NHL 2K10

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Oilers Trophy

Oilers Trophy

Achieve a total of 446 goals.


How to unlock the Oilers Trophy achievement in NHL 2K10 - Definitive Guide

*If anyone wishes, just comment and I will put up a YouTube video on how to do this!*

Hey everyone. Heaven In Vain had a very good solution and I have used it. Mine is about the same thing with a little tweak.

Okay, so first, DON'T play one, 20 minute period game unless you are crazy whoring and you want the achievement ASAP. I would recommend doing 1 minute periods as you can get closer to the 500 games played achievement.
The thing that Heaven suggested was to play with 2 controls. The tweak on mine is not to play with 2, but with 3.
Set up a 1 minute game and make sure your profile is the 1st controller. Go to the home side and choose the Western All-Stars or Canada. As the other team, do Denmark, France or Latvia. Push the other 2 controllers over to the side. If you only have 2 standard controllers, you can also use a Guitar Hero Guitar (Not Drums, But Guitar) to do this. After you have plugged all the controllers in, make sure it's on Rookie (Or custom if you wish, but I do rookie as custom can often be glitchy).
Now, boot up the game. When it begins doing the little cutscene at the beginning, press start on the second controller and go to Options > Controller Options > Settings.
Here, select Player Change to Goalie.
Then, use Heaven's idea and put a rubber band around the LS. But what I do, is put it around the LS and RS as the goalie will go into a fall, making it impossible for him to freeze it if he by and chance gets it because this will rack up extra seconds every game, over the course of 500 games, can be hours.
Now, you have all the players set up. The reason you wanna use the third controller is so that you are guaranteed you win the faceoff after every goal because this way, you can get alot more since the CPU can be very retarded if they get it.
Just win the faceoff, and put it into the already open net. Simple. In 1 minute periods, I usually rack up 25-30 goals a game. Crazy, huh?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
If you don't have 3 controllers, sorry, but this won't work. Use Heaven's method instead.

Finally, I wanna say that the GH guitar can act a little retarded at the quick game menu. If this is the case, just don't put it on any team. Then, when the pre-game cutscene begins. Pause the game on controller 1, go to Choose Sides in the Options menu and put the guitar on the bad team.
It will say "You can no longer get achievements" or something. You can earn stats but the achievements will not unlock until you exit to dashboard and restart the game.


05 Mar 2010 17:56

thats actually a good solution. i'd try it if i didnt already have the achievemtn but trust me, use it to get to 900 goals or watevs and u may not do any work at all. nice job!
By UndergrounCzech on 03 May 2010 22:24
Great solution...I might try this method too!!

Also, be aware of something that is working for me so I don't have to play at all! I set the 1st controller (with my profile that I want the achievement on) ALSO TO BE THE GOALIE full time. I know this will not go as fast as your solution or Heaven's, but by doing this, it allows me to do other things while the computer is playing itself (like watch a movie or watch a Stanley Cup playoff game!). I set the difficulty to Pro instead of Rookie and upped the penalty settings a little to help me get the Flyers Trophy achievement. With the computer controlled All-Stars on my side and the goalie moved out of the way on the 2nd controller, I still get anywhere between 7 & 20 goals per game. I didn't think it would work, but I've gotten Oilers Trophy, Devils Trophy, 30 PPG's, and 1000 shots achievements all by doing it this way.

I only throw this out there for those who may not want to actually hold the controller for this brutal grind!
By pyr0lyZer on 03 May 2010 01:05
okay so instead of playing alot of games and scoring goals in all of them i suggest playing one game with the time set to 20 minutes.i used three controls.one on for the main profile to get the achievement and the other two on the other team.set on to play the goal amd put a rubber on the left analog stick to make the goalie move out of the way for you on every play.the other controller do whatever aslong as its on the other team so the cpu wont come after you. keep scoring goals till you get this achievement.right this second ive scored 169 goals and there is still 12:50 left in the third period.

Key note: if you also put the penalties up for the game you can also get achievements for the 500 penalty minutes and the 30 powerplay goals

21 Sep 2009 05:37

Great tip, but honestly I recommend doing 1 minute quarters instead of one big long game. I mean, in the time you do a 20 minute game you could instead do four 1 minute quarter games and chip away at that horrid 500 games achievement.

As long as you score 2 goals a game with a couple assists, you'll have all the scoring based achievements by the time you hit 500. Your trick works great if you want fast points though, but if you want to maximize your time I say just gradually work at it, anything to keep your mind into that 500 grind hell.
By The Onyx Kid on 22 Sep 2009 12:01
I'm with you, 1 minute periods is the way to go. Not only for the 500 games played, but also the 200, 100, and 50 games played or won achievements. I still score as many goals as I can in the 3 minutes of game time, and then once I get to the point where the number of goals I have left is equal to the number of games I have left to win I'll just do a goal a game (you can check your current stats in the Trophy Room by hitting the Y button).

Keep in mind though that the 500 games one is 500 games *played* not 500 games won. So after you get your 200 wins, you could just start a 1 minute period game, pull your own goalie and let the CPU have their way with you while you go get a coffee, come back and repeat. So really you're looking to get the 896 goals and 2000 points by 200 games, which is about 4-5 goals per game, and about the same number of assists per game.

Never thought of the rubber band and set the 2nd controller to be goalie only though, I've been manually pulling the goalie with the 2nd controller after every goal.
By Pedle Zelnip on 29 Sep 2009 07:18
One more note: make sure after you play a game that you *manually* save your profile and data even if you have autosave on as sometimes autosave doesn't seem to kick in. I was at 339 goals when I quit last night, then when I stuck the game in today I was back at 279.

Thinking maybe I was imagining things, I tried an experiment: played 2 quick games, then checked my stats. Yup, the goals I scored in the two games were there (went from 279 to a little over 290). Then I quit to the dash, fired the game up again, and checked my stats. The goals from the 2 games I played were no longer there, instead my total went back to 279.

This game's enough of a grind without having the game forget to save your stats.
By Pedle Zelnip on 29 Sep 2009 17:49
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This will be obtained just by playing regularly. In case you're wondering, the 446 goals is the number of goals that the Edmonton Oilers scored as team one season in the 80's which was the most one team had ever scored in a season.


See "Kings Trophy"