Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2

37 Achievements


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Harvester Of Sorrow

Harvester Of Sorrow

Complete the game on Expert


How to unlock the Harvester Of Sorrow achievement in Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - Definitive Guide

Expert Mode:

On Expert mode you will not have any help with aiming (the tiny dot of where your bullet will land). This makes things more challenging as you will have to know how the physics of the game works, as well as how to determine your wind speed and distance. On top of that your enemies will no longer appear on your radar. Your enemies will no longer be marked with an arrow (^) above their heads when using your binoculars either. All of these makes expert mode a challenge, but I'll try to help you out with some tips.

First, lets get you acquainted with your HUD. Down in the lower right of your screen, you should see:

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On the top you have your heartbeat monitor. This determines how much stamina you have. This affects both running and your shooting. Once your heart rate hits around 150-190 or so, you will become exhausted and you'll be limited on things you can do efficiently. I would not suggest you keep it this high, but it comes in handy if you're trying to escape a bad situation. Not only does it keep you from running, but the higher your heart rate, the harder it is to aim steady. It will also affect your breath ability, and force it to drop faster (which I'll go into this in a second).

The second line with the tiny lung symbol next to it is your breath meter. This is used for either swimming under water, or keeping your sight steady when shooting. This ability will be your friend for most of the campaign. The breath ability does recharge pretty quickly, so you shouldn't worry about it recharging. One thing you should try to avoid is holding it down until it is used up. This causes your heart rate to jump up from 60-140, into a dangerous area when trying to fend off larger groups of enemies.

The third section is your round of ammo currently in your weapon, and the amount of ammo you are currently carrying.

Lastly, you have your health bar. You want to keep a close eye on this if you are taking some damage. The 2 plus icons are how many health packs you are carrying. These gray out if you use one (LB button). You will always start a mission with 2, and you can find health packs in each level along certain key points (normally in plain view in your path).

Now that you're familiar with your Health HUD, it's time to get acquainted with your Sniper HUD:

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The Sniper HUD shows up whenever you are aimed down your rifle and ready to kill some bad guys :D Now you're probably wondering what the symbols and the numbers mean. Well let me tell ya!

Your top left shows you your distance between you and your enemy. Why is this important? Well when you're sniping, the farther your enemy is, the larger the bullet drop becomes. When you shoot along large distances, the bullet tends to drop lower and lower as it travels. This means when you are shooting at farther distances, you need to aim higher than your actual target.

The middle is your wind speed. This plays a pivotal role in how your bullet travels. Just like bullet drop plays a part in distance, wind speed affects how far the bullet will be lead off your intended path. Now the wind speed bar is the bar located under all three icons. The center is how you judge whether to aim to the left or to the right a bit. If there is a white bar as shown in the picture to the left, then you will want to aim your shot to the right as marked in the picture. This will allow the bullet to travel with the wind to the left before it hits your target. The larger the wind speed marked, the more you have to adjust slightly to the left or right. Now you can combine this with your distance adjustment to allow the bullet to travel to your target for a direct hit!

The right shows how far you are zoomed in with your rifle. You can use the up and down arrows on your d-pad to adjust this to better assist you with closer or farther enemies.

Now that you understand how these dynamics work, you should be able to start knocking those guys down with a little more ease. I'm going to give a few more tips to help make things easy if you just want to aim and shoot if you are still having a bit of trouble.


Distance while shooting:
When aiming at enemies under 250 meters, you can aim center of chest and you should automatically kill them regardless of wind speed.

Anything 250-550 you will want to aim either at their left shoulder or their right shoulder. This depends on your wind speed. The bullet drop should land the bullet around their chest/stomach and kill them.

550-800 you see a few times in the game and can be a little hard to hit. Just aim a little above their head and a little off of their right or left shoulder depending on wind speed. This should hit them fairly easily. If you miss by a little, adjust your shot accordingly (if you can).

Anything higher need to keep tweaking a little bit more above their head, and keep at about slightly off of their shoulder. It's a bit hard to judge, but trial and error should get you used to this.

**I found firing anything around 1100-1400m away, it's easy to have the targets chest located around 4 notches high, 2 notch over (depending on wind, if it's less then 5 wind speed, aim at the first notch.). On your scope there are notches with numbers next to them. The 4 notches high, means on the bottom line of your scope, line up the notch with the number 2 on it with your targets chest, and then move over to where the #1 notch would be on the horizontal bar.

If your enemy is moving, simply aim slightly ahead of them as they are walking (along with your adjustments from the distance tips above). They will simply "walk into" your bullet so to speak.

Laying down while shooting. Laying down decreases the sway your sniper will have versus standing up or even crouching. So crouch or lay down when you can!

Stealth kills are fun and easy. Anytime you can sneak up behind a few enemies and stab them, the better. (Only go after them if you know you will survive/there are only like 2 of them).

Sneak around your enemies. Take these opportunities as much as you can. Anytime you can avoid a fight, the easier this will be!

Your pistol is your friend. If you get cornered in a spot with not a lot of room to maneuver, switch to your pistol and fire at your enemies that come to you. Stay behind cover and pick them off one by one.

Use your allies! The AI in this game are really helpful at times. During some parts they will even save your mishaps on critical missions. They don't always do this, but when they do it's a lifesaver. The AI knows how to cover you. So if you're trapped in a sticky situation, hang back and play it safe. Let them take some out for you!

Reloading checkpoints can be useful if you mess up and you could have had a better start at crucial points in a mission. Pay attention to the auto save in the corner of your screen to know if you have one close to where you are at. Most of the time they have a checkpoint before large groups you have to snipe. If you miss the first shot, and now have 7 guys shooting at you, it might be better to reload the checkpoint and save you a headache or two.

Subtitles are a good option to help lookout for enemies up ahead of you, or for some help understanding what the AI are saying.

Night vision and thermal vision goggles come in handy in quite a few missions. These will help you better target your enemies in the dark, or behind objects and in buildings.

Binoculars can help you spot those targets out in the distance!

*****Hope this has helped those who needed it, as well as those who just needed help with something. If there is anything missing or out of place please let me know immediately so I can fix it. You will be credited if there is any extra helpful info you add to the comments section below. I thank you for taking the time to check out my guide and I look forward to creating more in the future!*****

Here's a video of some example shots from various distances. Enjoy!

15 May 2013 14:51

The game has 10 missions spanned across 3 acts. You will encounter jungles, war torn cities, caves, and mountainous areas throughout the campaign. The game is also quite short, averaging around 5 hours for a playthrough. Expert is the hardest difficulty of the game, and with that being said the game tries to make it so that it’s the truest sniping experience outside of joining the military. Things like your bullet trajectory path (little red circle where the bullet will go when looking through the scope) and enemy markers (the triangle above their heads) are completely nonexistent. Because of this I highly recommend playing on an easier difficulty your first time, so you at least have a rough idea of what’s going to be around every corner (even if you know what’s coming, it can still be difficult). This trophy stacks with Left No Man Behind and My Rifle Is My Best Friend. Below are some general tips on how to best complete expert difficulty.

  • Follow your spotter’s/CO’s advice precisely! Although it can make combat boring, and sometimes you might just want to say screw your spotter’s advice and shoot at a group of enemies, if you’re spotted by even one enemy, they can kill you quicker than you could use a medkit.
  • Even if you know what your spotter/CO is going to say, wait for them to say it before acting. For example, your CO says “take out the sniper when he is on the right side of the roof…” you then shoot the sniper and every enemy around knows where you are. What you should have done is waited until your CO said “take out the sniper when he is on the right side of the roof as the enemies below won’t see his body go down.” Which activates the in game script where you can kill him without your cover being blown.
  • Your stance matters in this game, a lot! The only time you want to fully stand is when you have to run, which is the result of you failing to play stealthily or a part of the game where you have to run. Stay crouched when moving, it helps you stay in cover and lets you walk faster than crawling prone. Use prone when you need to shoot an enemy, or when an enemy is trying to shoot at you and you need to find cover.
  • Although it doesn’t happen often, if you're shooting at enemies and the alert status goes off, let your spotter take out some enemies for you. They might as well do something for you.
  • Use to empty your lungs while prone, which reduces the scope sway to none. Doing this makes it a lot easier to kill enemies.

Simply complete the entire game on expert. All achievement difficulty stack. 

The game can be started on expert from the beginning. Only tip I can really share is to turn ON your subtitles. Some areas in the game are difficult to hear what you are being told by your spotter. On expert you will not have the luxury of having 'where the bullet will land' assist.

I think there’s no need to explain, just beat the game on expert difficulty, some missions are difficult, it’s better to take on this achievement while rested

01 May 2014 12:20