel capacity
7) easier to level up weapons of choice to level 10.
For these reasons, if you are already doing an insanity run, just go ahead and tackle the extra side missions for this ach. Even if you are just an average player (like me), the campaign route is easier than the MP. I'm not saying you will never die or experience frustration, but as long as you have a good understanding of the combat of this game, and fight defensively to attrit enemy forces, it is not bad at all. The MP does theoretically offer a shorter timeframe required to earn this ach, but practically it will probably take longer unless you have a team that is VERY good. The only true benefit of the MP is that it gives you the opportunity to share the pain of defeat with others.

17 Mar 2012 14:08

This is not a true guide per se, but rather an assessment of the MP vs. campaign strategy for this achievement. (It assumes a second play thru with upper 50 / 60 level character).
The pros of the campaign method far outweigh the MP on gold for the following reasons:
1) In SP you are using a team of 50-60 level characters vs. 20 level characters in MP, thus giving you a wider array of powers & greater ability to complement your primary character's power (regardless of what class you are using).
2) You can stop combat with the wheel, making it easier to assess your situation and strategize your next move.
3) It is much easier to conduct concurrent strikes on the same target when you are in direct control of the entire team. This allows you to maximize the biotic power combos (especially the ones that do 2x damage).
4) Most of the N7 missions are short and on some objective based missions you can bypass combat by stealth or speed (the ringing of the bells for the thresher maw for example) and trigger the cutscene.
5) Most (not all) campaign areas offer a greater room for maneuver than the MP maps, allowing you to attack from range and preventing you from being swarmed.
6) greater medigel capacity
7) easier to level up weapons of choice to level 10.
For these reasons, if you are already doing an insanity run, just go ahead and tackle the extra side missions for this ach. Even if you are just an average player (like me), the campaign route is easier than the MP. I'm not saying you will never die or experience frustration, but as long as you have a good understanding of the combat of this game, and fight defensively to attrit enemy forces, it is not bad at all. The MP does theoretically offer a shorter timeframe required to earn this ach, but practically it will probably take longer unless you have a team that is VERY good. The only true benefit of the MP is that it gives you the opportunity to share the pain of defeat with others.

17 Mar 2012 14:08

This solution is for beating all maps on gold in multiplayer. Don't be intimidated. Gold is actually quite easy with the right setup and team. Play against geth and make sure all of your teammates are at least level 18. Use light weapons so your recharge speeds are 190% or higher. This is the team you should use:

Human vanguard - Build the skills around using nova and biotic charge. For biotic charge, make sure you pick the spec that makes you recover 100% barrier and with nova you want damage. Don't put any points into shockwave.

Turian sentinal - Tech armor and overload is all you need here. On overload you'll want both chain overloads and on tech armor you want damage reduction.

Quarian infiltrater - Sabotage and cloaking is what you want here. Spec the cloak so you can use an ability and stay cloaked and increase the duration as much as possible. Sabotage you need the skill that makes your hacked guys do 100% more damage.

For your fourth teammate, just use another one of the previous three mentioned classes. On all classes, you want to increase health and shields as much as possible as well.

The main important strategy is stay together! I cannot emphasize that enough. If you don't stay together on gold, you will fail. Vanguards play the role of your main attacker. Biotic charge then nova over and over and over. Since biotic charge recovers your barrier to 100% and nova drains your barrier, this combination allows you to constantly attack. Turians play support by using overload to stun the geth while somewhat tanking damage with damage reduction. Quarians are your main medic and support. If people go down, the quarians go cloaked and revive them. Constantly use sabotage to hack the geth and make the fight each other. Be warned though, using sabotage on the same geth 3-4 times will make that geth immune to sabotage. Save all rockets for wave 8-11 or dire situations such as multiple teammates going down. Typically you want to use rockets on big groups that include two geth primes. While fighting two geth primes without rockets, focus all attacks on one of the primes and sabotage the other. On the extraction wave if you are out of rockets, run around the map in a group and return to the extraction around 20-30 seconds.

Another suggestion I have is let your vanguard host. Occasionally when off host, vanguards can go down while charging, causing them to glitch under the map. It doesn't happen on host, so to be safe, let your vanguard host.

With this setup and strategy, you should have no problem defeating geth on gold on all maps. Good luck and have fun! And remember, stay together!

11 Mar 2012 18:45

Unwavering Achievement Guide for Single Player Campaign
There a total of 27 Missions that you MUST complete on Insanity and they are time sensitive.

The game is Split up into 3 Acts
Act 1: Palaven, Sur'Kesh, and Tuchanka
Act 2: The Citadel, Geth Dreadnought, Rannoch, Thessia, and Horizon
Act 3: Cerberus Headquarters and Earth

Each act contains several parts. It's during these parts that missions are unlocked and locked.

Priority Missions
These Missions are not time sensitive as they are the story missions.

1. Prologue: Earth
2. Mars
3. Palaven
4. Sur'Kesh
5. Tuchanka
6. The Citadel (Different from the first)
7. Geth Dreadnought
8. Rannoch
9. Thessia
10. Horizon
11. Cerberus Headquaters
12. Earth

N7 Missions
These Missions are time sensitive, As long as they are completed before you do Cerberus Headquarters.

1. Cerberus Lab (available after Palaven)
2. Cerberus Attack (available after Tuchanka)
3. Cerberus Abductions (available after Tuchanka)
4. Cerberus Fighter Base (available after the second Priority Citadel Mission)
5. Fuel Reactors (available after Rannoch)
6. Communication Hub (available after Thessia)

Side Missions
These Missions are very time sensitive. They are unlocked during different parts of each act. They will lock after parts further in the story in parts of act 2. Doing Cerberus Headquarters will lock any remaining missions.

1. Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation (Locks after the Second Priority Citadel)
2. Tuchanka: Turian Platoon (locks after Priority: Thessia)
3. Tuchanka: Bomb (Unlocks after Tuchanka: Turian Platoon) (locks after Second Priority Citadel)
4. Attican Traverse: The Rachni (unlocks after Priority Sur'Kesh) (locks after Priority Second Citadel)
5. Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery (locks after Priority: Cerberus Headquaters)
6. Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists (locks after Priority: Cerberus Headquarters)
7. Rannoch: Admiral Koris (locks after Priority Rannoch)
8. Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadron (Locks after Priority Rannoch)

Before you Cerberus Headquarters you should have 24/27

The Achievement will pop when you select the ending because this is the last mission even thought it does not appear in the mission log.

02 Apr 2013 22:15

Unwavering Achievement Guide for Single Player Campaign
There a total of 27 Missions that you MUST complete on Insanity and they are time sensitive.

The game is Split up into 3 Acts
Act 1: Palaven, Sur'Kesh, and Tuchanka
Act 2: The Citadel, Geth Dreadnought, Rannoch, Thessia, and Horizon
Act 3: Cerberus Headquarters and Earth

Each act contains several parts. It's during these parts that missions are unlocked and locked.

Priority Missions
These Missions are not time sensitive as they are the story missions.

1. Prologue: Earth
2. Mars
3. Palaven
4. Sur'Kesh
5. Tuchanka
6. The Citadel (Different from the first)
7. Geth Dreadnought
8. Rannoch
9. Thessia
10. Horizon
11. Cerberus Headquaters
12. Earth

N7 Missions
These Missions are time sensitive, As long as they are completed before you do Cerberus Headquarters.

1. Cerberus Lab (available after Palaven)
2. Cerberus Attack (available after Tuchanka)
3. Cerberus Abductions (available after Tuchanka)
4. Cerberus Fighter Base (available after the second Priority Citadel Mission)
5. Fuel Reactors (available after Rannoch)
6. Communication Hub (available after Thessia)

Side Missions
These Missions are very time sensitive. They are unlocked during different parts of each act. They will lock after parts further in the story in parts of act 2. Doing Cerberus Headquarters will lock any remaining missions.

1. Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation (Locks after the Second Priority Citadel)
2. Tuchanka: Turian Platoon (locks after Priority: Thessia)
3. Tuchanka: Bomb (Unlocks after Tuchanka: Turian Platoon) (locks after Second Priority Citadel)
4. Attican Traverse: The Rachni (unlocks after Priority Sur'Kesh) (locks after Priority Second Citadel)
5. Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery (locks after Priority: Cerberus Headquaters)
6. Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists (locks after Priority: Cerberus Headquarters)
7. Rannoch: Admiral Koris (locks after Priority Rannoch)
8. Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadron (Locks after Priority Rannoch)

Before you Cerberus Headquarters you should have 24/27

The Achievement will pop when you select the ending because this is the last mission even thought it does not appear in the mission log.

02 Apr 2013 22:15

If you are playing with the EC DLC then pay attention to Citadel Finale.
In order to get the achievement you must make an explicit choice among the three endings and then avoid the "Refusal ending" ( the new final that comes with EC DLC). In fact if don't make an explicit choice, the new ending is triggered and neither the Unwaverig and the Insanity achievement can be acquired.
Obviously you can just play again the Citadel Finale and then solve the problem.

14 Sep 2012 09:01

Happy Glitch Warning: If you change the difficulty to Insanity just before the end of the mission, it should count towards this trophy. Be sure to make an extra save though, just in case it does not count.

Unhappy Glitch Warning: See the last section of the road map (5.0) for info about what may cause this trophy to glitch because of the Extended Cut DLC.

Single Player: There are 27 missions in all, 6 N7 missions and 21 main and side story missions. The Galaxy at War asset missions do not count for this. The 27 missions need to be done in one Insanity playthrough. If you miss a mission, you'll have to start over again.

For the most part, read through the Insanity trophy for general tips. The specific mission trophies also have tips for completing them on Insanity. You must complete each story mission and N7 mission for this trophy. See Tour of Duty for a list of all N7 missions and how to obtain them. Below is a list of all 27 missions, what locks them out, and an optimal order to do them in.

Keep in mind that Priority: Earth counts as two since there are multiple parts to it. When you are ready to launch the assault on Cerberus HQ, you should be at 24/27 in the Accomplishments menu.

  1. Priority: Mars
  2. Priority: The Citadel I
  3. Priority: Palaven
  4. Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation (Locked after completing Priority: Tuchanka)
  5. Priority: Sur'Kesh
  6. Tuchanka: Turian Platoon (Locked after completing Priority: Geth Dreadnought)
  7. Tuchanka: Turian Bomb (Locked after completing Priority: Geth Dreadnought)
  8. N7: Cerberus Lab (Locked when you attack Cerberus HQ)
  9. N7: Cerberus Attack (Locked when you attack Cerberus HQ)
  10. Attican Traverse: Krogan Team (Locked after completing Priority: Geth Dreadnought)
  11. Priority: Tuchanka
  12. N7: Cerberus Abductions (Locked when you attack Cerberus HQ)
  13. Priority: The Citadel II
  14. Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists (Locked when you attack Cerberus HQ)
  15. N7: Cerberus Fighter Base (Locked when you attack Cerberus HQ)
  16. Priority: Geth Dreadnought
  17. Rannoch: Admiral Koris (Locked after completing Priority: Rannoch)
  18. Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadron (Locked after completing Priority: Rannoch)
  19. Priority: Rannoch
  20. N7: Fuel Reactors (Locked when you attack Cerberus HQ)
  21. Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery (Locks when you attack Cerberus HQ)
  22. Priority: Thessia
  23. Priority: Horizon
  24. N7: Communication Hub (Locked when you attack Cerberus HQ)
  25. Priority: Cerberus Headquarters
  26. Priority: Earth (Counts as two missions)

Multiplayer: Gold is the highest difficulty there is in co-op. It is basically Insanity difficulty, but with a much more limited range of abilities and weapons to work with, especially with a low level character. There are six missions that you have to beat on Gold (Firebase Dagger, Firebase Ghost, Firebase Giant, Firebase Reactor, Firebase White, and Firebase Glacier). The keys are teamwork and communication. You don’t want to waste resources defending the same spot and shooting at the same enemies. The enemies will be much stronger and appear in greater numbers. The stronger enemies (brutes, banshees, ravagers, atlases, and primes) will appear earlier and more often. Stay with your teammates at all times as it is much easier to get swarmed by your enemies.


SP: There are a total of 27 missions, one of which (Priority: Earth) never shows up in your quest log. This achievement will unlock while going for your Insanity playthrough achievement, just be diligent that you complete side-quests as they are available because some are time-sensitive and can be failed (if you complete a "Priority" mission first). The full list of required quests can be found HERE, including instructions for when they open/close.

MP: You just have to beat each of the 6 maps on Gold (hardest difficulty) by finishing all ten waves. This is fairly difficult, so try to find a good team with communication and have high-level characters with a range of abilities.

All missions are not only category N7, they are also main story and side missions, there are 27 of them in total, below is a list of these missions. It is very important to do the missions in the order in which they are written, since side missions disappear as the plot develops. The initial mission "Earth" is a tutorial and does not count as a mission needed for the trophy, but it is better to set the "Madness" difficulty during this mission, not it is important at what moment (I personally installed it at the very end and received a trophy)

  • Prologue – Priority: Mars – Story Mission
  • Prologue - Priority: Citadel - Story Mission
  • Priority: Palaven - Story Mission
  • Grissom Academy: Investigation – Side Mission (Rescue Cadets)
  • N7: Cerberus Laboratory - N7 Mission
  • Priority: Sur ' Kesh - Story Mission
  • Attic Traverse: Rachni - Side Mission (Find Missing Scouts)
  • Tuchanka: Turian Platoon - Side Mission (Pick up Surviving Turians)
  • Tuchanka: Bomb - Side Mission (Find the Bomb)
  • N7: Cerberus Assault - N7 Mission
  • N7: Cerberus Abductions - N7 Mission
  • Priority: Tuchanka - Story Mission
  • Priority : Citadel - Story Mission
  • N 7: Cerberus Fighter Base - N 7 Mission
  • Priority: Perseus' Veil - Story Mission
  • N7: Fuel Reactors - N7 Mission
  • Lesuss: Ardath-Yakshi Monastery - Side Mission (Examine Azari Colony)
  • Arrae: Former Cerberus Scientists - Side Mission
  • Rannoch: Geth Slayers - Side Mission (Disable Geth Server)
  • Rannoch: Admiral Koris - Side Mission (Rescue the Admiral)
  • Priority: Rannoch - Story Mission
  • Priority: Thessia - Story Mission
  • Priority: Horizon - Story Mission
  • N7: Communication Center - N7 Mission
  • Priority: Cerberus Headquarters - Story Mission
  • Priority: Earth - Story Mission
  • Epilogue - Priority: Citadel - Story Mission

13 Mar 2012 19:56

  • Before the last mission the achievements were 25!!! (instead of 26 out of 27 required) passed, after passing they gave a trophy..)
  • Everything is the same, but with translation..)
  • Prologue - Earth - Story Mission
  • Prologue - Priority: Mars - Story Mission
  • Prologue - Priority: Citadel - Story Mission
  • Priority: Pavelen - Story Mission
  • Grisom Academy: Investigation (Rescue the Cadets) - Side Mission
  • N7: Cerberus Laboratory - N7 Mission
  • Priority: Sur'Kesh (Meet with diplomats) - Story Mission
  • Tuchanka: Turian Platoon (Find the missing scouts) - Side Mission
  • Attic Traverse: Krogan Squad (Pick up Surviving Turians) - Side Mission
  • Tuchanka: Bomb (Find the bomb) - Side Mission
  • N 7: Cerberus Attack (Eliminate the presence of Cerberus) - N7 Mission
  • N7: Cerberus Abductions - N7 Mission
  • Priority: Tuchanka (Cure the genophage) - Story Mission
  • Priority: Citadel (Meet Salarian Advisor) - Story Mission
  • N 7: Cerberus Fighter Base - N 7 Mission
  • Priority: Perseus' Veil (Talk to Quarians, Disarm Dreadnought) - Story Mission
  • N7: Fuel Reactors - N7 Mission
  • Mesana: Distress Signal (Inspect Asari Colony) - Side Mission
  • Arrae: Former Cerberus Scientists (Find Former Cerberus Scientists) - Side Mission
  • Rannoch: Geth Slayers (Disable Geth Servers) - Side Mission
  • Rannoch: Admiral Koris (Rescue the Admiral) - Side Mission
  • Priority: Rannoch - Story Mission
  • Priority: Thessia (Find the secret artifact) - Story Mission
  • Priority: Horizon (Explore Sanctuary) - Story Mission
  • N7: Communications Center - N7 Mission
  • Priority: Cerberus Headquarters (Attack the Phantom Base) - Story Mission
  • Priority: Earth - Story Mission
By Fortochnik on 25 Mar 2012 10:06
Nothing "simpler" I didn’t see it when playing for gold. The meat grinder where we were knocked out on the second wave. Most of the people on the site are ordinary people, and for this reason I advise you to just go through the game on Madness, which is more interesting and not so nerve-wracking.

It’s not even a matter of crookedness, but the fact that in the single there is such a thing as an in-game pause. This is when you choose which skill to shy away with. And there are many skills, there is plenty to choose from. But in multiplayer there is no such thing, and three scanty skills are wow.
By Zombie on 10 Feb 2014 16:35
Missions can be completed in any order, when passing the game on the Madness difficulty level, I accidentally missed the mission on Ranoh, with the geth exterminators, there were no saves, at the end of the game I started it again on the easiest one, in a couple of hours I reached this mission, switched the difficulty level and completed level, trophy received!
By BRINEY360 on 25 Jul 2012 07:17
The very first mission Prologue - Earth must be completed in madness!!! it counts towards the missions, before starting the passage, set the level to MADNESS in the settings, or as soon as you are given control of Shepard, change the level to MADNESS. There is an error in the tooltip, the mission Prologue - Priority: Citadel - Story Mission does not count!!!!!
By Reny on 31 Mar 2012 22:56
In order not to fail with any quest (from whom, where to take it and when to take the task), you can use this wonderful resource

In addition to the description of the quests, there is something else to catch the eye)
By Machay on 22 Oct 2012 14:06
By RealMadrid on 02 Apr 2013 19:48
Don’t forget about the possibility of getting a trophy in multiplayer, this will save time in completing the game on madness (since completing it at this difficulty level is still necessary for platinum), will save you from tedious N7 tasks, and will increase your progress in getting the trophy https:// . But if you take platinum in one playthrough, then many sidequests are needed for other trophies, military resources, and just for fun, while N7 tasks do not contain anything important or plot (in fact, these are the same multiplayer maps, just run through them alone) , you can safely skip them.

It is recommended to play with a fully upgraded character (level 20) and with no weapon. DLC maps do not count. With 4 people (pumped up and with weapons), this is not as difficult as it might seem at first. In my opinion, it’s easier to go through Cerberus.
By InfernaLHuman on 23 Jan 2013 00:09
I’ll also confirm that if you don’t have the time/desire to replay all the single-player missions, it’s much easier and faster to use multiplayer. and strangely enough, it may be better if you play on gold not with the same friends who have come there for the first time, but with randoms, who, as a rule, turn out to be already quite pumped up and with normal weapons/equipment. well, and to be sure, of course, you can run around a little on bronze/silver in order to at least slightly increase the character’s level - this is not so long, considering that for platinum there is still no escape from multiplayer. plus, at the same time, you can quickly get trophies based on the number of kills (eg “Veteran”

6 maps to pass: "Dagger", "Ghost", "Giant", "Reactor", "Glacier", "White" (regular)
By SnowLynx on 12 Apr 2014 12:40
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To get the achievement in a multiplayer game, you must survive 10 waves on the Gold difficulty level on all 6 maps.

To get the achievement in single player, you need to complete 27 specific missions on Insanity difficulty. Missions counting:

Story-driven, impossible to miss. 13/27.
- Earth
- Mars
- Menae
- Sur'Kesh
- Tuchanka
- Citadel (besieged by Cerberus)
- Geth Dreadnought
- Rannoch
- Tessia
- Sanctuary (Horizon)
- Cerberus Headquarters
- Return to Earth
- Citadel (final)

Planetary missions. Try to do them as soon as they appear. 17/27.
- Tuchanka: Turian Platoon
- Tuchanka: Bomb
- Rannoch: The Rescue of General Korris
- Rannoch: Geth Slayers

All N7 missions. 23/27.
- N7: Cerberus Laboratory
- N7: Cerberus Attack
- N7: Abductions by Cerberus
- N7: Cerberus Fighter Base
- N7: Fuel reactors
- N7: Communications Center

Various missions. 27/27.
- Grissom Academy
- Attic Traverse: Rachni
- Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery
- Arrae: Former Cerberus scientists

Missions from the "From the Ashes" expansion do not count toward the end. Please note that the quests "Grissom Academy" and "Tuchanka: Bomb" can be skipped - they disappear three missions after receiving if not completed. Therefore, you should do them as soon as you receive them.

26 Mar 2012 22:45

1 Comment
Missions can be completed in any order, when passing the game on the Madness difficulty level, I accidentally missed the mission on Ranoh, with the geth exterminators, there were no saves, at the end of the game I started it again on the easiest one, in a couple of hours I reached this mission, switched the difficulty level and completed level, achievement received!
By BRINEY360 on 25 Jul 2012 07:15