Of Orcs And Men

Of Orcs And Men

45 Achievements


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Finish Of Orcs and Men at the highest difficulty level


How to unlock the Bloodjaw achievement in Of Orcs And Men - Definitive Guide

This is not as hard as you would think. The hardest parts are the first half of the game. So I thought I would write a few tips that helped me.

There are a number of skills you really need to get. Make sure you upgrade styx in range you dont want to be melee. You need to get his stun and aimed throw for extra damage. Make sure to focus on dodge. There is one melee skill you must get and that is the focus to hp conversion skill this is a life saver. Every time he levels put it in agility nothing else. Also when given the choice make him a shadow goblin not an assassin.

For your orc level up everything in defence, for the first half of the game will basically be him taunting and taking blows. his defence tree will allow him to convert rage to hp this is very important, you do not want him to enrage early game. Every point should go into hp nothing else he needs to be a huge tank. When given the choice go berserker.

At the start of the game you are basically going to be running away. taunting with your tank and picking them off with styx, you will be reviving alot so upgrade it to increase your dodge.

End game you will stop tanking and go full berserk. Sounds weird I know but the berserker skills will heal him. So upgrade all his skills to give back health. Second half of the game will be get berserk fast he will keeep himself alive. Also all styx will do is spam stun with the 50% chance to stun in a radius.

I got stuck at quite a few points first half of game. Before the bersekers in the row is very difficult. A tip is once your orc dies you can run all the way back to the beginning of the level, so run far away then rez and use him to rage kill one enemy, repeat and you will wear them down.

ON THE LAST BOSS. All you do is target the boss and use heavy attack, you will then enrage and use styx to stun if you do not he heals and keeps rezzing berserkers. I managed to kill him in 1 minute with this tactic.

This is not a full guide just tips I found helpful to complete it on the hardest setting.

17 Feb 2013 19:59

ok im guessing your talking about in the conference room after you have snuck in. This bit is ridiculous. How I did it was run around the pillars your best bet is to kill the paralyzer. Just throw stun bombs and the odd attack and make sure to heal alot. Its very slow and takes luck. You can also try to poison them but you want to stay as far aay as possible at all times. You will get stunned now and then you just need to pray. Also you can et the enemies stuck between the 2 pillars sometimes, theres a small pile of bricks this glitches them sometimes
By Team Bisset on 31 Aug 2013 11:30
Great tip with the three berserkers. I did not get this at first (the gate is closed so you can't run back to the beginning of the level, but there is enough room for Styx to run away from the enemies, regenerate a little and run revive the orc, run away again. Once the first berserker was down it got easier.

Hope this was the most difficult part of the game. Your leveling tips work so far.
By Lathandertg on 25 Mar 2013 08:10

Ok I give up, how do I kill the two guys alone with Styx after you kill the emperor. The inquisitor guy paralyzes me, then the soldier kills me. I just want this fucking garbage game done, please tell me what to do so I can finish it and snap the disc in half. Should have known this game would be bad after playing Game of Thrones...
By LV 1 Blue Slime on 30 Aug 2013 05:18
I must have got lucky, but I found the last fight quite easy, and managed to do it on my first attempt.

I know it's four years later, but if anyone else is having trouble with the solo Styx fight, I used the life drain ability constantly (you need to be Shadow Goblin path though). And it still took a bit of luck to pull it off.
By Karachi King on 11 Oct 2017 23:25
I hate this game and the scumbags who made it, Can’t even get past the mission called the guide which is first mission after you use goblin to sneak attack have to take out 4 guys who kill me instantly it’s bullshit.
By Goggs25 on 30 Apr 2023 11:09
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Lets cut to the chase, the game is going to be muuch easier to beat if you choose only one skill for each character and and keep boosting it.
Meaning throw every skill point in Styx's agility, as for Arkail you should invest everything in strenght.
By the time you have to face the final boss you should have gathered about 30 points for both of those skills, even if you choose to spend a point or two on styx strenght, and Arkhai'a HP.

Attacks which are vital in this playtrough, and should be boosted to the max:
Arkai's Offensive Charge, Heavy attack and Stun Attack./ Goblin throw, raise ally also come in handy.
Styx's armor piercing, flying daggers, poisoned daggers, knife throw, acurate throw, stunning bomb, and let's not forget about stealth stance and raise ally (this one is crucial since Styx's going to be the one reviving his buddy more often)

There are already a few solitions concerning the ROW, that's why I'm going to concentrate on the final section of the game.

Once you enter the final structure on the Island of sisters of Laments our characters decide to split up, and this is where things have gotten hairy for me once I had to face the three heavily armored soldiers, all alone as Arkai.

Don't waste your time with sophisticated tactics, simply rush at them, starting with the heavy spearmen and use the Offensive Charge until he's down, then quickly switch to the other guy, worked like a charm, after countless failed attempts with other combinations.

As for the final encounter, again start with the spearmen, styx should take out their armor, then back away, this is where Arkai comes in with his trusty Offensive Charge and Heavy Attack (you could support him with styx accurate throw/revive), then switch to the soldiers and finally the crossbow men.

After you take them out, 4 orcs enter the room, the tactics is basically the same, concentrate your efforts on one enemy, Styx should hide behind the pillars, and support the orc with accurate throw and revives.

Your nearly there, the last fight begins, styx should rush to the High Inquisitor and take out his armor or use flying daggers (if you've unlocked the poison daggers this will add to the damage) and again hide behind the pillars (from there he should attack with acurate throw/ knife throw and revive), now it's Arkai's turn to make some damage, use Offensive Charge and Heavy Attack. A word of advice, ignore the berserker orcs this time around, they're just a mere distraction. Rince and repeat

P.S. Being stealthy in this game makes your life a LOT easier, so use it whenever you can, and I mean whenever, seriously!
Have fun, and good luck:D

03 Feb 2014 11:10

1 Comment
This solution works until you have to use ark solo then it is useless he just gets battered against the enemy.
By forevabootless on 22 Jan 2022 01:57

To get this trophy, you will have to beat the game on the hardest difficulty. This will actually pose a bit of challenge, and I suggest playing through on Easy first to get the miscellaneous trophies and learn the gameplay. The difficulty related trophies do stack, so if you get this trophy the others will all unlock.

Some basic tips:

The most important thing to know before you start your extreme playthrough, is that it's highly recommended you level up Arkail's stamina pretty much exclusively. For Styx, you can level up his critical chance or strength, but you will need Arkail to be able to take hits while Styx does damage. Always upgrade stun chance when you are upgrading skills, this will be required for the final boss. In every area, before you fight, try and assassinate as many enemies as possible. Keep in mind that an assassination is always a one hit kill, so try to assassinate harder enemies before the fight starts. More difficult enemies have more yellow health bars, while easier enemies have dark green bars.

There are two areas in which you'll have the most trouble. Here I have to thank user Lightsp33d1987 for his help, I couldn't have done it without his advice. The first difficult area is The Row. You will have to fight three enraged orcs, and Arkail will not have any equipment. There are two strategies that can be employed here, both of which have the same idea behind them. Once Arkail falls, and he will, use Styx to lure the orcs to the back corner of the area, while keeping them far enough away that they cannot hit you. Loop around and keep running outside their reach. You are significantly faster than them, so you will be able to either go back and revive Arkail and be able to attack while he is alive, then repeat - or simply stay out of their reach and continue to turn around and throw basic attacks at them. Both strategies WILL take a long time, but they are the easiest ways to complete this area.

The second difficult area is the final boss. You will have to fight through a wave of men, a wave of orcs, then fight the final boss. If you die, you will have to fight the previous two waves and watch the cutscenes again. The strategy here is a bit different than you are likely used to. Instead of being purely defensive with Arkail, you are going to use your stun smash over and over on the boss. Between that and Styx's buff that makes every crit stun, you should be able to stun lock the boss and stop him from summoning more orcs or healing. Continue to deal damage as fast as you can while keeping him stunned. It will likely take quite a bit of trial and error, but when you manage to stun him properly, he will have no opportunity to react. Once the boss himself is dead, the fight is over, you do not have to fight the orcs remaining, so don't worry about Arkail getting dangerously low health.


All of the difficulty achievements stack, so be sure to start on Extreme to unlock them all at once and only have one full playthrough to do.

I will describe my method of passing. At the beginning, for informational purposes, I played it at an average difficulty level in order to learn the combat system. in the 3rd chapter I chose branches for the chapters. Heroes: Goblin - Path of the Assassin

(Slicer-Dicer ), orc - way of the berserker (Inner rage ).

As for the maximum difficulty level, the choice was obvious: goblin - the path of the shadowblin (Into the shadow ), orc - the path of the master (Anger management ), and did not regret it. At this level it is only difficult at the beginning of the game and the very last battle.

The tactics are simple, we put protection on the orc and pit the summoned orcs against each other, in the meantime we use the goblin to steal life from the orcs (shadowblin branch), after killing them there is a little time to beat the crap out of the boss, after which he calls the orcs again, and we do everything according to the same tactics until victory.

PS Kill the summoned orcs first, otherwise when the boss attacks, he will drain the lives of his subordinates... everything will end in disaster... and yes, do not forget to pump points from the goblin to resurrect an orc with a large number of lives.

Summarize. Not everything is that difficult, except the last battle. I wish you to stock up on nerves and have a pleasant game in receiving

PPS After passing on the maximum difficulty level, all others are counted automatically!

07 Mar 2013 14:06