Outlast 2

Outlast 2

24 Achievements

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Finish the game in Insane Mode without reloading the camera battery


How to unlock the Messiah achievement in Outlast 2 - Definitive Guide

**I have updated the video below with one safe to use after the 5/5/2017 patch. The most significant changes were in The Chapel, The Road to the Mine, Golgotha and The Last Supper**

Just like the ENERGISER achievement in the first Outlast, this achievement requires you to complete the entire game in Insane Mode without hitting cn_Y to reload your batteries. You can use all your battery up and use the low power night vision when it runs out - just don’t press cn_Y to reload. Insane Mode is identical to Nightmare but there are no checkpoints and you can’t save your progress. I’ll post a link below with a video I made that may help with this achievement (as well as Saint, Asahel and Prophet).

Some tips:
-Save the Insane achievements for last so you can familiarize yourself with the game
-Be aware of where you are about to be in danger so you can be sure to have full sprint before you start
-Experiment with the brightness in your game/monitor in case it can make it easier for you to see in the very dark areas
-Learn the dark parts of the game by the directions you need to move or find the places that light up in the dark for reference
-Practice tricky parts in Nightmare where there are checkpoints so when you get to them in Insane you are confident with where to go
-Consider doing Prophet (No hiding in barrels or closets) beforehand so you don’t need to worry about avoiding hiding places if you make a mistake and you can save yourself by running to one.
-Also, my paths are certainly not the only ones so be sure to check out another walkthrough if what I do isn't quite your style :)

**Some notes on the video:
-The Crash - 1 - Sometimes Marta does not disappear from the first encounter so be prepared to run around the building from her.
-The Ascension - A more reliable method than the one used is to wait to the left of the door that the second heretic busts down and not deal with the first heretic at all. When the door breaks down, run behind the enemy and up the stairs like normal.

I'm very open to feedback on how to improve this solution so let me know (it is my first on TA).

Good luck!!!

30 Apr 2017 18:53

/\ What RNG are you talking about? I got this achievement 3 years ago and all RNG I remember is the dwarf with a Bow
By Lighted v on 04 May 2020 13:49
Awesome solution and gameplay buddy... Great strategies to some difficult parts!!! It seems i made my life unnecessarily harder at some spots haha... compute
By staR eXistenZ on 01 May 2017 01:50
This is gonna suck. one thing i hate about this is that the 1st outlast was perfect in how there was no rng randomness and it was pure execution but this game has rng and randomness which is unfit for permadeath game modes
By MrKoolxDood on 30 Apr 2020 03:38
You'll be pumped at first yes, but that excitement will slowly decay and mold into an unforgiving madness.
By Nate1528 on 04 May 2017 10:27
I really don't know if this is helpful but what I did in the first outlast when my battery died and when I was in dark areas, was that I would turn up my tv brightness and The in-game brightness which made the dark areas a hell of a lot easier. Again I'm not saying this is helpful to everyone, but with me it really helped a lot!
By ol ALEXKING lo on 04 May 2017 19:36
Yeah it's really difficult... If you ever need some advice don't hesitate asking me and i might be able to help.... music
By staR eXistenZ on 04 May 2017 22:17
Nate, my man. I have attempted this achievement 10 times if not more. I have spent HOURS of my life walking the same path over and over again. If I have to watch Ethan die one more time I am going to explode. This is one of the hardest I have ever done.
By AminoKing on 05 May 2017 00:16
The true challenge of this achievement is all the cutscenes that are in the game and are unskippable. The first one, the heretics taking Lynn, Ethan dying, Josiah dying, the crucifxion and burial.

And I complained at repeating the Trager cutscene every time in the fist game XDDDD
By Yukito Kaminari on 06 May 2017 08:36
The chapel checkpoint is absolutely ridiculous. I got every checkpoint mastered before beginning my first attempt at this and died by some rng bs after opening door
By Inferno118 on 08 May 2017 11:50
There's a pretty big update that just came out for the game and this may very well mess up some of the strategies. Now I feel like replaying nightmare just to see but I don't wanna risk it yet. Just need to practice ch 4 and the rope checkpoint and I should be able to run thru this
By Inferno118 on 08 May 2017 21:19
Thanks very much for your posts ninjaraiden2003 - I've encountered the same changes and have updated the guide for now until I can get a new video up. I did not encounter the game going back to the main menu in The Descent in my last Insane run though... Very sorry to hear that cry
By Kreeper V on 09 May 2017 19:37
Yeah it kinda sucks, just had it send me to dashboard during the crucifixtion sequence too *sigh* never had a single technical issue pre-patch but now post-patch I'm getting some frustrating ones. All I can do is laugh otherwise it literally will send me insane haha. I know I can do this, been so close twice in two days! Have to keep chipping away at it tomorrow.
By ninjaraiden2003 on 09 May 2017 20:37
FINALLY got it! The patch threw a couple of curveballs in with learning what had changed but it's really not too much that's different, shouldn't take long for people to wrap their heads around it and adjust to new strats.

Biggest advice I can honestly give to anyone still going for it is practice, familiarity and memorization. Know exactly what happens at each part, what is coming next, where to go, enemy placements and their pathings will make this easier.

Also having a good memory of how to navigate through the pitch black areas of the game that are safe without night vision will allow you to save more battery for the mines. This makes doing the darker chase segments from Val's first chase onwards at the end of the game alot less stressful!
By ninjaraiden2003 on 10 May 2017 13:52
I just emant bed, not bunk bed*
By Inferno118 on 10 May 2017 19:52
my game crashed at val :(
By BFMV Jay on 15 May 2017 02:42
This is easily one of the hardest achievements I've ever had to get. Thank you for the great guide!
By AminoKing on 16 May 2017 19:09
Agreed. Got it done after a glitch at ch 4 and game crash at ch 5. Was borderline done, but finally got it completed
By Inferno118 on 17 May 2017 22:22
This achievement is terrible. I've died sooo many times from random bullshit. And random arrows. Thanks Laird. Struggling to find the motivation to keep playing through the first hour over and over again.
By GriZzly GRiP on 26 May 2017 00:10
I just went through this on insane without reloading camera batteries (almost). Some things I've noted:

In the town where you have to push the cart, push until Marta appears, then hide in the gap in the fence. As soon as she leaves in a hurry, crawl back out and start pushing the cart again. When she breaks the fence, turn around and run back towards the broken bridge the way you came (near where you dropped into the town). , then turn right to go through the alleys behind the houses. You should easily lose Marta and have enough time to push the cart right to the end. Marta seems to be more random now, so the previous method doesn't always work. A safer way is to run back to the open area and hide behind the flipped cart, facing towards the large alley. Marta should stroll back and forth here while she doesn't know where you are, and occasionally go down an alley on the left. Wait until you see her go down the alley (you can tell by watching her glowing axe), then sprint to the pushable cart. She won't even know you're there. She will investigate ANY loud sound made in the area though. If you hide in a barrel and close the lid too quickly, she will have a look around (very rarely inside the suspect barrel though).
You can also skip the scene here with Marta if you jump early towards the fence.

In the chapel, WAIT for about 10 seconds after all enemies leave the room. Sometimes there's an enemy waiting by the front door after they have left, and he'll ruin your run if you leave too soon. You can also point your microphone at the front door to see when he's gone.

In Marta's area where you find the hook, run forward to lure her out, then stand in plain sight in the middle of that area. Where you entered from is part of an "O" shape, and you can simply run back and loop around to get past her, instead of hiding and waiting for her to pass.

Laird seems to drain your camerra batteries while he has it. I'm not sure if it takes a certain amount off of what you had when he took it, or if it's hardcoded to always be at that precentage (around 70%) when you get it back. If it's the latter, then it won't matter how much battery you use before then. After getting back your camera, it is always at around 70%, even if it was less when Laird took it. This means that all battery use before then is irrelevent and you can use as much as you want (without reloading of course). That said, if you're going for this achievement you should be 100% comfortable getting to this point without using the camera anyway.

There's an easy way to get away from Laird after getting back your camera. Jump out the window as normal, then run around to the left staying near the wall. The last house you see will have an open window. Jump in and immediately lock BOTH doors, then crouch (not lay down) next to the open window to the right of the second door. As soon as Laird knocks on the door, mash A to jump out and run towards the ledge. Veer to the left a bit to get around the wire trap between the trees.

If you make it to the end with any battery left after finding the heretic ritual, this is not the time to spare it (since you don't need it after this). Keep it on for the entire run through the tunnel until you drop down. You NEED to get to the end of the tunnel as fast as possible before the rocks crumble and block the path. If you are not running the entire way, or get caught on a wall at all, you will not make it past the falling rocks and will die. 3 hours wasted. After going up the hill and past the wooden support in the middle of the tunnel there is a right turn. Make sure you stay on the left side of this turn as the tunnel splits into 2 paths here. It's a very subtle split, but if you accidently go down the right path instead of the left, the tunnel collapses in on you and you get trapped. It might be possible to backtrack and go back to the left path before the enemies kill you (you will take a hit or two), but it's not worth it. Play the last part of CH5 a few times until you know where to go.
Out of all the times I practised that section on Nightmare, and the 3 previous times I made it there on Insane, I never noticed the split in the tunnel. You do not want to go through a whole Insane run only to go down the wrong side. Make sure you know where it is.

There are certain spots where the game automatically turns on your night vision: While walking with Lynn in the forest after she pauses for breath; after turning Jessica's music box; after climbing into the vents in the school sequence where you make the UNFORGIVABLE hangman picture; and after falling out of the tree after falling off the broken train bridge. There might be a few more later on, but you should be ready to switch off night vision at these points, as they're not dangerous and there's no point wasting battery.
By Larkias on 13 Aug 2017 09:06
Anybody practicing this on Nightmare need to know that the AI are far more aggressive and the RNG is way off when compared to Insane. Also Insane starts you with a FULL BATTERY which is also different than Nightmare. You can use the first battery up and you'll get it again after Laird gets it from you at about 65-70%. Don't waste time running the the first half in the dark.
Also when you play on nightmare the check points will be different than what you'll experience on Insane, making the experience way different.
By deluxnugs on 23 Oct 2017 22:48
You'll also get "Sanctified" (hard mode) when you finish the game on insane or you need that specific playthrough?
By I Boz l on 05 Jan 2018 11:29
@I Boz I - you shouldn’t need that specific playthrough, the difficulty achievements stack so you should actually get it while practicing in nightmare dance
By Kreeper V on 05 Jan 2018 14:52
Thank you for this Kreeper V! Your guides are awesome :).
By thepack1221 on 27 Apr 2018 19:02
The Marta Cart section is utter horseshit. Apart from the fact that she fucking teleports all over the place (which is just plain bad, lazy, awful game design) I've lost count of the amount of times I've pushed the cart all the way to the fence, climbed up onto it, then Blake decides to step down off the edge of the cart rather than jump the gap despite me pressing jump + forward. It's bullshit.

What's weird is I've managed to get Marta to despawn that section several times in my Nightmare practice sessions - but only AFTER the cart is almost at the fence, and I have no idea what actually causes her to despawn. It seems completely random. It's the part when you get the cart almost all the way and she always spawns behind you a ways away - I think if she happens to be doing something specific like checking in a barrel or something at the moment you hit that point it despawns her.

I fucking hate this achievement. It completely ruins the game apart from anything else - a survival horror game relies on being unfamiliar with the events that unfold, you can replay one a long time after you last played it and still enjoy it, but this achievement causes you to burn the entire game into your mind. It removes all suspense and fear from the game. I'll never be able to play this game again and enjoy it for the horror because of this stupid achievement.
By Maiden Ty One on 07 Oct 2018 19:27
I hate that part too, it's so annoying, I can probably get pas t that part a few times, but most of the times I usually die by her in a stupid way.
By outlaw player05 on 24 Nov 2018 13:30
Am I the only one who is consistently having the first heretic in Ascension one into the room and kill me before the second knocks down the door?? I literally haven't seen this happen to anyone else.
By Silver Salvo on 03 Jun 2019 04:30
I managed to get this achievement and will be more than happy to give advice to anyone that is willing to go for this achievement.
By oo Storm86 oo on 22 Nov 2019 14:20
Anyone know if you can play this offline and delete save if you die?
By Lightz on 21 May 2021 16:57
You can't die or quit the game.
By Silver Salvo on 22 May 2021 05:48
Got it thanks for the guide!
By Lightz on 05 Jun 2021 21:31
I am so freakin' pumped to repeat Energiser for this game dance
By Nitefalcon on 04 May 2017 00:28
Yeah, it's really not that great to attempt. I've comfortably gotten half way through twice today in my first day of attempts at trying this and failed due to randomness rather than it being a clear cut case of doing it incorrectly.

Practice and familiarity is one thing but failing due to RNG makes it more frustrating than challenging. I'll keep plugging away at it though, gotten GENESIS down to memory and spent a good few hours practicing the other parts too.
By ninjaraiden2003 on 04 May 2017 15:52
I agree on the sliding door after the Chapel, I think it's the most difficult part of the entire run with returning the rope being the 2nd most difficult part. I've chosen to go with alternative strategies to whats in this video that both work for me.

I've litereally just gotten three encounters from the end of the game to have it screw me over. The part where you have to crawl through the cave and direct yourself through it whilst Val crawls behind you near the end of the Mine. Ran up to the crawl space, held B to go prone. Pressed forward to crawl in and my character decides to automatically just stand up. By the time I could prone myself again I was dead.

Wasn't impressed but I know I can do it now, won't get another attempt in tonight though. Have to wait 'til after work tomorrow.
By ninjaraiden2003 on 08 May 2017 18:11
Yeah for the different spawn in chapter 1 where the enemy doesnt come up the stairs, just hide under the bunk bed now. Its easier to do now, just wait for him to open door and walk by. I also experienced a black screen then kicked out of game in the 4th vhapter
By Inferno118 on 10 May 2017 19:52
I mean when u do one thing and and something happens such as routing an enemy and then u do the exact same thing and the enemy does something totally different
By MrKoolxDood on 05 Sep 2020 20:05
I've never lost a good run due to something I did incorrectly as a player, but I've lost plenty to the disgusting RNG. I just died during the chase sequence in the mines during the blood rain by being slashed in the back by an enemy who was further ahead than where it should be, a solid 2 hour run gone. I have great paths and optimized strategies for legitimate challenges such as Marta carts, the chapel escape, grabbing the rope, etc. What I don't have strategies for are the RNG parts like the fire arrow bit after crossing the log (seriously, if you're a pixel off of where the game wants you to be you get sniped), enemies in the cornfields being inconsistent, running from Loutermilch in the toilets, and other sections that seem comprised of luck much more than skill.

An achievement like this was fine in the first game, a short title with perfect balancing and consistent, memorable enemy patterns. In this, it's much more frustrating than legitimately enjoyable. Not to mention the battery restriction. In an hour long game that was mostly decently lit, the main thing you had to do was be mindful of your usage and only flick it on the 4 or 5 times you needed to. In this game, the majority of everything is pitch black. Even with TV/game brightness maxed out, it's impossible to penetrate the darkness in a number of areas. Compound this with the cheap deaths and you get something built out of pure frustration and irritation instead of an enjoying challenge.
By on 23 Jul 2017 05:41
For the fire arrow section, I found it easy to hide behind each rock or tree, then poke out backwards for a second until I see Laird fire an arrow (you'll see the little flame), then you sprint to the next rock/tree and STOP. Do not move more than 1 bit of cover at a time. Just rince and repeat.
I've never had a problem with either of the cornfields in the 40+ runs I've attempted, so I'm not sure what could go wrong there. The enemy at the end of the first cornfield was a bit further ahead once and blocked my path, but getting his attention and running around him through the corn on the right worked.
The trick to your camera battery is to only use it in sections that are dangerous. Even if it's pitch black, there's no reason to use it if there's no enemies around (and no holes to fall into). Just feel your way around until you find the path. A lot of the time there will be little markers in the environment which are slightly brighter to lead the way (like the rain drops in the sewers from the first Outlast). You should be able to notice them with your contrast turned way up.
By Larkias on 09 Aug 2017 01:50
Yeah, they've definitely changed a few bits.

GENESIS - The Chapel, when you hide under the bunk beds in the childrens room, after heading to the top of the stairs the NPC with the torch no longer spawns at the bottom of the stairs to which you'd hope over the handrail once he's halfway up.

Instead now he's stood on the other side of the door slightly to the right waiting, so as soon as you the door he spots you. Personaly don't like this as it means dealing with being spotted which is riskier than the previous strat. Seemed to have gotten around this by quickly running/training around the debris in the centre of the room your in and getting on the other side of the room to close it, lock it and push the cabinet to continue.

JOB - Galgotha when you acquire the bandages and head to crawl inside the log on the right, no enemy seems to spawn on that side now and head towards you while your hiding inside the log.

This section ALSO now appears to completely loses the section where you drop down, hide in the long reeds while Nick/Laird kills one of the Scalled and you then have to wait a quite a long time for them to go away so you can quickly head up the beam/tree (before hiding underwater from them). This section seems to have been completely removed. No Nick/Laird or any enemies stood around to the left with the gate actually closed off now and no light shining on the rock face next to the tree beam you have to head up balancing on.

The worst thing I've encountered today though is having gotten to the crawl space after the first minecart towards the end of LEVITICUS - The Descent on an Insane run earlier. Headed to the crawl space, went prone, began crawling forward the game randomly brought up a load screen then put me back on the main menu. Never had it happen to me before, not once pre-patch. Was not impressed at all.
By ninjaraiden2003 on 09 May 2017 18:57
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I just finished this hell today and have some additional tips to offer.

First, if you're looking for a full game walkthrough so you don't struggle with what to do or where to go during an area without enemies and lose your run over something stupid, check out this video below with commentary. It helped a lot, and I used a mix of his strategies and Kreeper's

-Practice the following until you master them: Marta Cart, every segment involving Nick & Laird, the Library, all of the Mines. The mines are not that bad once you know what to do and you were diligent about saving battery, you just don't want to blow it after getting this far so its worth it to practice. The rest are run killers and where almost every death of mine occurred.

-For Marta Cart, I used a modified version of Kreeper's strat. Follow what he does until you're pushing the cart the second time after running her through the bandage room. For me, I never had enough time to push it all the way before she would find me again. So push and wait for the scream, then run through the section of fence she broke down earlier. Run forward and loop all the way back around going the way you entered the area from. At some point you'll hear Marta bashing down another section of fence; this buys you the time needed to push the cart the rest of the way. I tried many strategies here and none of them consistently worked for me except this.

-Nick & Laird fucking suck. Over half my runs ended with an arrow to my face. First encounter, run forward to spawn them, then run back and enter the tent left of the fire from the BACK. Enter crawl status in the grass behind the tent, then forward into the tent. Stop about midway, do not go too far forward or Nick will grab you and kill you. When they pass the tent, crawl forward and run for it. Using the grass to go prone is key; if I did it outside the grass they were more alert and would sometimes kill me while I ran for it.

-Next pain in the ass N&L section is after getting the camera back. I strongly suggest following the strat here from the video I linked, with a slight modification. When you enter the house near the exit with the 2 doors, do NOT lock the first door (the one further from the window you will need to jump out of), only lock the second door. By doing this it forces Nick to use the unlocked door further from you instead of breaking down the door closer to you since the AI will always prioritize and unlocked door over a locked one. Stand near the window and look for the door opening, that's your cue to run to the exit. Forcing Nick to use the further door gave me much more time to make it the exit; I was killed 3 times trying to escape when he was breaking down the closer door, even though in practice it wasn't an issue.

-The Library is not as intimidating as it first appears. You can NOT be killed until you encounter the demon near the exit, so take your time fumbling around the maze to conserve battery. Try your best to memorize the path with practice and take it slow on your real run. Flick the nightvision on and off just enough to see where to go. When you get to the desk with the battery, walk toward the light to spawn the demon. At this point leave the camera on until you enter the crawl space.

Battery Saving Tips:

-A huge overlooked tip is adjusting your TV's settings to brighten the game up. Max out brightness and contrast. Poke around in your settings for additional things like gamma settings, black levels, dynamic contrast, and experiment with them to brighten the picture up. I game on an OLED and had access to all of these and could also crank the OLED light up too. Max out the in-game gamma meter too. The game will look like a hideous grey mess, but this made a massive difference with visibility, with only a handful of spots being in total darkness.

-Saving battery in the beginning doesn't matter. When you get the camera back after N&L take it the battery will always be at 60% no matter what. From this point on you need to conserve.

-First school section before the lake, you will be in total darkness with Jessica talking in the background. Use only the microphone, no night vision. The microphone does not drain the battery. There's no enemies here so take your time and use the mic to follow Jessica's voice in the right direction.

-You shouldn't need any battery until the pool section right after the raft. Use night vision to line yourself up with the lines on the pool floor, turn off the camera and then run straight ahead while mashing A. Once you reach the pool's edge you'll pull yourself up with almost no battery used.

-The Library, as said earlier take it slow in the maze and just flick the nightvision on and off to see where to go. Memorize the route for minimal battery usage. When you encounter the demon, keep it on until you're past him. It's not worth losing your run here trying to nickel & dime the battery, you'll have plenty for the mines.

-You'll need about 40% battery to comfortably get through the mines. I went in with 50% following the above. If you're tight on battery, try not to use any until you have to deal with Val. The first enemy encounter is pretty easy to do with no battery following Kreeper's strat. Walk backwards to the encounter and wait for the music cue, this will help you get back up without having to use battery to orient yourself.

27 Apr 2018 14:42

Although I did this back in December, there are a lot of good tips here. Would've loved to have some of these back then. Thumbs up.
By Doc Showtime on 12 Sep 2018 01:59
If you bothered to read the text in my guide you will see that I do instruct everyone to use the tent on the right for that section. The video's (it's not mine and I stated this) method didn't work for me here either. I used a mix of his, Kreepers, and my own strats to get through this.
By IXI FalcoN on 07 Oct 2018 20:45
Actually with the first Nick and Laird part just run at him head on. Run right by him he will hit you but not kill you. This worked everytime for me. Every time I tried to hide he would find me. When in doubt run it out haha
By Theflattenedcat on 23 Oct 2018 18:56
Your instruction at 54:00 caused me to fuck up a til-then perfect Insane run. That is absolutely the WORST thing you can do in that section.

I've since tried it dozens of times on Nightmare and every single time Master Blaster walks straight to the grass and kills you. Whatever fluke of RNG caused him to miss you in your run is 99.99% not replicateable.

I've also gone into the tent on the right - like every other guide does - and it's worked 100% of the time (providing you don't go too close to the tent's opening. I appreciate you going to all the lengths to make a guide for this but I really can't recommend this guide for this reason.
By Maiden Ty One on 07 Oct 2018 19:34
Nick and Laird aren't that hard, I just keep dying because of my own stupidity. For example, when I was at the Marta cart part, I kept pushing even though I hear the scream, the funny part about this is that I didn't push the cart far enough and I think I pushed the cart for 10 seconds after I heard her scream, before I started to run. I still was able to escape after the annoying chase, just letting you know, Marta has a tendency to disappear, and go to a different part of the area, this mostly happens when you circle around will Marta is chasing you, and go into the crawl space near the cart, I don't know if she actually disappears, but it seems like she does. I just don't see her walk in front of the crawl space or don't even see her at all, when I go to push the cart.
I tend to get too close to the civilians, and I get absolutely killed by them, this happened to me at the last part for Nick and Laird. When I first entered the area, I ran directly left of all the buildings, and there is this one person over at the last building that grabbed and killed me, without giving me a fighting chance. Other than Marta and the random pedestrian, I think I can make it to the last part of Nick and Laird again, hopefully.
By outlaw player05 on 06 Dec 2018 22:30
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The guide above is excellent, I just wanted to add a couple things to it.
First of all - I can't stress enough to NOT USE YOUR BATTERY. If it's a dark area with no enemies, don't even flick it just to try to orient yourself. It drains much faster than you think. Spend a couple minutes practicing on normal to know what the rooms look like so that you can navigate them in pitch blackness. You will want to save your battery for 3 main parts: The library, the first Val chase scene, and the second Val chase scene. The microphone has been updated so as not to drain battery, which is excellent.
Another thing is that you will most likely die. In some cases, a lot. Don't get discouraged. Learn your routes and practice hard until you can nail them almost everytime. The patch improved a lot of the RNG in the game (randomness of enemies) but it is still important to practice.
Below is a guide by PS4Trophies that shows both old and new versions for walkthroughs. If you need to just hear something while playing through it, it's a great tool to have running. Good luck and may the RNG be in your favor!

This version is a supercut of how to navigate with the new patch.

16 May 2017 19:05

1 Comment
With the second video above, 2 changes I'd make.

In Marta's area where you get the hook, do NOT hide in the grass. Marta sometimes wanders too close. Just stand back near the entrance until she comes closer, then run around the water tower to loop around her (the area makes a large O shape).

In the school scene where you get the hangman, you don't need to use the camera at all, and don't need to trigger the jump scare. Just run to the end of the corridor in the red light and wait. Eventually after a minute the hallway starts phasing out with a blue tint (as if the demon is close). After about 30 seconds it goes away and the doorway appears.
By Larkias on 03 Jul 2017 09:00

This is the hardest trophy in the game, because you have to complete the entire game without dying and without reloading the camera battery. This is no easy task and needs a lot practice if you wish to earn this trophy.

Differences with Insane difficulty

  • Enemies run a lot faster
  • Enemies can spot you from further away
  • No checkpoints
  • One life

Tips and strategies for Insane difficulty

  • Go to options and turn the Gamma up to max to make the game slighter brighter
  • Turn up your TV's brightness
  • Don't use your camera unnecessarily
  • Practice every section in the game so you can do it 5-6 times without failing
  • Don't pick up any batteries, thus you don't accidentally reload your camera
  • Patience!

The main goal before you even attempt this difficulty is to memorise every section in the game. Do one, two or even three separate playthroughs on Nightmare difficulty so you know the game inside out, then practice all of the hard parts you struggled on.

Only use your night vision for specific areas. The only times I used my night vision are the ones mentioned in the linked Guide. When you start practising on Nightmare difficulty, use the night vision ability but flick it on and off instead of leaving it on as that will save a lot of battery. I have created a little mini-Guide to use to practice each section in the game. If you do each section in this Guide perfectly, then you have a very good chance of completing this on Insane: LINK

In this guide, I will try to describe in words the enemies that will prevent you from getting this . Before passing, I recommend increasing: Gamma in the game. Brightness, Contrast, Sharpness - On the TV. THE GUIDE MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! For the guide, I came up with my own difficulty level for each location in which this or that character will be present.

Martha - At the beginning (2/5) You just need to lead her around the outbuilding at her house, and crawl into the hole in front of the barn. In the village (3/5, can easily catch you) You need to hide in the hole in the fence and wait until she leaves, and then quickly run to the elevator. In the Abandoned Town (5/5, easily breaks through almost all the walls, finds the GG very quickly, it’s all about luck) You need to run away from her throughout the village, and take her away from the cart, and then move it. In the field (2.5/5, if you act according to the stratum, everything will be simple.) You need to wait in the grass until it passes, and run after the hook. Then quickly insert the hook and run away.

NICK AND LADY - Level 2-1 (3/5, one-shot), Level 2-3, (2/5) You just need to wait for him to pass and enter the house. Level 2-5 (4/5) Take the rope, hide behind the building, wait until he
passes, we run away.

Inner Demon - General Difficulty: 2.5/5. Almost all levels in school are from 2-2. You must always act according to the guide, run away and not hide from it. (Except for the moment in the toilet)

Chapter 3 is very easy to complete, there will be almost no enemies.

Heretics - Overall difficulty: 4/5. Almost the entire 4th chapter, beginning of 5. They are extremely fast and dangerous, after a blow you cannot escape from them. You should always follow the guide.

Val - Almost all of chapter 5. Overall difficulty: 3/5. One shot, but extremely slow. Here you need to either act according to strategy, or always hide.

There will be no enemies in Chapter 6. Enjoy the ending

30 Apr 2017 17:26

This video walkthrough is relevant for patch 1.3
It will show the tactics of passing all the moments where there are enemies or there is a danger of death, as well as give advice on certain difficult places. Screensavers, cut scenes and places where there is no danger are cut out, so do not be alarmed by the length of this video.

Speedrun on Psycho difficulty (MADNESS) without replacing the battery

By following this video walkthrough you will receive the following trophies:
Saint Complete the game in MADNESS mode.
Messiah Complete the game in MADNESS mode without changing the camera battery.
Prophet Complete the game without hiding in a barrel or toilet.
Asahel Complete the game in under 4 hours.
+ All trophies for lower difficulty levels

Before you start, here are some useful tips :
1) Turn up the gamma in the game and your TV settings to maximum (brightness, contrast, backlight, etc.)
2) Also in the game settings, check the box for “Reduced head movement” (while running, your view will not shake as much).
3) During the passage, do not pick up batteries at all, as this will protect you from accidentally noticing them. But, as will be shown in the video, always take bandages and get treatment, if possible, immediately. Because when you're wounded, you move a little slower and you're more vulnerable.
4) Remember that running is not endless, at some points it is important to calculate it so as not to run out of steam during the chase. Pay attention to exactly when he runs in the video. Plus, it takes a few seconds for the character to reach maximum acceleration.
5) For more comfortable and confident control of the character, I recommend setting the control settings to “Classic” (running on the L1 button, as in the first part)
6) When running with obstacles, do not forget to use a tackle (sliding). You have to press a button while running. (sit down)
7) In very dark places, turn on the night vision mode of the camera for a split second (as in the video) this will significantly save battery power.
8) Now the microphone (arrow ) does not drain battery power, so use it as needed or as shown in the video.

Before playing in the "Psycho" (MADNESS) mode, I recommend beating the game on "Nightmare" difficulty, since "Psycho" (MADNESS) is the same as "Nightmare" (in terms of difficulty and enemies), but without checkpoints and saves. So, while playing on Nightmare, you can work out all the difficult places and moments for you + collect all the documents and records (for collecting trophies), if you have not already done so.
By DARTH ROMUL on 14 May 2017 00:10
In the sixth chapter, the final confrontation with Martha takes place in the house where the heroes were trying to find shelter. There, too, you need to know the bypass tactics, because no matter which of the two exits you run to, the first one will still collapse and you will need to run to the second one.
By Lenrwood on 02 May 2017 08:43
My tactics for passing the "crazy" mode (without batteries)
Patch 1.04
By GunMaker on 10 Jul 2018 13:17
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Having really lost...learning the game, I tried to pass it on a mental basis and unexpectedly passed on the first try. I recorded the walkthrough and will probably recommend it to you. It turned out almost perfect, except for some points:

1) At the end of the first chapter, at school, when you turn on the camera and a jump scare jumps out, I forgot to turn on the camera for a couple of seconds and ended up turning it on and off. I spent 2 battery bars and the door opened by itself, without a screamer. Therefore, when you get into this corridor, run to the door with the inscription “Exit”, then back to the door through which you came, wait until the lockers close, and then activate the night vision, spin around, or try to walk. This pretzel will pop out anyway.

2) In the fourth chapter he made an unsuccessful tackle. Either the game is to blame, or I myself, in general, the heretic slashed at me once, but did not kill me. Learn how to roll correctly

3) Since I failed in the first chapter with the screamer, by the end of the fifth there were 2 divisions left, which I left to escape from those who went at the very end. In connection with this, for a long time I could not find the stairs in the dark after escaping from Val.

Otherwise I'm happy with everything. Especially the moments:

1) Martha and the cart. In my opinion, my strategy is much safer than these back-and-forth tackles. In my opinion this is more risky. Although I also use this hole. Glory to the hole

2) The second chapter, where you need to run away from Nick and Laird to a cliff or something like that. Well, not really for me, luring someone into the house, jumping out of the window, running and praying not to get an arrow in the back. I've never had anything like this before. Ratz somehow fired, and then missed, and too late.

3) Val with two switches. There’s probably nothing complicated there and you don’t have to knock the lamp over, but why am I used to doing this?

It is clear that I will not attribute all the credit to myself. Of course, I spied something, either from “PowerPyx” or from others, but again I left IMHO the best, although it probably could have been better.

In general, check it out, in case it helps someone: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD-...FfEQ/playlists

If there’s anything you don’t understand, write to me, I’ll definitely tell you.

06 Aug 2019 01:13