RoboCop: Rogue City

RoboCop: Rogue City

27 Achievements

1000 XP


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There Can Only Be One

There Can Only Be One

Destroy all UEDs during a Shady Meeting in under 10 minutes.

40 XP


How to unlock the There Can Only Be One achievement in RoboCop: Rogue City - Definitive Guide

In this guide we will show you how to eliminate all enemies in Old Factory in less than 10 minutes to earn the "There Can Only Be One" Achievement/Trophy in RoboCop: Rogue City.

"There Can Only Be One" is a semi-missable Achievement/Trophy in RoboCop: Rogue City, which takes place during the main mission "Let's Talk", about halfway through your playthrough.

After you're done with your visit to the hospital, head to the Old Factory to talk to Max Becker. In fact, the high-ranking OCP executive has ambushed you by sending dozens of droids at you. To earn the Achievement/Trophy you must take out all the enemies in less than 10 minutes.

This time frame may not be enough if you're not playing on one of the lower difficulty levels or if you don't have the right equipment. Skills such as increased damage or greater armor can help your task, but in case you've spent skill points on traits such as Psychology or Engineering, you'll either have to lower the difficulty level to Easy or use the appropriate motherboard for Auto-9, RoboCop's pistol. And when we say the right one, we mean one that gives you access to Auto Reload, so you don't have to reload your gun every now and then.

For good luck, there are several OCP Recovery Charges on the map, which can be used to replenish hit points. Additionally, there are several propane tanks, fire extinguishers and other throwables in this area, which can be used to take out 2-3 opponents at once.

If for some reason you fail to earn the Achievement/Trophy on the first try, you can load your last Auto-Save from the main menu to try again.


14 Nov 2023 19:12

For those who have died during this bit, like I did you can reload from last checkpoint and it started me on the last wave and I still got the achievement
By Fateless Night on 14 Jan 2024 17:40
Main Quest 15: Shady Meeting Is the actual mission which is part of the Wendell’s Questline right after the “not over yet” and “silver lining” quests. Was confusing to me whenever I first read the description as there’s no Let’s Talk questline/mission, but rather that’s the name of the actual achievement for completing that entire questline. Definitely agree with spending points on things other than psychology such as combat/armor, although engineering will be needed for the turret-hacking achievement later on in the game.

I don’t know where he got the mod for both the full auto and not having to reload, but I was able to do it with the tier 3.3 chip that just had auto feed on it with the 3-shot burst and still got the achievement. I figured there would be more details about specifically the load-out to have as this is the hardest achievement to get in the game, so I’ll leave a few details. I tried it first doing with only two points in combat and armor and that did not work for me. Once I bumped it up to three points each for combat and armor I was able to successfully get the achievement on my first attempt after adding 1 more skill point for both armor and combat. I had all of my other skills at 2 points each with deduction already maxed out at this point in the game.

He’s also definitely correct about using explosives for the robots, and it really helps to know where they spawn out of each wave. I had no clue where they were coming out of and would just grab whatever I could to throw at them which was semi-effective until the room ran out of explosives. I’d then just hold down the trigger and aim for the heads although some of the robots would still be walking around with their heads off which was annoying since I’d have to spend extra time shooting at their bodies to destroy them. It’s all about efficiency, so even if you can get them all grouped together with head shots that’s preferred over wasting time running around looking for explosives. Any means necessary to kill them quicker will help. The achievement pops right after the last robot, so you’ll know if you got it or not right away when it tells you to go to Becker’s office and it didn’t unlock. It was a lot easier than I thought once a couple of points were invested in combat/armor.
By Matty D YO on 20 Feb 2024 20:58
This is probably the toughest achievement in the game (relatively) because you'll essentially either need to be on Easy difficulty or you'll need to invest most of your skill points in Combat, Armor, and Engineering to maximize damage output.

This achievement takes place around two thirds of the way through the game. You'll get the "Silver Linings" main mission where you go to the Hospital for the second time. Immediately after your second hospital visit, you'll get told to meet Max Becker. That's where this achievement takes place. You'll have to fight off four or five waves of robot enemies, and destroy them all in under 10 minutes. If done successfully, this achievement will unlock as soon as the final robot is destroyed.

Speaking from my experience, I played on Easy and by the time I reached this fight I had 8 points in Combat, 8 in Armor, 2 in Vitality, and 6 in Engineering. I didn't use a timer, but I'm going to estimate that it took me 7ish minutes. I had no problems tearing through enemies relatively quickly. Surviving without losing health is another story. I used my Recovery Charges often, and between waves ran around looking for more. There are also tons of explosives to shoot or mines to throw to help speed this up, but for most enemies, especially ones on catwalks, it's more effective to just shoot them. Below I have a clip of me finishing off the last wave, just to see what it's like. All I did was tank the damage the entire time, standing in the thick of things, trying to be a bit behind cover, and just going from enemy to enemy gunning them down.
At any time, you can load an autosave and replay it on easy, without any problems meeting the timing.

31 Oct 2023 15:45

1 Comment
The level is near the end of the game. The enemies will not be human, don't be afraid to miss this moment of the game like I did. If you play on easy difficulty, you will have no problems, perhaps without expecting it. Good luck everyone!
By Droncha on 18 Nov 2023 12:01