NCAA Football 09

NCAA Football 09

49 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Pitch a shutout by holding your opponent to zero points. Valid only in Play Now or Dynasty Mode.


How to unlock the Mmmmm.....Donut achievement in NCAA Football 09 - Definitive Guide

A simple way to unlock this Achievement is to set up a Play Now game with a good team like Ohio State against a poor team like Idaho. Set the quarter length to one minute.

If you win the coin toss, choose to kick rather than receive. Kick the ball out of bounds to prevent any return yards from adding to the total. Do your best to stop the opponent's drive and get the ball back. Eat up as much time as you can, while getting into position for a field goal as time expires to take a 3-0 lead into the half.

In the second half, you will receive. Use simple HB Dive plays to punch the ball up the middle, but eat up the clock so that the CPU never gets the ball back. Push for first downs, then dive to the ground to keep your offense on the field. You have a good opportunity here to also get the "On Lockdown" Achievement.

07 Dec 2008 20:17

Set the Quarters to 1 Minute, set the Difficulty to Freshman. Now once again, play against Army or just adjust the sliders to make your opponent horrible. Just run out the clock and waste as much time as possible, just make sure you score at least a field goal and once the game is over the achievement will unlock.