Sky Force Reloaded

Sky Force Reloaded

31 Achievements

80,500 XP

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To The Moon

To The Moon

Complete Insane difficulty on Stage B2

1,000 XP


How to unlock the To The Moon achievement in Sky Force Reloaded - Definitive Guide

This and B1 are "bonus" stages that are tougher than the traditional levels. Similar to the other Insane achievements, this achievement has the following requirements:

- Complete all 12 medals of Level B2 through the Insane difficulty

To do this you will need 4 medals on both Normal and Hard to unlock insane difficulty.

In general, I found this level to work best in two separate runs.

Run 1 - Acquire the Civilians and No Hit Medals

Run 2 - Acquire the 100% Kill Medal (and technically 70% Kill)

For the civilian/no hit medal, I still kill quite a bit on the level. I did skip a number of enemies. In particular, I didn't worry about the 5 giant missiles during the first half of the level. Additionally, I skipped the helicopters that shoot missiles upon being destroyed. Not killing them means nothing extra to dodge. I usually bought a few extra shields for this run to be extra prepared.

For 100% kill, I needed to stock up on missiles and lasers. The lasers were the big part of this. For the giant missiles that launch off screen, I could only really kill them with a laser consistently. I could get one or two without it, but it becomes really hectic when the spider tanks are also on screen. Lasers will save some trouble. The bombs became really handy when dealing with some of the trickier enemy arrangements.

For the missile helicopters, the Octopus ship really made a huge difference (combined with the charge attack card). By charging my attack, the missile pods I fired off were a lot safer than trying to dodge through their odd missile pattern (go off screen and then come back up from the bottom - took me a little to notice that was even happening).

A huge tip is to just play the level a few times to learn it. Knowing where the enemies appear and what they will do can make your run a lot more consistent. Getting the 4 medals for Normal first taught me how I would approach the rest of the level. After that, Hard and Insane became more about replicating the pattern a little faster.

13 Dec 2017 01:34

You don’t. I just meant using the Octopus after having unlocked the charge card. It’s active always. To use the charge attack, you need to be holding A and then begin to hold the LT. You will see your ship stop firing and it begin to flow and then means you have a charge building. Release LT to fire it off. Just don’t hold too long because if you do your ship will explode and you die.
By RadicalSniper99 on 13 Dec 2017 14:10
I have all the cards. How do you combine the charge attack card? I know you can add technicians to the ships? But attack cards? Thanks
By Chad Wilburn on 13 Dec 2017 13:57
I wasn’t a fan of that variant to be honest and didn’t use it much. I instead went with the Octopus. That was my go to
By RadicalSniper99 on 19 Dec 2017 01:07
Finished all lvls on insane now and just started playing B1 and B2. They are not easy. Actually I had issue with B1 to even get to the end on normal LOL. It does require a lot of time to memorize it and then just proceed with 1 medal at a time.
By Prezesmaks on 07 Jan 2018 20:29
The intro to B1 is probably the hardest part of it. Once you get through the beginning and learn that it becomes a lot more reasonable.
By RadicalSniper99 on 07 Jan 2018 20:33
Game cheevos are glitched unfortunately. Had same issue with nightmare cheevo. Had to rerun any of 13 stages on nightmare in order to unlock it, after finishing all 13 on Nightmare. Now just finished B1 on insane and still waiting for cheevo. Prolly tomorrow will finish B2 which is slightly easier.
By Prezesmaks on 15 Jan 2018 17:54
The classic ship with the plasma whip upgrade is what ive been using. It seems to be quite a bit stronger than even the enforcer.
By Silver Salvo on 26 Aug 2018 16:27
I agree with the comments above, the card upgraded Classic and Octopus are the two strongest ships, but both require proper use of the LT charge shot. Learn to use it early! It pays dividends.

FWIW, I didn't have to replay stuff to get my achievements to pop. Everything unlocked on time, albeit the mismatched achvt names threw me off.
By Healtti on 11 Sep 2018 09:13
Concerning a "no hit" run if you DO NOT fire at the missile helicopters then they will not for those u-shaped formation missiles. They only release 2 missiles when they die.
By My Toxic Frog 2 on 06 Dec 2018 05:39
Exactly what My Toxic Frog 2 advises: Do not under any circumstances fire at those helicopters. Way too risky for hardly any payoff.
By I Sphyre I on 28 Oct 2023 19:21
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My trophy dropped when I opened difficulty level 4 (“Nightmare”) to complete the level.
The level itself is easy to complete using the Octopus plane.

29 Sep 2022 23:14