Vancouver 2010

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Lap It Up

Lap It Up

Completed the Lap It Up Challenge.


How to unlock the Lap It Up achievement in Vancouver 2010 - Definitive Guide

Bit of luck required here and plenty of perserverence! Lane 1 is the best for obvious reasons. Get a high start 90+ if you can get the timing down,Roughly 7secs from ready, and keep the tightest line possible around the course getting Green steps each time on the straights,When turning get your skates as close to the black markers as possible,your hands can cross over without any penalty in speed. I lapped the computer on the last corner of last lap,Its a close one but definately possible.Hope this helps

16 Jan 2010 22:14

I still havn't managed to do this yet but i just thought i'd add that if you press B to switch to first person mode it helps quite a lot if your struggling to hit his steps perfectly as it bring up a bar to show you where to hit it (a bit like rock band).. this achievement is painfull!! cheers for the help IINFIIDEL.
By WhiskeyWarriors on 20 Jan 2010 23:41
thats cool
By SSCP on 21 Jan 2010 01:53
It must be dependent on the angle of the turn and the launch. I did a 100 launch and hit all green still didn't even get close. I must be turning too wide.
By MightyMango on 19 Feb 2010 04:05
Yeah a\s i said ur hand can go over the markers. Youneed to keep very close with ur skates taking the tightest line covering the shortest distance
By SSCP on 19 Feb 2010 09:23
I made a video on how to do this on the PC version:

I can't make a separate solution for this as I haven't played the 360 version :-(.
By ezekiel 08 on 05 Mar 2010 10:41
Thanks for the video,im sure it will help alot of people visually.As soon as i buy a hd capture card id like to do the same. What r u using to capture?
By SSCP on 06 Mar 2010 01:22
Just a few more tips that helped me get this today...
1. Watch out for the last block (black marker), the game thinks it's bigger than it is, so hug the corner as bust you can (blocks under armpit), but let up the TriggerButton right before you pass over the last bock so you don't hit it.
2. Take 4 steps on each straight-away, and duh, make sure they're all green. You can take 5 steps, but it doesn't speed you up if your speed is already maxed out. 4 steps gets you in leaning position for the corner. If you take 5, you probably won't be able to hug the blocks as well as if you took 4 steps.

Hope this helps.
By Stumpy25 on 21 Mar 2010 05:02
One more thing, I stayed in 3rd persion view the entire game. 1st person does help with the steps timing, but it VERY hard to hit the turns just right.
By Stumpy25 on 21 Mar 2010 05:03
i just got this after lots and lots of tries!!! I was concentrating on getting the greens originally however if you just get your cornering as tight as possible i got atleast 4 reds and did it on the 6th lap!
By buttoon on 20 Jun 2011 14:16
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This is by far the hardest achievement in the game. First of all you have to get a good jump, which means guessing. There's really no warning as to when the gun will go off, you just have to take a shot. There's no penalty for going early, you just have to start over. Also if you're not on the inside, don't even bother, I don't think it can be done.

So get off the line with a 90 plus, and mash the a button super fast. You have to play the first turn really well, so ideally you only hold down the trigger once, and let go once, (that means starting your turn a little later than you think, which also lets you mash the a button a little longer). Once turn one is done you should be significantly ahead of the pack. I hold left on the left stick the entire race, which, if this achievement takes you as long as it took me, will be exhausting. This way if your turn is too wide, you steer back to the inside on the straight away and cut down distance. It also helps on cornering.

From there you just have to hit basically all green footsteps. When I got it, I think I got one red and one yellow, but they were late in the event. Sometimes it's tough to tell if the first step will count out of a corner, but just try to hit them all even when they don't count to be safe. Some straight-aways give you 4 steps, others you can squeeze in a 5th. It's rare that you have to take 5 steps, but the 5th helps make up for a red or yellow step. If your meter is already full, I don't think it adds speed. Corners must be sharp, but if you cut it too close and cross the line, you'll be penalized with a slowdown, and it's over.

The race counts backwards from 15 laps, but you only have until the end of lap 5 to lap the last place skater. As soon as you pull ahead, the event ends.

06 Oct 2010 03:10

1 Comment
It's actually 13.5 laps not 15
By LGS I Hitman on 26 Aug 2012 22:20
In addition to the solutions above here`s a video showing you how its done. All credit goes to: 3Z3K13L08 for this video.
Hope this helps good luck.
1. Use a stopwatch (5secs from cutscene skip) to judge when to start.
2. Use a turbo for the start. (Unturbo as soon as you turn the first corner)
3. Switch to first person to make hitting greens easier.
4. Feather the turns, and stay as close to the inside of the ring as possible without touching it.

Here's how I did it... You're gonna need a turbo controller.

First things first as soon as you load up the challenge start it up and tap the "B" button until you get into first person mode. Once their it'll automatically switch their for every attempt. So restart once you get into first person mode.

Secondly, get a stopwatch app. I used an app called "timer" for the Windows Phone. I'm sure any will work.

Keep restarting the race until your racer is on the very left. This is necessary.

Once you get your guy on the left, you need to turbo the "A" button twice so it is turbo'd without you having to press it.

Start the stopwatch once you skip the cutscene and you see the screen fading in. I usually started it mid-fade. Not too early, and not towards the end of the fade.

After 5 seconds on the stopwatch app let go. That seems to be the exact number. This saves you from guessing as you know when you have to let go.

You should have your turbo controller already pressing the "A" button. As soon as you get around the corner using "LT" turn off the turbo by pressing the turbo button and "A" once. Make sure your not holding LT still as you might turbo that.

At this point, as you've switched to first person mode, the game turns into a quasi-guitarhero game. Tap the "A" buttons as soon as they hit the "Fret board". You need to get mostly greens, and you can get the occasional orange. Id say 5 oranges and your screwed, but honestly, it's really easy to get green so it shouldn't be a worry.

It can be disorienting to get used to first-person turning around the corners. The general gist of it is this, you have to turn as close to the "Dots" on the ground as possible. If you go past the dots your skater will slow to a halt. If you're too far from the dots you won't be gaining speed on the skater you're trying to catch. Feather the turn (let go of LT for a brief moment to get further from the dots) if you have too, you don't want to hit the dots! You want to come out of the turn facing straight, as if you don't your skater will have to realign herself wasting time. Don't over do the straight, as you might accidentally hit the inside of the ring slowing you to a halt.

When it comes to actually overtaking the skater, try to do it from the left side, not the right. I've done this on the PC and Xbox, and the skater seems to know you're coming and moves out of the way to let you pass.

Hopefully this stopwatch, turbo, and first-person combo tip helped!

09 Apr 2014 04:46

You are in a 1500 m Speed Skating event and you have 1000 m (8 laps) to lap over an opponent; as in, pass them twice, for those of you that don't know. This will require a great deal of concentration and patience because you need to pull an absolutely flawless run of this to win. 1st-person view is a MUST here, as you must hit a green every time with the tap- meters to pull this off. Take the corners as tightly as possible and come out of them to hit either 3 or 4 times and back to turning quickly. Losing your speed once will make this impossible, and you must restart. This is surely a test of patience, so keep at it until you have the best run of your life, and get this last challenge completed.
The challenge will end as soon as you pass the CPU opponent, and you will unlock this achievement, as well as Challenge Crazy! for doing so (provided, of course, that this is your last challenge to complete).