The Beatles: Rock Band

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Score 100% notes hit on Helter Skelter playing Expert Drums.


How to unlock the I GOT BLISTERS ON MY FINGERS! achievement in The Beatles: Rock Band - Definitive Guide

For any achievement like this there is no guide, merely advice.

The truth is this achievement wont be possible for the majority of players. At the time of writing this guide only 10 out of 2,500 track players have achieved this! I will break down the song as best i can and give a few tips at the end that might help some players out.

The bulk of the song is fairly simple so i won't mention it. But one challenging part are the many fills you will run into periodically throughout the song. They generally include a steady bass pedal while you hit various toms at twice that speed. These toms do become more varied as the songs progress. It is important to note that the toms aren't as steady. You will have to hesitate or skip a hand from time to time. Or if you're like me it may be simpler in these parts to use only your strong hand.

There is one completely unique fill that gives many drummers trouble. It's a fairly simple beat, yet difficult because your off hand holds the beat. Therefore it must be faster then your strong hand and requires a great deal of coordination. If you are struggling with this portion I would suggest an attempt on LEFTY MODE (or righty if lefty is your natural preference). It may provide different challenges in other portions of the song, but for many the song will be slow enough to compensate.

There are 4 faster rolls in the song near the end. If you are struggling with these try to step it up a notch and strike the pads faster then necessary. Remember that you must hit 100% of the notes and extra notes will not count against you.

1. Know whats coming
2. Try using only your strong hand during the fills
3. Experiment with lefty mode
4. Break combo if you have to, just make sure you hit every single note

good luck =)

12 Sep 2009 23:34

Thanks for the advice, nearly got this last night but missed 2 notes! will have to try harder, I missed them on the bloody easy parts of the track too! Love having these 'elite' achievements :D
By i am dabe on 15 Sep 2009 14:46
Just so you know, it doesn't matter if you "overstrum" in this song.
I could never ace those last triplets in the end, so I just hit the pads as fast as I could.
That way, I hit all the notes and get a 100% rating on the song.
It's not a FC, but really, who cares?
For everything else, good luck, and practise on the fills.
By Swiep on 22 Apr 2010 14:49
I hate how they put in ridiculously hard achievements in games, its no fun when you can't ever hope to even unlock it.
By Painey on 14 Sep 2009 11:35
It never hurts to have a buddy man the kick pedal for you while you just concentrate on the drum heads.
By Kirkless on 20 Jan 2010 16:19
Am I the only one who finds all the fills up until the last rolls easy? I have no trouble with them, but the final rolls always get me :(

My best on this was a 99% last night :(
By JumperM0nkey on 10 Aug 2012 15:16
The entire song is fairly easy is you have any sense of rhythm and basic knowledge of the foot pedal. The only tough parts are halfway through the song and the rolls all during the finale of the song. Reccomend practicing the 2nd half of the song instead of constantly 99%ing it and messing up a roll. :/
By ptracey1421 on 19 Jul 2013 06:36
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As LosersVoteParty says, for achievements like this there is no guide, only advice... so I'll share what helped me finally get this.

First off a few general notes:
1. I'd highly recommend making use of practice mode to perfect parts that tend to trip you up. Start at slower speeds (you can go as low as 70%) to figure out the parts until you can play them mechanically, then ramp it up to 100% in steps. Also, running through the song at 90% speed is a good way to warm up before a try and help with the recall mentally and physically.
2. You can break combo and still get 100%, so you're only screwed if you miss a note (i.e. it scrolls off the bottom of the screen). If you're struggling, you can use this to your advantage in places (see below).
3. This may not work for you, but in general I'd recommend using double-hits on most of the eighth note snare/tom hits. Or put another way, repeat notes on the same tom with the same hand if you can. Most of the fills just work better that way, and you avoid awkward crossovers or jumps.

Ok, so here are the specific parts people might have trouble with. Obviously different people will find different things easier or harder, but here are 7 things and my suggestions for handling them. If you can master these, you should be good to go:

1. Snare-led yellow tom roll fill (OUTRO B)
alt-stick: LRRLRR LRRLRL R
--> these are triplets, so whatever sticking works for you, but you'll probably need to adjust the last triplet to let you hit the crash with your right hand.

2. Ending tom rolls (OUTRO, ENDING)
--> the OUTRO roll is eight sixteenth notes on Y; the ENDING rolls are 18 triplets on B and 9 triplets on Y. Each triplet roll ends on the crash so either use RLL sticking, or adjust your sticking accordingly. If you have problems getting this, these rolls can be spammed -- hit them as fast as possible and just make sure you get the first and last notes as well as the crash.

3. Weak-handed snare roll fill (PRE-VERSE 1)
--> you're going to need to be able to hit a stream of eighth notes on the snare with just your weak hand to do this section; if you can't do this consistently, use practice mode until you can.

4. Tom fills over quarter-note bass (CHORUS 1, GTR SOLO, OUTRO, OUTRO B, OUTRO C)
--> all of these (plus a very short fill in VERSE 2) are the same, quarter note bass and eighth note tom hits (sometimes skipping a note); most of these I found to work best with using double/triple hits like I suggest in general tip #3. These fills are what I found the 90% speed practice refresher pre-try run helped most with.

5. Sixteenth-note pickup fills (CHORUS 2, GTR SOLO, VERSE 3, CHORUS 3)
--> these start with tuh-tuh-tuh duh; there are four: RRY R, RRR Y, BBB B, and then RRR Y again. Either be comfortable starting the roll with either hand, or else plan out your sticking in advance. Otherwise you might rush it, since the fill starts on an upbeat (of 2 sixteenths). Also, consider LLR L sticking for the first one.

6. Set dropping notes
--> ok, if you have problems with sensitivity in your set (I do for my red pad), then go look for mods online to help. Most are non-destructive and just require tape or a shim (e.g. a penny). Scorehero is a good source. You're not going to get this achievement easily if your set is dropping notes...

7. Putting it all together
--> I highly suggest the 90% speed practice run as a warm up/refresher. If you consistently have problems with a particular section (even after mastering it in practice), try a different sticking. After more than a handful of tries where you quit out before halfway through the song, do a full play-through either live or in practice. Otherwise you may botch up a later part after ignoring it for too long. Finally, if you get too tired, it's probably better to take a break and try again later.

Hope that helps, and good luck!

19 Oct 2009 09:49

Many many thanks. I am not a great drummer, but your helpful breakdown of the song and an evening of practice has made this achievement go from seemingly impossible to almost got it.
By EclecticBoogalu on 10 Nov 2009 06:35
Good to hear, hope you get it soon! Even after I felt I had every part down, it still took a lot of tries to get the one perfect run.

I'd just give it a few tries every day, and eventually it happened. I'd do a warmup run at 90%, do a few runs until I either got tired or found myself making the same mistakes, then just plan to go again another day/time.
By Sugs on 21 Nov 2009 02:20
Great guide. Like you, I've hit every fill in the song at one point, but so far I haven't been able to put it together in one run. Best I can do is 98% with many dropped notes coming from the green pad.
By JuCaMo on 03 Mar 2010 16:55
Not hard at all, I'm an expert drummer and I've just practiced 3-4 days and I got it. The yellow fill before the break was the hardest for me. At the outro I lost notes too because I was tense, but if you concentrate, you'll got it.
Good Luck!
By arthurzand on 29 Oct 2010 16:02
Yep, some good, smart practice is all it takes. Glad to hear you got it!

If this solution helped you, please up-vote it. (I lost a ton of votes after the solution database crash.)
By Sugs on 31 Oct 2010 21:47
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This video can be used to simulate the bass notes in Helter Skelter on expert drums in The Beatles: Rockband. You will need a Guitar Hero drum set (won't work on Rockband drums, they have different bass drum mechanisms), and simply plug a 35mm male to male cable from the headphone out port on your computer to the bass drum input port on your drums. Turn the volume up to at least 2/3 of full volume, and you'll want to play the video approximately when the bar before the first notes is crossing the note line. It will vary a little bit on different computers, depending on how fast your computer can get its shit together after you press play before the video actually starts. Adjust as needed. If you sync it up accurately, your computer will play all the kick notes in the song for you... the sound from the video is interpreted by your drums as a bass pedal being pressed.

KICK NOTES? CHECK. Tips for the rest:
Note that this will take a moderate amount of skill, even with the bass notes taken care of. Firstly you'll want to familiarize yourself with the song, if you haven't already. The notably difficult parts are the drumrolls near the end of the song, but before that there are a few fast triplets that you need to be ready for. These include red, red, yellow; red, red, red; yellow, red, green; and blue, blue, blue. These shouldn't give you too much trouble, but if they do, practice 'em up. Then there will be the first drum roll, which is eight yellows, fast, followed by a green note. My main problem on this part was that I never did the drumroll quite fast enough... but eventually I accustomed myself to the speed. Shortly after this will be a kind of roll in the pattern of red, 5 yellows, red, 5 yellows, green. You can hit the practice mode to get this down if you need to. If it gives you trouble you can do as I did and hit seven yellows between every red instead of just 5. I was more comfortable doing this 'Run to the Hills' style roll. Who said you had to FC the song? 100% is all you need. Last but not least are the ending drum rolls. There's a long blue roll (18 notes) followed by a green, and then a roll of yellow notes (9 notes) also followed by a green. If you're not comfortable doing these legit, just drum roll them as fast as you can to be sure you pick up every single note. If you've made it to this point, hopefully my bass note track hasn't failed you thus far... It didn't for me.

About the drums...
I'll tell you what I know about Guitar Hero drums on 100%ing this song. On my kit (this may not apply to you) I had to concentrate on keeping my hits on the center of my pads. It can be very frustrating to be screwed out of this achievement because you hit the edge of your drum pad and the note didn't register. What I did to avoid this was to jack my drums up a little bit to put them more into my peripheral vision so I could keep tabs on where I was hitting them.

Also... when in doubt, play it out. I think three times during my 100% run I hit my yellow cymbal on my World Tour drums and broke my combo, even though I felt sure that I did not mess up... So apparently I wasn't hitting it cleanly and it was registering double hits. Again, this may not apply to you, but if you think you hit the note but you have lost your x4, you may want to finish the song just in case. I think I broke my combo about 8 times when I got the achievement.

Well, I hope this helps. Good luck :)

07 Aug 2011 03:43

I was having some trouble with a certain part of the song where there was a quick red section on my weak hand which i just could not hit so mid song a put lefty flip on and was able to get through it without a problem which is shown in the video hope this helps... with the final rolls do not try to combo it just hit the pads faster so that you do not miss a note

31 Aug 2010 05:40

Either this or "Pick a Moon Dog" are probably the most difficult achievements to get in this game. The fast parts are as folows:

Three fills involving three quick notes on red or blue
One set of eight quick sixteenth notes a little more than halfway in
One fill involving two sets of eighth note triplets on yellow during outro
Two difficult and oddly timed rolls at the very end

Once you can grasp that the first set of quick yellow notes are sixteenth notes, and the second sets are eighth note triplets, it'll be easy to determine how the fills should exactly be played. Practice makes perfect.

As for the last few rolls, I noticed in practice that I never once made it through those rolls without breaking my combo, but somehow several times I made it through with 100%. When I finally unlocked the achievement, I didn't think I had 'cause it felt like I had missed some of the notes during the rolls, and I had definitely broken my combo, but there it was waiting for me when I finished the song out. So the best advice I can give is: even if it seems like you missed one during those rolls, do not quit out due to frustration, 'cause you may be pleasantly surprised.

18 Sep 2009 15:53

You will need to be decent on drums to do this, again try getting used to the rhythm of the song and slow sections down in practice mode if you are struggling. If you are new to the drumming system, check out the Drum Trainer from the practice menu.

Helter Skelter is arguably the hardest drum 100% in the game and you need to do it to get the trophy. Even if drumming is your main instrument, I think you will still need to practice this a couple times. You should find it pretty easy until around the middle of the song where you will see the difficulty pick up. The ending is the hardest part of the song. You could get someone to do the foot pedal for you while you concentrate on the drum pads. It would make it a lot easier as it is sometimes hard to do the weird foot pedal pattern and the tough drum pads at the same time. Here is a video of the song. Thanks Saiyapimp for the video.



The most difficult achievement in the game. To make playing easier, ask a friend to press the bass pedal for you.

12 Aug 2011 01:16