Sine Mora EX

Sine Mora EX

12 Achievements

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Suaviter In Modo

Suaviter In Modo

Promoted to Colonel


How to unlock the Suaviter In Modo achievement in Sine Mora EX - Definitive Guide

This is by far the hardest bump in difficulty in the achievement list. You should be able to get through arcade mode with the better pilots and a little practice, but getting an A or better on every stage in score attack is a serious challenge unless you are legit good at bullet hell / rail shooters because you start each stage with no powerups (don't even get me started about beating a stage on insane without picking anything up for the final achievement).

Practice, practice, practice. Don't be afraid to use your sub weapons, and memorize those enemy locations. Here's a vid for support:


01 May 2018 21:33

This trophy will pop after fulfilling the following requirements:

Promoted to Major: Fulfil the requirements for Melius Frangi Quam Flecti .

Pick up 1000 power ups: Keep picking up fire, Extend, Shield and Killer Piano orbs while playing any mode. It will come over time unless you are trying your best to dodge them all.

Playing time is over 20 hours: Keep playing the game if you haven't already earnt this. Time spent in menus, doesn't count.

Reflect 10000 bullets: Since Reflection is the only capsule you should use you will definitely get this naturally while playing. If you want it as fast as possible, play Arcade and reach Kolobok's 1st phase, as he shoots a lot of bullets, especially during the spiral pattern.

Play with 40 different Chronomes: I've explained this before but to sum it up start Arcade by choosing any Chronome you are missing and, as soon as the 1st level starts, quit to the main menu and repeat the process.

Complete every stage with an A rating: This is the 2nd hardest requirement for this version of the game. Check the description of the similar requirement under Lex Talionis if you need to know how your rating is determined. This requirement can only be fulfilled in Score Attack, which means you won’t have any Continues and that you will have to play on Hard, which is not a joke. Also, keep in mind that you start with lv.1 firepower in every level, which makes things harder on the later levels. Your priority is to reach A rank quickly and stay on it for as much time as possible. Obviously try your best not to get hit (save yourself with Reflection whenever you can) and destroy as many enemies as possible. I recommend the GE-22 Liberator, Reflection capsule and either Pytel or Koss since they have the best subweapons.

Although I could write a text guide for each level, it is easier to follow the video below for the most part, while keeping in mind what follows: I do not use subweapons in the video below except for one in level 6 but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t, therefore use them when you are in trouble, you run out of Reflection or you can kill more enemies on screen than you could with just the primary fire; also keep in mind that you are forced to use at least 1 Punk Spirit (Koss’ subweapon) when you reach the minefield in level 6, as you will need to destroy at least 1 wave of ships coming from the left to increase your hit ratio enough to grant an A rating, which is only possible with that subweapon; another thing you should remember is that lv.7 firepower is the best one, especially for bosses so never pick up red orbs past lv.7 if you don’t want to make things harder on yourself.

I shall now list a few tips fro some tricky spots. Please note that when I wrote these tips elsewhere I was specifically referring to the Arcade primary-only run on Hard when I played the game on Vita, therefore you won't see me mentioning Reflection or any subweapons but whenever I say "Shield" (that you may not have in that specific moment) or there’s something that needs to be taken care of quickly do keep in mind you have Reflection and subweapons helping you!

  • Stage 1 Kolobok: bring a shield for his spiral pattern, at least lv.5 firepower and, while you are shielded , shoot his top turret and make sure you destroy it before destroying all of his face plates, as it makes 2nd part much easier. Everything else should be easy enough.
  • Stage 2 Acridoidea: The only problem here is the 3rd part and you may want to have a shield with you for the 2nd pattern of rockets which spreads around and is hard to dodge, also because you need to circle around to dodge the 1st pattern. If you don't have a shield, fly through the wave of rockets and get close to the launcher and you will hopefully destroy it soon and retrieve your power-ups when this phase ends.
  • Stage 4 Libelle: this boss was a nightmare at the beginning and took the most time to figure out 2 semi-safe spots for 2 of his patterns. Specifically, when he moves his head up and shoots those small blue-orange bullets from the bottom to the top, stay to the left of his head and shoot all the available weak spots for as long as you can; when the bullets are approaching, move above his head and sit there: nothing should hit you if you did it correctly. His other hard pattern is the one where he shoots bullets from his head in a circular fashion: the semi-safe spot here is on the left edge of the screen with your ship facing just a little below the boss' head: most bullets won't hit you if you stay there, although you may need to move a little every now and then; when he is about to end this pattern, he shoots 3 lines of blue bullets and that spot isn't safe anymore: quickly get between the top and middle line to avoid getting hit. When he shoots with his tail you will probably get hit once but thankfully the tail falls fast enough so it's no big deal. When he throws his tail at you, I prefer staying on the bottom-left, wait for him to throw it, quickly go the top-left, shoot the tail from behind when it starts going to the right and finally go down and keep shooting while waiting for the tail to attach again to the boss.

    The last part sucks, as you will need a lot of luck. I usually stay at the top-left but he can hit you there and, if he does, say goodbye to your power-ups, suicide and restart the fight. Cross your fingers and hope he doesn't do that type of charge.
  • Stage 4 after-Libelle section: this is one of the hardest parts in the game. Take care of the ground enemies and hope you get lots of Shields. If you don't have a Shield for the chase sequence you can try to take out the 1st turret very quickly before the 2nd one appears.
  • Stage 5 Steropes: do not hold at the beginning of the fight and quickly go to the bottom and shoot his 2 pink bulbs without getting too close to them since he can ram you with his right hand and make you lose all power-ups. If you need to go away from the bottom before you are finished, remember to stop shooting! Also, stop shooting if he bows to do his laser attack or his greenish bulb's concentric bullets. The laser is annoying because it's sudden and may hit you when you least expect it, just keep in mind it fires to the bottom-left and goes up to the top-left. As for the concentric bullets, they are best avoided on the left half of the screen, although it's still easy to get hit at least once (avoid staying close to the edge of the screen in order to retrieve your power-ups if you get hit). Another attack he can do is the one with missiles and bullets descending from the top: in this case there is a 100% safe spot to the exact left of his reflector orb (if you destroyed the 2 pink bulbs and he exposes his orb during this pattern it's your lucky day, since you can easily destroy it without having to wait for him to re-expose it a 2nd time). Another attack is when he shoots homing orange bullets: stop shooting and circle around until they eventually disappear.
  • Stage 6 1st half: cross your fingers and hope you get many Shields. Try to memorize where the scout planes spawn to quickly take them out before they fire. You won't be able to destroy them all in time but you should be able to survive if you keep your Rank up (you should always be on "A" since it apparently increases the chances of receiving a shield).

Here is my video that shows you how to get at least an A in all levels:

Complete Arcade with 2 different pilots: Choose Pytel or Koss for your 2nd run, depending on whom you chose before.

Finish any stage on Insane difficulty: This can only be done in Score Attack in this version of the game, which makes this harder since you have no Continues available. If you are aiming at this requirement alone, it's actually not too hard if you choose GE-22 Liberator, Pytel, Koss or Magusa and the Reflection capsule in level 1. Pick up all power-ups, play safe and be careful around the many suicide bullets. To save time, I actually recommend combining this requirement with a later one that involves clearing a level on Insane with no pick-ups.

Promoted to Colonel
• Receive the rank of major
• Pick up 1000 power-ups (in any mode)
• Playing time more than 20 hours
• Repel 10,000 bullets (in any mode)
Performed with the "Reflection" capsule, going through the arcade you will gain it on its own, but you can also boost it, for example, on Kolobok.
• Play on 40 different chronomes (any mode)
• Complete each level with a rating of "A" or higher (attack speed)
Let me remind you that the final rating is affected by the number of enemies killed (Hit Ratio) and hits missed (Penalties). For "A" 94% killed and 4-5 hits are enough. Feel free to use the capsule and sub-weapons, despite the name, it doesn’t matter how many points you score in the end. Important! - if you are killed, press start-Restart Stage, otherwise the game will add the use of continuations to the final score, although there are no continuations as such in this mode.
• Complete an arcade game with 2 different pilots (arcade)
If it works once, then we assign the result to the other pilot.
• Complete any level on Insane difficulty (arcade or attack speed)
Insane differs from Hard only in that every enemy scatters into bullets after death, otherwise everything is the same.

22 Aug 2017 04:21