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Neon Chrome

14 Achievements

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Stop the Overseer 1.0.


How to unlock the Overseer achievement in Neon Chrome - Definitive Guide

This seemed like a VERY hard task, getting to the final level, sitting in the overseers chair, but its actually quite easy with the right set-up; Techie.

As you begin your run you have the choice to pick between 1 of 3 "classes", each with slightly different setups. Unfortunately you are looking for the one class to ensure victory, and if it doesnt show, do your best and try again. Why? 6 shots on, say assassin, hurt a lot, and not all floors offer healing. 6 shots on Techie mean you hide for 15 seconds.

The Techie starts with -20% health (the only class with a negative, easy to spot) and +20% energy. Whats more is their starting enhancement is a recharging shield worth 25% of their energy.
Energy is the cheapest stat to level. As of writing this, 71/100 energy costs me just over 2k credits. Every other stat is 20 and costs the same.

With this in mind, run through as far as you can for credits, upgrade damage/health/slots a few times (I only needed 15/15/5) and dump the rest into energy. This effectively makes the game as "easy" as a twin stick/bullet hell can get.

Final tips;
"Omnitech floor bonus", an enhancement found chapter 2 (after defeating Shelob, boss 1) gives the player 100 credits per floor number completed, min 500. Costing 300 at game start, simply getting past F1 nets an extra 200, with 500+ profit each floor after. Cuts farming time regardless of skill.
Speaking of floors, getting to the green (purple is special level) elevator ends the floor regardless of enemies left, so run if you need to. Just dont expect the option to run from any of the games bosses.
Explosions hurt you. Duh, yeah, but even your own grenades, micro missles and such. So NEVER idle if the floor under you has a red circle.
Enhancements to energy will boost the power of your shield. You want those and any that offer healing (currently I found 2, 35% per floor & 15% of energy pickup)
Lastly, each boss you beat opens up a new elevator to start a run, skipping 3-5 levels. Make sure you bulked your stats if youd rather start on a higher floor (less time to overseer, fewer gear & enhancement drops)

I hope this helps. It was a hard game before I found this out.
Happy Hunting (>*_*)>

14 Sep 2018 10:19

Can confirm, Techie is completely and utterly overpowered compared to the other characters from a survivability standpoint.
By OhMyGoth1 on 12 Jun 2019 03:59
This doesn't unlock for me and i have beatin it on 1.0 several times now, anyone else have the same issue?
By Borshajen on 24 Aug 2019 08:55
Thanks for the recommendation, extremely OP indeed. <(*_*<)
By Healtti on 31 Aug 2019 07:09
Yep, having a shield with the Techie class is a pretty powerful, just went a full floor 1 to top, and I never once came close to death.
By EarthboundX on 26 Nov 2019 10:23
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Well done on completing the game. This is on floor 6 which consists of one boss fight; A Spiderbot over a 3 phase battle. Just beware the last phase in which you’ll have to fight heavy enemies with rockets and be attacked with more rockets from the boss. You will unlock overseer 2.0 upon your victory, which can be selected on the ‘hacker’ section of the main hub in the left hand side room.
Story-related; cannot be missed.

This is for beating the final boss of the game, the Overseer, at the top of the tower. This end of the game is split up into a few individual parts.
  1. The penultimate level is just a short run up to a green elevator. I'm not sure why this level exists
  2. After that, you'll head right to a locked door and see the Overseer robot on the right. Wait for the dialogue to end and then the door with open. There will be a bunch of regular enemies, but you can just ignore them and run to the open doorway on the right. This starts the actual boss fight, which is broken up into three nearly-identical phases
  3. The first phase, the boss will first go around the room to each container and awaken an enemy. You can prevent this by destroying each unit before the boss spawns an enemy there. This is pretty easy to do by quickly running to each one and shooting it to blow it up. To reach the right side, head up and shoot a hole in the wall to create a path to the right. After the boss walks its path, regardless of how many enemies it awakens, its shield will drop off, which is your cue to start shooting it. Much like the first boss of the game, it'll periodically unlock machine gun fire on you. Strafe around it and keep shooting. After the first third of its health is gone, its shield will come back up and it'll walk to the next room. Feel free to go ahead of it rather than wait for it
  4. Second phase is identical to the second (blow up the containers to prevent or limit enemy spawns), except it'll fire more heavily when its shield goes off. Otherwise, exact same strategy
  5. Third phase, it'll go left in the Throne Room to four pods, and there it'll awaken four heavy enemies at the same time as its shield comes off. This is a great opportunity to use up all of your energy by spamming whatever ability you have over and over to cut down the regular enemies. On top of the boss's machine gun fire, it'll also fire missiles and launch grenades in pretty high amounts. Move like crazy, never stopping, and stay clear of the red circles on the ground from grenades. If you're caught off guard, you can die very fast from all the explosives. Keep firing to finish the boss off
  6. Once dead, head up the path in the center to a locked door, and wait there for the dialogue to finish. Now head up all the way to the throne and shoot the Overseer as soon as you reach the chair (he dies instantly). Approach the throne and interact with it to sit in it, beating the game
The keeper himself is not barefoot, but simply a convention. The last boss is Caretaker. Actually, after killing him, you will get to the keeper. It all depends on how many hours you have played before. I was already pretty leveled up and had 12 perks. Can be killed in a couple of seconds if crits reach 500+ damage.

The fight with the final boss takes place in 3 stages. There are tricks to help kill him.
1) Take any instant attack ability. Such as rockets or plasma.
2) An excellent combination is a rapid-fire weapon + a perk for restoring 2+life on critical hits
3) Level up your luck to 50+, this guarantees that every third shot is a crit.
4) Take the perk for 30% additional damage to bosses.
5)DO NOT SHOOT THE CONSOLES - wait for Caretaker to approach them and activate them. At this moment, he removes his protection and you must inflict maximum damage on him in this second. Thus, after he activates the last console, he will already have less than half his lives! Don't skimp on your attacking abilities; there are places to replenish energy on the levels.
6)(part 2 of the battle) When Caretaker moves to the next location, do not forget to destroy all the consoles; this opens the purple doors (in the middle of the location), where you can replenish energy to the maximum.

11 Jun 2017 15:29

1 Comment
Hint for easy passage for any difficulty:

Select a Cyber ​​psycho character (he has 200% in melee + 2 slots for perks)
Add a perk with the image of a scythe (+200% in the near field)
+ perk with the image of a boot (+33% in close range)

The remaining perks are for health and gold.

That's it - you are a terminator, you can forget about aiming, everything is killed using the "square" button.

In fights with spiders, we attack in a circle; he is not even able to fire a cannon, because... she just doesn’t have time to turn around.
By scythevolver on 27 Jun 2017 14:41
I managed to kill him easier:
Gimbal Cannon - AP-1 Predator
We take two perks to increase weapon damage - Chiphow LoaderArt; ChiphowAmmoArt
the first increases the magazine by 50% and reload by 100%, the second increases the magazine by 100%.
Next, anything to increase the rate of fire. Increasing damage to the boss is at your discretion.
Here you can add a perk so that critical shots will set the enemy on fire, but only in conjunction with the perk that the fire caused by you will burn 4 times longer.
In total, we have 5-6 perks occupied. The remaining slots are filled with either a permanent increase in HP, or 2HP healing for each crit.

As for me, it’s better to blow up all the power units at once. In any case, the boss follows the route to the power units and drops the shield for a split second. There will just be less husk. At higher levels it plays a role.
Further tactics are simple, similar to the first spider boss. If your speed is sufficient, we simply run around the boss in a small radius and hit. This is where it is important that the soldiers do not interfere.

At the first stage, everything is simple - we run in circles. On the second it’s similar, but we also dodge missiles - right, left, while running in circles. At the third stage, immediately throw a grenade to blow up the cryochambers, then we run in circles, dodging missiles and, at the same time, mines on the ground.

12 Jun 2017 07:26