STAR WARS: Squadrons

STAR WARS: Squadrons

47 Achievements


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Trigger Happy

Trigger Happy

Dealt more than 50,000 laser damage in a single match.



How to unlock the Trigger Happy achievement in STAR WARS: Squadrons - Definitive Guide

So there has been some confusion and inconsistencies with the achievement so I figure I'd put what I did here for anybody that's struggling to get this like I was. For starters, lasers refers to the primary weapons and not the beam laser that you can equip to auxiliary.

I did this in a single player AI Fleet Battle. In case you don't know, when you select AI Fleet Battle and the menu pops up you can switch between Co-op and Single player at the top of the menu. I did this on Yavin because of the open space and I played as the New Republic because only hull damage counts towards the achievement and the empire doesn't have normal shielding and default more hull health which equals more damage. I played as an A-wing with the standard lasers so I could catch up to the AI ships easier and also because it's super easy to commit suicide when you need the morale meter to get that extra push against you and prolong the game. This achievement popped for me mid game and I had about 25 player kills and 30 ai kills. What makes this hard is in my experience the AI was pretty good at completing the objectives without me because of the Raider you get when the morale shifts. Time is the biggest factor. I did try to do Ranked Fleet battles but try as I might I couldn't get beyond the 45k mark no matter how much damage I did to players and AI however it may be better if you find the AI fleet battles just keep ending too quickly, bombers in Ranked tend to add the extra hull health to their which makes them a juicy 4000hp target. It's a combination of luck and skill, the luck being that the teams are even enough that the game lasts long and you can get the achievement with some good back and forth

I read on reddit that if you select Nadiri Dockyards, the AI for some reason just gets stuck on the map and you can just kill AI ships and the "players" that are stationary because of the bug. However when I tried it, like 5 times in a row all of the ships on my side and the enemy side just sat back and I couldn't even progress the game. Feel free to try it, I'm sure it'll work for some but I couldn't get it to work.

I've also seen where people said the rotary cannon on the bomber is the way to go too. That's mostly what I did in Ranked Fleet battles and is viable as well, just `not ultimately what I used. It does great damage output if your aim is good.

Finally there seems to be some debate on whether or not dealing damage to capital ships contributes. Based on the wording of the achievement I assume it does and the damage calculator is weird because I had one game with 100k damage to capital ships with only lasers and it didn't pop. The game I got it to pop I didn't do any damage to capital ships and strictly focused on "starfighter damage". Take that for what it's worth as I can't really confirm or deny that it counts towards it but I lean towards it doesn't. If someone can confirm otherwise please do so.

10 Oct 2020 23:42

I have been at 94% (which I managed on day 1 without trying) and have been trying ever since........ the tracking for this is all over the place. For example, I am now at 97% and the highest starfighter damage I have ever got is 37000....! So goodness knows what is going on. Every time I load the game up I try a round of fleet battle vs AI, solo, yavin, rebel alliance, easy.... I try to get more “pilots” than AI, and always laser fire (right trigger) only. Get approx 15 pilots and 40 AI. The key is probably to get more pilot kills !!!!! Might get it one day.......
By wookieepuppy on 13 Oct 2020 13:12
@wookie. You need more "player kills". I had 80 one time and it didn't pop but I had only like 10 player kills. Games just need to go long enough
By BulkGalaxy on 13 Oct 2020 13:15
What difficulty should this be on? I've tried both. On Easy, the game glitches for me after you kill the ships and they don't move forward forcing you to quit out and on normal the cruisers were kill stealing my kills. This was at the Dockyards. Maybe i'm just having bad luck but i'm also stuck at 97%.
By Valaith on 13 Oct 2020 13:35
@valaith the difficulty should be easy. It sounds like to me the glitch requires some luck because it always just happened to my ships and the enemy ai. A friend of mine said they got their ships to move by shooting and nudging them a bit. It's definitely inconsistent
By BulkGalaxy on 13 Oct 2020 13:37
Just killed 114 AI ships for a total of 43.5k... All of the "player" ships stayed back at the Star Destroyer.
By Valaith on 13 Oct 2020 22:52
I tried the glitched map "Nadiri Dockyards" solo , and yes the fighters on both sides stop moving, sometimes your team moves while the other doesn't and other times fighters get stuck in the middle of the map toward their side of spawn. Its a good way to farm kills but unfortunately for me I didnt get the achievement. I got 25 AI kills and 15 Piolit kills and took down both the frigates, 2 corvette ships that spawn to aid the enemy team and the main star destroyer ( playing new republic btw) with only primary laser guns, on the scoreboard I got a total of 72,082 capital ship damage. I made an attempt for this map and the glitch about 5 times now and still nothing, my achievement is a 93% so any detailed help would be great.
By foley1471 on 14 Oct 2020 19:12
I am thinking only fighter ship damage counts not cap ship
By Llanelwy on 14 Oct 2020 23:11
Most definately. Numerous times I've gotten way more than 50k on cap ships. They did a poor job spelling out the requirements on this achievement.
By Valaith on 14 Oct 2020 23:13
I tried the glitched map "Nadiri Dockyards" solo , and yes the fighters on both sides stop moving, sometimes your team moves while the other doesn't and other times fighters get stuck in the middle of the map toward their side of spawn. Its a good way to farm kills but unfortunately for me I didnt get the achievement. I got 25 AI kills and 15 Piolit kills and took down both the frigates, 2 corvette ships that spawn to aid the enemy team and the main star destroyer ( playing new republic btw) with only primary laser guns, on the scoreboard I got a total of 72,082 capital ship damage. I made an attempt for this map and the glitch about 5 times now and still nothing, my achievement is a 93% so any detailed help would be great.
By foley1471 on 15 Oct 2020 02:18
I just popped the achievement mid-game of a Fleet vs AI on the Dockyards map. It popped with 28 normal kills and 43 AI kills with about 10000 capital ship damage (only to progress the match). Loadout was a stock A-wing using the main lasers only
By DeaDLy HuNTsMaN on 19 Oct 2020 01:54
Got this toward the end of a game using pretty much a stock a-wing with 34 player and 8 ai kills. Ended the whole thing a few mins later with like 50,800 damage.
By Cream Khorne on 09 Nov 2020 01:37
This is super buggy. Got stuck at 99%. Tried 10+ battles and couldn't get it. Then, at the start of another battle, I got 1 kill, and it popped.
By MoneyShot360 on 09 Dec 2020 18:38
This does not unlock in custom solo vs ai with cranked settings, got 99k and no unlock. Just a heads up for those thinking that will work.
By GammaltKonto on 16 Dec 2020 23:47
anyone know if the nadiri dockyards glicht is still working?
By Concetto18 on 04 Jan 2021 16:17
I was really struggling to unlock this. I'd got >50k starfighter damage using rotary cannon on y wing 4 times (including 70k one time) only shooting the pilots, rarely ai (45 kills one lucky time) and my progress bar was stuck on 83%. I used esselles on normal difficulty to help prolong the fight.

Finally got this using the a wing normal lasers rather than y wing rotary cannon in case that helps anyone.
By SteveyK21 on 10 Jan 2021 11:26
Me hice una partida de 86.000 puntos matando de todo, naves pequeñas, grandes y capitales... y no me saltó el logro. Seguí jugando intentadlo, solo matando naves pequeñas pero no llegaba a la marca de 50.000.

Hoy sin hacer nada entré en una partida y saltó solo al disparar a la primera nave del cara cara... muy wtf
By Mark Hammil on 02 Mar 2021 01:24
Just had this pop 3 seconds after first contact in solo unranked. Not a clue how it tracks this achievement.
By gazhibs on 20 Mar 2021 17:31
Randomly popped for me after landing my first shot in solo as well. I'd been stuck at 99% for months and multiple failed attempts at this.
By Haseo ATC on 25 Mar 2021 07:21
15 + 52 kills, only lasers, Still won't pop.
By GR34TD3STR0Y3R on 25 Jan 2022 14:34
15 + 52 kills, only lasers, Still won't pop.
By GR34TD3STR0Y3R on 25 Jan 2022 14:36
@GR34TD3ST0Y3R it's pretty glitchy. The "player kills" is the number you need to shoot for. Bombers yield a lot of damage if you prioritize those. May have been updated since I last did this. I don't know if the nadiri docks glitch still works but that was the only way a match lasted long enough to accomplish in an A.I match.
By BulkGalaxy on 27 Jan 2022 21:06
The big ships must count, because my achievement tracker says 91%* and I have only killed a few enemy fighters in battles. About 5 kills I usually get.
NB: For Tie Fighters, if you hold X you can switch (recharge?) power to weapons, plus I think Dpad right also increases weapon damage, the red column on the ship's control panel (there's 3, plus balanced - not sure which is which - blue is engines, green is shields, possibly shock). Also, the A-wing has a shield component upgrade to double laser recharge speed - Gyrhil Resonant Shield - and I'd guess other ships have something similar.

*Tracker's stuck on 99% now. I guess the tracker thinks it's total damage, not just a single mission.
By Goatlips on 11 May 2023 15:29
This must be bugged or a typo - the first couple of times I did solo fleet battles the percentage went up to 73% total. Did 3 more fleet battles with 0 change despite shooting down a bunch of ships and definitely doing significant laser damage to hulls. Finally, on the 4th battle after the percent last moved I did some damage to a raider and shot down 1 fighter at which point the achievement popped. So maybe it is total and the achievement description is wrong or it’s somehow bugged? I will also say I was in a y-wing with regular lasers.
By Morpheus#8251 on 30 May 2023 18:02
Okay, so this was weird. I got it 97% last year, came back to finish this off, played 1 game got 42k, then I went into another game, got 1 kill on a player AI and it popped, fair enough
By UtdRhys on 13 Jun 2023 00:05
Good guide. The solo part was on point. After 3 attemps I got to 95% progress. I then tried the glitch on Docks. The first try all ships were stuck on both sides. Retried and on the second I believe. I got the glitch. The ships all went out and seemed as if they were skipping and running into things. Had to make it quick cause it was tough. I had around 38 kils players and 10 A.I. with regards to playing the game out it was difficult. When I was going fir it the ships were not dodging as much. I did die a few times from the starships. Try suicide to prolong it I guess. Popped the achievement about 2 minutes from game finish. My friend told me he tried it multiple times and the A.I were "normal."
By iTz CRUSHER on 11 Oct 2020 16:19
This was a pain. Got it finally with:

Solo vs AI Fleet Battle
Nadiri Dockyards - As others mentioned the AI behaves strangely here, giving you more time. You'll need it.

82 AI Kills, 10 Enemy kills

Pretty much a stock A-Wing, just with the missiles swapped for the stealth option(see below about the Raider, might be worth taking missiles instead)

Set my targeting wheel to Enemy AI and just constantly hunted them down, only really firing on the enemy squadron if they were directly in front of me.

Took 2 attempts with these settings, after maybe 6 with some of the other suggestions. Unlocked literally 2 seconds before the enemy blew up my capital ship to win,

Main issue I ran into was the Raider ship on either side doing too much damage to the Cruisers and Capital Ships. The poor AI on this map means they survive for far longer than normal. I kept directing my squad to attack the enemy one when it spawned. Potentially i'd swap out the Stealth on the AI wing for some missiles to help take the enemy raider down if it's doing too much damage to your capital ship.
By RossCowan on 28 Mar 2021 23:13
Original post:

Just popped this in my first game on Normal difficulty (as came close a few times on easy but felt match was over too soon), Solo & on Dockyards map as New Republic

I used the A-wing with the following components

Primary Weapon - Standard Laser Cannon
Left Aux - Repair Kit (as i only wanted to use the primary weapon so felt a repair would be more useful)
Right Aux - Quick Lock Missile (but never used)
Counter - Seeker Warheads
Hull - Dampener Hull
Shields - Nimble Deflector
Engine - Propulsion

I only targeted Enemy Squadron and the achievement popped when i reached 41 kills. Match ended a few mins later with me getting 51,299 damage
By VOODOO85 on 26 Jan 2024 19:18
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This is a strategy to prolong the length of Fleet battle vs AI matches, as that is the key to unlocking this achievement.
First of all, it is specifically primary laser damage against star fighters, there is a metric for this shown at the end of the match. I believe anyone that got this while attacking Capitol ships had some sort of glitch occur. I know the tracker definitely counts capital ships, but the achievement shouldn't unlock untill you have 50k+ star fighter damage.

I recommend using A wing, standard laser canon, and play on medium difficulty.
You'll want to be very diligent with switching power between shields and lasers using left and right on the D pad, shouldn't need to power up your engines at all.

The technique is to manipulate the "moral" meter to have the game constantly switch between offence and defence. When on offence, either team earns +5 moral per "player" kill (AI players with a name) and +1 moral per "AI" kill (will simply show "Tie fighter" when targeted.
On defense teams earn +10 per player kill and +3 for AI kills.
Because you earn more moral while on defense, you need to change the way you play depending on what you're currently on.
At the beginning of the match, use LT to select "All enemies", target the enemy raider, and press "Y" to have your squad attack it, then simple press "A" to cycle through enemies, and kill them as fast as possible with your laser canon. You'll either end up filling the moral meter and going on offense, or you'll get pushed back and go on the defensive.
While on offense, you want to use LT to select "enemy AI" and only kill the AI for +1 which should allow the other team to push you back after a few minutes. When on defense, LT and select "All enemies" and immediately target the enemy raider and have your squad attack it again, then focus on enemy players for +10 moral, which should push the enemy back in a few minutes. By repeating this back and forth, you should be able to drag the game out for a good 20 minutes or so. The achievement pops mid game, and you'll have dozens of kills before you unlock it. This takes a bit of hard work, but I've unlocked the achievement twice while using this technique, so with some tenacity, you can too!

15 Jul 2023 18:09

Fleet Battles VS AI
Match Setting: Solo
Map: Yavin
Preferred Faction: New Republic
Difficulty: Easy

T-65 X-Wing
Primary Weapon: Czerka Guided Burst Canon
Left Auxiliary: Kyrotech Emergency Astromech Repair
Right Auxiliary: Krupx MG7-A Proton Torpedo
Countermeasures: ArMek H/M Seeker Warheads
Hull: Incom Ferroceramic Hull
Shields: Standard Incom Deflector
Engine: Incom Sublight Engine

Focus on the raiders. Use the torpedos then canons. Repeat. Go for the cruisers and the Star Destroyer once your squadron have stripped them of shields (when you hear that the shields are down).

I did this first time. I accidentally found this out by getting this without even trying on my brother's account so I could get his account to Level 5 so I could use it for boosting ranked match achievements. Copied the load out in my account, launched the game with the same settings, used the same tactics and pop!!!

Good luck.

20 Jun 2023 00:54

1 Comment
After being stuck on 90% for a long time, I did this same load out and as soon as I got in a match and shot my first fighter the achievement popped.
By USMC 90 95 on 08 Jan 2024 02:39
You need to gain damage specifically to the hull of the fighters, using the main laser cannons. Damage to shields does not count. Damage to large ships is also not taken into account.
If you boost 5v5 it is most likely very easy. But since I haven’t found 9 more people, I recommend doing this trophy in a fleet battle with AI. We choose the docks map, since it is buggy (Enemies slow down, and sometimes by the end of the battle no one attacks anyone. I don’t know why this is connected), fighter A wing for the galactic empire.

My equipment:

The main weapon is standard. laser gun;
Add. on the left is a repair kit;
Add. on the right is a cluster rocket (with its help it is even easier to aim, since the enemy is outlined in a green circle);
Countermeasures: Sniffer warhead.

Housing - standard;
Shields - encryption shield;
The engine is power.

As soon as you reach the middle of the map, destroy the named fighters. As soon as your ships start attacking C and D, switch to the unnamed fighters. And so on until victory.
You don’t have to give commands to the squad. Let them do their own thing.
Most likely, if you don’t boost, there will be many unsuccessful attempts.
The trophy will open right during the battle.

30 Oct 2020 17:26

1 Comment
Don’t forget to select the normal difficulty level, then the match in fleet battles will last all of 30 minutes and you will definitely have time to score 50,000 points with a laser.
By Cobra397 on 19 Oct 2021 13:18