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Oaken achievements progress.
Complete the bonus ending.
Finish the first chapter.
Defeat 3 targets at the same time with Aya's ability.
Finish the second chapter.
Defeat 6 enemies with Aya's Spiky Seeds during a single battle.
Finish the third chapter.
Shoot with Aya 3 times during a single battle.
Finish the game with the Lady.
Have an enemy be affected by Enju and 2 other Defenders at once.
Finish the game with the Lady on Mastery 6 or higher.
Gain Strength from Enju's Miracle Cure at least 6 times in a single turn.
Finish the game with Kidu.
Inflict at least 12 Weakness on enemies in a single turn.
Finish the game with Kidu on Mastery 6 or higher.
Outsmart enemies Weakened to 1 Attack 12 times during a single playthrough.
Playing as the Lady, create 50 allied hexes.
Slay a unit with at least 10 health with a single attack from Kusta.
Playing as the Lady, have at least 6 base attack.
Playing as the Lady, defeat 20 enemies with your attack.
Push a single enemy to another hex 3 times in a single turn.
Heal allies with Baralai's Mossy Cover 25 times during a single playthrough.
Playing as the Lady, defeat at least 6 enemies in a single turn.
Playing as Kidu, defeat 30 enemies with Blaze in a single playthrough.
Move with Baralai at least 5 times in a single turn.
Playing as Kidu, cast a spell or use a skill boosted with 9 Embers.
Stabilize a full hand of spells 3 times in a single playthrough.
Hit enemies 16 times with Raiku's Raving Foci in a single battle.
Playing as Kidu, win an elite or boss battle without summoning any allies.
Playing as Kidu, create 40 Embers on the ground during a single playthrough.
Copy spells stabilized by Raiku 8 times during a single playthrough.
Unlock all cards and items.
Defeat 10 Voiceless enemies with Deigo's Enchanted Beads during a single playthrough.
Have an elder spirit with max level and a unique Wisp.
Travel a distance of 20 hexes with your hero in a boss or elite battle.
Have a single unit deal damage with Deigo's Enchanted Beads 5 times in one turn.
Have an enemy Ensnared for its 2 consecutive turns.
Convert 15 Voiceless enemies in a single playthrough.
Deal at least 12 damage in a single hit.
Create 8 allied hexes in a single turn in the Oak's Crown.
Defeat a boss while you have 8 or less max health.
Defeat 50 enemies with Pathfinder's Eclipsed Tears in a single playthrough.
Collect at least 10 Spikefruit in the Valley of Thorns in a single playthrough.
Block unearthing enemies with other enemies 6 times in the Hollows.
Summon allies in Deep Water 8 times in a single playthrough.
Destroy 4 Amber Prisons in a single turn in the Amber Falls.
Protect the tiny Tinker in 4 different locations.
Defeat the boss in the Oak's Crown after defeating at least 10 of his followers.
Defeat the boss in the Valley of Thorns after making him charge into a wall at least 6 times.
Defeat the boss in the Hollows after having him defeat at least 3 of his own allies.
Defeat the boss in the Seas of Serpents after outsmarting it at least 6 times.
Defeat the boss in the Amber Falls after surviving a direct hit from the shattering of his shell.
Defeat the final boss without exhausting any cards.
Hit 4 units with a single Black Puffer in the Roots.
Defeat the boss in the Roots after defeating a Shadow Clone that has at least 15 health.