Spec Ops: The Line

Spec Ops: The Line

50 Achievements


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Complete game on "FUBAR" difficulty.


How to unlock the MFWIC achievement in Spec Ops: The Line - Definitive Guide

The solution for this achievement posted by https://www.trueachievements.com/As+Seen+On+360.htm is seriously impressive and will help gamers out massively when it comes to making their way through the FUBAR playthrough of Spec Ops: The Line. As per usual though, I've got a bunch of videos I'd like to share with you all as I made my way through this sometimes tough playthrough.

FUBAR difficuty can only be attempted after completing the game on Suicide Mission difficulty.

Full commentary is included with all of the videos as I try to give helpful tips, tricks and advice and obviously show you some good moves and strategies at the same time as well.

I hope these videos help you guys out, if anyone has any questions regarding the chapters then shoot me a quick comment and I'll get back to you a.s.a.p.

Good luck soldier:


07 Jul 2012 13:18

Good luck Jess, although someone of your talent shouldn't need it smile
By Dat Boi Treezy on 13 Jul 2012 20:00
Well, on Chapter 6 when got chase by a chopper, I died about 20 times there at the same spot every-fu*king-single time! I don't know if that's really work, then I just smash the A button & push the left analog forward, bearly can escape like your video did.. Wow, I think that's a scene or something when my 1st playthru, but when it's on FUBAR, everything goes mad as hell! Thanks for the videos, gives me many help!
By Tsukimi on 16 Jul 2012 15:16
thanks for this guide amazing..... still hard as heck tho... im sure this is the hardest game ever... or it could be that im just tired! but anyways thanks!!!! :D
By MrSunchaser on 22 Aug 2012 14:18
Cheers buddy i used a few of your videos...thumbs up from me.
By beets101 on 05 Nov 2012 01:05
Thanks for your comments guys!
By Dat Boi Treezy on 05 Nov 2012 13:40
Your vids were ace especially the pits walkthrough :)
By Project Noveria on 02 Dec 2012 19:45
Thank you! smile
By Dat Boi Treezy on 02 Dec 2012 20:20
I was gonna thumbs this down because I hate when people add link's to some one else's vids. Instead these are your own and thats the way it should be done. Thumbs up for doing it right.
By deluxnugs on 17 Dec 2012 22:10
@deluxnugs: Why the hell downvote people who add links to videos when they give full credit. When i find a good vid that helps me out alot, and i think the videogaming community should know about this work, and i link the vids to TA you would downvote me??? WTF (facepalm)
By GamerDtK78 on 10 Jan 2013 01:44
No problem mate!
By Dat Boi Treezy on 12 Jan 2013 21:51
By ImmuneGorilla on 06 Apr 2013 04:09
Your method for the first part of Chapter 13 makes a difficult part looks easy. I followed it and died fewer times than when I was doing suicidal difficulty.

Chapter 6 is by far the hardest for me. I'm left with Chapter 14 to finish this game, but I couldn't get past the first part when the turret is spamming at the moment. Hopefully I can get it done by today.
By neeker75 on 16 May 2013 05:47
for the helicopter run, just after the stumble, when you regain control of your army dude, if you move forward without sprinting for about 4 seconds (count slowly) and then sprint, it seems to get you through safely. sprint the rest of the way.
By beavis on 28 May 2013 23:19
I think it would be really beneficial to state at the very begging that FUBAR is only unlocked after beating the game on Suicide Mission.
By Draco719 on 29 May 2013 22:36
Sure, no problem.
By Dat Boi Treezy on 30 May 2013 04:14
Great guide, Treezy. Just finished FUBAR - couldn't have done it without your videos!
By WebMan on 17 Mar 2014 04:27
No problem man. Thanks for the comment, much appreciated!
By Dat Boi Treezy on 17 Mar 2014 16:39
Thank you. Enjoy!
By Dat Boi Treezy on 14 Apr 2014 10:53
This difficulty brings down the rating. Without a doubt the most poorly designed "hard" mode I've ever played.
By Emzx99 on 26 Apr 2014 04:52
The videos are all for chapter 13. I've noticed this has happened on a few walkthroughs as well. Not sure if it's you or TA that need to fix it.
By Hero Of Courage on 17 Oct 2015 12:06
Everything looks normal to me Hero?
By Dat Boi Treezy on 17 Oct 2015 18:32
Definitely not as hard as call of duty, but definitely some challenging points that made me want to throw my controller out the window (Lookin at you chapter 10). But unless you're stuck on a certain point for a very long time, the video guides are not absolutely necessary, but good to have as a back up. Funny how It took me less time to beat FUBAR difficulty (3h 50m) than Suicide Mission though...(4h)
By iTz Canada Ehh on 21 Mar 2016 15:31
Chapter 13 is the hardest One. My tip is to go straight foward to the yacht and just kill the enemies climbing the stairs. And avoiding the grenades.
By xMoretti on 09 May 2019 19:42
I can confirm that beavis’ method worked for me as well. Walk normal for a few seconds then sprint. I just made it through that section.
By DemArms on 31 Aug 2019 22:54
This game plays so incredibly attrocious. I can't believe I struggled with this game as much as I did. I've done way harder games, I assume its just that i have zero patience for it a second time round.

Especially that final bit with all the damn enemies with the AA12 hit scanning you from a mile away with very real and true representation of an AA-12

Its done now and the disk will be in the incinerator pretty soon.

4 out of 5 ?

More like a 2.5 if you take into consideration how bad this game plays
By on 29 Jan 2021 11:32
What a fucking shit!, dumb ki partners, dumb hiding system, no help on fubar. I struggle a lot with this piece of shit
By Rkranl on 11 Mar 2023 18:28
And after your rage that’s the only one achievement unlocked offline in that game 🤣
By Fenvix on 21 Apr 2023 09:35
Holy F that was hard and cheap and infuriating angry. I literally don’t understand how that’s only a 3 ratio, was far more difficult than many 6+ ratios I’ve done. So glad I don’t ever have to play this garbage again.
By xNeo21x on 17 May 2023 03:49
You can complete this achievement by using chapter select and don't necessarily have to play it from start to finish by selecting NEW GAME. It only matters that every chapter has been completed on FUBAR and has the FUBAR difficulty logo above the chapter names on the chapter select screen.
I'm trying to do the harder chapters first.
By Zellodine on 03 Jun 2023 22:00
i hate this game
By Priinz Valium on 07 Nov 2023 11:47
@Zellodine thanks for the info, I do also prefer to do the harder chapters first
By WilliamRSPOA on 20 Feb 2024 18:28
Wouldn't have been difficult if your teammates didn't constantly die in the open space every 5 seconds. Also getting in the way
By Kilbriider on 11 Mar 2024 01:46
Cheers for these videos dude. Just got the game today, so I will run through it at a lower difficulty first to get to grips with it before making myself rage. Looks like the only hard achievement, so I really wanna get it to 1000g it.
By DecadentBeaver on 12 Jan 2013 01:50
Great videos! I'll probably make more comments as I pass the hardest parts latest in the game, but I wanted to start by talking about chapter 11, the turret part at the end.

It was a big help to follow your lead and blow the supports of the door early like you did, that way you can make sure there are minimal soldiers following your partners up from behind. Regardless of how few you leave (ideally none), however, it seems that two always follow them through, so when they come through you can get a few shots in at the final heavy that comes down, but make sure to attend directly to your partners' position to knock out the two that follow them through, then take out the heavy, then swing back to the right to get an RPG and regular soldier. It's cake after that part, but I kept dying at the door breach like crazy.
By spxyu02 on 06 Apr 2013 00:58
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This isn't a full on guide, just a general hints and tips solution that you should be aware of before attempting this. These are tips that had I known before-hand I wouldn't have died in frustration several times over simply because I didn't adapt to the situations correctly.

The following three tips are the most important, as being aware of them can really save you during the tougher segments. Note: FUBAR is only unlocked after beating the game on Suicide Mission. I can also confirm that scaling the difficulty down then pushing it back up toward the end of a chapter ruins the difficulty for the playthrough, don't lose your progress trying it. On another note, if you turn on aim assist in the options during FUBAR it does not interfere with the achievement, so flip that on if it helps you.

1. Grenades are fairly annoying the more you increase difficulty as they're very frequent and tend to force you out of the only cover available in the area. The grenade icon is filled red when you are close enough to die from it, and moving far enough away turns the icon white for no damage taken. Good to know when you can move to other cover or sidle along a barrier just enough to avoid blast damage.

2. Heavy gunner infantry in this game is very confusing. I assumed that they were loaded with thick body armor and their face visors were their weak spot. It's in fact the exact opposite; the visors take far longer to chip away at and eventually blast the face, meanwhile the center of his chest is far weaker. Later in the game you're forced to fight alone for a brief period, it's during this segment that I had to reload checkpoint dozens of times because I kept going against the heavy by hitting his visor, which gave him plenty of time to advance and kill me. Knowing his weak spot is very much necessary on Suicide Mission, so it's vital on FUBAR.

3. Toward the end of Chapter 14 you may get stuck on the segment where you must advance up a hill to take two turret bunkers out. This is the part right after you hallucinate the phosporous bombing and burning soldiers running at you. To make this much easier, there are a few things you should note. One is that you should stay down, only focus on enemies close to you until your up against the humvee in the middle of the road. Also hold on to anything explosive, keep the SCAR with the grenade launcher, sticky bombs, whatever you may have. There's a weapon crate on the left in a little alcove, use it to fill up on grenade launcher ammo. Before running into the street, hit the bunker to the right with any sort of explosion to knock up dust and give you cover (you might have to hit the sand with the explosion). Once you're at the humvee, do the same again but this time take a few guys out, if you get enough of them Adams will charge the bunker taking out the 2-3 remaining soldiers while they're blinded. When he's secured it or taken most of the guys out, bomb the left bunker for more sand cover then run into the right bunker where you should checkpoint and be safe.

The following are four minor tips that are not necessary, but can help as well.

1. When you get into an area where the enemy numbers are plenty, my best advice to you is to find the farthest back cover you can get and wait them out. Not only does this make you harder to hit, but your team will stay closer to you instead of moving into the room/area where they're repeatedly killed and need your revive. In areas where knife men charge your cover it gives you plenty of time to take them out as well. If you go a few minutes without seeing a target but you know they're still there, that's your time to advance. Otherwise, making them come to you and staying at a safe distance can make all the difference.

2. If you find yourself scanning an area and unable to locate targets, hold RB and pass the triangle over the area to light up hostile targets in red. Targeting them not only keeps your allies firing on him, but it tags him in case he moves or is not easily seen in the environment.

3. In the event that you happen to be pinned down by a turret, or simply can't see the gunner, hold and release RB to use your attack command. Most of the time Adams or Lugo will one shot or grenade those positions easily while you stay safe behind cover. Do note that while this works through the majority of the game, it unfortunately does not apply to the point in the game where you really need it the most; toward the end when you're advancing up a hill with two turret bunkers. I tried several times and I can confirm it does not apply here.

4. Use the attack command sparingly. Use it on snipers, RPGs, turrets, knife soldiers running at you, but otherwise refrain. Attack commands tend to send the AI slightly crazy, they will run straight into a room full of soldiers to take out the guy you marked and get themselves killed giving you more headaches than help.

All this helped me at one time or another where I'd die 30 times on a single checkpoint, so try to keep them in mind if you're stuck as well. Feel free to message me if you still have questions, and good luck.

29 Jun 2012 02:02

Is this confirmed? I can set the game to "easy" and at the end of a chapter i can set it to "fubar"? Somewhere i read you can enable AUTO AIM and this also not interrupt the achivement.
By TAI JASON on 29 Jun 2012 12:37
How is it that 17 people have completed this game yet only 14 has this achievement? Is it glitched in any way?
By IIII Aaron IIII on 29 Jun 2012 16:38
Ok, got it. Some tips to get mission 11 done? Stuck heavy at the position where you have to protect the team with a heavy gun. Makes me insane how often the team dies.
By TAI JASON on 29 Jun 2012 20:59
TAI - I failed that a few times before learning the enemy patterns. All I can really say is when you first get on the gun, focus on the guys shooting at you first since the team seems to handle themselves easily at first. Second would be to jump on the heavy shotguns as soon as possible, there will be two of them before you blast open the door for the guys and one after the door is opened. The last one is more important as he comes down the escalator right on to your teams position very quickly and makes short work of them.
By Tyso Bushido on 30 Jun 2012 13:36
This is one of the hardest and most stressful games to beat on the hardest difficulty. I thought since there was no MP achievements, there would be a easy 100%. Be prepared to play parts 20-25 times over due to it being pretty hard. The AI are very smart in this game, except the dumbasses you are put with.
By Pusherman on 30 Jun 2012 13:43
Just got it, should update in the system either tonight or tomorrow. One last thing I can add is that aim assist snap does not mess with the achievement, I turned it on around chapter 3 and never changed it, still got the achievement. I've got some revisions and two or so tips to add and that should be it.

If you've got any questions, message me and I'll help if I can.
By Tyso Bushido on 30 Jun 2012 15:34
Thanks, i got it today. Nearly finished, final chapter.
By TAI JASON on 30 Jun 2012 19:40
how do you get the king gamerpick? :)
By KingMerls on 02 Jul 2012 19:42
Try and find a 417 as this is a life saver. Gives yourself distance from the enemy while you'll be able to snipe them from a distance. Closer range you can switch it so it won't zoom and shots to the head are one-shot kills. Once I found this and a SCAR, I carried most of these two weapons throughout this difficulty to complete it. Heavies were no match also as geranade shots to the head were key and then switch to the 417 and rapid fired to his head or body.
By Bar6arian on 02 Jul 2012 21:29
All I can say about FUBAR...is HEADSHOTS....... 1-2 HS will take down almost all enemies except Heavies. Any gun with grenade launchers is a must for Heavies....usually 3 grenades then follow up with FAMAS or 417 work the best. If you can get Heavies to chase your team mate even better. PATIENCE< PATIENCE< PATIENCE is the key....No running and gunning..It just wont work..........Dont overuse Attack commands...your AI's will run out into fire and get downed in spots it is impossible to revive them.
Chapter 14......When you are on the Turret in the bunker..ther is a grenade launcher in the space in behind it...works awesome for the heavy at the end of the level.......If you have any questions email me..I will try and help u as much as I can...

This was one on the Most fun, but extremely frustrating Highest level shooter games I have ever played
By Wingnut2754 on 03 Jul 2012 10:54
The difficulties do stack, I got combat op and suicide mission at the same time.
By Tyso Bushido on 07 Jul 2012 16:22
The attack command a turret worked very well, and you should use it when you can.
By Carletonx on 08 Jul 2012 08:13
Thanks for the tip with heavies. The one during the strobe light sequence in the mall killed me a few times on Suicide Mission since I was shooting at the visor - that would have sucked on FUBAR.

The on-rails water truck part (with no checkpoints) can suck it though!
By Chimaera36 on 08 Jul 2012 13:23
The first time you get the 417 is at the start of chapter 7. Its on a dead body where you have to shoot the the glass to get out. Keep it.
Also, always the RB attack command on heavies. Adams and Lugo are great at distracting and damaging them. I disagree with your point and use the attack command all the time. Its very rare that both the friendly ai's will get downed.
By x Fever on 21 Jul 2012 09:43
Damn this difficulty is very hard! A lot worst then any COD on veteran.
By GodSpeed Qc on 19 Aug 2012 18:25
Do you need to complete the prologue to get all difficulty achievements or can you just load up chapter 1
By Agent Cobra 7 on 01 Feb 2013 21:22
@Agent Cobra 7, I didn't complete the prologue, and got the achievement for FUBAR. So just load up chapter 1, switch it to FUBAR and play it through.
By neeker75 on 17 May 2013 07:09
I'm guessing if you go to chapter select screen to restart the chapter you're on it ruins the achievement?
By RoadtoRuin77 on 14 Apr 2015 15:34
I meant to say voids the achievement as in makes it unobtainable. I tried tricking the game like that later on when I was stuck and lost all the achievements except for Walk on the Beach difficulty.
By Tyso Bushido on 29 Jun 2012 15:15
IIII Aaron IIII - The only reason you are seeing that is because the number of people who have completed the game updates straight away. But the number of people who have won an achievement only updates daily. It's not glitches, it's just how the site works.
By AlonsoFive on 30 Jun 2012 11:16
All I can say about FUBAR...is HEADSHOTS....... 1-2 HS will take down almost all enemies except Heavies. Any gun with grenade launchers is a must for Heavies....usually 3 grenades then follow up with FAMAS or 417 work the best. If you can get Heavies to chase your team mate even better. PATIENCE< PATIENCE< PATIENCE is the key....No running and gunning..It just wont work..........Dont overuse Attack commands...your AI's will run out into fire and get downed in spots it is impossible to revive them.
Chapter 14......When you are on the Turret in the bunker..ther is a grenade launcher in the space in behind it...works awesome for the heavy at the end of the level.......If you have any questions email me..I will try and help u as much as I can...

This was one on the Most fun, but extremely frustrating Highest level shooter games I have ever played
By Wingnut2754 on 03 Jul 2012 01:30
You're not kidding about the grenades. They were a pain on 'suicide' but this is ridiculous. I'm having to move from cover only to be immediately mowed down.

'Just keep at it, just keep at it, just keep at it'
By System of a Dom on 12 Jun 2016 22:10
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UPDATED 2016-09-12: Corrected some grammatical errors and whatnot. laugh

This is no guide, just some general tips on how to beat the first part in Chapter 13. The part where Adams is down and you're alone with a lot of enemies.

What you should do is to go ahead and die once, and you should spawn behind some cover (You'll find yourself at the center of all the cover there is in this area). Walk left from that cover and there should be a single-shot rifle for you to pick up. Now walk right and pick up the grenades that should lay there. Now leave that cover and walk to the most eastern cover there is. It should be a narrow one where you can walk from left to right whenever the enemies try to frag you. Now just stay there in cover and SAVE YOUR GRENADES.

The enemies will fire at you, but since you're behind cover, they will miss. Now wait until you only have a minimum number of enemies shooting and you. Raise your head and try to shoot ONE enemy in the head at a time. Don't try to kill multiple enemies at once as the chances of you getting killed are pretty big. You could most likely do it, but it will take both skill and luck.

When you've killed enough enemies you'll see two guys with masks coming towards you. With these two guys, there will be a heavy gunner. While they run towards you, exit your cover and rapidly fire multiple shots towards their heads. Try to get both of them, so you can prepare for the heavy gunner.

Once the heavy gunner comes closer, toss both of your grenades and keep firing your gun at him while remaining in cover as much as possible because this dude will shoot you dead. Once he's dead, you've made it passed one of the toughest - if not the toughest - part in the game.

08 Mar 2013 00:55

only your tactic worked thank you
By Skin Coat on 09 Feb 2014 15:10
Another thing to do is try and kill the five soldiers right after you drop down from the busted plane. You can get your M4A1 and a SCAR-H from them along with ammo. Get those weapons before you go to heal Adams. That way, when you inevitably die facing the horde of enemies, you start right by that cover with the 417. Use the 417 to snipe the enemies and save the SCAR & M4A1 for the Heavy. Stay on that left side of that starting cover and when they toss a grenade head to the right. Then move back to the left.

By doing that, you'll keep them tossing grenades to that left side and you can easily avoid them by going to the right. Plus, you can snipe some of the enemies without putting your head up. You'll minimize incoming fire that way.
By Rhyolitic on 21 Feb 2015 03:28
Here are some valuable tips and information that will make your playthrough much easier knowing:

1. Ammo boxes and Grenade crates that have been picked up before a checkpoint, can be retrieved again from the checkpoint if you die or reload it.

2. Use the RB to highlight and find enemies. You do not have to mark them as targets for Adams or Lugo. Just hold the RB and look around to see the enemies, and release RB away from any targets to avoid setting the target if it is not desired. This is unavailable during sandstorms.

3. When sniping and under fire, aim first at your target then go back in cover. If a few rounds hit you while you were aiming and fired it is likely you may have missed. Do not move the RS if the reticule was aimed well first and the target remains stationary in cover. Instead wait a moment for your health to fully regenerate then just pop back out with LT and fire. You will not flinch and you will hit your target.

4. Even if you fire a 3 round burst with the auto fire mode, it will have a much larger amount of recoil when compared to the standard 3 round burst fire mode.

5. Keep track of who your squadmates are wih RB. It is easy to sometimes mistake your enemies for your squadmates and vice versa as they all have similar uniforms.

6. When using a grenade launcher from cover be very careful. Even though your reticule has a clear path, it is sometimes possible to shoot your own cover and kill Captain Walker. Especially if you are aiming below.

7. It is easy to take out heavies using sticky grenades which will stun them, and then firing at them.

8. You don't always have to pick up a sniper rifle if you don't want to. You can command Lugo to do all the sniping instead.

-- Thats all the tips I've found. Finding these things out made my FUBAR playthrough much easier than my Suicide Mission playthrough. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or you disagree with something please let me know. Good Luck! And have fun!

29 Jul 2013 11:44

While I hate to add to the clutter seeing as this achievement already has 5 solutions, I feel like I have too much to add to justify just leaving a comment on them.

This achievement is pretty easy overall, with just a few sections that should give you any kind of trouble if you've already beaten the second highest difficulty. The main idea is to be as slow and methodical as possible. Wait out the enemies, don't advance unless you know you're safe to do so, and always be aware of your surroundings in case some little bastard decides to hide in a corner somewhere.

The other big tip is to always bring the right guns. You can carry two, which means that if you have a really good weapon with no ammo, it might be worth keeping it in slot 2 until you find an ammo box, while you use another in slot 1. This applies in particular to the SAW (both versions, light and heavy) early on, and perhaps more importantly to the 417 rifle in later chapters. The 417 is always worth keeping with you since it's just an incredibly simple and effective weapon against everything, and can hold lots of ammo while only requiring a maximum of two headshots to kill anything apart from heavy troopers. You may think bringing a sniper rifle is a good idea, but I found it more trouble than it's worth. All the rifles have crazy range and accuracy anyway as long as you use careful burst fire.

Don't hesitate to use grenades. You get plenty of them in most missions, and they can make a big difference in a tight spot. Stickies are good against heavies, and stun grenades can allow you to pick off whole groups of enemies while they're dazed.

For the parking garage section of chapter 10, make sure you bring a 417 from the zulu troopers you fight earlier, as well as a heavy SAW which you can bring in from the heavy in the courtyard a while before that. As soon as you come down into the area, kill the guy who will always camp out behind the pillars dead ahead. After that, hug the first car on the left and pretty much don't move from there. Keep an eye on the pillars across the gap on the right, as the enemies like to try to flank from there. Just pop them as they come. If there's a grenade, just run back up the hill you entered from. Pick off enemies with the 417 and try to clear out as many as possible before the heavy shows up. Once he does, unload as much as you safely can into his chest, then retreat up the entrance hallway. Camp here and wait for the heavy to come around the corner, then finish him off by whatever means necessary. He'll usually be focused on your squad by then, so he's pretty vulnerable. You can always toss a grenade to stun him if you wanna be safe. When everything is dead, you just have to finish off the turret guy with careful shots. If you can get him to fire on your squad, he should expose himself enough to make this relatively simple.

In chapter 11, you have to fight a heavy alone in the mall, and to make matters worse he "teleports" around. Fortunately, there's a really easy way to do this. When you start the mission, never let go of the .44 Magnum you use to kill/not kill Riggs. Once you fill it up with some ammo boxes, you'll realize it's possibly the best gun in the whole game. It can kill any soldier in one shot, and if you unload a "clip" into the heavy's chest, he's pretty much down for the count. Very simple.

Chapter 13 has a few infamous sections, but nothing too crazy. At the start, kill the closest enemies, then pick up Adams. Run all the way back to the first piece of cover, and just pick off enemies from there until they're all dead. The D'eagle is pretty good against the heavy, and there will be plenty of good rifles strewn about from the enemies. I never even had to avoid any grenades doing this since no one really got close enough to throw one at me.

Later on in the same chapter where you have to hole up in the yacht, make sure you bring a heavy SAW and the trusty 417. As soon as you exit into the open, grab the ammo box if you need it, then sprint like a madman to the stairs of the yacht and onto the top deck, then take cover behind the middle thing. Kill the knife man chasing you, then toss a grenade down the stairs to clear out more guys. The heavy is easy to dispose of as he makes his way up, and if any grenades appear, just creep out the left side of the cover until the icon turns white. Once the sandstorm hits, turn around and kill the one RPG guy behind cover at the top of the dune, then stay exactly where you are. Enemies will keep trying to rush up the stairs, so just kill them as they come. Maybe toss a grenade down there every now and then to clear out any stragglers. It's a bit scary, but nothing too bad.

The final infamous turret gauntlet of chapter 14 can be made very easy with a simple trick: keep the RPG. You'll use it to fire a rocket at the mortar, but after that you'll still have two shots left. Save them. Use whatever gun you're brought (the TAC you can find at the very end of chapter 13 is a great choice, but a 417 is fine too), and make your way to the little alcove where the ammo box is. This will give you another rocket to play with. Now, stay in cover here, and pick off a few more enemies. Once the numbers are lowered, fire a rocket right at the turret on the right. This will kill the turret guy and anyone else in there, and also stun any soldiers outside. If there's anyone left, they can re-man the turret, but in that case just fire another rocket. If you want, you can use your last rocket to clear out the turret nest on the left, but you can get by with that still active. When the area is reasonably clear and the right turret remains inactive, feel free to move into the bunker. Using rockets like this pretty much eliminates the threat of the right bunker, and I was able to get in there without anyone to even try to stop me.

Those were the main problem areas for me, and even they weren't too bad with the right methods. I still advise reading through the other solutions since I didn't bother mentioning a lot of what's already posted. Good luck!

06 Apr 2018 14:45

Just some notes from observations I made from my FUBAR playthrough...

1. The hardest sections of the game for me were always the parts where you’re separated from Adams and/or Lugo (ie beginning of Chapter 6, beginning of Chapter 13). They usually help by drawing enemy fire to give you a less stressful chance at taking out enemies, so you’ll have to learn to outlast enemies by yourself for these parts. I never found there was a “cheese” for these parts.

2. Be mindful of Adams and Lugo’s AI. It’s not changed for the higher difficulty, so sometimes their AI will run out into enemy fire thinking it’s not that bad, and instantly get downed.

3. The option for commanding your team to attack an enemy is also great for tagging enemies to keep an eye on their location, or finding them in the first place.

4. Whenever you have the chance to “Stun Command”, do it.

5. Learn to be fluent with all weapons. You’ll quickly understand how limited ammo is in this game and you’ll need to constantly be switching between weapons you find on the ground. That being said, I found the most useful weapons to be the 417, SCAR-H, either the RPG and grenade launcher when you can find them, and a certain sniper rifle I’ll talk about momentarily.

6. Always aim for the head. For heavies, aim for the chest.

7. Always be on the lookout for ammo boxes and grenade boxes. While they don’t actually “refill” your ammo, they do give you a couple mags to keep you trucking with your preferred weapons.

8. The M99 Sniper is something you want to get when you have the chance. It only appears once in the game, during a sniper section early in chapter 13. From there, make sure you ALWAYS have it on you, it’s a one shot kill for any enemy that’s not a Heavy and alleviates a lot of the pain of the last chapter and a half. And from this point on, you’ll run into quite a few ammo boxes, so you should always be able to keep it from running on empty.

9. There’s a couple sections like the beginning of Chapter 5 and a certain choice in Chapter 7 that gives you the option to handle a situation more stealthily. Always take these, they take longer but are easier.

10. The US military does not condone the killing of unarmed combatants.

11. Good luck.

24 Jun 2021 13:32

You can unlock FUBAR difficulty by first completing one playthrough on “Suicide Mission” difficulty.

You can find a lot of extra tips for easily beating FUBAR difficulty in this thread, by Nozza:

Remember, enemies will always do the same thing when you reload the checkpoint, and you are free to enable auto-aim from the options menu.


FUBAR unlocks after finishing the game on "Suicide Mission." Its not easy. Follow these tips to make this playthrough less painful.

For help with the toughest spots on FUBAR difficulty please see my FUBAR - Problem Areas Guide.

General Tips:


  • First and foremost use your squad mates and command ability as much as possible. This saves you important ammo and lowers your risk of you dying.
  • Take your time. This game does not have infinite enemy spawn points. So there is no need to rush to the next checkpoint. So if you find yourself a nice piece of cover then stay there until the enemies push up to you.
  • Don’t think about the game in terms of chapter to chapter. Play the game from checkpoint to checkpoint. Every checkpoint you reach is a victory. Keeping your focus on checkpoints will do wonders for your mental health.
  • Execute enemies for extra ammo. Sometimes when you shoot an enemy he doesn't die, he just lays there dying. If it is safe to do so then get close to him and execute him by pressing . You will be rewarded with ammo pick-ups for both your carried weapons and sometimes grenades.
  • Remember not all cover is good cover. Some times that barrier you’re camping behind can be destroyed. And enemies often flank your position.
  • To piggyback off the last point, always use cover. You will die in 2-4 shots; you don’t want to be out in the open.
  • When one (or both) of your squad mates goes down make sure you clear the area, and whomever downed him before you pick him up or send the other team member in. You have a decent amount of time to get to your fallen comrade, so take your time before you try for the revive. One downed soldier can quickly turn into three and a game over screen.
  • Use the Uncharted cover method. For those of you unfamiliar with the Uncharted method its basically when enemies are around a corner or high wall you should not go into cover mode. Just stand close to the corner/obstacle and slowly peak outside while aiming down the sights. This will enable you to shoot the enemy without them being able to hit you. That corner/high obstacle will act as a protective barrier.
  • Specific areas can be made much easier and conflicts can even be avoided entirely by using stealth. If you have a stealth weapon always chose the stealthy approach.
  • I know this sounds obvious but aim for the head. Quick kills are critical.
  • On that same point, make sure your aim is true. This is not Call of Duty where as long as you put your reticule in the same area code of an enemy your sights would “snap” to the enemy. Note: You can choose to turn on "aim snap-on" and it will not negate this trophy.
  • Keep an eye on your ammo situation. Ammo in Dubai is scarce. There will be many instances when you won’t be able carry your favorite weapon because you won’t have ammo for it. Always make sure you have at least one full weapon before you move on to the next checkpoint, this may not be a preferred weapon.
  • Use your grenades. These things are life savers. Even a well placed stun grenade can be the difference in you beating a certain checkpoint.
  • Move slowly. Sometimes when you think you have cleared an area, there is a cowardly enemy soldier hiding and waiting for a quick kill.
  • Properly prioritize your threats; if there is a CQC expert in the area, he is the main threat. This also goes for the aggressive shotgun guys, snipers, and of course Heavies.
  • Get rid of your pistols as soon as you can. They’re worthless.

Weapon Tips:

As I mentioned above you won’t always have a chance to wield your favorite weapons. But if you have a chance, always hold on to these weapons.


  • AA-12 - Best gun in the game, hands down.
  • M32 MGL Grenade launcher
  • M4A1 - your default weapon, it’s dependable.
  • 417 assault rifle - Powerful single shot assault rifle, with a sniper scope.
  • SCAR-H - Powerful and has an attached grenade launcher which is awesome against Heavies.
  • P90 - This gun has good stopping power, a high rate of fire, and shreds through armor. But it's not great at a distance.

12 Jul 2012 18:15

There are not so many armored men, and when the battle takes place in the sand, grenades not only hit with a blast wave, but also raise a column of dust, causing the bots to stand in place and rub their eyes... With a successful approach, you can either raise your partners (they are constantly climbing somewhere ) or just lay down 2-3 enemies...
I used a semi-sight from the weapon (470 if I’m not mistaken), sit as far away as possible and shoot one at a time.
By joker_NN_city on 27 Jan 2014 07:28
In the last 14th chapter, where after destroying the tower with a grenade launcher, feel free to give orders to your partner. They don't kill him and it's easier for you. The last battle with the turret, the same thing. You don’t have to go into battle at all, give orders and your partner will do everything, the main thing is to keep your head down and not die.
By Aleksizh on 15 Feb 2014 15:13
In Chapter 13, after the helicopter crash and Adams is on one of the ships, there is an M-99 Barrett sniper rifle, try to take it with you and save it until Chapter 14 with full ammunition, it will VERY help you kill the shooters behind the turrets (they are not endless, there are 2 on the left , right 3-4) and remove enemies from afar from behind cover without fear of Adams’ death. Before taking the RPG-7, make sure that the sniper is in the additional slot, i.e. you have another weapon in your hands, otherwise after death (and this will happen more than once at this stage), the weapon that fell to the ground will not be saved, after the checkpoint you will have an RPG-7 in your hands and a weapon on your back.
By Maver1ck1987 on 23 Mar 2013 19:26
Passage on difficulty MFWIC - becomes available only after beating the game on Hard. And this is the most difficult trophy in the game, they kill instantly (literally with 2-3 hits).

Some tips: Always use cover, don't rush forward. Try to shoot enemies from the longest distances possible (at such distances you will have time to aim and shoot), if you get close to the enemies, they won’t let you stick out. Save your grenades for the armored guys with machine guns. The best gun is SCAR-H (it has a grenade launcher), shoot with a cutoff of 3-4 rounds and only at the head. Another very important point is that the enemies will constantly throw grenades at you, so choose positions so that it is easy to move to a zone safe from explosions.

And most importantly, be patient, you will die very often.
By Free-DiverSergej on 08 Nov 2012 16:07
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I would also advise using partners more often and wisely. Many people in this game consider them to be a serious liability (sometimes, of course, they are), but if they are used correctly, they can be a great help.

Firstly , order them to neutralize enemies at medium range as rarely as possible. There is a high probability that artificial intelligence will decide that it is necessary to come out of hiding and come closer to the target - they will be placed there. Therefore, if you order an attack, then only if there are few enemies left (2-3). And so try to order to kill only those who are close to you (partners will not lean out of cover), or distant enemies (Lugo will shoot them with a sniper rifle).

Secondly , in 95% of cases, if someone is wounded, send the remaining partner to lift him to his feet. Most often, this partner, when running to his defeated comrade, will immediately be subject to heavy fire, so try to distract all the enemies on yourself, otherwise they will knock down the second one and the situation will be completely uncomfortable.

Thirdly , when big guys in armor appear, immediately give the order to destroy him; your partners have grenades, and they inflict the most serious damage on him. Plus, if anything happens, they will distract him at least a little.

16 Aug 2013 15:05