Rock Band

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Lord of the Strings

Lord of the Strings

Finished Guitar Solo Tour on Expert


How to unlock the Lord of the Strings achievement in Rock Band - Definitive Guide

This will take much dedicated practice but it is very doable. By far the hardest song will be Green Grass and High Tides.

Take this song into practice and concentrate on the solos. The toughest part is the "Snake notes." There is a trick to making this much easier. Save energy for the first snake notes and before the next set of snake notes there will be an opportunity for more energy. Simply playing this will will not give you the required energy needed to deploy your energy. In the energy notes there is a note to hold and you must wammy this hard to get an extra boost of energy from it. (I had a friend on the wammy bar so I could concentrate on the notes.) This will be enough to finish the final solo and give you an achievement.

Good Luck

31 Oct 2008 20:51

I am currently around half-part, and this is an awesome solution, not just written for badge.

- Positive vote.
By StoodBridge on 13 Jan 2009 10:04
Thanks, StoodBridge.
By White Shadows on 13 Jan 2009 13:37
drockindevil, this isn't a place for bragging...
By NABSQUAD on 01 Mar 2009 06:38
I get to 79% everytime...that's as far as I can's very frustrating.
By knight0fkh0nshu on 27 Mar 2009 01:09
As you said green grass is the most difficult song, it took me ages to pass it, my only advise is to practice and practice the second solo section, the first one is not too difficult.
By on 08 Jul 2009 14:34
Yes, they are stackable.
By White Shadows on 17 Jul 2009 19:15
does every difficulty have the same amount of songs?
By Spilner on 11 Aug 2009 14:51
they mean if you beat it on a certain difficulty level, then not only will you get the achievement associated with that difficulty, but all the achievements for the easier difficulties too (e.g. beating it on expert will unlock the expert, hard, medium, easy cheevos; beating it on hard will unlock the hard, medium, easy, etc... etc...).
By QuanticJustice on 03 Dec 2009 13:42
Any way around GGaHT? Downloadable songs.... ANYthing??
By XI AlphaMale IX on 31 Mar 2010 18:41
Meh, this achievement is way too easy. I agree with drockindevil, rock band sucks because of the ease of it. Anyone who says it's hard either A. sucks at music games or B. plays so much rock band and never had the challenge of guitar hero. I beat green grass and high tides easy, the game is boring me because of how easy it is, I'm having trouble finishing this because of how easy it is. That's why I came here to find a solution to the boredom this game gives me.
By DaOverUnder on 06 Jul 2010 18:29
People of the internet, hear me. This game was beneath my skill level at plastic guitar playing! I am, therefore, better at you at everything! I even had sexual intercourse with your mother or parental guardian last night WHILE FC 100% THIS VERY SONG. Bow down to me. I am your new God. Now, if you'll excuse me, my Star Trek slash fan fiction isn't going to write itself.
By TurtleBoiBoi on 22 Jul 2010 20:41
96% twice :(
By paynexkiller666 on 02 Aug 2010 14:57
GG&HT is a bitch, but Flirtin' With Disaster is not a cakewalk either. I've got at least 4 stars on all the other songs in the solo Expert guitar career, but can't manage to complete either one of these songs. Any tips for that long, shitty, country-sounding song so I NEVER have to hear it again please???
@ Andrew1911: LOL :D
By MadMaxx42 on 07 Sep 2010 15:09
@gamerguy45 - Funny how you don't have this achievement. Lots of GH ones, but not this. Too hard?

@Andrew1911 - hilarious. :)
By NighthawkJoV on 09 Sep 2010 17:47
@gamerguy your an idiot its the other way around ever since they added tapping notes i havent failed a song in any game after 3 (only had trouble with one got it on second try)
also how did this become the bragging of plastic guitar skills its pretty sad @Andrew1911 LOL :p
i personally have lots of trouble with the zig zag in the solo (RYBYR repeated) that said i actually found the rest of the songs a breeze to play through
By finallife6 on 15 Jan 2011 18:43
96 perdamncent
By OllieWilliams on 24 May 2012 07:21
if you can finish any guitar hreo game on expert then theres an extrmeley good chance you can finish this. rock band isnt hard compared to Guitar hero
By Fear The People on 15 Feb 2013 08:29
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USE THE ROCKBAND GUITAR FOR GGAHT because you can tap the solo's making the snake section much easier.

My technique for that section is to use my left index finger to hold green, my right middle finger to tap the red and my left ring finger to tap the yellow. Same thing for the next snake section, just move your fingers down one on the frets.

22 Jul 2009 08:05

No. This is stupid. The Rock Band controller is huge and hurts people's hands. It's stupid.
By paynexkiller666 on 02 Aug 2010 14:56
it doesnt hurt my hand and mine are quite small so maybe you are stupid and shouldn't say negative things about helpful solutions that are here for your and other peoples benefit
By LepraSaun on 02 Aug 2010 23:40
I am going to try that. ill let you know how it turns out
By Cheezy Lasagna on 24 Feb 2011 20:46
good luck man!
By LepraSaun on 02 Mar 2011 13:58
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Okay, I'm surprised nobody mentioned this tip, but when playing GGaHT make sure to only focus on the descending or ascending order during the hard part in the solo, but that isn't the hardest part (not for me), the hardest part is at the end when there are ascending O-B-Y's (might be wrong) right before the fill-in. Make sure to save your overdrive for the second "snake" part in the solo, and for those ascending O-B-Y's as well. Good luck!
1 Comment
Make sure you don't deploy star power too early...wait till you are nearly in the red
By Team Brether on 24 Mar 2011 20:40
One thing that helped me beat Green Grass And High Tides so I wasnt playing just GGaHT over and over was.... if you have a real guitar practice the button combinations on the strings with the corresponding finger to color parallels meaning.. fingers 12344.. colors GRYBO.. I would transit and start by practicing 123212321232123 over and over again then switch to 23432343234.. then back to 12321232123... to etc.. You can also add these combinations for more advanced practice... 1343134134.. to... 124212421... (helps w/ Free Bird) You can do this on any string, strum, no strum or both can be practiced with any combination. If it doesnt sound right move to a different string/fret. Make sure you practice hitting the notes accurately before focusing on hitting the notes faster. Speed will come through time with good practice. Its a win win as it also helps you learn/practice basic motions of scales and will help with the transition to Pro Guitar. Always combine this practice method with switching back and forth to Rock Band (GGaHT, I also played Franklin's Tower) and real guitar. This will get your fingers moving much better and take away some of the grind time on the ONE song!

Also, for the first two sets of snakes focus primarily on the descending notes (321.. BRG 321.. BRG) always strumming the Blue/3. When you go back to the 3 you will sometimes naturally hit the 2 if you begin to roll it properly. Using this practice method I personally got to the point where I could almost do all snakes without any star power. For some reason the last snake was the easiest for me so I have no advice except for let your fingers roll freely! I personally went to master GGaHT first in the last tier simply because if you get GGaHT everything else is a breeze. Repetition is Key, Dont Give Up!

13 Jan 2011 07:23

Ok, first off, this is NO WHERE near as hard as Guitar Hero III's Expert career. If you've completed that, you should have no problems on this at all. If you haven't however, then proceed to read further down.

Some Tips:
Hammer-Ons/Pull-Offs - These are noted differently in Rock Band than the Guitar Hero series. In Rock Band, a hammerable note consists of a large note, followed by a noticeably smaller note. The smaller note needs not to be strummed, only pressed as it crosses the bar.

Fender Controller - If you are lucky and have a working Fender controller, you will notice that sometimes when playing the scrolling fretboard glows blue and a percentage comes up. That means you have entered a solo. On the Fender controller only, you can use the lower set of fret buttons during this time and can finger tap your way through the section without strumming. Just press the button as the note scrolls over the bar.

Timing Window - The timing window for Rock Band is a mix between Guitar Hero I and Guitar Hero II in my opinion. It is insanely tight. This means that you have about 3/4 of a second in any direction to hit the note as it crosses the bar. If you understand this concept, solos will come a little easier to you.

Ok, on to songs.....
Danger Songs:
Foreplay/Long Time- This song is probably the best in the game in my opinion, but that's besides the point. Basically this song consists of multiple chord switches in the beginning, followed by random solos after ever verse later on. The solos aren't ridiculously long or hard in anyway, but they can be a nuisance if you aren't expecting them.

Highway Star - This song is very deceiving to most people. It gives the impression of a steady rhythm, however it then turns into a really strong solo. I personally have been a fan of Deep Purple for 10 years, so I was aware of this. In the solo, there is a section where it breaks down into GG OO GG BB GG YY GG RR GG OO, etc... very Misirlouesque. This is on kind of an offbeat, and can be a very annoying section unless you get the timing down. I suggest practicing this part, and you should be very well off.

Flirtin' With Disaster - This song has an extremely strange rhythm and I have still not figured it out even though I've gold starred it. No matter, it's pretty straight forward. The verses consist of chord to single note switches followed by random breakdowns. There is one main solo that consists of blue to green lines then weird transfers back to blue. This is probably one of the most problematic parts of the song, because the lines aren't equally spaced. Again, I suggesting practicing this part, it will save you a few minutes of redoing the song because you didn't expect it.

Run To The Hills - Ok, this song is ridiculous. It is basically nothing but insanely fast triplets with a solo in the middle. The triplets of course are chords. They go something like Y-O to Y-B to R-B or something. That is the main rhythm of the song. If you can do triplets, and do them fast, this should give you no trouble. The solo basically consists of alternating notes (I.E. B O B O B O B O B Y B Y B Y etc....). Not too troublesome compared to the rhythm.

Green Grass and High Tides - Can you say Freebird? Everything about this song is reminiscent of Guitar Hero II days. It has a catchy southern beat with two main solos I believe. The rhythm is pretty straight forward, with your average chords and single notes. The first solo is nothing to "fret" (I made a funny) about, but the second one is. Our good ol' buddy Solo C comes back. That means rapid blue to red then back to blue zigzags up the fret board. It does this for b-r and y-g. They aren't that bad, but you may want to practice them because they are a good chunk of that solo.

**Stackable** meaning completion of this will unlock all subsequent achievements