The Walking Dead: Season One

The Walking Dead: Season One

48 Achievements

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Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

Completed Shel's Chapter.


How to unlock the Paradise Lost achievement in The Walking Dead: Season One - Definitive Guide

Welcome to the second to last section of our 400 Days journey together ladies and gents. In Shel's story we will finally begin to see some of the pieces come together and get a better grip on the world we are looking into and playing with. Without further wait--let's begin.

We start out inside of the diner with a bunch of survivors around a young girl playing the guitar. Through some dialog between Steph and Shel we find out a little bit about their surroundings and the cruel nature of the zombie apocalypse. Stef then asks a question about growing up in this type of world and how Becca (Shel's sister) is handling it:

Yeah. Growing up in a world like this... what do you think that does to a kid? - Stef
1. She's already changing. - Stephanie pays attention to this answer. Shows that Becca is toughening up to the world she lives in.
2. I don't know. - Non-altering response.
3. I'm trying to protect her. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Stephanie notices Shel's silence.

After Becca is done playing and receiving her applause she will come over to Shel and ask if it would be possible to do something like that every week:

Thanks, Sis! You think we could do something like this every week? - Becca
1. That sounds like a great idea! - Non-altering response from both Shel and Roman.
2. We'd need to get it approved. - Non-altering response from both Shel and Roman.
3. As long as it doesn't distract us. - Non-altering response from both Shel and Roman.
4. . . . - Non-altering response Roman.

After some brief dialog between Roman, Becca, Stef, and the group, Roman will have everyone get back to work which will prompt Stef to ask Becca if she wants to help do some organizing and tallying of the supplies. Becca will jump all over the opportunity which will open up the following dialog, giving Shel a chance to either be a disciplinarian or be a friend depending on how you want your relationship to go with Becca:

Cool. You check the flashlights this time, I'll look over the guns. - Becca
1. I don't want you messing with these - This is the harsh answer. Becca will see this as Shel smothering her.
2. Okay, but be careful. - The medium answer that Becca will remember as Shel being caring, but not smothering.
3. I don't think so. - Becca will remember your lack of confidence in her and your view of her as a child still.
4. Cool. - Becca will remember your lack of opinion on her wanting to check the guns.

Your answer to Becca carries a more underlying result as your relationship with her throughout Shel's story will in part be based off of how you treat Becca either as an adult or as a child. No matter how you answer, Roman will ask Shel to come out back and help feed the "watchdogs." There are things to examine and the girls to talk to, although this is relatively non-altering information. For example the blood stain to the left of where Shel starts out will prompt a little dialog in which you learn about two people who had been shot before the group got to the diner, but not shot in the head. Hmm.. two people.. diner.. before the group.. sounds familiar. You can also examine the flashlights to learn why one is missing, and put the pieces together linking it to the Bonnie episode.

When you decide it's time to go head through the kitchen doors behind the counter there are a few inanimate objects Shel can examine (fire extinguisher, coffee machine, soda machine, sink, and can actually stir the soup which shows off Shel's culinary prowess). When you are done head through the pantry door and then out into the alley door to meet up with Roman and the "watch dogs." When Shel goes through the alley door we will find out that these "watch dogs" are actually walkers tied up and will learn a little bit about why they are here.

He's hungry! I guess he knows it's feeding time! - Roman
1. He's not an animal. - Non-altering response.
2. It's disgusting. - Non-altering response.
3. I feel bad for it. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

After some brief dialog about Becca feeding the watch dogs, Roman will go after the way Shel takes care of Becca, with your answer possibly affecting Roman's own beliefs and opinions.

Listen, I know you think that giving her an easy life is what's best, but it's really not. - Roman
1. It's better than the alternative. - Roman takes notice of Shel's direct response against Roman's idea.
2. This is far from an easy life. - Roman takes notice of Shel's opinion on their life at the diner.
3. I know, but it can wait. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

No matter what you choose, Roman will notice the walker in the corner eating something and will question what it is. Once the dialog is concluded, you will have control of Shel and will be able to move around the back yard. The only two things in the backyard we can interact with are the walker eating who will scowl at you if you come near its food and the walker in the corner whose prize dinner is a puppy. You'll get a nice surprise coming back inside, a surprise I will leave for you to discover. This will prompt some non-altering dialog with Becca:

Woah! What's your problem? I do this all the time and you don't get all pissed off. - Becca
1. It's not safe to go jumping out at people! - Non-altering response.
2. I'm sorry. I just saw something sad... - Non-altering response.
3. Just leave me alone! - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Our sad talk will be cut short by Stef who runs in claiming something is going on out front and needing all hands to battle stations. When we get to the side of the diner we'll find the group surrounding a man on his knees blindfolded and tied up. In the beginning of the event Shel will ask about the situation:

After we find out that he is not bitten and he tried stealing supplies. - Group
1. Who is he? - Non-altering response.
2. What did he take? - Non-altering response.
3. Did he hurt anyone? - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

This will spark some dialog amongst the group members and will give us insight into their situation, and will also cross stories with Bonnie's chapter more clearly. We begin to find out very soon that there are two distinct opinions on how to deal with the thief; Two decisions that will weight heavily on the characters, the chapter, and on the season as a whole. The division within the group begins to warrant answers and responses from everyone, especially Shel.

But what if there are more of them? He could have been scouting. - Joyce
1. We could let him stay. - Will easily and definitely get shot down leaving letting him go, or killing him off.
2. We should just let him go. - You will need to fight for this answer in order to enable it to happen.
3. It's too dangerous to let him go. - The most important outcome is the guy's life, but Becca will also pick up on Shel's opinion.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

We will now go down two different dialog lines; One for letting him go, one for killing him.

Killing Him:
With the previous question answered with answer number three, Boyd will now try to make his case getting the other's to believe and side with him.

Don't you think we would have seen someone by now? At least trying to negotiate to get him back? - Boyd
1. You don't know that. - Non-altering leading to the conclusion that he definitely cannot stay.
2. You have a point. - Non-altering leading to the conclusion that he definitely cannot stay.
3. That is strange. - Non-altering leading to the conclusion that he definitely cannot stay.
4. . . . - Non-altering leading to the conclusion that he definitely cannot stay.

Roman will declare that he cannot stay and will move to resolve the situation; leave or die:

We either let this guy go and we take our chances... or we kill him. - Roman
1. You're right. It's gotta be one or the other. - Non-altering dialog.
2. Are you serious? - Non-altering dialog.
3. Fuck you, Roman. - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

This leads us down to the question of life or death no matter our response.

The big question. - Roman
1. Set him free.
2. Kill him. - Not only do you kill this guy, but Becca will forever be changed by Shel's decision.

This ends the first half of Shel's story and leads into day 259. We'll regroup and collect ourselves from this traumatic event then.

Setting Him Free:

After we find out that he is not bitten and he tried stealing supplies. - Group
1. Who is he? - Non-altering response.
2. What did he take? - Non-altering response.
3. Did he hurt anyone? - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

This will spark some dialog amongst the group members and will give us insight into their situation, and will also cross stories with Bonnie's chapter more clearly. We begin to find out very soon that there are two distinct opinions on how to deal with the thief; Two decisions that will weight heavily on the characters, the chapter, and on the season as a whole. The division within the group begins to warrant answers and responses from everyone, especially Shel.

But what if there are more of them? He could have been scouting. - Joyce
1. We could let him stay. - Will easily and definitely get shot down leaving letting him go, or killing him off. This will spark some quick dialog and will result in the following question.
2. We should just let him go. - You will need to fight for this answer in order to enable it to happen. This will spark some quick dialog and will result in the following question.
3. It's too dangerous to let him go. - The most important outcome is the guy's life, but Becca will also pick up on Shel's opinion. This will spark some quick dialog and will result in the following question.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog. This will spark some quick dialog and will result in the following question.

And after some brief dialog:

He can't even speak English! This group works because WE know how to communicate. - Joyce
1. Maybe you're right. - No matter your response here we eventually get to the vote at which point Shel must decide the fate of this man.
2. That's racist. - No matter your response here we eventually get to the vote at which point Shel must decide the fate of this man.
3. We can find a way for him to help. - No matter your response here we eventually get to the vote at which point Shel must decide the fate of this man.
4. . . . - No matter your response here we eventually get to the vote at which point Shel must decide the fate of this man.

Roman will declare that he cannot stay and will move to resolve the situation; leave or die:

We either let this guy go and we take our chances... or we kill him. - Roman
1. You're right. It's gotta be one or the other. - Non-altering dialog.
2. Are you serious? - Non-altering dialog.
3. Fuck you, Roman. - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

This leads us down to the question of life or death no matter our response.

The big question. - Roman
1. Set him free. - Becca is on the fence with this decision. On one hand she likes the fact you stuck up to the group, but on the other hand she was never really onboard with that decision.
2. Kill him.

We now go down two different paths depending on whether or not you killed the man, but the only difference between the two is the optional dialog with Boyd, and the differing dialog sequences that Roman will use to get to the conclusion that someone needs to die.

We come back at 259 days to find Becca and Shel playing some go-fish in the trailer. You will actually have the chance to drop a card if Becca calls a card you have in your hand, upon which you can give the card up, or lie to her and tell her to go fish. We come to learn a little bit about the toils of living where they do, and learn that Roman has clamped down on the group. Becca also comes out with a revelation and let's us know that she's been sneaking out as well:

Then he should fix the loose board behind the store lots. - Becca
1. Don't let anyone else know. - Non-altering dialog.
2. Do you know how dangerous that is?! - Non-altering dialog.
3. Did anyone see you? - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering.

Roman will then knock on the door and ask to speak to Shel outside:

I'll be outside. You'll see me. -Roman
1. We can talk here. - No matter your response it will quickly draw a question from Becca.
2. Is this about Becca? - No matter your response it will quickly draw a question from Becca.
3. Give us a minute. - No matter your response it will quickly draw a question from Becca.
4. . . . - No matter your response it will quickly draw a question from Becca.

What was that all about? - Becca
1. I don't know. - Non-altering dialog.
2. Maybe he found out about your boards? - Non-altering dialog.
3. Don't worry about it. - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

When you exit the trailer you will gain control of Shel. You will be able to walk around and examine some different features of the camp. You can go over and examine the blood stain where the man was shot, the garden where Boyd grows the crops, or the painting that Boyd is working on. Upon talking to Boyd we find out Stephanie is being locked up. Boyd is adamant that Shel take her and Becca and get out of here while they still can. Upon walking further down you can talk to Joyce who is by the doors to the market. By the time you get to the truck you will have to talk to Roman who will be very stern and absolute in his resolve to conclude the situation.

We caught her trying to escape. - Roman
1. Maybe she wasn't. - Non-altering although your choice here can reflect your feelings about the situation.
2. Now she's a risk. - Non-altering although your choice here can reflect your feelings about the situation.
3. So what? - Non-altering although your choice here can reflect your feelings about the situation.
4. . . . - Non-altering although your choice here can reflect your feelings about the situation.

After some brief dialog about what she's done we will get to this question:

You do know why I'm telling you this right. - Roman
1. It doesn't matter. - Roman will shake that answer off and let Shel know of the deal they made.
2. No. - Roman will shake this answer off as well, reminding Shel of the deal they made.
3. You want me to take care of it. - Roman will confirm this answer.
4. . . . - Roman will move on with letting Shel know of her obligation.

The last time we did this, we agreed that next time it'd fall to someone else...I'm asking you to do it. - Roman
1. But she's one of us. - No matter your answer Roman will tell you that you must do it.
2. Let's talk to her first. - No matter your answer Roman will tell you that you must do it.
3. I'll do it. - No matter your answer Roman will tell you that you must do it.
4. . . . - No matter your answer Roman will tell you that you must do it.

When you get back into the camper and Becca will plop the million dollar question down:

Shel? What's wrong? ...Am I in trouble? - Becca
1. This is going to be hard for you to hear. - The response here is non-altering, but it is a mark of your feelings toward and on Becca's maturity. Gentle although like an adult with this response.
2. Stephanie tried to escape. - The response here is non-altering, but it is a mark of your feelings toward and on Becca's maturity. Treat her like an adult with this response.
3. It's nothing you have to worry about. - The response here is non-altering, but it is a mark of your feelings toward and on Becca's maturity. Treat her like a kid with this response.

Becca will then declare that she needs to be killed:

Kill her? Yeah! Why would she do this to us?! - Becca
1. She's just scared. She made a mistake. - Non-altering dialog.
2. It doesn't matter. She did what she did. - Non-altering dialog.
3. Because this place isn't safe anymore. - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

Becca will tell Shel to just get it over with and will let her know that her gun is in the drawer. We will have control over Shel and will open up the drawer. Next to the gun though are the keys to the camper. The keys will spark some dialog from Becca and will essentially shoot down that option to go. This is the second big decision of the chapter; Shel kills Stef, Becca kills Stef, or they escape.

Becca will remember the decision no matter what you make, and as of right now, there isn't a whole lot of influence based off of your decision, although this will probably come back heavily in season 2. Well no matter what your response was in the end we are left with a rather uneasy, unsettling, nervous feeling. We'll see you on day 400.

Shel & Becca Go to the New Camp:
The best way to have Shel and Becca go to the new camp is to have them leave in the RV instead of sticking around. This will make them fearful for their lives and will make them more in need of a group.


Welcome to the second to last section of our 400 Days journey together ladies and gents. In Shel's story we will finally begin to see some of the pieces come together and get a better grip on the world we are looking into and playing with. Without further wait--let's begin.

We start out inside of the diner with a bunch of survivors around a young girl playing the guitar. Through some dialog between Steph and Shel we find out a little bit about their surroundings and the cruel nature of the zombie apocalypse. Stef then asks a question about growing up in this type of world and how Becca (Shel's sister) is handling it:

Yeah. Growing up in a world like this... what do you think that does to a kid? - Stef
1. She's already changing. - Stephanie pays attention to this answer. Shows that Becca is toughening up to the world she lives in.
2. I don't know. - Non-altering response.
3. I'm trying to protect her. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Stephanie notices Shel's silence.

After Becca is done playing and receiving her applause she will come over to Shel and ask if it would be possible to do something like that every week:

Thanks, Sis! You think we could do something like this every week? - Becca
1. That sounds like a great idea! - Non-altering response from both Shel and Roman.
2. We'd need to get it approved. - Non-altering response from both Shel and Roman.
3. As long as it doesn't distract us. - Non-altering response from both Shel and Roman.
4. . . . - Non-altering response Roman.

After some brief dialog between Roman, Becca, Stef, and the group, Roman will have everyone get back to work which will prompt Stef to ask Becca if she wants to help do some organizing and tallying of the supplies. Becca will jump all over the opportunity which will open up the following dialog, giving Shel a chance to either be a disciplinarian or be a friend depending on how you want your relationship to go with Becca:

Cool. You check the flashlights this time, I'll look over the guns. - Becca
1. I don't want you messing with these - This is the harsh answer. Becca will see this as Shel smothering her.
2. Okay, but be careful. - The medium answer that Becca will remember as Shel being caring, but not smothering.
3. I don't think so. - Becca will remember your lack of confidence in her and your view of her as a child still.
4. Cool. - Becca will remember your lack of opinion on her wanting to check the guns.

Your answer to Becca carries a more underlying result as your relationship with her throughout Shel's story will in part be based off of how you treat Becca either as an adult or as a child. No matter how you answer, Roman will ask Shel to come out back and help feed the "watchdogs." There are things to examine and the girls to talk to, although this is relatively non-altering information. For example the blood stain to the left of where Shel starts out will prompt a little dialog in which you learn about two people who had been shot before the group got to the diner, but not shot in the head. Hmm.. two people.. diner.. before the group.. sounds familiar. You can also examine the flashlights to learn why one is missing, and put the pieces together linking it to the Bonnie episode.

When you decide it's time to go head through the kitchen doors behind the counter there are a few inanimate objects Shel can examine (fire extinguisher, coffee machine, soda machine, sink, and can actually stir the soup which shows off Shel's culinary prowess). When you are done head through the pantry door and then out into the alley door to meet up with Roman and the "watch dogs." When Shel goes through the alley door we will find out that these "watch dogs" are actually walkers tied up and will learn a little bit about why they are here.

He's hungry! I guess he knows it's feeding time! - Roman
1. He's not an animal. - Non-altering response.
2. It's disgusting. - Non-altering response.
3. I feel bad for it. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

After some brief dialog about Becca feeding the watch dogs, Roman will go after the way Shel takes care of Becca, with your answer possibly affecting Roman's own beliefs and opinions.

Listen, I know you think that giving her an easy life is what's best, but it's really not. - Roman
1. It's better than the alternative. - Roman takes notice of Shel's direct response against Roman's idea.
2. This is far from an easy life. - Roman takes notice of Shel's opinion on their life at the diner.
3. I know, but it can wait. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

No matter what you choose, Roman will notice the walker in the corner eating something and will question what it is. Once the dialog is concluded, you will have control of Shel and will be able to move around the back yard. The only two things in the backyard we can interact with are the walker eating who will scowl at you if you come near its food and the walker in the corner whose prize dinner is a puppy. You'll get a nice surprise coming back inside, a surprise I will leave for you to discover. This will prompt some non-altering dialog with Becca:

Woah! What's your problem? I do this all the time and you don't get all pissed off. - Becca
1. It's not safe to go jumping out at people! - Non-altering response.
2. I'm sorry. I just saw something sad... - Non-altering response.
3. Just leave me alone! - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Our sad talk will be cut short by Stef who runs in claiming something is going on out front and needing all hands to battle stations. When we get to the side of the diner we'll find the group surrounding a man on his knees blindfolded and tied up. In the beginning of the event Shel will ask about the situation:

After we find out that he is not bitten and he tried stealing supplies. - Group
1. Who is he? - Non-altering response.
2. What did he take? - Non-altering response.
3. Did he hurt anyone? - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

This will spark some dialog amongst the group members and will give us insight into their situation, and will also cross stories with Bonnie's chapter more clearly. We begin to find out very soon that there are two distinct opinions on how to deal with the thief; Two decisions that will weight heavily on the characters, the chapter, and on the season as a whole. The division within the group begins to warrant answers and responses from everyone, especially Shel.

But what if there are more of them? He could have been scouting. - Joyce
1. We could let him stay. - Will easily and definitely get shot down leaving letting him go, or killing him off.
2. We should just let him go. - You will need to fight for this answer in order to enable it to happen.
3. It's too dangerous to let him go. - The most important outcome is the guy's life, but Becca will also pick up on Shel's opinion.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

We will now go down two different dialog lines; One for letting him go, one for killing him.

Killing Him:
With the previous question answered with answer number three, Boyd will now try to make his case getting the other's to believe and side with him.

Don't you think we would have seen someone by now? At least trying to negotiate to get him back? - Boyd
1. You don't know that. - Non-altering leading to the conclusion that he definitely cannot stay.
2. You have a point. - Non-altering leading to the conclusion that he definitely cannot stay.
3. That is strange. - Non-altering leading to the conclusion that he definitely cannot stay.
4. . . . - Non-altering leading to the conclusion that he definitely cannot stay.

Roman will declare that he cannot stay and will move to resolve the situation; leave or die:

We either let this guy go and we take our chances... or we kill him. - Roman
1. You're right. It's gotta be one or the other. - Non-altering dialog.
2. Are you serious? - Non-altering dialog.
3. Fuck you, Roman. - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

This leads us down to the question of life or death no matter our response.

The big question. - Roman
1. Set him free.
2. Kill him. - Not only do you kill this guy, but Becca will forever be changed by Shel's decision.

This ends the first half of Shel's story and leads into day 259. We'll regroup and collect ourselves from this traumatic event then.

Setting Him Free:

After we find out that he is not bitten and he tried stealing supplies. - Group
1. Who is he? - Non-altering response.
2. What did he take? - Non-altering response.
3. Did he hurt anyone? - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

This will spark some dialog amongst the group members and will give us insight into their situation, and will also cross stories with Bonnie's chapter more clearly. We begin to find out very soon that there are two distinct opinions on how to deal with the thief; Two decisions that will weight heavily on the characters, the chapter, and on the season as a whole. The division within the group begins to warrant answers and responses from everyone, especially Shel.

But what if there are more of them? He could have been scouting. - Joyce
1. We could let him stay. - Will easily and definitely get shot down leaving letting him go, or killing him off. This will spark some quick dialog and will result in the following question.
2. We should just let him go. - You will need to fight for this answer in order to enable it to happen. This will spark some quick dialog and will result in the following question.
3. It's too dangerous to let him go. - The most important outcome is the guy's life, but Becca will also pick up on Shel's opinion. This will spark some quick dialog and will result in the following question.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog. This will spark some quick dialog and will result in the following question.

And after some brief dialog:

He can't even speak English! This group works because WE know how to communicate. - Joyce
1. Maybe you're right. - No matter your response here we eventually get to the vote at which point Shel must decide the fate of this man.
2. That's racist. - No matter your response here we eventually get to the vote at which point Shel must decide the fate of this man.
3. We can find a way for him to help. - No matter your response here we eventually get to the vote at which point Shel must decide the fate of this man.
4. . . . - No matter your response here we eventually get to the vote at which point Shel must decide the fate of this man.

Roman will declare that he cannot stay and will move to resolve the situation; leave or die:

We either let this guy go and we take our chances... or we kill him. - Roman
1. You're right. It's gotta be one or the other. - Non-altering dialog.
2. Are you serious? - Non-altering dialog.
3. Fuck you, Roman. - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

This leads us down to the question of life or death no matter our response.

The big question. - Roman
1. Set him free. - Becca is on the fence with this decision. On one hand she likes the fact you stuck up to the group, but on the other hand she was never really onboard with that decision.
2. Kill him.

We now go down two different paths depending on whether or not you killed the man, but the only difference between the two is the optional dialog with Boyd, and the differing dialog sequences that Roman will use to get to the conclusion that someone needs to die.

We come back at 259 days to find Becca and Shel playing some go-fish in the trailer. You will actually have the chance to drop a card if Becca calls a card you have in your hand, upon which you can give the card up, or lie to her and tell her to go fish. We come to learn a little bit about the toils of living where they do, and learn that Roman has clamped down on the group. Becca also comes out with a revelation and let's us know that she's been sneaking out as well:

Then he should fix the loose board behind the store lots. - Becca
1. Don't let anyone else know. - Non-altering dialog.
2. Do you know how dangerous that is?! - Non-altering dialog.
3. Did anyone see you? - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering.

Roman will then knock on the door and ask to speak to Shel outside:

I'll be outside. You'll see me. -Roman
1. We can talk here. - No matter your response it will quickly draw a question from Becca.
2. Is this about Becca? - No matter your response it will quickly draw a question from Becca.
3. Give us a minute. - No matter your response it will quickly draw a question from Becca.
4. . . . - No matter your response it will quickly draw a question from Becca.

What was that all about? - Becca
1. I don't know. - Non-altering dialog.
2. Maybe he found out about your boards? - Non-altering dialog.
3. Don't worry about it. - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

When you exit the trailer you will gain control of Shel. You will be able to walk around and examine some different features of the camp. You can go over and examine the blood stain where the man was shot, the garden where Boyd grows the crops, or the painting that Boyd is working on. Upon talking to Boyd we find out Stephanie is being locked up. Boyd is adamant that Shel take her and Becca and get out of here while they still can. Upon walking further down you can talk to Joyce who is by the doors to the market. By the time you get to the truck you will have to talk to Roman who will be very stern and absolute in his resolve to conclude the situation.

We caught her trying to escape. - Roman
1. Maybe she wasn't. - Non-altering although your choice here can reflect your feelings about the situation.
2. Now she's a risk. - Non-altering although your choice here can reflect your feelings about the situation.
3. So what? - Non-altering although your choice here can reflect your feelings about the situation.
4. . . . - Non-altering although your choice here can reflect your feelings about the situation.

After some brief dialog about what she's done we will get to this question:

You do know why I'm telling you this right. - Roman
1. It doesn't matter. - Roman will shake that answer off and let Shel know of the deal they made.
2. No. - Roman will shake this answer off as well, reminding Shel of the deal they made.
3. You want me to take care of it. - Roman will confirm this answer.
4. . . . - Roman will move on with letting Shel know of her obligation.

The last time we did this, we agreed that next time it'd fall to someone else...I'm asking you to do it. - Roman
1. But she's one of us. - No matter your answer Roman will tell you that you must do it.
2. Let's talk to her first. - No matter your answer Roman will tell you that you must do it.
3. I'll do it. - No matter your answer Roman will tell you that you must do it.
4. . . . - No matter your answer Roman will tell you that you must do it.

When you get back into the camper and Becca will plop the million dollar question down:

Shel? What's wrong? ...Am I in trouble? - Becca
1. This is going to be hard for you to hear. - The response here is non-altering, but it is a mark of your feelings toward and on Becca's maturity. Gentle although like an adult with this response.
2. Stephanie tried to escape. - The response here is non-altering, but it is a mark of your feelings toward and on Becca's maturity. Treat her like an adult with this response.
3. It's nothing you have to worry about. - The response here is non-altering, but it is a mark of your feelings toward and on Becca's maturity. Treat her like a kid with this response.

Becca will then declare that she needs to be killed:

Kill her? Yeah! Why would she do this to us?! - Becca
1. She's just scared. She made a mistake. - Non-altering dialog.
2. It doesn't matter. She did what she did. - Non-altering dialog.
3. Because this place isn't safe anymore. - Non-altering dialog.
4. . . . - Non-altering dialog.

Becca will tell Shel to just get it over with and will let her know that her gun is in the drawer. We will have control over Shel and will open up the drawer. Next to the gun though are the keys to the camper. The keys will spark some dialog from Becca and will essentially shoot down that option to go. This is the second big decision of the chapter; Shel kills Stef, Becca kills Stef, or they escape.

Becca will remember the decision no matter what you make, and as of right now, there isn't a whole lot of influence based off of your decision, although this will probably come back heavily in season 2. Well no matter what your response was in the end we are left with a rather uneasy, unsettling, nervous feeling. We'll see you on day 400.

Shel & Becca Go to the New Camp:
The best way to have Shel and Becca go to the new camp is to have them leave in the RV instead of sticking around. This will make them fearful for their lives and will make them more in need of a group.