The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition

78 Achievements

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Walked the Path

Walked the Path

Finish the game on the 'Death March!' difficulty level.


How to unlock the Walked the Path achievement in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition - Definitive Guide

You are probably only going for this achievement if you are a completionist. So while it is doable on the first playthrough I suggest 'New Game Plus' to make it fast and not painful especially if you didn't play the game so far. Pick easy or normal for the first time and enjoy the game and the quests.

NG+ starts from the level you finished the game BUT you'll keep all your skills, potions, food and equipment. The "Blood and Wine" dlc has an achievement "Dressed to kill" which basically asks you to craft a grandmaster witcher gear. This gear was more than enough for me to breeze through the entire game on death march. You don't have to search for armors and weapons or grind quests. Just reset your skills and buy everything related to damage, upgrade quen and axii a little and you are set. I only had to repair my armor after a handful of quests and nothing stood in my way. Blood and Wine also gives you a few additional slots for little work. Don't forget he most important skill in the game: Gourmet (every food heals you for 20 MINUTES) - if you don't die in one hit, you are unkillable for 3 foods per hour. Here are my Gear, Weapons and skills. I finished the game on lvl 53 and only had to do maybe 3 side quests at the beginning of Novigrad, otherwise the Main Quests gave enough XP to keep up with the level reqs.

focus: damage, fast ability reset (this way you can apply quen, slash and dodge the enemy until it comes off then instantly reapply in 99% of the gameplay)

Grandmaster Feline set (lvl40): +10% fast attack damage after every strong attack, rear attacks do 50% more damage and has a good chance to stun
Armor with Retribution mastercraft rune from Hearts of Stone - if you get hit 30% chance to deal back most of the damage to the attacker (even in fistfights where you can't heal!)
Gauntlets 2x +10% Quen rune
Boots 2x +10% Axii rune
Trousers - 2x +3 health regenaration rune (don't remember the name)
Steel Sword with Replenishment mastercraft rune from Hearts of Stone (the last sign you cast is imbued into your next hit)
Silver Sword with Invigoration mastercraft rune from Hearts of Stone (if your heart is full but you have a healing effect, it turns into extra damage - very useful everywhere since you will rarely get hit with quen equipped all the time)

Feline crossbow (lvl29) didn't use except for shooting down flying enemies or underwater fights

Here are my skills. You need 60 points to build this character which is easily doable if you don't rush the story and do the dlc as well. The additional two mutagen slots need too much large red mutagen which is very rare in the game and not worth to grind dozens of hours after you did everything. Every skills is on its max level.

External image
First group: Muscle Memory(R), Precise Blows(R), Whirl(R) connected with a Great Red Mutagen (+40% attack)
Second Group: Crippling Strikes(R), Strength Training(R), Crushing Blows(R) + Great Red Mutagen
Third Group: Exploding Shield(B), Delusion(B), Puppet(B) + Great Blue Mutagen
Fourth Group: Gourmet(Y), Cat School Techniques(Y), Focus(Y) + Great Red Mutagen
Mutagen +2 slots: Rend(R), Sunder Armor(R) + Bloodbath as the focused mutated skill (bought Bloodbath, Deadly Counter, Magic Sensibilities and Toxic Blood for the extra slots)

This build deals insane damage even at the end of NG+ (around lvl 80). When you face many enemies: quen, dodge in, deal damage, dodge out, quen again is the safest way to kill everything without a problem. Works for bosses as well but you have to dodge a lot more. Since you are dying in one hit against most of the high level enemies always have quen up and always have gourmet healing up (you get extra damage against monsters that way anyway). Axii - Puppet skill was a bit wonky, sometimes the traitor killed all his friends in seconds, but many times just stood there or ran around never hitting anyone.

(spoilers I guess)

As for the Ciri parts it is usually teleport in, mash damage and teleport out. Her special attack is very risky (I regularly ended up getting hit mid animation) and doesn't do that much damage. The Crones were especially painful at the end, I ended up dashing around for minutes to heal back their damage since you get hit by their crows all the time and it stops regeneration. In the end I dashed in one of them, hit her two times with a fast attack, dashed THROUGH her and hit her two times again, then dashed away. Any more and you risk getting stunlocked and killed in 3 hits.

There are four bosses I had some trouble with and had to do other than just mash:

- Imlerith: Put up quen, have some distance between you and him and start to walk in face to face. When he starts to attack dodge on his right (shield) behind him. Don't worry if you get hit, just do a strong attack, if you didn't get hit you can land two. Do this until he drops his shield. Dodge dodge dodge until his weapons get stuck, REAPPLY quen then hit him with a strong attack from behind if you can.

- Philippas fire elemental: his natural burning skin destroys quen instantly and burns you to death. Even with the feline armor you can't reapply quen fast enough to not burn to death. So you have to risk dying and AARD him ASAP (kills the flames for a while) then dodge behind him and mash away (dodge if turns around). He dies very fast that way. If the fight doesn't end in half a minute you will probably die.

- Caranthir: Annoying as hell since running after him depletes your ability meter and you can't cast quen. The solution is to apply quen all the time of course and ROLL (A) after him. It doesn't hold back your meter that much. Do not care about the elementals he summons. You can hit him 2-3 times with a fast attack.

- Eredin: he isn't that bad but you have to hit him a lot since your equipment barely deals 900+ damage now. Dodge a lot and while he visibly mashes the air away from you you can do a strong attack each time he misses. Elemental Oil gives you a bit of extra damage. Always have quen up and don't risk anything, if he stuns you you are dead.

29 Jun 2017 07:21

Very nice description.
Just to let others know, you cannot touch the difficulty AT ALL.
not even on an entierly different save file, it still voids.
I thought i was safe by loading a previous save(hours back), changing to easy and killing a boss a different way for a different ach, then reloading my current save, whcih was still on hard difficulty (which was not changed) and continuing.
However, just by doing this, it caused me to void my death march ach at the end, even tho i hadn't changed the difficulty on the save i was using.
soo harsh, but just want to let others know.
Keep a save of different places you want to try for another achievement, if you want to do it on an easier difficulty, complete the game on deathmarch first, then reload those saves and smash out the other achievements.
cheers and good gaming
By Monkeyman1188 on 20 Jul 2017 08:14
Great guide so far, got me through the whole thing in a handful of hours...

Except now I'm stuck on Eredin! laugh always seems to catch me out at some point while I'm waiting for Quen to come back. Oh well, I'll keep trying.
By kintaris on 27 Jul 2017 14:22
Used the above description but didn't set the gear runes as listed ... wish I had. I just took what I had slotted earlier. But, went through the game initially for all other achievements, then came back for the last two tied to difficulty.

Lots of loading as getting hit twice can kill you and once without quen if they get a solid hit. Fast, small creatures are worst ... wolves, ghouls. Try to stay back and draw them out.

Frustratingly, axii doesn't always work. Two fights were hard in particular: the sorceresses jailbreak (lots of guards, tight corridors, and axii doesn't work) and the second to the last fight against the mage guy.

Jailbreak was managed by killing guards in the jail and, once in the courtyard, running to the stairs and killing the first archer; then to the other archer and killing him. At that point, I dropped off the ledge to the shed roof (took 3-4 tries as Geralt would miss it a lot), and then ran back toward the jail. Once in the jail, the guards came in one at a time until just a half dozen were left. Challenging area.

The second to the last fight was tough only because the mage would teleport around and invariably get behind you and either one-shot (when I was lax with quen) or double shot ... occasionally he'd cast a big blast and single-shot me.

Other than those, quen and dodge. Axii was great when it worked but sometimes wouldn't and always took a long time to cast.
By Trimbler on 19 Feb 2018 18:28
I finished the entire game (including DLC's) on the "Death March" difficulty, but did not get any achievement related to the end of the main campaign.
Has anyone experienced this experience?
By FIoyd BR on 08 Aug 2018 12:34
Don't know how you managed to do the whole game with level 40 Grandmaster armor, I'm level 64 and I've suddenly found that human enemies are killing me in 2 hits, maybe even one. Up until the final few quests of searching for ciri, I was charging through the game. Now I've had to buy any old armour from the shop, just to make it so I can't die from 1 hit.
By boydo1990 on 23 Aug 2018 21:38
boydo1990: of course they kill you in one hit. The point of my set is to be able to reapply quen all the time because even normal enemies killed me in one hit on death march since the beginning. As I wrote in the guide I put quen on, fight the enemies trying to not get hit and when they eventually get me quen takes the damage. Then I roll/dodge out of their reach and put quen on again, repeating until everyone is dead. If you had an equipment letting you survive a few hits it is even easier because you can make mistakes but if I remember correctly I always died from one hit (Feline armor is light so it isn't surprising).
By HUN playmore on 24 Aug 2018 06:14
Playing through the game on death march in NG is not hard at all, the first few levels can be tricky if it's your very first play, but once you hit level 10 or so there is no looking back.
By Anatana on 23 Jan 2020 04:12
I agree with what Anatana said, after level 10 death march isn't too hard. In fact I'd recommend it as it forces you to put more consideration into your equipment and potions. Once you get the hang of dodging and using quen whenever you are hit it you start to wonder why you would even play at a lower difficulty.
By VaPeZy on 27 Jun 2020 03:25
i know i am probably late to the party but for phillipa fire elemental i found the usage of nothern wind very helpfull. this freezes him and gives you a good chance to do a shit ton of damage on him during the freeze time. on the base level you have 2 bombs so use them carefully.

then the second thing i wanted to add is the higher level you become you can invest more skill points on your mutation this allows you to open 2 more slots for whatever you like to use, my build now I gave 1 slot to rage management. this is pure for my game style where i like to forget to dodge during encouters. but because of of rage management i can use my adrenaline for another shot of quen. hopefully it helps some people
By Drgonnofski on 22 Jul 2020 15:05
Just to be clear: If I start a NG+ on Death March and then after a while of playing I switch over to my original game save (which is only on Normal Difficulty) and continue my post game mop up it would void this achievement on my NG+ play through?
By AgentOfAbyss on 14 Aug 2020 13:44
AgentOfAbyss: I wouldn't risk it. If you do Death March then finish it. Don't do anything else.
By HUN playmore on 24 Aug 2020 10:09
One tip, use a crossbow.

I did a full play through on lower difficulty to enjoy the game, then just had the final two difficulty achievements left so I wanted to move quick. I tried different builds but all my end-game gear was useless pretty quickly. However, I used the crossbow (Gerald of Rivia’s CB from the B&W Tourney I think), then loaded the Cat Eyes mutation (crossbow damage +100-798, +50% crit, and stun/ knock down), and finally loaded all the combat perks for crossbow (lightening reflexes, anatomical knowledge, trick shot, steady shot). With this, and keeping a bit of distance in most combat, I was able to breeze through most of the game on Death March.

The crossbow does 700/ 1100 crit, the stun/ knock back gives you room, if you jam hold fire to slow time and aim, if it’s a big fight load an extra damage arrow, and with a small amount of patience it was no problem. A few sections of tight quarters combat against many enemies suck, but Quen, roll, crossbow, repeat - and it’s workable.
By SkoochMG on 06 Sep 2020 16:54
Just an FYI, this was glitchy for me, I had to fight to the crone as my last battle. However it didn't pop for me, I cleared cache, refought the crone and it unlocked, thank god. Worth a shot if this happens to anyone else.
By brayarg on 19 Jul 2021 10:14
Just to add to this: if you're going to start this on NG+, make sure you enchant both your swords with Severance. You can then cheese most battles by holding down X.
By mrsunshine95 on 15 Oct 2021 16:26
Just went through NG+ Death March with the following build: (The one named Euphoria Build (Best Overall))

I went through the entire game without ever swapping gear except for my Steel Sword. Aerondight with Severance lasted until the end. Feline Grandmaster set with protection on the armor, 1x greater glyph of reinforcement and 1x greater glyph of quen on all the other pieces. For the steel sword I just kept swapping to the best one I could find in NG+ I also didn't use any more skill points during NG+

All combat and all bosses (couple exceptions) were just toast with this build. Whirl for the most part, and the decoctions just make me invincible. I used Ekkimara, Arachas, Basilisk, and Troll. Tried to get a 5th active with full Manticore gear but was a couple points short. Cycle was simply swap in Metabolic Control and Acquired Tolerance, drink decoctions, swap both skills back out.

I blasted through the game in about 5 hours, hitting a wall right at the very end. I needed to grind out 4 levels from 78 - 82 to remove the skull icon fully. Ran around and did the Abandoned areas for 150 xp, that got me to high enough to start Hearts of Stone. Did the first two quests there and that boosted me instantly to 82, which made the end easy.

As others said, the only bosses which didn't fall to whirl or rend spam were Imlerith, Caranthir and Eredin, and the Toad Prince in HoS.

Total time spent was less than 8 hours. Would have been closer to 6 if I was good enough to kill Caranthir at lvl 78, I'm sure others with more skill could handle that :)
By Freysi on 06 Oct 2022 13:32
Anyone tried to transfer and load save on Death March before ending and finish it on next gen version? Will it pop? I have save "Final Preparation" Main Quest and don't know start The NG+ DM or try to finish Old save on DM :)
By Tha Playah360 on 16 Dec 2022 09:28
Question i started on Death march then switched for an achievement then loaded a previous file that was on death march to continue, did i void myself of this achievement? Cause it deleted all previous files till my death march one?
By Subzero323 on 29 Dec 2022 22:15
Red mutagen is hard to find only in the main game. You get lots of it in the DLCs and are also able to convert one type into another (Blue to Red, Red to Green etc) with HoS. So you have tons of any mutagen you want by the time you're ready to start NG+
By AriesPr1me on 07 Jan 2023 07:02
This still works pretty well after the next gen update. I followed this on the base game + dlc with some tweaks.

- Used Aerondight instead of the Grandmaster Feline Silver Sword
- Never use Rend or Whirl so swapped them for Undying and Razor Focus
- Never used Axii so swapped those ability for Quen Intensity and Quen Discharge
- Swapped Axio runes for another +3 vitality rine and a Queen rune

Took me about 8 hours running through main story content only, didn't get any additional help for battle of Kaer Morhen. Started at level 53 and ended at level 78.
By Gamerjnb925 on 02 May 2023 00:08
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Patch 4.00 (next-gen update) introduced many changes to the game, notably changes that somehow affects this achievement, such as changes to abilities/witcher armor/mutagens. Thats why I think previous guide is outdated and needs a new one. HOWEVER, YOU STILL HAVE TO CHOOSE DEATH MARCH! DIFFICULTY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME AND DONT CHANGE IT AT ALL! Changing difficulty mid game will void this achievement!
Disclaimer: Im not going to mention where or how to get everything needed, only what you need and need to do to make this achievement as easy as possible.

First of all, as previously mentioned in the old guide, while its possible to do this on your first playthrough, I highly recommend doing this achievement after everything else on New Game+. You will enjoy your first playthrough much more on lower difficulty, atleast in my opinion. With this guide, you can breeze through the game without completing anything else than main quests on second playthrough.

Here is what you need from your first playthrough:
-minimum level 40
-atleast 43 ability points reserved for abilities (you can buy "Potion of Clearance" for 1000crowns to reset your already assinged points)
-atleast 4 mutations unlocked, including PIERCING COLD (you can buy "Potion of Restoration" for 1000crowns to reset points already assinged to mutations)
-make sure you unlock every place of power to get maximum ability points.

-every alchemy formula learned
-full grandmaster griffin set
-minimum level 2 runewright

Im going to show you my take on PIERCING COLD build. You can find many variations of this build anywhere on the internet, but this is what worked for me.

-4x Greater Blue Mutagen (increase sign intensity)
-You need to unlock atleast 4 mutations, so unlock 3 cheapest ones + PIERCING COLD, which you need to activate
-From COMBAT tree you dont want to take anything, because with this build you wont be using swords at all
-From SIGNS tree you want to take everything from AARD SIGN (3points FAR-REACHING AARD, 3points AARD SWEEP, 3points AARD INTENSITY, 3points SHOCK WAVE) and everything from YRDEN SIGN (2points SUSTAINED GLYPHS, 3points MAGIC TRAP, 3points YRDEN INTENSITY, 3points SUPERCHARGED GLYPHS). You also need to unlock 1 random point in first row in this tree in order to unlock next row
-From ALCHEMY tree you want to take 3points ACQUIRED TOLERANCE, 3 random points in the first row, 3points TISSUE TRANSMUTATION, 3points ENDURE PAIN, 3points SYNERGY
-From GENERAL tree you want to take 1point GRIFFIN SCHOOL TECHNIQUES and 1point ADRENALINE BURST
-After assinging every ability make sure you have +150% combined Sign intensity from 4x greater blue mutagens.
-In later game when you unlock all mutations, you might have 2 free slots for sign abilities, you might want to use 3points DELUSION for easier dialogue options. Dont try to use abilities from other trees because you will loose sign intensity bonus from mutagens which is probably worse than any other ability remaining for this build.

-IMPORTANT NOTE: Im actually quite lazy when it comes to consumables, I often forget to use them or dont want to use them, thats why I tried to make this section as simple as possible. So yea, theres probably a much better way to use consumables, however this is definitely suitable for lazy people like me.
-Since you are not going to use swords, you dont need any oils
-You probably wont have time to use bombs
-You will need to have ANCIENT LESHEN DECOCTION, EKHIDNA DECOCTION and TROLL DECOCTION on at all times! With our abilities from alchemy they should stay up for 48minutes. When they are about to expire, simply meditate for them to reset and drink them again.

-Your go to potion should be SUPERIOR PETRIS PHILTER for maximum damage. You can also use SUPERIOR SWALLOW for healing if you want, however I dont think its needed at all

-For swords you want 6x GREATER VELES RUNESTONE (+5% Sign intensity)
-For chest you want ENTANGLEMENT runewright (when yrden trap=alternate yrden sign hit an enemy it spawns yrden glyph=normal yrden sign at that position)
-For the rest of your gear you want a combination of 6x GREATER GLYPH OF AARD/YRDEN. I personally went with 4x AARD and 2x YRDEN, but its okay to go even 6x AARD.
-Crossbow doesnt matter, I dont think I even used crossbow on second (death march!) playthrough since aard reach quite far.

-If you can, put down YRDEN TRAP (yrden alternate) by holding RT, which has about 2 second cast time. Either put down YRDEN GLYPH (yrden normal) by pressing RT or run to one spawned by your entanglement runewright. You are always required to stand in YRDEN GLYPH because of 6/6 bonus from griffin set. After that, switch to AARD and just spam that button, you can use both alternate and normal aard sign.
-Many enemies will just instantly die and shatter from you piercing blood mutation, many will just freeze or get knocked. But even if enemy cant be CCed, you will deal insane damage.
-If enemy is knocked and laying on the ground, just walk up to him and stab him pressing X button, killing him instantly
-While standing in YRDEN GLYPH, you should be immune to projectiles such as arrows
-You should have about 10k+ vitality and heal quite a lot while all decoctions are used, but dont forget, some enemies, especially late bosses on death march hit very hard so dont forget to dodge stuff!
-Speaking of bosses, I think all of them are immune to CC from AARD, however it still deals lots of damage and they should die quite fast, even last boss.

-YRDEN also deals quite a lot of damage when enemies stands there so keep that in mind! You will probably knock them out of yrden pretty fast, however its quite useful on bosses

Thats basically it. As for the run, you dont need to do any side quest or unknown locations, you can just speedrun main quest without needing to change gear or level up.
If you have any suggestions please let me know! Good luck!

31 Jan 2023 22:43