Narnia Prince Caspian

Narnia Prince Caspian

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Gryphon Flight

Gryphon Flight

Use gryphons to take out the turret sentries.


How to unlock the Gryphon Flight achievement in Narnia Prince Caspian - Definitive Guide

This is taken straight from my walkthrough on this site.

Back at the starting area, run up the stairs and run around the top until you see a lever in an alcove. Pull it, which reveals a door that opens. Go to the right to find the open door, and enter it, crossing a walkway in the process. In the next area, on the bottom floor, there is a picture that is half completed. To the right of this is a chest for 2 keys (Chest 6 of 16). There are puzzle like pieces scattered around on the top and bottom floors. Get these pieces, and put them in the right spots on the ground floor puzzle (there should be four in total). Kill the telemarines that arrive, and put the last piece of puzzle in. Two pieces pop up, so stand on one and the AI will stand on the other. This lowers the gate ahead so go through.

-Defeat the Sentries on the Turrets: After the cutscene, press "B" immediately to land the gryphons. Open the chest in plain sight for 10 keys (Chest 7 of 16). Scale both towers here using Trumpkin, and defeat the telemarines at the top of each. Once finished, the gryphons will land again. Mount them, and fly them to the next set of towers by following the green arrow in the mini map on the bottom right. Once there, push "B" to land the gryphons. Quickly run up the stairs to the second level, and run around to the left. You will see the bell ringer down a small set of steps. Kill him, and take care of the other telemarines (if you don't kill him before the timer runs out, the mission will fail). Behind where the bell is, you can see the grapple icon. Go to it, and use Trumpkin to grapple up that tower. As soon as you reach the top, open the chest right below you for 5 keys (Chest 8 of 16). Head to the right to find another chest directly opposite to the one you just open for 5 keys (Chest 9 of 16). Head back down the rope. If the gryphons haven't landed, that means there's a telemarine to kill somewhere. Mount the gryphons again, follow the map and land the gryphons. You have to be quick here. There are now two bell ringers. Since both of them are on the top floor, run up the stairs, and around to the left. Take out both bell ringers, but make sure to keep an eye out for the other telemarines. They may try to start ringing them. Once all telemarines are dead, mount the gryphons again. This next tower will need to be completed quickly. Land the gryphons, run up the stairs, head to the left, and pull the lever. This raises a pressure pad to the left in an alcove. Step on it, and enter the newly opened gate. Quickly kill the bell ringer (go up the steps) and all of the other telemarines (stay close to bell because they will keep trying to ring it).. Head back, mount the gryphons, and fly to the next tower. This will also need to be done quickly. As Trumpkin, run up and use the grappling hook on the ledge. Climb up, and run around to the other side to take out the bell ringer. Finish off the rest of the telemarines, mount the gryphons, and fly to the last tower. Woot! This last tower is really not that difficult. Once you land, a big telemarine will spawn. There is no way to kill him, nor is there a way to get to the bell ringer. Lead the telemarine over to the wooden structure (top center where the bell is at), dodge when he tries to attack you, and have him destroy the structure. This will lead to a cutscene, and this achievement

15 Aug 2014 23:36