Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

59 Achievements


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Wei of the Road

Wei of the Road

Complete all Street Races.


How to unlock the Wei of the Road achievement in Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

Definitive Edition has a few more races to complete, bumping the total up to 21. There are five classes to be prepared for. Anything you have to buy, you should wait until Face Level 10 in order to get the Dai Lo perk for a 40% discount, use that to get the Master Negotiator set, then buy the cars at a vastly reduced price.

GX300, North Point Chop Shop (central North Point vehicle shop)
1100 NA-R, Kennedy Town Docks
HKPD Motorcycle, North Point Cop Job reward
600 Coupe S, Hotshot Case Reward
Terre GT, Top Glamour Imports (northern North Point vehicle shop)
DZS-90, Wheels of Fury mission reward

Despite what you learned from the Hotshot race, ramming your opponents is encouraged. Use sideswipes to prevent them from passing you.

The GX300, 600 Coupe S, and Terre GT outpace their opponents so badly that putting together a relatively clean run will have you miles ahead. With the GX300, I once managed to crash into almost every corner and still win by a few seconds.

The DZS-90 will also outpace the competition at an incredible rate, it also has a backup weapon in the EMP blast. Charge it by holding cn_A and if you manage to catch an opponent in the blast, their vehicle is disabled for the race permanently. Should you need an additional helping hand, this is what you need.

It's the Class A bikes that can be exceedingly problematic. I found the NA-R and HKPD Motorcycle to be relatively even, though I stuck with the HKPD. You don't have an advantage over the other racers, and some races, Starboard and Enduro most notably, can come down to pure luck. Starboard, if I was winning by the time I hit the highway, I would always have someone pass me at the 80% complete marker and rarely give up any ground after that. For Enduro, it's a long five minute race with plenty of room for mistakes from all parties involved. Don't restart if you mess up early, it's easier to come back from a fault than you may think, and knowing the end of Enduro could mean the difference between success and failure.

09 Dec 2014 05:03

For Enduro, use the 1100 NA-R or HKPD Motorcycle. I did it, first, with the 1100 but I, later, concluded that the HKPD has the edge.
Try for a jackrabbit start where all other bikes are behind you. If you don't get a good lead with all other bikes behind you, restart--assuming, of course, that you already know the course well, including the shortcut. If you get the jackrabbit start and you use the shortcut, you should reach the big jump location uncontested. Make sure you are ramrod straight before the big jump at the end. If you are straight, the game's AI will make sure the jump is good. Ease up on the acceleration and then head to the finish line.
What helped me is that the 1100 NA-R was my vehicle of choice from going from point A to point B. I always drove it full out and very recklessly. Eventually, I internalized handling the motorcycle at top speed. The races, being set pieces, as a result, ended up not being that difficult.
By Allgorhythm on 21 Apr 2018 14:20
Ive got every class cars/bikes but only 18 races completed with no more on the map, is there 3 on the dlc or are they hidden??
By iTzDanski92 on 15 Jan 2015 11:37
18 Races trough the Story on the Map btw Story related
1 Race is the last Mission for the DZS-90
2 Races you get from Sandra after the Date with her

Please excuse my English, i'm from Austria.
By Auresil on 16 Jan 2015 15:51
If you haven't done Wheels of Fury yet, use the Velocita for Class A cars. Even when I drove terrible it was still a cakewalk.
By AL1 on 09 May 2015 21:16
Fuck that Enduro race. It's a cheap mf'er. I'll lead til the end then a car always pops out and rams me sending me flying off the bike. Must have tried like 20 times.
By toddycst on 02 Aug 2015 20:27
I used the 1100 for the Enduro race the first 5 times I raced it and lost every single time when a guy would pass me around 90-95% but as soon as I switched to the HKPD moto, it was like racing a bunch of bicycles.
By Haugse 0ne on 22 May 2016 00:43
Thumbs up. No reason to wait for the DZS-90. The Wheels of Fury optional quest does not conclude until late in the main story. You should get this achievement before the Wheels of Fury quest even starts. You can pick up the Car Class A, Velocita, early (provided you have Face level 6) at the Kennedy Town Docks. It outruns all its opponents and turns on a dime unlike the DZS-90 which is not as agile. With the Velocita, you should win all the Class A races on the first try and none of them should be close.
By Allgorhythm on 16 Jul 2016 18:30
Enduro is more of a test of not losing you're cool and excepting multiple re-tries until the game works in you're favour i.e. the infuriating A.I. I used the 1100 NA-R. Crucially, for me anyway there is a short cut about 10 seconds before the big jump on to the highway which negated all but one of the ramming "racers". Good luck.
By Death in Dub on 20 Dec 2016 18:56
Is there a way to keep track of what races you beat??? And I totally agree with the above comment.....screw that Enduro race I would be ahead by a mile and some stupid car pops out of nowhere!!
By Warboy925 on 25 Dec 2016 22:44
Nevermind, I think the race just disappears from your map after you win......
By Warboy925 on 25 Dec 2016 22:48
Oh man, that DZS-90 just flat out kills the competition by a mile!!
By Warboy925 on 28 Dec 2016 08:23
OMG finally beat that Enduro, got extremely lucky.....I was in the lead at the highway jump, and somehow, the rest of the bikes got bunched by the ramp giving me a huge lead in seconds, lol
By Warboy925 on 28 Dec 2016 10:14
Endure my last race, tried a few times but wasn't close as keep hit cars on a blind bend and fly.....nightmare I hate driving games.
By beets101 on 22 Feb 2017 22:02
Endure my last race, tried a few times but wasn't close as keep hit cars on a blind bend and fly.....nightmare I hate driving games.
By beets101 on 22 Feb 2017 22:30
What Bike are you using. I did it with the 1100 NA-R but, I believe, the HKPD Motorcycle that you get as a cop job reward is easier. You want to get a quick head start so you don't have to fight other bikes for the narrow segments and the big jump at the end.
By Allgorhythm on 23 Feb 2017 00:40
The police one I wouldn't mind but the race is so long to keep failing on.
By beets101 on 23 Feb 2017 10:11
If you don't get a good headstart in the beginning with all other bikes behind you, just restart. Then, you're only doing a short race with a bonus when you get a jackrabbit start. Also, take a few runs not at full speed where you'll lose but learn the course layout. The big jump at the end is not as difficult as it appears. Make sure you're straight at liftoff and the game will take care of the landing. Ease off when you land because, if you make the jump, you're home free.
By Allgorhythm on 23 Feb 2017 13:36
Completed my last race but no achievement I've been told I'm missing possibly 2 races but nothing on map and I've completed the main game.
By beets101 on 23 Feb 2017 20:07
For the definitive edition, I believe there are 17 races including the boat race that is sometimes overlooked. Another race that is sometimes overlooked is Kamikaze. It is another Victoria Peak race. These two races along with Enduro were part of the Street Racer Pack DLC for the original Sleeping Dogs game and did not count towards the Wei of the Road achievement. So, many Wei of the Road achievement guides do not include them. However, they are required for the Definitive Edition achievement.
By Allgorhythm on 23 Feb 2017 22:32
I've counted I have 20 not 21 the one I'm missing is the cross island enduro but I have no icon on my map. I've done the other 2 you mentioned I'll look for Victoria park to see if it comes up as I drive around.
By beets101 on 23 Feb 2017 22:35
I wrote some comments related to this under your stat.
By Allgorhythm on 23 Feb 2017 23:03
It's sorted I had got 21/21 after all but nothing popped up when it should off which is why I was panicking.
By beets101 on 23 Feb 2017 23:05
Great! I always hate it when an earned achievement does not pop.
By Allgorhythm on 23 Feb 2017 23:14
If anyone sees this, I'm having the same problem as the very first commenter. 18/21 Races done, none left on the map. Done Endure, Harbour and Kamikaze too. From looking at a Wiki list, the ones I'm missing are Lost, Detour & Crippling Road.

FYI I've done all 30 story missions, all 4 Cop Cases, all favours (including dates), all 28 events, all 4 martial arts clubs, and all 5 bounties. Only mission related things I haven't done are the 6 races mention and some cop cases.
By NoHeroes94 on 25 Sep 2017 12:04
Never mind figured it out. Put 2 + 2 together and realised they were all B class races. I already had one, but for whatever reason, I had to buy a 2nd B Class Car. Must have been a minor glitch where it thought I didn't have a B Car (even though I definitely did). If this happens to you, delete & reinstall before buying the 2nd car of whatever class you need.
By NoHeroes94 on 25 Sep 2017 12:26
The Enduro race is the biggest crock of crap I have ever seen in my life. The rubber banding is so terrible... I was so far ahead I couldn't even see where the other races where on my mini-map and at 98% one of them just zips by me.
By ThronedFiddle75 on 11 Nov 2017 15:45
Whoever made the Enduro race. After trying it like 70 times and then being in first place right before the finish line and the dude behind me just passing me up at the last half a second. I hope the people who made this race, in all honesty, have a heart attack and just die. The only role they've played in my life is this dumb bullshit. Just die.
By Project Torture on 21 Apr 2018 12:04
I was having trouble with enduro but as soon as I switched to the HKPD bike I won first attempt. Seems to be the best bike to go with.
By MetalNuck on 12 Feb 2019 22:53
I was having trouble with enduro but as soon as I switched to the HKPD bike I won first attempt. Seems to be the best bike to go with.
By MetalNuck on 12 Feb 2019 23:19
Yes. That's what I concluded as well. It seems to handle just a little better.
By Allgorhythm on 13 Feb 2019 00:54
If anyone is stuck at 20 races replay the Fast Girls mission. Worked for me.
By LeGagnan on 13 May 2020 19:50
Do you have to do Harbor Run (the boat race)?
By Algur on 29 Aug 2021 19:34
@Algur - Yes. For the Definitive Edition, you have to do the boat race. It was not a requirement for the 360 game because it was part of the Street Racer Pack DLC. However, for the Definitive Edition, the extra races including the boat race became part of the base game & have to be completed for the achievement.
By Allgorhythm on 29 Aug 2021 20:15
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Hi! So I was stuck on 18 completed races and didn't see any on the map. Then I started going thru my contacts on my cell. After going on a date with Sandra, the remaining races popped on the map.

tldr: If you're stuck, go on a date with Sandra. Victoria's Peak races unlock.

17 Aug 2020 19:50

There are 18 Street Races in Hong Kong. They are displayed as orange race flags, . You will need to purchase a car and a bike from each class to be able to compete in certain races. 2 of the 18 races will unlock when you take Sandra out on a date.

The final race requires a date with Sandra. Napique Victoria the last race awaits you

31 Jan 2015 22:44

at Victoria Peak, this is the penultimate race...immediately after it, the Queen race will open. after that the trophy will appear.
By AndreyRex on 04 Feb 2018 13:50
It’s better to go through at the very end, when all the cars have already been purchased. A hell of a motorcycle race that lasts about 5 minutes. Don’t start right away from the beginning, get to the end in any case, your opponents often crash themselves.
By nbogatov on 30 Nov 2020 12:40